
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 3/25/2010 7:52:31 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I need to physically restrain myself from being online today. I have so much work to do, big deadlines looming over me for six projects I'm working on. I know this shouldn't be difficult, but I think I really have a problem. The temptation is always there, I have to be online to do some of my work....I just can't quit you PS...
I was thinking last night that I should NOT spend as much time online today, I have plenty of work that needs to be done. But it's such a darn temptation and I've been home ALL.WEEK. No travel this week. I'm kinda stir crazy!
A big YUP to HH. I'm with right there with you...
Date: 3/25/2010 7:52:31 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I need to physically restrain myself from being online today. I have so much work to do, big deadlines looming over me for six projects I''m working on. I know this shouldn''t be difficult, but I think I really have a problem. The temptation is always there, I have to be online to do some of my work....I just can''t quit you PS...
Gah! Same!

Maybe we should commit to one work day a week where there is NO PS!
DH just sent me this ....our crazy kitty on top of the fridge

When I was out riding my bike yesterday, I came around a curve on the trail and there were at least six kitties sitting there. I am assuming they''re strays. Someone had put out three piles of cat food for them. A couple of them looked a little worse for wear. I hope someone''s regularly taking care of them.
Date: 3/25/2010 7:52:31 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I need to physically restrain myself from being online today. I have so much work to do, big deadlines looming over me for six projects I''m working on. I know this shouldn''t be difficult, but I think I really have a problem. The temptation is always there, I have to be online to do some of my work....I just can''t quit you PS...

I''ll thritto this. Mine are mostly personal projects. This weekend I probably won''t even be lurking like usual. I have to get my fitness notebook organized and finished so I can be making use of it. I have to get the recipes I have put into their respective notebook. I have to get some reading done in my equine massage material. I have to catch up some Spanish work. I have to clean my entire house, get dishes done. I''m planning to make some lentil soup for next week. I have two babies, and three older horses I need to get ridden. I have 6 saddles and 4 bridles that need cleaning STAT. Not to mention feeding, cleaning stalls, getting the pups bathed in time for easter, and getting my bridesmaid dress steamed.
DF-You''re going to ride on a baby? I don''t think that''s safe or legal!
Date: 3/25/2010 11:19:30 AM
Author: dragonfly411

Date: 3/25/2010 7:52:31 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I need to physically restrain myself from being online today. I have so much work to do, big deadlines looming over me for six projects I''m working on. I know this shouldn''t be difficult, but I think I really have a problem. The temptation is always there, I have to be online to do some of my work....I just can''t quit you PS...

I''ll thritto this. Mine are mostly personal projects. This weekend I probably won''t even be lurking like usual. I have to get my fitness notebook organized and finished so I can be making use of it. I have to get the recipes I have put into their respective notebook. I have to get some reading done in my equine massage material. I have to catch up some Spanish work. I have to clean my entire house, get dishes done. I''m planning to make some lentil soup for next week. I have two babies, and three older horses I need to get ridden. I have 6 saddles and 4 bridles that need cleaning STAT. Not to mention feeding, cleaning stalls, getting the pups bathed in time for easter, and getting my bridesmaid dress steamed.
I think we need separate support thread on this topic.

I spent all day with my laptop in my lap yesterday. I gotta get out of here. Blood tests to have, groceries to buy, dry cleaning to pick up, dog to walk, Irish Stew to make, house to clean, laundry to do - where does it end.
I just want to say...

My Real Housewives addiction is becoming a source of concern for my spouse. He thought for 3 days that Bethenny and Jill are people I know IRL.
Date: 3/25/2010 12:16:34 PM
Author: PinkAsscher678
I just want to say...

My Real Housewives addiction is becoming a source of concern for my spouse. He thought for 3 days that Bethenny and Jill are people I know IRL.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, that''s awesome.

When I''m on my laptop at home, BF will lean over and get really close to the screen and say, "So, what''s up in PS-land today?" I talk about multiple PSers like they live just down the street.

I''m hungry, and I can''t wait to get my sub at lunch. Duke''s mayonaisse FTW!
Date: 3/25/2010 12:25:39 PM
Author: princesss
Date: 3/25/2010 12:16:34 PM

Author: PinkAsscher678

I just want to say...

