
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

I''ve never had a ticket either.. not yet anyway! :)
Date: 4/12/2010 6:30:29 PM
Author: E B
Ladies, I need some support.

My husband, baby and I are new to the city, and I joined a mom''s meetup group in our area to get to know other moms. I went to my first meetup (with 8 moms RSVPing, not including me) this morning, arrived a little early, and no one was there. On the way to the coffee shop, I asked another mom with a stroller if she was a member, and she said no. Note to self, EB, lots of women come to the mall with their babies to shop, not to meet up. Besides...the leader said she''d be holding a pink meetup sign so she''d be easily recognizable.

Henry and I walked around the mall a bit, went back at the time we were supposed to be there, and still, no one. We walked around the store opposite the meetup spot for the next fifteen minutes, and because Henry was getting fussy, I decided to walk by one more time. I saw just one woman with a baby in line, but she was buying coffee, and the place was deserted otherwise. Henry and I went to the mall''s play area to see if the location might have changed, and again, deserted.

When I got home, I sent the leader a nice email about how we hadn''t seen anyone at the agreed-upon location and because baby was getting fussy, we left early, but that I was excited about the next meet-up and I''d see her there.

She sent me a reply that wasn''t meant to go to me, but to one of her friends. In it she said she ''saw me, smiled and waved, and I didn''t bat an eye,'' (NOT true) and called me an idiot for not coming up to ask her if she was a member of the group.

Long story short:

I really wanted to find other women with children to hang out with, and now I''m hesitant to join another group. I don''t have time to deal with a bunch of petty, behind-the-back gossip. All I wanted was a group of friends to talk about parenting with.


Wow. Hubs and I just moved as well, and it is HARD to find new friends. I''m so sorry to hear about your experience. I totally agree with Elle. How rude of that woman!
Smurf- I''m sorry for your loss of a high school friend. How selfless of that man to save a little boy. My thoughts are with his family.
Is it sad that I think I''m fricken hysterical and often find myself laughing at my own jokes? I could never do stand up-I''d just keep laughing.
Date: 4/12/2010 6:30:29 PM
Author: E B
Ladies, I need some support.

My husband, baby and I are new to the city, and I joined a mom''s meetup group in our area to get to know other moms. I went to my first meetup (with 8 moms RSVPing, not including me) this morning, arrived a little early, and no one was there. On the way to the coffee shop, I asked another mom with a stroller if she was a member, and she said no. Note to self, EB, lots of women come to the mall with their babies to shop, not to meet up. Besides...the leader said she''d be holding a pink meetup sign so she''d be easily recognizable.

Henry and I walked around the mall a bit, went back at the time we were supposed to be there, and still, no one. We walked around the store opposite the meetup spot for the next fifteen minutes, and because Henry was getting fussy, I decided to walk by one more time. I saw just one woman with a baby in line, but she was buying coffee, and the place was deserted otherwise. Henry and I went to the mall''s play area to see if the location might have changed, and again, deserted.

When I got home, I sent the leader a nice email about how we hadn''t seen anyone at the agreed-upon location and because baby was getting fussy, we left early, but that I was excited about the next meet-up and I''d see her there.

She sent me a reply that wasn''t meant to go to me, but to one of her friends. In it she said she ''saw me, smiled and waved, and I didn''t bat an eye,'' (NOT true) and called me an idiot for not coming up to ask her if she was a member of the group.

Long story short:

I really wanted to find other women with children to hang out with, and now I''m hesitant to join another group. I don''t have time to deal with a bunch of petty, behind-the-back gossip. All I wanted was a group of friends to talk about parenting with.


Jeez, could that lady be any more rude? That''s absolutely uncalled for. You don''t need awful women like that in your life. There are great moms out there to be friends with, unfortunately it just takes time.

I just wanted to share this picture of my cat Charlie eying up my engagement ring during a little bathroom photo shoot. He loves sinks! And small objects.

Date: 4/12/2010 10:35:29 PM
Author: Clairitek
I just wanted to share this picture of my cat Charlie eying up my engagement ring during a little bathroom photo shoot. He loves sinks! And small objects.

Haha that is all kinds of awesome!
Cute picture, C-tek!

