
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Nope, not crazy at all cozy stitches! and you can take it one class at a time. You're employed, and already have a degree, so it's not like the rat race of years gone by to get over the hurdle of getting a bachelors. :appl: these are great goals and ambitions.

I paid for a test and have till December to take it. I haven't studied yet. I'm a poop...
Yeah, the whole one class at a time will a) take too long, and b) be way more expensive. I think that's the scary part: going full time. I have a full time job (4 classes to prepare for....) and this is a new school (read: new curriculum), that's what's scaring me. I'll probably jump in, though... :twirl: The classes are all online, which is good. I think I'll apply and see where it goes from there...... :errrr:
Oh cool online! What you don't lose in time commuting can be put towards studying and learning! You can do it! Remember we made it through learning with chalk and boards bahahahahaha

I'm so proud! My baby Tin-Tin has officially mastered lie down! She introduced "beg" into the repertoire - that's what she would do when she wanted food and got excited as a kitten - stand up, which her sisters quickly copied and learned to do on command. Now she sits, begs, shake hand, other hand and lie down. She's one up on Honda!!! Honda is definitely learning lie down - she lets me gently push her into a lie down position but she won't slide into it on her own. I'm just going to have to randomly pet her on the head whenever I see her lying down and say "good lie down!" That's how I taught Tin-Tin sit lolol! Unfortunately "good sit" with my slight speech impediment sometimes sounds more like "good shit" :oops:

I'm thrilled for you! I did the full-time job, university at night, etc., while raising my children, however I only have two children. But it can be done! If things get overwhelming, rein it in a bit and take a bit longer to reach your goal. Or if its just short-term overwhelming, eat ice cream while studying. Whatever works.

The time will go by regardless of whether you pursue your goal or not.

Worthwhile achievements are usually preceded by some fear, anxiety, stress and doubts. Who cares?!?! Full steam ahead! The result is worth it! Past achievements can remind you of your inner strength and allow you to face whatever challenge arrives.

As a Mom, I think we teach our children valuable lessons when we pursue our goals and don't shrink from challenges due to something internally-created such as fear of failure. If you don't try, you definitely won't succeed.

I'm a big supporter of the pursuit of learning.

Please let us know how it goes.

I'll be cheering you along all the way! :appl:
PintoBean|1473913327|4076772 said:
Oh cool online! What you don't lose in time commuting can be put towards studying and learning! You can do it! Remember we made it through learning with chalk and boards bahahahahaha

I'm so proud! My baby Tin-Tin has officially mastered lie down! She introduced "beg" into the repertoire - that's what she would do when she wanted food and got excited as a kitten - stand up, which her sisters quickly copied and learned to do on command. Now she sits, begs, shake hand, other hand and lie down. She's one up on Honda!!! Honda is definitely learning lie down - she lets me gently push her into a lie down position but she won't slide into it on her own. I'm just going to have to randomly pet her on the head whenever I see her lying down and say "good lie down!" That's how I taught Tin-Tin sit lolol! Unfortunately "good sit" with my slight speech impediment sometimes sounds more like "good shit" :oops:

I'm impressed, Pinto!

I'm also curious as to how Honda got her name. I knew of a cat nicknamed 'Camry' because of the vet bills that amounted to the cost of a Camry. Yup.
PintoBean|1473911807|4076759 said:
Nope, not crazy at all cozy stitches! and you can take it one class at a time. You're employed, and already have a degree, so it's not like the rat race of years gone by to get over the hurdle of getting a bachelors. :appl: these are great goals and ambitions.

I paid for a test and have till December to take it. I haven't studied yet. I'm a poop...


I was distracted by your post about cats and forgot to give you Hell!!!

You block off time each day to hit the books and get that test out of the way!
Haha D-F!
Honda was found in a Honda so the volunteers at the shelter named her that. I think they were frankly running out of ideas for names. There was also a Maxima :lol:

Yes ma'am I will hit the books!
PintoBean|1473913327|4076772 said:
Oh cool online! What you don't lose in time commuting can be put towards studying and learning! You can do it! Remember we made it through learning with chalk and boards bahahahahaha

So true on the chalk boards!!! During my student teaching I had a chalk board and hated it! :D :D Thank you for your encouragement!
december-fire|1473939079|4076851 said:

I'm thrilled for you! I did the full-time job, university at night, etc., while raising my children, however I only have two children. But it can be done! If things get overwhelming, rein it in a bit and take a bit longer to reach your goal. Or if its just short-term overwhelming, eat ice cream while studying. Whatever works.

The time will go by regardless of whether you pursue your goal or not.

Worthwhile achievements are usually preceded by some fear, anxiety, stress and doubts. Who cares?!?! Full steam ahead! The result is worth it! Past achievements can remind you of your inner strength and allow you to face whatever challenge arrives.

As a Mom, I think we teach our children valuable lessons when we pursue our goals and don't shrink from challenges due to something internally-created such as fear of failure. If you don't try, you definitely won't succeed.

I'm a big supporter of the pursuit of learning.

Please let us know how it goes.