My Real Housewives addiction is becoming a source of concern for my spouse. He thought for 3 days that Bethenny and Jill are people I know IRL.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, that''s awesome.

When I''m on my laptop at home, BF will lean over and get really close to the screen and say, ''So, what''s up in PS-land today?'' I talk about multiple PSers like they live just down the street.

I''m hungry, and I can''t wait to get my sub at lunch. Duke''s mayonaisse FTW!

Yeah haha he teases me non stop about PS too!
SO gets to hear stories about the PS folks I talk to on a regular basis, who is doing what etc. He just nods his head and spaces out.
We''re about to get a thunderstorm here. It''s been thundering but the rain doesn''t seem to want to break. I wish it''d just get it over with!

On a side note, DH stopped by the house to change clothes before he had to be somewhere else. He walked into my office to tell me bye and I saw the "outfit" he''d put together. If I hadn''t been on a call with my boss, I would have stopped what I was doing and made him go change. It was that bad.
I''m an effing moron. That is all. No further comments needed.
Date: 3/25/2010 2:15:48 PM
Author: April20
We''re about to get a thunderstorm here. It''s been thundering but the rain doesn''t seem to want to break. I wish it''d just get it over with!

On a side note, DH stopped by the house to change clothes before he had to be somewhere else. He walked into my office to tell me bye and I saw the ''outfit'' he''d put together. If I hadn''t been on a call with my boss, I would have stopped what I was doing and made him go change. It was that bad.
men. i think i''ve told this before, but once my hubby put on black pants, and then put on some "comfy" brown shoes and refused to put on the black ones bc they hurt. he then said, "if i put on a brown belt, can i wear my brown shoes?"
um, no.
I''ve just cracked open a package of tasty Jelly Belly Deluxe Easter Mix. Deluxe is right...there are malted milk eggs, chocolate eggs, creme eggs, etc....YUM!

(I had originally bought it for my niece...oh to be you, kid
Date: 3/25/2010 2:38:54 PM
Author: Vancity
I''ve just cracked open a package of tasty Jelly Belly Deluxe Easter Mix. Deluxe is right...there are malted milk eggs, chocolate eggs, creme eggs, etc....YUM!

(I had originally bought it for my niece...oh to be you, kid
Hey, don''t make me go all Jillian on yo'' @$$
My new stone is delivered TOMORROW!!!!

Crossing my fingers-I hope I love it!!
Date: 3/25/2010 2:38:54 PM
Author: Vancity
I''ve just cracked open a package of tasty Jelly Belly Deluxe Easter Mix. Deluxe is right...there are malted milk eggs, chocolate eggs, creme eggs, etc....YUM!

(I had originally bought it for my niece...oh to be you, kid
I now want this. Deluxe. Yummo.

I just signed up for an audition for a "comedy that has some music" (but apparently it''s not a musical comedy.) They want me to sing something a cappella...but something "show tuney" that "showcases my comedic talent." I feel like singing from my own status updates, to the tune of something snappy from Annie. They also scheduled me for 12:09. Who the heck schedules something on the 9s? (Yeah, radio stations and traffic reports.)

I still cannot find a deoderant that works on flop sweat (not even that Stay-Dri crap)...although all deoderants work on me when I''m not flop sweating.

These are all related, somehow.
Date: 3/24/2010 8:52:20 PM
Author: packrat
I am DYING for some new tattoos. I''ve got some of them all planned out and I want them NOW, not when I lose 30# or more.

I need to lose about 30#. Or more.

If you have a fuller face, will you look dumb if you have short hair?

Zoe-haha, I was hoping you would''ve come back that night b/c I wanted to say I was sitting here w/my finger right next to your cheek chanting ''I''m not touching you I''m not touching you''. And then maybe I''d give you a wet willy for good measure.

Yeah, that would have gotten a laugh out of me!