So, M and I bought new chairs tonight. I absolutely adore them, but I''ll admit that my heart dropped into my stomach when I had to write the check. It was a lot of money to spend at once.
Date: 4/12/2010 6:30:29 PM
Author: E B
Ladies, I need some support.

My husband, baby and I are new to the city, and I joined a mom''s meetup group in our area to get to know other moms. I went to my first meetup (with 8 moms RSVPing, not including me) this morning, arrived a little early, and no one was there. On the way to the coffee shop, I asked another mom with a stroller if she was a member, and she said no. Note to self, EB, lots of women come to the mall with their babies to shop, not to meet up. Besides...the leader said she''d be holding a pink meetup sign so she''d be easily recognizable.

Henry and I walked around the mall a bit, went back at the time we were supposed to be there, and still, no one. We walked around the store opposite the meetup spot for the next fifteen minutes, and because Henry was getting fussy, I decided to walk by one more time. I saw just one woman with a baby in line, but she was buying coffee, and the place was deserted otherwise. Henry and I went to the mall''s play area to see if the location might have changed, and again, deserted.

When I got home, I sent the leader a nice email about how we hadn''t seen anyone at the agreed-upon location and because baby was getting fussy, we left early, but that I was excited about the next meet-up and I''d see her there.

She sent me a reply that wasn''t meant to go to me, but to one of her friends. In it she said she ''saw me, smiled and waved, and I didn''t bat an eye,'' (NOT true) and called me an idiot for not coming up to ask her if she was a member of the group.

Long story short:

I really wanted to find other women with children to hang out with, and now I''m hesitant to join another group. I don''t have time to deal with a bunch of petty, behind-the-back gossip. All I wanted was a group of friends to talk about parenting with.


I can''t believe the nerve of this woman. Wow! She should have made more of an effort to get your attention. I''m sorry that she was so rude to you after the fact too. I hope you have better luck if you try again.
Thanks OU and Princesss! He just looks so sinister.
packrat, Maevie, BeachRunner, princess and Claritek,


Thank you so much. You made me feel a lot better.

I found another meetup group that meets this Friday, so I''m going to give it another go. It can''t go any worse than it did today, right? Unless they throw something at me.
Ctek, I LOVE the pic of Charlie. I don''t think he could be staring more intently at your ring if you swapped in a Nip Mouse, lol.

And Smurfy, I''m very sorry for your loss. Dust and prayers headed out that way tonight.
Some of you may hear about my friend on the news tonight. I live in Denver and it''s even being reported here. He is from Moorhead, MN (as am I and dh)
EB -- Unbelievable! I''m sure you''ll find some friends worthy of your friendship soon!
Smurfy -- I''m so sorry about your friend''s passing.

EB -- I can''t believe that happened! I hope you have a much better time at your meet up on Friday.
Date: 4/12/2010 6:30:29 PM
Author: E B
Ladies, I need some support.

My husband, baby and I are new to the city, and I joined a mom''s meetup group in our area to get to know other moms. I went to my first meetup (with 8 moms RSVPing, not including me) this morning, arrived a little early, and no one was there. On the way to the coffee shop, I asked another mom with a stroller if she was a member, and she said no. Note to self, EB, lots of women come to the mall with their babies to shop, not to meet up. Besides...the leader said she''d be holding a pink meetup sign so she''d be easily recognizable.

Henry and I walked around the mall a bit, went back at the time we were supposed to be there, and still, no one. We walked around the store opposite the meetup spot for the next fifteen minutes, and because Henry was getting fussy, I decided to walk by one more time. I saw just one woman with a baby in line, but she was buying coffee, and the place was deserted otherwise. Henry and I went to the mall''s play area to see if the location might have changed, and again, deserted.

When I got home, I sent the leader a nice email about how we hadn''t seen anyone at the agreed-upon location and because baby was getting fussy, we left early, but that I was excited about the next meet-up and I''d see her there.

She sent me a reply that wasn''t meant to go to me, but to one of her friends. In it she said she ''saw me, smiled and waved, and I didn''t bat an eye,'' (NOT true) and called me an idiot for not coming up to ask her if she was a member of the group.

