
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

PB -- nice find!

Matata -- blame it on the bucket size not your age.
@Matata Too funny! I've had the same problem all my life. In my younger years it was two drinks and I'm done. As I have gotten older it's now one and done.
Matata, who, after consuming a bucket sized top shelf margarita at dinner followed by a pint of Haagen Dasz, is incapable of speaking about herself in first person and is heading off to bed, weaving up the hall toward the bedroom, bouncing off the walls in an effort to ambulate in a straight line.

I went off my Atkins diet while I was in Virginia for three days and ate a lot, but I didn't go off the wagon. I haven't had alcohol in about 25 years. I would kill for a Margarita, which used to be my favorite drink. Why doesn't anyone make a Virgin Margarita the way they make Virgin Marys and Virgin Pina Coladas?
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Why doesn't anyone make a Virgin Margarita the way they make Virgin Marys and Virgin Pina Coladas?

Google knows all:


Serves: 10 oz
  • ½ cup limeaide
  • ¼ cup lemon flavored Dasani Sparking Water
  • ¼ cup lime flavored Dasani Sparkling Water
  • ¼ cup orange juice
  • ice
  • Optional: salt & lime to garnish
@AGBF Deb, Years ago Baskin Robbins had a Margarita Flavor sorbet. It tasted just like a margarita. I haven't been to a Baskin Robbins in years but if they still have this flavor it would definitely be available during the summer months.
Is there a margarita recipe for one that does not induce heartburn? When I was pregnant the only alcohol I craved was a margarita. I had one about 9 days after birth and it was wonderful but it gave me the worst heartburn and I haven't touched one since!

Also to anyone suffering from insomnia: have an orgasm, by whatever means necessary.

Those are my random comments for the decade. (I don't think I've ever participated here!)
Matata and Calliecake-

Thank you for the recipe and the Baskin Robbins suggestion. I know i said "Virgin"...but I used to make my own Margaritas at home. And when I saw that tepid recipe I almost cried at the idea of having to drink that in place of a real Margarita! Maybe I am better off with my memories!

Deb :wavey:
In the middle of cooking dinner and preparing the cats's meals, the kitchen sink clogged. I turned on the disposer, nothing. Poured in some Drano. Nothing. Intuition told me to look under the sink. There was water coming out of the trap. I touched the trap and the whole pipe fell off spilling Drano water all over the place. Fortunately the cats were locked in the laundry room waiting for their food or they would have tried to play in the water. Meanwhile I forgot I had a pot of pasta boiling on the stove which boiled over and created another mess. Called the on-call plumber who politely said he'd be glad to come over and their weekend rate is $295 an hour. I didn't care. I had a hungry husband and 4 hungry cats to feed and a puddle of poisoned water in the sink and all over the floor. I would have gladly paid twice the rate to get it fixed right away. Just finished cleaning up the mess now. First comes a martini, then a hot shower, then bed.
In the middle of cooking dinner and preparing the cats's meals, the kitchen sink clogged. I turned on the disposer, nothing. Poured in some Drano. Nothing. Intuition told me to look under the sink. There was water coming out of the trap. I touched the trap and the whole pipe fell off spilling Drano water all over the place. Fortunately the cats were locked in the laundry room waiting for their food or they would have tried to play in the water. Meanwhile I forgot I had a pot of pasta boiling on the stove which boiled over and created another mess. Called the on-call plumber who politely said he'd be glad to come over and their weekend rate is $295 an hour. I didn't care. I had a hungry husband and 4 hungry cats to feed and a puddle of poisoned water in the sink and all over the floor. I would have gladly paid twice the rate to get it fixed right away. Just finished cleaning up the mess now. First comes a martini, then a hot shower, then bed.

Oh no!
Hope it is a BIG martini and you have a quiet rest of the night.
So sorry, Matata! I have had similar mishaps...but I do not remember any with Drano! Once our dining room ceiling fell down due to water. Once a big tree fell into our great room window, etc. Then there are the clean-ups after children and dogs....Well, it's all fun. But I am sorry for what you just went through.

Deb :wavey:
Ermagherd I can't even open this bc it's so pretty! My in store purchases have always been with the chocolate brown boxes and leather strips as ties. This is orange and blue?!?!
image.jpg image.jpg
Oooo a little cloth bag for my goodie!
Hello!!! (Covering up my monogram). Since I find myself writing all these checks now, might as well do it up in style with my hello kitty checks and an LV pocket agenda cover!
image.jpg image.jpg
I had to look back to reassure myself that you had bought a Gucci bag, not a Louis Vuitton one, PB! When I saw the bag again I was really struck by its beauty. I love its sleek lines. I usually do not go gaga over designer purses. I only own three myself and do not think I have ever carried any of them. But that Gucci is really pleasing to the eye! Carry it in good health!

Deb :wavey:
Oh. Now I see. The Louis Vuitton box was for the agenda. One of my three purses is a Louis Vuitton and I got a belt to match. The protective cloth bag my purse came in looks the same as yours, but I don't remember the box (or boxes). I bought mine in a store.

Deb, who was confused
PB -- beautiful! Talk about writing checks in style! :love:
We're redoing the master bath in the spring. Started shopping around for all the ingredients today with my bath designer. Here's the granite I chose for the shower walls, the wall behind the vanity and maybe a couple more. Final layout hasn't been decided yet. It's a perfect blend for me of cool and warm tones and I love the leather finish. Didn't want to look at acres of shiny granite.
cygnus 3.jpg cygnus 2.jpg
Oh that is too funny Sharon! Very cute, I bet that squirrel has the most comfortable nest in the woods lol :P2
If I get Botox in the belly does that smooth out the lumps and bumps?
Anybody wanna guess what happens when one is home alone and gets a hankering for a martini and decides to dance around the kitchen like a twerking fool and the lid flies of the shaker? Anybody?
You get sticky? :lol:
I made it shortly before DH came home so we could share it and I had to spend considerable time assuring him that I am not an alcoholic even though I was drenched in booze and smelled like a distillery.
:lol: I have done this making a pomegranate lemon drop and Pama liqueur is extremely hard to get off the walls. One finger on top of the little cap is not enough when you have had a couple already.
Anybody wanna guess what happens when one is home alone and gets a hankering for a martini and decides to dance around the kitchen like a twerking fool and the lid flies of the shaker? Anybody?

I made it shortly before DH came home so we could share it and I had to spend considerable time assuring him that I am not an alcoholic even though I was drenched in booze and smelled like a distillery.

Matata, you're making me think I need to spend more time on this thread :lol:
Matata, that has got to be one of the best things I have heard all week.

Great woman's tennis final--US Open. Those beautiful, accomplished ladies made my day. Tears.:appl::dance::appl::appl::appl::appl:
