
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


OKOKOK Lot #115. :love:

check out the entire catalogue. Lots of goodies!

Disturbing development. We finally gave Oliver back his worm toys (francesca loved the worms) and he is now decapitating every single one of them. WTH. Francesca loved playing with them and throwing them up in the air and catching them and running with them and hugging and cuddling with them. It was the most precious thing to see.

Oliver used to do that but since his RW we threw them all away and now we gave him new ones and he is now decapitating them. Three worms given to him and 3 worms now decapitated. WTH. #disturbing #sociocat #help
Disturbing development. We finally gave Oliver back his worm toys (francesca loved the worms) and he is now decapitating every single one of them. WTH. Francesca loved playing with them and throwing them up in the air and catching them and running with them and hugging and cuddling with them. It was the most precious thing to see.

Oliver used to do that but since his RW we threw them all away and now we gave him new ones and he is now decapitating them. Three worms given to him and 3 worms now decapitated. WTH. #disturbing #sociocat #help

Disturbing development. We finally gave Oliver back his worm toys (francesca loved the worms) and he is now decapitating every single one of them. WTH. Francesca loved playing with them and throwing them up in the air and catching them and running with them and hugging and cuddling with them. It was the most precious thing to see.

Oliver used to do that but since his RW we threw them all away and now we gave him new ones and he is now decapitating them. Three worms given to him and 3 worms now decapitated. WTH. #disturbing #sociocat #help

Perhaps it is like when you haven’t had something you love in a long while, like..say chocolate, and you just rip into it with child-like abandon :lickout:. Hopefully he’s just super excited to have toys again and can’t control his excitement. He is a young boy still. I can tell you a lot about young boys’ impulse control because, as you know, I teach them. :wall:
Oh man, my belief in the future of mankind shattered a bit today...

We met a super cute super child friendly mini pomeranian (tiny, chihuahua size). He was uber friendly, so I asked which breeder he was from, hoping she had not bought him from a shop. In France, unfortunately pet shops are still allowed, while this practice is banned for animal protection reasons in many European countries, thankfully. This has helped reduce puppy mills etc... Anyways,
the owner said sure, wait a second, I'll give you a contact. She takes out her phone and shows me an Instagram Shop. For puppies. In RUSSIA. You put a puppy in your cart, PayPal half the price, the dog gets sent to you by cargo plane and then you PayPal the rest of the money. I found it so appalling and morally wrong and ethically horrible. The lady seemed to be kind enough, but my gentle questions (well, I was hoping to initiate some kind of thought process...) just didn't get through. We have the world at our fingertips, but instead of doing any good with all those possibilities , the stupidity just gets worse and worse...
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@kipari , I'm just wondering what part is bothering you the most. Back in the day (90's), we bought 2 dogs sight unseen (just a couple of pics) and had them flown to our city. This was common practice in the show business. Dogs went all over the world. Even when we got Lola, our adoptee, she was just flown to us, again without us ever seeing her. We are a good home. Shipping pets has become easier too. Now the big difference is that with the first 2, we were dealing with top of the line breeders with strict contract terms. We were on wait lists. I totally disapprove of people just breeding their pet dogs, which are often slightly under the radar puppy mills. The example you gave sounds a bit like a scam. There might even be no guarantee that anyone gets a dog. They might just be taking the money.
Perhaps it is like when you haven’t had something you love in a long while, like..say chocolate, and you just rip into it with child-like abandon :lickout:. Hopefully he’s just super excited to have toys again and can’t control his excitement. He is a young boy still. I can tell you a lot about young boys’ impulse control because, as you know, I teach them. :wall:

Yes, maybe. Or maybe Oliver is a sociocat...:errrr:


In any case I ordered some new and chewy toys and hoping he can get his energy and angst out on those and stop decapitating the worms. :!:

I know right? Cannot make this stuff up @yssie

How is Alex doing?

When do you find out if you got the speaking engagement?
I know right? Cannot make this stuff up @yssie

How is Alex doing?

When do you find out if you got the speaking engagement?

They really do the strangest things @missy!! :bigsmile:

At one point in our old house there were mice, and Mina was (probably still is) an exceptional mouser. She was also the smallest cat, so once she caught a mouse Garett would take it from her and claim it as his (...and usually decapitate it LOL!). And he’d guard it for hours if you let him - just growling at everyone and everything that came near.

One day the growling woke me up just after 3am. I decided, stupidly, that I’d deal with the dratted mouse later. Got up around 7, went to retrieve the mouse, found half the mouse. That decapitation bit? Found the other half downstairs. Had to call in late to a work meeting and explain that I’d been looking for a literal mouse head. #Sociocat ain’t wrong.