Long story short:

I really wanted to find other women with children to hang out with, and now I''m hesitant to join another group. I don''t have time to deal with a bunch of petty, behind-the-back gossip. All I wanted was a group of friends to talk about parenting with.

EB I''m so sorry that happened to you
. I hope the next meetup goes well!
Oh my gosh, EB! It never ceases to amaze me how immaturely adults can act. I really hope you're next meetup goes well. I'm embarassed for those people!
EB, I think you should totally consider what happened a blessing in disguise. As much as it sucked to experience, you were given an unusually candid glimpse into what sort of people that particular group is comprised of. May I suggest starting your own meetup mom''s group? Then you have a little more control over meeting locations, etc. Also, are you using exclusively or have you posted anything on craigslist? You might try some different boards. What about mommy and me classes in your area?

My best friend moved to the east coast from the midwest when she was 8 months pregnant with their first after her husband completed grad school and landed a job there. I cannot tell you how many 2, 3, and 4 hour phone conversations we had while she was trying so hard to make friends after she had her daughter. It''s rough. She finally found a really wonderful mom''s group through a neighbor and they helped each other through so many things. I flew out to see her several times and met quite a few of them and they were really fab ladies. She moved back to the midwest about 1.5 years ago and several of those ladies still fly out here to visit her, that''s how close they became. You will find the right group soon enough--you''re a good person and deserve lots of friends to support and to be supported by.

I want a big cookie, not in the deserving sense, in the I am straight up drooling on myself way. Let me tell you how much I am thinking about this.


Slightly larger than, say, a toddlers head. Chocolate Chip, the nestle variety. Then, we are going to make sure that the edges are slightly crispy but almost just chewy crispy, feel me? Then, this is where it gets good, it is just out of the oven and is gooey in the center with the melted chocolate. I have chocolate *imaginary* on my fingers and face right now.


Can you say hardcore craving? OMG, that is slightly ridiculous. Please don''t judge me, outloud.
Date: 4/13/2010 10:22:39 AM
Author: Strawdermangrl

I want a big cookie, not in the deserving sense, in the I am straight up drooling on myself way. Let me tell you how much I am thinking about this.


Slightly larger than, say, a toddlers head. Chocolate Chip, the nestle variety. Then, we are going to make sure that the edges are slightly crispy but almost just chewy crispy, feel me? Then, this is where it gets good, it is just out of the oven and is gooey in the center with the melted chocolate. I have chocolate *imaginary* on my fingers and face right now.


Can you say hardcore craving? OMG, that is slightly ridiculous. Please don''t judge me, outloud.

Um..that sounds....AMAZING!!! Damn it! Now I''m craving chocolate chip cookies AND fried pickles!
Is it just me or does cold medicine upset your stomach even when you take it with food? SO unfair, I want to feel better, not worse!
Date: 4/13/2010 10:32:40 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/13/2010 10:22:39 AM
Author: Strawdermangrl

I want a big cookie, not in the deserving sense, in the I am straight up drooling on myself way. Let me tell you how much I am thinking about this.


Slightly larger than, say, a toddlers head. Chocolate Chip, the nestle variety. Then, we are going to make sure that the edges are slightly crispy but almost just chewy crispy, feel me? Then, this is where it gets good, it is just out of the oven and is gooey in the center with the melted chocolate. I have chocolate *imaginary* on my fingers and face right now.


Can you say hardcore craving? OMG, that is slightly ridiculous. Please don''t judge me, outloud.

Um..that sounds....AMAZING!!! Damn it! Now I''m craving chocolate chip cookies AND fried pickles!
Welllllll...since I know the BEST place in the South for Fried Pickles, you can shoulder the cookie burden and we will meet somewhere in the middle...say GA?
EB, that''s so ridiculous! I can''t believe some people are so rude. We moved to a new state a few years ago and I''ve met lots of my mom friends at the park and at storytime at the local library. Hope your next meetup goes well!
Date: 4/13/2010 10:40:31 AM
Author: Strawdermangrl
Date: 4/13/2010 10:32:40 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/13/2010 10:22:39 AM

Author: Strawdermangrl

I want a big cookie, not in the deserving sense, in the I am straight up drooling on myself way. Let me tell you how much I am thinking about this.


Slightly larger than, say, a toddlers head. Chocolate Chip, the nestle variety. Then, we are going to make sure that the edges are slightly crispy but almost just chewy crispy, feel me? Then, this is where it gets good, it is just out of the oven and is gooey in the center with the melted chocolate. I have chocolate *imaginary* on my fingers and face right now.


Can you say hardcore craving? OMG, that is slightly ridiculous. Please don''t judge me, outloud.

Um..that sounds....AMAZING!!! Damn it! Now I''m craving chocolate chip cookies AND fried pickles!
Welllllll...since I know the BEST place in the South for Fried Pickles, you can shoulder the cookie burden and we will meet somewhere in the middle...say GA?

Wait, where are you???? GA is in the middle?
Date: 4/13/2010 10:57:00 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/13/2010 10:40:31 AM
Author: Strawdermangrl

Date: 4/13/2010 10:32:40 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/13/2010 10:22:39 AM

Author: Strawdermangrl

I want a big cookie, not in the deserving sense, in the I am straight up drooling on myself way. Let me tell you how much I am thinking about this.


Slightly larger than, say, a toddlers head. Chocolate Chip, the nestle variety. Then, we are going to make sure that the edges are slightly crispy but almost just chewy crispy, feel me? Then, this is where it gets good, it is just out of the oven and is gooey in the center with the melted chocolate. I have chocolate *imaginary* on my fingers and face right now.


Can you say hardcore craving? OMG, that is slightly ridiculous. Please don''t judge me, outloud.

Um..that sounds....AMAZING!!! Damn it! Now I''m craving chocolate chip cookies AND fried pickles!
Welllllll...since I know the BEST place in the South for Fried Pickles, you can shoulder the cookie burden and we will meet somewhere in the middle...say GA?

Wait, where are you???? GA is in the middle?
I was thinking so...Houston, Atlanta. Wait, where are you? LOL.
Date: 4/13/2010 11:26:33 AM
Author: Strawdermangrl
Date: 4/13/2010 10:57:00 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/13/2010 10:40:31 AM

Author: Strawdermangrl

Date: 4/13/2010 10:32:40 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/13/2010 10:22:39 AM

Author: Strawdermangrl

I want a big cookie, not in the deserving sense, in the I am straight up drooling on myself way. Let me tell you how much I am thinking about this.


Slightly larger than, say, a toddlers head. Chocolate Chip, the nestle variety. Then, we are going to make sure that the edges are slightly crispy but almost just chewy crispy, feel me? Then, this is where it gets good, it is just out of the oven and is gooey in the center with the melted chocolate. I have chocolate *imaginary* on my fingers and face right now.


Can you say hardcore craving? OMG, that is slightly ridiculous. Please don''t judge me, outloud.

Um..that sounds....AMAZING!!! Damn it! Now I''m craving chocolate chip cookies AND fried pickles!
Welllllll...since I know the BEST place in the South for Fried Pickles, you can shoulder the cookie burden and we will meet somewhere in the middle...say GA?

Wait, where are you???? GA is in the middle?
I was thinking so...Houston, Atlanta. Wait, where are you? LOL.

Tennessee is awful pretty
Okay, I do not appreciate being SLAPPED in the FACE at 3 AM. Yes, he did that too me.

Bad, kitty! I had to hide under the covers, yet he kept batting at me. . .at least now I know he''s beginning to feel better.
Date: 4/13/2010 11:44:25 AM
Author: dragonfly411
Tennessee is awful pretty
HH- I think we have someone that needs a cookie...too. :)

I had dinner with 2 guys from Boston last night(Family Company Clients), they were wicked cute. :) <--- See what I did?
THAT definitely deserves a cookie...even if it means coming to Boston.
Date: 4/13/2010 11:47:35 AM
Author: MC
Okay, I do not appreciate being SLAPPED in the FACE at 3 AM. Yes, he did that too me.

Bad, kitty! I had to hide under the covers, yet he kept batting at me. . .at least now I know he''s beginning to feel better.
MC- He just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.