
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Jambalaya|1429229800|3863269 said:
Found a beautiful aquamarine marquise ring in a store today! I'm thinking about it overnight but am pretty sure I'm going back to get it tomorrow! :appl:

You don't often find a great marquise-cut gemstone!

Oooh, sounds beautiful Jambalaya! Please post pics if you end up getting it.
junebug17|1429292358|3863600 said:
Jambalaya|1429229800|3863269 said:
Found a beautiful aquamarine marquise ring in a store today! I'm thinking about it overnight but am pretty sure I'm going back to get it tomorrow! :appl:

You don't often find a great marquise-cut gemstone!

Oooh, sounds beautiful Jambalaya! Please post pics if you end up getting it.

Not only did I buy the aqua ring, I also bought some amazing pear-shaped drop earrings in a gorgeous midnight blue set in yellow gold bezels! They are London Blue topaz - the prettiest shade I've ever seen! :appl:

Edit: Have put them in SMTB!
I just made my hair at home! I love big, long, blonde hair but my mom says that it's not fit for my age (41) and my profession (lawyer) :?
What do you guys think?

oooooh!!! I think you look AWESOME!! I'd love to have hair like that - so long, full and wavy!! Enjoy what you have, not what someone thinks you should have :halo:
I'm totally with Enrechi on this one. If you love your hair that is all that matters. I would love long beautiful curls like that too!
I think your hair is stunning! You can rock something that beautiful at any age and in any profession!
I think your hair's amazing and it would be a crime to cut it off.

Let yourself shine! To those that can't take it....flip your hair over your shoulder at 'em and walk away!
Naty -- Your hair is gorgeous!

I need something like 4 more of me to get everything done. Taking three engineering classes this quarter. Heavy study sort of stuff. Full time work just to do that...
But I still have to cook and do a lot of the stuff around the house AND do another full time job of posting, selling, updating, getting reviewed, etc our fitness app.

DH is wonderful. He has been helping with some cooking and does a lot around the house, but we really need him at the computer improving the app and getting the next one done.

If this wasn't my (hopefully) last quarter before transfer and need these classes done ASAP, I would drop them and focus on the business stuff. I don't know anything about sales. Been researching and learning as I go.

Looks like I also need to start getting my resume out for a paid job as well. We are nearly to the end of our ability to pay even basic bills. No insurance. No nothing. I can't cover all of our expenses, but maybe enough to fill the gap until the Apps are selling or DH can get a contract position?

Just so tired. Really need this app to sell. It is a really good product. Just need it to get noticed.
wow, if my hair looked like that when it was long I'd totally have kept it!
Naty - your hair is gorgeous - please don't cut it off for the sake of your profession! You can always wear it in a more subdued style when the occasion calls for it. (I know, I know... we're supposed to be judges on our professional competence and not on our hairstyles, wardrobe etc.... and in my professional life, I think we more or less got to that point, at least for the most competent women. However, I don't know if that's the case across the board, and I suspect that level of fairness tends to break down most readily when economic times are tough.)
Sending loads of dust out to my nephew's girlfriend, and my nephew, who are hitting the Pacific Crest Trail tomorrow with the goal of hiking from Mexico to Canada this summer! I used that somewhat awkward construction because this was initially the GF's dream, and she started planning it over a year ago. When she and my nephew started dating last fall, she invited him to join her. (I'm sure there's much more to it than that, but I don't know all of the backstory since I'm kind of a long-distance aunt.) It seems like both are a little bit adrift as far as figuring out what kind of life they want to create for themselves, and how to do that, is concerned, and each of them is hoping to do some of that on this trek. Anyhow, I hope they're blessed with strength and stamina, good hiking conditions, and all the insights they can handle... and then some!
Trader Joe's Powerberries. Oh my goodness - so addictive!

My 2003 MINI Cooper, unfortunately no longer so trusty, has been donated to charity and will be towed away sometime in the next hour or two. Feeling very sad for MINIMS. :(sad
Awwww VR... I'm sad to hear your Mini baby is going away... big hugs!
Dee*Jay|1433281996|3884334 said:
Awwww VR... I'm sad to hear your Mini baby is going away... big hugs!

Thanks Dee*Jay. I know you understand! I have to admit there were tears on the transfer papers.
Epic predator fail :bigsmile:

Matata|1433701136|3886278 said:
Epic predator fail :bigsmile:

Sorry, I don't know how to attach your photo to reply, but your pic is just the cutest! I think you should put a meme on it and submit it to I can has cheezburger, lol. It's so darling how tolerant the sweet kitty is! Thanks for sharing such a fun photo! :wavey:
Rockinruby|1433780912|3886559 said:
Sorry, I don't know how to attach your photo to reply, but your pic is just the cutest! I think you should put a meme on it and submit it to I can has cheezburger, lol. It's so darling how tolerant the sweet kitty is! Thanks for sharing such a fun photo! :wavey:

It's not my picture. I forget where I grabbed it. Wouldn't be surprised if it's already on cheezburger.
It's 101 here today. Good for my tomatoes; bad for me. Ugh.
107 :eek:
It's about to storm here for the third time today.
Yesterday, I made pants! Ok, so this sounds simple, however as someone who has struggled to make pants that actually fit correctly, this is HUGE! Just to give an example: I started this journey um more than 2 weeks ago, probably closer to a month. I bought a pattern online, knowing that my waist/hips were outside the size range. No biggie, I'll just add the amount I needed. :wall: While I'm at it I'll use an "Amazing Fit" simplicity pattern (which claims to be super simple :wall:. Made pants. Neither fit. The indi, was weird, the Simplicity had PLEATS in the front :nono: :evil: . Make pants again, this time do shorts so I don't waste as much fabric; Still no go. This went on for a while (sigh). But now, I have ones that fit! :D Spent quite a lot for the fitting system I purchased, however I'm happy so far. :appl: Sorry for the novel. :oops:
Matata|1433701136|3886278 said:
Epic predator fail :bigsmile:

This just made my day. hehehehe
Cozystitches|1433857588|3886892 said:
Yesterday, I made pants! Ok, so this sounds simple, however as someone who has struggled to make pants that actually fit correctly, this is HUGE! Just to give an example: I started this journey um more than 2 weeks ago, probably closer to a month. I bought a pattern online, knowing that my waist/hips were outside the size range. No biggie, I'll just add the amount I needed. :wall: While I'm at it I'll use an "Amazing Fit" simplicity pattern (which claims to be super simple :wall:. Made pants. Neither fit. The indi, was weird, the Simplicity had PLEATS in the front :nono: :evil: . Make pants again, this time do shorts so I don't waste as much fabric; Still no go. This went on for a while (sigh). But now, I have ones that fit! :D Spent quite a lot for the fitting system I purchased, however I'm happy so far. :appl: Sorry for the novel. :oops:

WOOHOO - that's quite the feat! You're off and running now!
VRBeauty|1433865182|3886924 said:
WOOHOO - that's quite the feat! You're off and running now!

:D Thanks! Tonight I'm so close to being finished! Just need to do buttonholes (have to remember how, I'll practice first), buttons and then hem. So close! I'll cut out another pair (or 2) tomorrow. My goal is to have 4 wearable pairs before school starts. I may start some tester shirts, but I'll need practice fabric first. And to measure. Sigh.
Friend of mine in Mississippi had one of her dogs bit by a rattler yesterday. Dog is ok. She called in a snakeman to the rescue and he found this near her rabbit cages. Gorgeous snake. It was relocated and not killed.


Wow, that's a big one! Glad they found it and that dogs and chickens are ok!
In all of the internet, I chose the same 3-5 websites to frequent. That's it. How boring am I?!?
I just had to go to my husbands work and pick him up. He passed out. His crew took him to the hospital and everything checked out. I think it is just exhaustion and maybe a little food poisoning. He kept throwing up. He was working at a busy station for the last two days, one where they sleep very little at night. I brought him home and put him to bed. He is covered in the heaviest blankets. It makes me have a hot flash just looking at him.
luv2sparkle|1434329391|3889292 said:
I just had to go to my husbands work and pick him up. He passed out. His crew took him to the hospital and everything checked out. I think it is just exhaustion and maybe a little food poisoning. He kept throwing up. He was working at a busy station for the last two days, one where they sleep very little at night. I brought him home and put him to bed. He is covered in the heaviest blankets. It makes me have a hot flash just looking at him.

Oh no! So sorry to hear this luv - poor guy - glad it's nothing serious, but he must feel awful - hope he's feeling better soon.