Went to bed early that night, asked the cats very nicely to pretty please leave anything they find whole, and woke to growls again in the middle of the night. Great. Get up, get gloves and trash bag (learnt my lesson about “worrying about it later”), and found... Gretta, not Garett, guarding a pair of bright red earmuffs like they were the most precious things in her world. And the other cats all circled around her wondering WTH was going on. No words.

Alex is doing well! I owe everyone an update and some videos! His chemo has been thoroughly uneventful, and he’s learnt to move so fluidly... you wouldn’t think a hop could ever be an elegant motion but he manages it somehow!

Oh, I won’t find out for a couple more months. I won’t have nails left to bite by then :lol: thank you for asking! ::)
They really do the strangest things @missy!! :bigsmile:

At one point in our old house there were mice, and Mina was (probably still is) an exceptional mouser. She was also the smallest cat, so once she caught a mouse Garett would take it from her and claim it as his (...and usually decapitate it LOL!). And he’d guard it for hours if you let him - just growling at everyone and everything that came near.

One day the growling woke me up just after 3am. I decided, stupidly, that I’d deal with the dratted mouse later. Got up around 7, went to retrieve the mouse, found half the mouse. That decapitation bit? Found the other half downstairs. Had to call in late to a work meeting and explain that I’d been looking for a literal mouse head. #Sociocat ain’t wrong.

Went to bed early that night, asked the cats very nicely to pretty please leave anything they find whole, and woke to growls again in the middle of the night. Great. Get up, get gloves and trash bag (learnt my lesson about “worrying about it later”), and found... Gretta, not Garett, guarding a pair of bright red earmuffs like they were the most precious things in her world. And the other cats all circled around her wondering WTH was going on. No words.

Alex is doing well! I owe everyone an update and some videos! His chemo has been thoroughly uneventful, and he’s learnt to move so fluidly... you wouldn’t think a hop could ever be an elegant motion but he manages it somehow!

Oh, I won’t find out for a couple more months. I won’t have nails left to bite by then :lol:

Yay for Alex doing well!!! You made my morning @yssie :appl:
And as for the decapitated mouse...:eek2:

Did I ever tell you about Tommy's history? He was a mouser in the basement of the building I used to work in and he was kept under horrific conditions. When I found out about him Greg and I worked endlessly on getting him out of there. And that was a decade ago. Anyway I digress. Just wanted to say Tommy has probably decapitated a mouse or two (or a hundred) during the first 2 years of his life when he was a prisoner in that basement. Poor sweet baby. I hope he doesn't remember anything about that time. Though this current time isn't so wonderful for him or anybody right now.

Good luck and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. You deserve to get it!
Disturbing development. We finally gave Oliver back his worm toys (francesca loved the worms) and he is now decapitating every single one of them. WTH. Francesca loved playing with them and throwing them up in the air and catching them and running with them and hugging and cuddling with them. It was the most precious thing to see.

Oliver used to do that but since his RW we threw them all away and now we gave him new ones and he is now decapitating them. Three worms given to him and 3 worms now decapitated. WTH. #disturbing #sociocat #help
I would sleep with a scarf around my neck @missy! :shifty:
I would sleep with a scarf around my neck @missy! :shifty:

Hahaha wise thought. Though these days perhaps ending the daily challenges might not be unwelcome...JK
I think :shifty:
Yay for Alex doing well!!! You made my morning @yssie :appl:
And as for the decapitated mouse...:eek2:

Did I ever tell you about Tommy's history? He was a mouser in the basement of the building I used to work in and he was kept under horrific conditions. When I found out about him Greg and I worked endlessly on getting him out of there. And that was a decade ago. Anyway I digress. Just wanted to say Tommy has probably decapitated a mouse or two (or a hundred) during the first 2 years of his life when he was a prisoner in that basement. Poor sweet baby. I hope he doesn't remember anything about that time. Though this current time isn't so wonderful for him or anybody right now.

Good luck and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. You deserve to get it!

I didn't know Tommy's story! He's earned every ounce of his kibble ::)

Mina was street smart out of necessity too - we caught her on a San Francisco sidewalk. Vet thought she was about six months old. All our other cats have never had to fend for themselves... and none of them even tries to hunt anything! Hence the four-cats-and-a-mouse-problem situation :roll2:

