
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 4/12/2010 4:11:35 PM
Author: kenny
It was spam.
Rules were broken.

The thread was removed.
That says it all.

But go ahead and shoot the messenger.
Lucky the account was not terminated per the rules.
I agree, it should not have been posted.

But it was not a hoax, nor am I a liar, and I''d appreciate if you''d keep your opinions about me to yourself.

I made no money by posting that, and neither does anyone I even know. You should really find out the entire story before you start name calling.

THAT is what is rude and unethical.
I never called you a liar.
You posted spam. (ETA: Yes, I do post goffy stuff, but observe rules and don't post spam).

I guessed correctly that it was spam and several posts later you finally admitted it.
Then you come here complaining about me because you got exposed.

Date: 4/12/2010 4:09:33 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Kenny if you''re going to net-nanny, you should at least know what you''re talking about.

You stay posting your little ''funny''/corny tidbits. Are you the only one allowed to decide what''s funny?

color me
Date: 4/12/2010 4:14:41 PM
Author: kenny
You posted spam.
No argument there.

You called me a liar.

Get. Off. High. Horse.
Last warning. Enough.
SO just got a speeding ticket....grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt
Date: 4/12/2010 4:31:13 PM
Author: dragonfly411
SO just got a speeding ticket....grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt

I''ll admit it, I''m Princesss Leadfoot, so I''m sending lots of empathetic thoughts his way. Deserved or not, it sucks!
Date: 4/12/2010 4:31:13 PM
Author: dragonfly411
SO just got a speeding ticket....grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt
Oh no, how fast were you going??

My husband has gotten a couple lately. Always out of state when he''s away on business and late for a meeting....Not good.
Ugh that sucks dragonfly!

Princess, I used to have a heavy foot too (have some pts on my license because of it). I''ve learned to slow down but it takes effort. Like I have to actually tell myself to slow down, it''s not worth it, that guy/girl cut you off because they have a sad life LOL I''m chanting this to myself every morning while on the turnpike. Miami has the *worst* drivers ever and it''s hard not to get sucked into it
Date: 4/12/2010 4:37:25 PM
Author: fiery
Ugh that sucks dragonfly!

Princess, I used to have a heavy foot too (have some pts on my license because of it). I''ve learned to slow down but it takes effort. Like I have to actually tell myself to slow down, it''s not worth it, that guy/girl cut you off because they have a sad life LOL I''m chanting this to myself every morning while on the turnpike. Miami has the *worst* drivers ever and it''s hard not to get sucked into it
Honestly, I specifically avoid the highway on my commute whenever possible just to keep The Rage at bay. I take back roads - slower and longer, but I get home around the same time (when there''s good weather - when there''s bad weather I get home an hour to an hour and a half earlier than the people on the highway).

I was amazed by the drivers in FL when I was there last weekend. Holy bad driving, Batman! I was convinced we were going to be killed.
SO got the ticket not me lolol he was doing 10 over coming down a hill

I''ve never had a ticket!
Date: 4/12/2010 4:44:37 PM
Author: dragonfly411
SO got the ticket not me lolol he was doing 10 over coming down a hill

Dude, I''m amazed you''re alive. All I wanted was for people to use their turn signals and decide which way they wanted to turn BEFORE they got into a turn lane. Don''t get in the right turn lane if you really want to turn left!

Seriously. I thought Charlotte drivers were bad. Now, even if they do have trouble with four way stops, I am seriously thankful for them.
LOL on FL driving.

Miami is the worst. I live in Broward which is really only 15 miles away from the city limits. I once made a joke to FI when we were driving in to Miami for dinner that as soon as we hit the "Miami City Limits" sign, he better get ready. Sure enough, 3 cars cut him off as soon as we passed the sign. We laughed so much, the other drivers thought we were crazy.

Oh and I''m convinced the rubber necking is the worst in this area than anywhere else in the world. I once sat in traffic going 10mph on a 70 because there was a car changing it''s tires with a state trooper parked behind it. I was glad it wasn''t anything serious but come on! Now when there''s an accident and someone is twisting around to see it, I put all of my weight on my horn to let them know to keep it moving

(P.S. I never stated I don''t contribute to the Miami road rage
I''ve only gotten one ticket and it was several years ago. Supposedly, my 4 cyl Neon went from a complete stop to 60 mph in about a hundred yards. Yeah, apparently I was Fast and Furious.