I think short hair looks great on people with fuller faces.
All I want to do this weekend is sit outside and read but I have so much work to do. I kind of hope it rains.
I decided today that I''m going to put a cryptic appointment on my Outlook Calender from 330-500 tomorrow. I''m really going to go ride my bike.
Date: 3/25/2010 4:11:19 PM
Author: lilyfoot

Date: 3/25/2010 2:38:54 PM
Author: Vancity
I''ve just cracked open a package of tasty Jelly Belly Deluxe Easter Mix. Deluxe is right...there are malted milk eggs, chocolate eggs, creme eggs, etc....YUM!

(I had originally bought it for my niece...oh to be you, kid
Hey, don''t make me go all Jillian on yo'' @$$
HAHA! You found me "Hanging Out", lilyfoot!

May I remind you of your recent post in BWW:

"I had 2 glasses of wine after the Shred

Now that you''re good and liquored up, you''re gonna have to catch me first, sistah!
30 day shred?
more like 30 day slow death
holy crap

and i still have p90x to go today

i think the 30 day shred was more intense than p90x because its just snap snap snap one thing after the other
at least with p90x there are 30 second water breaks incorporated
but if im pairing them together, i will hopefully be back in a bikini come this summer *crosses fingers*
Date: 3/25/2010 4:35:54 PM
Author: jas
Date: 3/25/2010 2:38:54 PM

Author: Vancity

I''ve just cracked open a package of tasty Jelly Belly Deluxe Easter Mix. Deluxe is right...there are malted milk eggs, chocolate eggs, creme eggs, etc....YUM!

(I had originally bought it for my niece...oh to be you, kid

I now want this. Deluxe. Yummo.

I just signed up for an audition for a ''comedy that has some music'' (but apparently it''s not a musical comedy.) They want me to sing something a cappella...but something ''show tuney'' that ''showcases my comedic talent.'' I feel like singing from my own status updates, to the tune of something snappy from Annie. They also scheduled me for 12:09. Who the heck schedules something on the 9s? (Yeah, radio stations and traffic reports.)

I still cannot find a deoderant that works on flop sweat (not even that Stay-Dri crap)...although all deoderants work on me when I''m not flop sweating.

These are all related, somehow.

Does it have to be an original number? If not I would TOTALLY go for a number from Avenue Q
When I had auditions, for awhile, I was on a kick of singing a VERY over dramatic version of I will survive, complete with dancing and all
It got me about 2 parts out of the 10 I used it for lol
<---dying to know what "flop sweat" means.
Date: 3/25/2010 7:37:40 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved

Does it have to be an original number? If not I would TOTALLY go for a number from Avenue Q
When I had auditions, for awhile, I was on a kick of singing a VERY over dramatic version of I will survive, complete with dancing and all
It got me about 2 parts out of the 10 I used it for lol
Nope, they want something, and I quote, "musical theater-y." I suck so much...I haven''t seen Avenue Q. I should. I''m tempted to do "Class" from Chicago...

I would pay to see you audition like that.

Before this restriction of musical theater, I was all set to sing a song called "Spontaneous Human Combustion."
For the first time since 2004, I have a landline home phone.

I feel 1,000% too accessible now... I can''t even use the ''cell was dead'' excuse anymore. AND there''s an answering machine! Dear god, I can''t handle it...

sometimes I hate technology...
Date: 3/25/2010 7:47:19 PM
Author: jas
Date: 3/25/2010 7:37:40 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Does it have to be an original number? If not I would TOTALLY go for a number from Avenue Q

When I had auditions, for awhile, I was on a kick of singing a VERY over dramatic version of I will survive, complete with dancing and all

It got me about 2 parts out of the 10 I used it for lol

Nope, they want something, and I quote, ''musical theater-y.'' I suck so much...I haven''t seen Avenue Q. I should. I''m tempted to do ''Class'' from Chicago...

I would pay to see you audition like that.

Before this restriction of musical theater, I was all set to sing a song called ''Spontaneous Human Combustion.''

avenue q is musically, trust me, download a song or two on itunes

class is good too though, i think i get what you are saying
Date: 3/25/2010 7:45:01 PM
Author: monarch64
<---dying to know what ''flop sweat'' means.

i think it means under your boobs lol
are we allowed to say boobs?
if not, im sorry