I have no explanation for Oliver, LOL. I guess some cats just really, really don't like stuffed worms :lol:
@kipari , I'm just wondering what part is bothering you the most. Back in the day (90's), we bought 2 dogs sight unseen (just a couple of pics) and had them flown to our city. This was common practice in the show business. Dogs went all over the world. Even when we got Lola, our adoptee, she was just flown to us, again without us ever seeing her. We are a good home. Shipping pets has become easier too. Now the big difference is that with the first 2, we were dealing with top of the line breeders with strict contract terms. We were on wait lists. I totally disapprove of people just breeding their pet dogs, which are often slightly under the radar puppy mills. The example you gave sounds a bit like a scam. There might even be no guarantee that anyone gets a dog. They might just be taking the money.
I just found it a way to undermine the local anti puppy mill efforts and people who just want a dog like any other good/item shop for one on the internet on a trendy looking web page now. Several decades of activism have not led to any real insight. People still buy their pets on a whim. Now on insta. Like a pair of shoes. No prior contact with the "breeder". No check up, no contract. Lots of stress for the puppy. Why not buy from a reputable local breeder, wait a few months if necessary? I'm obviously not talking about well informed people who search a certain blood line and kniw the breeder is legitimate

My hair is my hair. My resident grey hair is as lovely now as it was 10 years ago. Just more of it. And when I put it "up" I love the platinum shine underneath. Amongst the 18K warm gold in a minor background (albeit not a jeweller helped curate! LOL)

There is nothing worse in my opinion than a hypocrite. Especially someone who preaches abut being kind and behaves in just the opposite manner. Maybe she believes her own BS but I don't think so. SMH.

Disturbing development. We finally gave Oliver back his worm toys (francesca loved the worms) and he is now decapitating every single one of them. WTH. Francesca loved playing with them and throwing them up in the air and catching them and running with them and hugging and cuddling with them. It was the most precious thing to see.

Oliver used to do that but since his RW we threw them all away and now we gave him new ones and he is now decapitating them. Three worms given to him and 3 worms now decapitated. WTH. #disturbing #sociocat #help

Aaaaaand Oliver just bit the head off the 4th worm we gave him. OY Vey. I got him chew toys but he doesn't seem to care about those. He just likes decapitating the worms. :(
@mrs_b Are you starting your Christmas decorating? If not..when will you start? I loved the thread last year!
Random thought....My PS join date is 1/3/13. Hmmm

Also the honeymoon is over in my class...
This is me at the end of Every. Single. Day. :wall:

@yssie Did you get your speaking engagement?

@missy Has another worm bit the dust?! :-o
Random thought....My PS join date is 1/3/13. Hmmm

Also the honeymoon is over in my class...
This is me at the end of Every. Single. Day. :wall:

@yssie Did you get your speaking engagement?

@missy Has another worm bit the dust?! :-o

Yup. It sure has.


and woohoo it's the weekend @Slick1 and hope you recuperate from the week from he** and enjoy!
"Sociocats" reminds me of the year I woke up on Easter morning to find all four of my cats that I had then clustered under my dining room table, gnashing fur and crunching bones gleefully. When I moved in closer, it was clear that it was.......a bunny (missing its head).

My cats killed and ate the Easter bunny.

To add insult to injury, when I took my two collies out for potties just afterward, one of them found the head in the yard and started gleefully tossing it up in the air and catching it until I intervened in horror.

A house full of sociopets.
"Sociocats" reminds me of the year I woke up on Easter morning to find all four of my cats that I had then clustered under my dining room table, gnashing fur and crunching bones gleefully. When I moved in closer, it was clear that it was.......a bunny (missing its head).

My cats killed and ate the Easter bunny.

To add insult to injury, when I took my two collies out for potties just afterward, one of them found the head in the yard and started gleefully tossing it up in the air and catching it until I intervened in horror.

A house full of sociopets.

I'll never be able to unread this:eek-2:
I left my Brian Gavin .15 pointers 3/4 eternity in my other house in Maryland! I think I left it on the dining room table. It wouldn’t be bad but I’m having cleaning ladies cleaning the house tomorrow. I like to think people are honest but I know that’s not always true. My friend had a cleaning lady that was like family...only to find out she had been stealing from her for years. When she had to call the police because her bag of jewelry was missing she refused to give the police the name of her cleaning lady..because she was like family. You must have guessed that it was the cleaning lady...I’m so nervous because it’s not insured.. Omg
I left my Brian Gavin .15 pointers 3/4 eternity in my other house in Maryland! I think I left it on the dining room table. It wouldn’t be bad but I’m having cleaning ladies cleaning the house tomorrow. I like to think people are honest but I know that’s not always true. My friend had a cleaning lady that was like family...only to find out she had been stealing from her for years. When she had to call the police because her bag of jewelry was missing she refused to give the police the name of her cleaning lady..because she was like family. You must have guessed that it was the cleaning lady...I’m so nervous because it’s not insured.. Omg

Joanne, do you have any friends near your house in Maryland who have your key who can get the jewelry and keep it safe til you return?
Alternatively you could call and reschedule the cleaning lady for a later date once you’ve returned to the Maryland house.
Alternatively you could call and reschedule the cleaning lady for a later date once you’ve returned to the Maryland house.
I really can’t @missy because I’m having the brunch at the house on Saturday and Bailey is a shedder..