I'll be cheering you along all the way! :appl:

Thank you December-Fire! I bolded the statement that really spoke to me. It is true that time will pass. I have had this goal since before I graduated, I graduated Dec 2010. I had always planned to go back within five years. Its been a bit longer, and our kids are getting closer to the college age.
I appreciate the kind words from you who replied and for any who have sent good thoughts about this decision. I know when people post to this thread I don't always reply but I do think about you all. I'll keep everyone posted as to my progress. I have the email from the adviser which includes the code to pay for the application. I plan on filling that out tonight and digging around to find tax returns so that I can finish my FASFA.
Watching "Designated Survivor." :wacko: I rarely get excited about a television show, but I've been looking forward to this one since they first started running previews.

I was attracted to the show in part because it sounds like it will be a good story, and because I'm a former government worker and (sometimes still) policy wonk. Also because in the previews, Kiefer Sutherland looks a lot like a good friend of the family. :tongue:
VRBeauty|1474522545|4079489 said:
Watching "Designated Survivor." :wacko: I rarely get excited about a television show, but I've been looking forward to this one since they first started running previews.

I was attracted to the show in part because it sounds like it will be a good story, and because I'm a former government worker and (sometimes still) policy wonk. Also because in the previews, Kiefer Sutherland looks a lot like a good friend of the family. :tongue:

I watched this, and kept thinking how crazy it would be to be in that position.... :shock:
I'm in Charleston SC, Trumpland. Gonna need plenty of booze to get thru dinner
The mindset galls me. Have mercy.

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Matata, I feel ya! Last weekend I visited my father and his wife in Florida (they actually live in NC but have a place in Orlando). I was greeted at the door by my father's wife in her "Trump -- make America great again" T shirt with Fox News blaring in the background. She and my father are Trump votin' gun totin' Republicans with a capital R. They say the appeal of Trump is that he has the ballss to SAY what everyone is THINKING. (Let me assure you NOTHING that Trump is saying comes remotely close to ANYTHING I am thinking.). And their new favorite thing is the Sunday afternoon couples shoot out at the gun club. They mentioned several times that they had two loaded guns in the safe in their bedroom. (In case... What??? They felt threatened by the pizza delivery guy...?).

I wish I was making this up...

I consumed more wine per waking hour over those three days than at any other time I can recall. It was horrible. I left for the airport four hours early just to get the hell out of there.

Hang in there my friend!
Dee"Jay, thank you for that. I was 2 Manhattans into pre-dinner cocktails when someone asked me " you believe in god don't you?" whereupon I implemented the "honesty is the best policy" rule and came very close to experiencing an exorcism upon my person. LOL. Bless their sweet souls. I think they all went home and burned their clothes after I told them I'm a wiccan.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Clearly, given the amount of time dedicated to working, I worship the dollar, and on that dollar it says, "in God we trust," and looky here that's the face of God and his name is Benji!
We are steadily recovering from DH's 18 months out of work. Been less than a year since he got the first 6 month contract!

Our stove and dryer were near dead. Now replaced!
The washer was leaking all over. New one coming Sunday!
Old, scratched glasses.... Still need to schedule when I find a dr who takes my insurance.

And.... Biggest of all? I am applying to a new BS program this month! I am hoping to get admitted and start classes in January! This degree would qualify me to get a decent job and give us the ability to make it through on just one income of one of us was out of work for a time. It looks like I would have something like 4 quarters to complete!
TP, I'm so glad to hear this positive update, it's been a rough road for you and dh and I know you've been dealing with a lot of stress. Sending lots of good wishes that you can return to school in January, that would be so great! Sending good thoughts that things keep improving for you both. (((hugs)))
junebug17|1475588045|4083476 said:
TP, I'm so glad to hear this positive update, it's been a rough road for you and dh and I know you've been dealing with a lot of stress. Sending lots of good wishes that you can return to school in January, that would be so great! Sending good thoughts that things keep improving for you both. (((hugs)))

Yes I'm with junie. So happy for you and your dh Too Patient. Sending more good thoughts and dust your way for continued improvement!
Very cool, TP! :appl:
TooPatient|1475550429|4083417 said:
And.... Biggest of all? I am applying to a new BS program this month! I am hoping to get admitted and start classes in January! This degree would qualify me to get a decent job and give us the ability to make it through on just one income of one of us was out of work for a time. It looks like I would have something like 4 quarters to complete!

:appl: :appl: Yippee!!! TP! :D We can be study buddies! :appl: :appl: I'm starting Masters in January. :D :D
Cozystitches|1475628395|4083709 said:
TooPatient|1475550429|4083417 said:
And.... Biggest of all? I am applying to a new BS program this month! I am hoping to get admitted and start classes in January! This degree would qualify me to get a decent job and give us the ability to make it through on just one income of one of us was out of work for a time. It looks like I would have something like 4 quarters to complete!

:appl: :appl: Yippee!!! TP! :D We can be study buddies! :appl: :appl: I'm starting Masters in January. :D :D

So exciting! Congratulations on starting your Masters! What area are you studying?