Ever since I had JT, I gave up on speeding. Now I''m the one people pass because I actually go 65 on the interstate.
I put my blog so it can be viewed only by me but googled everything just to be extra sure. I enjoy typing it out because, well, I work with computers all day. I can type up a storm and I DESPISE writing things out by hand. I just hate hate hate it. Writing thank you notes was about the worst thing ever just because I had to hand write it.
DH got a hefty speeding ticket when were driving up for our wedding. I figure it''s because he couldn''t wait to marry me haha
Date: 4/12/2010 5:00:52 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
DH got a hefty speeding ticket when were driving up for our wedding. I figure it''s because he couldn''t wait to marry me haha

I hate speeding. I hate paying that much to get somewhere 3 minutes faster.
Date: 4/12/2010 5:01:57 PM
Author: elledizzy5


I hate speeding. I hate paying that much to get somewhere 3 minutes faster.
I stopped speeding because of DD but I was always so annoyed to get a $200 ticket to get somewhere faster. I just needed to learn to get my butt out of bed earlier. Now that I have a super awesome alarm clock, I don''t have to worry about that anymore.
Date: 4/12/2010 5:07:22 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 4/12/2010 5:01:57 PM
Author: elledizzy5


I hate speeding. I hate paying that much to get somewhere 3 minutes faster.
I stopped speeding because of DD but I was always so annoyed to get a $200 ticket to get somewhere faster. I just needed to learn to get my butt out of bed earlier. Now that I have a super awesome alarm clock, I don''t have to worry about that anymore.
Speaking of awesome alarm clocks, DH and I switched to rooster crowing noise for an alarm.

Gets me RIGHT out of bed, but seriously pisses off DH!
I know I probably ask for prayers, thoughts and dust too much but if it's not too much to ask and you have some to spare, a young man's family I know of could really use them to get them through a hard time. A guy I was friends with in high school passed away today. A 12 year old boy was putting gasoline on a grill and it started to go up in flames and he died getting the kid out of the way
smurfy - I''m sorry about that. That is something that deserves dust and prayers for his family. I hope you and them take comfort in the fact that he died a hero.

That is so sad. What an amazing act of selfless courage. My thoughts are with you and his family.
Ladies, I need some support.

My husband, baby and I are new to the city, and I joined a mom's meetup group in our area to get to know other moms. I went to my first meetup (with 8 moms RSVPing, not including me) this morning, arrived a little early, and no one was there. On the way to the coffee shop, I asked another mom with a stroller if she was a member, and she said no. Note to self, EB, lots of women come to the mall with their babies to shop, not to meet up. Besides...the leader said she'd be holding a pink meetup sign so she'd be easily recognizable.

Henry and I walked around the mall a bit, went back at the time we were supposed to be there, and still, no one. We walked around the store opposite the meetup spot for the next fifteen minutes, and because Henry was getting fussy, I decided to walk by one more time. I saw just one woman with a baby in line, but she was buying coffee, and the place was deserted otherwise. Henry and I went to the mall's play area to see if the location might have changed, and again, deserted.

When I got home, I sent the leader a nice email about how we hadn't seen anyone at the agreed-upon location and because baby was getting fussy, we left early, but that I was excited about the next meet-up and I'd see her there.

She sent me a reply that wasn't meant to go to me, but to one of her friends. In it she said she "saw me, smiled and waved, and I didn't bat an eye," (NOT true) and called me an idiot for not coming up to ask her if she was a member of the group.

Long story short:

I really wanted to find other women with children to hang out with, and now I'm hesitant to join another group. I don't have time to deal with a bunch of petty, behind-the-back gossip. All I wanted was a group of friends to talk about parenting with.

Wow, EB-that is ridiculous. I''m sorry you''re dealing with high school drama.

If I were you I''d reply to her and let her know that you''re glad you missed her waving at you because you wouldn''t want to be friends with a petty bitch like her who isn''t even smart enough to forward an email to the correct person. I am dead serious-that''s exactly what I would do.
Date: 4/12/2010 6:48:21 PM
Author: thing2of2
Wow, EB-that is ridiculous. I''m sorry you''re dealing with high school drama.

If I were you I''d reply to her and let her know that you''re glad you missed her waving at you because you wouldn''t want to be friends with a petty bitch like her who isn''t even smart enough to forward an email to the correct person. I am dead serious-that''s exactly what I would do.

This! What grown adult does this? I can only imagine the kind of child she''s going to raise. Best to distance yourself. Good luck sweetie.
Date: 4/12/2010 6:52:40 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Date: 4/12/2010 6:48:21 PM

Author: thing2of2

Wow, EB-that is ridiculous. I'm sorry you're dealing with high school drama.

If I were you I'd reply to her and let her know that you're glad you missed her waving at you because you wouldn't want to be friends with a petty bitch like her who isn't even smart enough to forward an email to the correct person. I am dead serious-that's exactly what I would do.

This! What grown adult does this? I can only imagine the kind of child she's going to raise. Best to distance yourself. Good luck sweetie.

Thank you both, seriously. I truly wish I'd thought of something that good when I sent her a reply, but I was stunned. I replied, but only to point out our obvious misunderstanding and to tell her how disappointed I was. I guess I hoped she'd do the right thing and reply with an apology, but nothing. Of course.


I am feeling better now, though.
Aw EB I''m sorry! It''s hard enough to be new in a city much less to encounter people like that.
that''s so childish EB! I''m sorry you had to deal with that - perhaps give the group another chance though? perhaps the others will make up for her?
I''m sorry for your loss smurfy.. what a brave act