
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Red! I got off to Aspen for five days and miss a buttload of excitement on your end! :cheeky:

Looking forward to hearing from you about how well everything went.

And Little Steve... !!! :lol:
Oops! I almost pooped myself reading PS! Self enemas are an experience I could have done without.

You all CRACK me up! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
This has sent the lovely random thoughts thread down the tubes.
We have been flushed into an alternate universe.[/QUOTE

At least there is no fake poos here--it is the real scoop.
Oh my, just catching up on this thread! Red...add me to your Team of "Redwood" Supporters. Sending good wishes for your immediate exam and hoping
that your surgery goes smoothly. I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip to Iceland! Sounds so very exciting!

This is a good PSA to be pro-active in that area. My MIL use to bring it up at the dinner table. "Have you had a colonoscopy lately"? And she could
never remember anyone's answer from one dinner to the next (we're talking Easter, Thanksgiving, Xmas etc) so she would ask at every big meal:P2!
Just getting caught up on all this! I’m so sorry to read about your upcoming ordeal, Red, but so happy you’re just getting it done! I think a pragmatic approach is best. And if you can add a little humor to the mix of it all, then you’re sitting pretty. (Well, at least sitting plenty today :lol: And yes, I said “SITTING” :lol-2:)
Where is whitewater? Her husband is the man who surgically removes foreign objects from people's rectums. I bet she doesn't know that this thread has taken this turn or she would be in here. I was out all day (in fact I had to see my internist, then I did errands) and I had no idea what was happening in Hangout. I am sorry this has become so dramatic, red.

Every woman’s throne should sparkle!

I like your surgeon’s pragmatism. I think your butt and everthing else are in good hands! Hugs and dust Red!
After The Procedure this afternoon the tumor is at least 18cm from the END. So no chemo or radiation. Yay!
Stop reading here if you don't want detailed info on The Procedure.

This Procedure is not one I would recommend as a casual occurrence that is for sure. After being told to lay across what looks like a padded Medieval device you are tilted with your head to the floor and bum in the air. Actually this table looks like something out of a **** movie. I am so glad I did not see the Pole beforehand. It looks like a small rifle with a short barrel that is also a measuring tool and shoots air in your bum. Good Lord how embarrassing. My surgeon is a funny guy though. He tells me beforehand "I know this is embarrassing but it is no fun for me either with my head up there." I laughed my ass off. Did you really just say that?

Thank you all for the thoughts and laughs because I have needed them. Little Steve is out on Monday! Even thought I complain about these procedures, I am glad we have such awesome medical advances and he says if there are no complications I should be travel ready in two weeks after Monday.

Take care. No fun (or puns) for anyone.

kind regards, Sharon
Woohoo! That’s great news. One more step towards towards getting this *behind* you!
Red, I’m sorry you are having to go thru any of this but glad to see your sense of humor is working well. This thread is hysterical. I’m glad you got some good news and am happy to hear this will all be behind you in a few days.
That's great news Red! And LOL about your doc. A little humor goes a long way!
Very happy to see the good update Red! What a relief you don't need extra treatment. This is all going to be over soon and then you can focus on your trip!:appl:
Love your sense of humour @redwood66 . :) I had a bladder scope done once. They gave me a minor sedative. I asked the people in the waiting room if I needed to take off my underwear for the procedure. My daughter was with me. Very embarrassing! Afterward, I was still so loopy I couldn't answer any questions at all. I just sat there and said OK to the nurse. My daughter had to try answer for me.

Hope you are feeling OK today after all the "excitement"...

Great news, Red! Your doctor sounds great. Glad they are taking such good care of you.
Update, red?
Update, red?

Waiting for the damn insurance to approve the surgery and the chest CT (they've already approved the pelvic and abdominal ones). My surgeon wants all the CTs so he can see there is no cancer anywhere else because if there is he will not do the surgery. Pretty sure CTs will be negative because blood work and biopsies show negative which is why the insurance is arguing paying for a chest CT.

I have asked @Ella to move this to a new thread of its own. Maybe that will urge others to go have their scope done.

Waiting for the damn insurance to approve the surgery and the chest CT (they've already approved the pelvic and abdominal ones). My surgeon wants all the CTs so he can see there is no cancer anywhere else because if there is he will not do the surgery. Pretty sure CTs will be negative because blood work and biopsies show negative which is why the insurance is arguing paying for a chest CT.

I have asked @Ella to move this to a new thread of its own. Maybe that will urge others to go have their scope done.

I just answered you in the thread on how the president was doing since I asked you this same question there (and you answered it there). What I said there was that it is the outside of enough that insurance companies keep you waiting for medical tests. They should be done expeditiously, so that you can proceed with whatever medical plan is needed. Supposedly the US doesn't want socialized medicine because it would force patients to WAIT. <cough> <cough> Right now patients wait to see if insurance companies will make enough money on procedures to allow them to be performed at all!!!

Deb :wavey:
Sending more good thoughts your way @redwood66 and hoping the insurance red tape gets sorted out. You don’t need that additional stress.

Waiting for the damn insurance to approve the surgery and the chest CT (they've already approved the pelvic and abdominal ones). My surgeon wants all the CTs so he can see there is no cancer anywhere else because if there is he will not do the surgery. Pretty sure CTs will be negative because blood work and biopsies show negative which is why the insurance is arguing paying for a chest CT.

I have asked @Ella to move this to a new thread of its own. Maybe that will urge others to go have their scope done.
Pisses me off that insurance argues with doctor’s pre-surgical protocol :angryfire:
Red, How aggravating. This would tick me off too. I hope your doctor office can get this resolved with the insurance company quickly. Your doctor is in charge of your health, not an insurance company.
Ugh, so sorry red, you don't need this aggravation on top of everything else, I hope it's all sorted out soon, hugs and hang in there.
Red, so sorry to hear that your bum is now mired in red tape. Still sending gentle hugs. Keeping digits crossed that the insurance scampany (that's not a typo) quickly sorts everything out.
Thanks so much you guys. DH has said I will have it and fight with the insurance later if they don't get it approved soon.
Matata - :lol:

Red - I'm glad things are looking up - er - good. Fingers crossed for continuing good news!