I am finally starting to feel almost like things might be Okay. It has been such a difficult few years and it is hard to set aside the fear entirely, but I am cautiously hopeful.

I did my general application today (almost 100% admission so no fear there!). Waiting for my student ID so I can talk to the advisors and writing lab (as strongly recommended by department) as I complete my personal statements. Application opens October 18!
TooPatient|1475640381|4083763 said:
So exciting! Congratulations on starting your Masters! What area are you studying?

Educational Leadership for Higher Education. Not only do I want to continue being tortured with middle schoolers (and their parents :eh: ), but now I'm looking at training future teachers to deal with the crazies! ;) The only thing I'm concerned about is the cost. It's super expensive and the return, well it's teaching, the pay well sucks....but I'm trying to remember the end game. This had always been my plan, and my kids are getting bigger (read: getting closer to college age), and I need my Master to teach at the college level.
TooPatient|1475550429|4083417 said:
We are steadily recovering from DH's 18 months out of work. Been less than a year since he got the first 6 month contract!

Our stove and dryer were near dead. Now replaced!
The washer was leaking all over. New one coming Sunday!
Old, scratched glasses.... Still need to schedule when I find a dr who takes my insurance.

And.... Biggest of all? I am applying to a new BS program this month! I am hoping to get admitted and start classes in January! This degree would qualify me to get a decent job and give us the ability to make it through on just one income of one of us was out of work for a time. It looks like I would have something like 4 quarters to complete!

So glad to hear al of this, TooPatient :appl: :appl: :appl:
I wish you continued success!!!!!
TooPatient|1475550429|4083417 said:
We are steadily recovering from DH's 18 months out of work. Been less than a year since he got the first 6 month contract!

Our stove and dryer were near dead. Now replaced!
The washer was leaking all over. New one coming Sunday!
Old, scratched glasses.... Still need to schedule when I find a dr who takes my insurance.

And.... Biggest of all? I am applying to a new BS program this month! I am hoping to get admitted and start classes in January! This degree would qualify me to get a decent job and give us the ability to make it through on just one income of one of us was out of work for a time. It looks like I would have something like 4 quarters to complete!

TooPatient, so glad to hear things are on the upswing for you! Regarding your glasses: if you still have a valid prescription or you can contact your most recent eye doctor and obtain your rx info from them, you can plug that info into and get yourself a new pair of glasses for cheap! I order mine through them and my last pair was ~$30! Many are much less expensive than that, and I'm talking frames, lenses, everything. Just thought that might help. As always, wishing you the best. :wavey:
monarch64|1475762818|4084122 said:
TooPatient|1475550429|4083417 said:
We are steadily recovering from DH's 18 months out of work. Been less than a year since he got the first 6 month contract!

Our stove and dryer were near dead. Now replaced!
The washer was leaking all over. New one coming Sunday!
Old, scratched glasses.... Still need to schedule when I find a dr who takes my insurance.

And.... Biggest of all? I am applying to a new BS program this month! I am hoping to get admitted and start classes in January! This degree would qualify me to get a decent job and give us the ability to make it through on just one income of one of us was out of work for a time. It looks like I would have something like 4 quarters to complete!

TooPatient, so glad to hear things are on the upswing for you! Regarding your glasses: if you still have a valid prescription or you can contact your most recent eye doctor and obtain your rx info from them, you can plug that info into and get yourself a new pair of glasses for cheap! I order mine through them and my last pair was ~$30! Many are much less expensive than that, and I'm talking frames, lenses, everything. Just thought that might help. As always, wishing you the best. :wavey:

Great to know!

My biggest issue is getting an eye exam. I have vision insurance for all of us, but the exam is run under medical (which I have) and the dr refuses to call an exam for glasses medical even though I confirmed that is how they want it done.
It is supposed to be great coverage (1 free exam per year, $150 towards frame, $20 co-pay for lenses including bifocal). I need to call again and get a full list of Drs in the area and start talking to them.
Cozystitches|1475729052|4084055 said:
TooPatient|1475640381|4083763 said:
So exciting! Congratulations on starting your Masters! What area are you studying?

Educational Leadership for Higher Education. Not only do I want to continue being tortured with middle schoolers (and their parents :eh: ), but now I'm looking at training future teachers to deal with the crazies! ;) The only thing I'm concerned about is the cost. It's super expensive and the return, well it's teaching, the pay well sucks....but I'm trying to remember the end game. This had always been my plan, and my kids are getting bigger (read: getting closer to college age), and I need my Master to teach at the college level.

Nice! The pay may not be great, but what an awesome thing to do!
Trying to get my box shipped out before the storm hits. Would like the rescue group to have as soon as possible. They do all they can to pull dogs and cats out of high kill shelters in Louisiana and coordinate transportation to rescues around the country. The poor babies come from 80%+ kill rate shelter so don't stand much of a chance without groups like this.

I made 20 fleece blankets to send along with some collars and other stuff I got on a good sale.

So.... Yeah. Waiting on the washing machine to pack up the last load.
I have a thing for wombats :love:
