
I might have broken m ankle

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate it sincerely. It's only almost 8 pm my time but 12 hours from now I'll be on the phone with my doctor demanding the x ray results and pain medication. I know it's not their fault that the hospital wouldn't cooperate but enough is enough. I'll post what I learn tomorrow. :))
Re: I might have broken my ankle

awwww man, I'm so sorry Danny :(
It might OK, Sara. For the first time, today, the swelling went down. No change whatsoever until today, but some improvement.

It still is very sore.

And of course the anxiety of not knowing is not helpful.

It wasn't the best day, to be honest, I felt awful (in part, that's my fault because I didn't take my pain medication on schedule, so I spent the last three days without any) and the neighbors are planting a coffee farm, so they decided to bulldoze two acres right next to my house. I woke up (on a Sunday morning) and realized the bulldozer was starting because I heard a noise and had fumes in my house). I had to shut the house up (since the fumes were only going to and did get worse) and fall back asleep in a cloud of pollution, not fun).

But today for the first time I had some hope that it might not actually be broken, but I'll have to see what is and what if anything can be done about it tomorrow.

Thanks for your concern.
I just saw this thread. I am so sorry, Danny! Is today the day you find out if it is broken? I hope that we will have some news from you soon. I hope that the pain subsides and that you heal quickly. My daughter had a small bone in her wrist broken this winter while ice skating and it was terribly painful. I hope that is not what you have!!!

I'm also just popping in to see if you were given a diagnosis. I'm so sorry you're in pain and am keeping my fingers crossed for a non-broken ankle and a quick recovery!
I have good news!


Evaluation was limited to AP and lateral views of the left ankle. Additional images of the foot were also obtained, described seperately.

The bones are intact and normally aligned. No intrinsic bone or joint abnormalities are seen. There are no periarticular calcifications.


Normal study.


Three views of the left foot were obtained.

The bones are intact with normal alignment. No intrinsic bone or joint abnormalities are seen. There are no calcaneal spurs.

There are no abnormal soft tissue calcifications.


Within normal limits."

I feel so relieved. I was wrong when I thought it was broken. Call me a cry baby or throw pies at me! I won't hold it against you. I'm happy to be wrong. Thank you everyone so much for your support!
That means the injuries are to the tendons.... That will likely take longer to heal. Be sure that your ankle is reinforced properly for tendon issues.

I've been where you are - it was no fun.

Thanks, Perry. I'm still in pain. I imagine it's going to be at least a week or two before I'm not. I asked the doctor for a refill of the pain medication. It was a surprise to me that he gave me the prescription again with two refills. He must have thought I'd need it because they don't give pain medication out lightly. I wasn't having any fun this weekend. Knowing it's not broken and having the pain medication has taken the edge off, though. It made my day to learn it wasn't broken. Like I said, I haven't ever broken any bones. I'm so glad I didn't, albeit I'm going to have to be more careful.

bebe|1290915517|2780716 said:
Ouch, sounds like a lot pain to me. I broke a toe a few weeks ago and still not healed. Nothing compared to what you are going through though. This may be a stupid question, but are you able to get around? I was told to stay off my foot, but good grief with Thanksgiving and Christmas - no way! Can you keep your foot elevated? Taking any anti-inflammatory meds like Advil?
Hope you feel better real soon.

bebe, if you see this, may I ask you how you broke your toe? I hope you're not in any pain.
Imdanny|1291086719|2782342 said:
bebe|1290915517|2780716 said:
Ouch, sounds like a lot pain to me. I broke a toe a few weeks ago and still not healed. Nothing compared to what you are going through though. This may be a stupid question, but are you able to get around? I was told to stay off my foot, but good grief with Thanksgiving and Christmas - no way! Can you keep your foot elevated? Taking any anti-inflammatory meds like Advil?
Hope you feel better real soon.

bebe, if you see this, may I ask you how you broke your toe? I hope you're not in any pain.

Glad to hear your ankle is not broken, but as Perry was saying, you still most likely have some healing time
in front of you. I don't know anything about torn tendons, but it certainly sounds like it hurts.
I broke my toe by walking into my husband's laptop he left on the floor. My little toe went one way and the
rest of my foot/toes went another. I knew within a few minutes it was broken. Shortly after wards, it began to
swell and the bruising was starting to show up. And not just on the toe, but all the way up to my ankle!
I waited almost a week before I saw a doctor. I just needed confirmation it was broke. He actually told me to
NOT buddy tape it to the next toe. But I improvised with what I call my "toe amour". I cut strips of thick moleskin
and wrap it under and around the toe. Then I top that with surgical tape. I'm wearing a stupid looking surgical
shoe with a hard sole so I cannot bend my foot. I go to the Dr. on Wed. for X-rays to check on the progress.
Well, now this was probably more than you wanted to know, :naughty:
I am sorry that you are still in pain, Danny. It is just a relief to know that that nothing is broken. It doesn't solve the entire problem. I wish you comfort and a speedy recovery. As I said, my daughter broke only one tiny bone among all the bones in her wrist-the orthopedists could not even tell which one it was from the first two sets of X-rays-but her pain was excruciating. She has had a ruptured appendix, so she knows what pain is. This was bad. It is hard to believe that orthopedic pain can be as bad as it can be.

I hope you are pain-free soon!

I hate to say this but I've heard that sometimes it's better to break an ankle than a tendon etc. I twisted my ankle 5 years ago and it still hasn't healed properly. I hope you have a much speedier recovery!
bebe|1291087551|2782358 said:
Imdanny|1291086719|2782342 said:
bebe|1290915517|2780716 said:
Ouch, sounds like a lot pain to me. I broke a toe a few weeks ago and still not healed. Nothing compared to what you are going through though. This may be a stupid question, but are you able to get around? I was told to stay off my foot, but good grief with Thanksgiving and Christmas - no way! Can you keep your foot elevated? Taking any anti-inflammatory meds like Advil?
Hope you feel better real soon.

bebe, if you see this, may I ask you how you broke your toe? I hope you're not in any pain.

Glad to hear your ankle is not broken, but as Perry was saying, you still most likely have some healing time
in front of you. I don't know anything about torn tendons, but it certainly sounds like it hurts.
I broke my toe by walking into my husband's laptop he left on the floor. My little toe went one way and the
rest of my foot/toes went another. I knew within a few minutes it was broken. Shortly after wards, it began to
swell and the bruising was starting to show up. And not just on the toe, but all the way up to my ankle!
I waited almost a week before I saw a doctor. I just needed confirmation it was broke. He actually told me to
NOT buddy tape it to the next toe. But I improvised with what I call my "toe amour". I cut strips of thick moleskin
and wrap it under and around the toe. Then I top that with surgical tape. I'm wearing a stupid looking surgical
shoe with a hard sole so I cannot bend my foot. I go to the Dr. on Wed. for X-rays to check on the progress.
Well, now this was probably more than you wanted to know, :naughty:

Not at all! Thanks for telling me.
AGBF|1291090083|2782412 said:
I am sorry that you are still in pain, Danny. It is just a relief to know that that nothing is broken. It doesn't solve the entire problem. I wish you comfort and a speedy recovery. As I said, my daughter broke only one tiny bone among all the bones in her wrist-the orthopedists could not even tell which one it was from the first two sets of X-rays-but her pain was excruciating. She has had a ruptured appendix, so she knows what pain is. This was bad. It is hard to believe that orthopedic pain can be as bad as it can be.

I hope you are pain-free soon!


Thanks, Deb!
heraanderson|1291091995|2782441 said:
I hate to say this but I've heard that sometimes it's better to break an ankle than a tendon etc. I twisted my ankle 5 years ago and it still hasn't healed properly. I hope you have a much speedier recovery!

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it does heal properly soon.

Thanks for your good wishes!
Good luck with a speedy recovery! I sprained my ankle pretty badly last year (while sliding down an ice ramp getting off the ferry in Calais during the Eurostar breakdown dragging a suitcase through a foot of snow, nonetheless, but that's an adventure in and of itself!), and I still get dull pains in it sometimes if the weather is weird. The human body is odd, I tell ya! Glad to hear you didn't break anything and that the doctor gave you some good meds--with all the holiday activity of the next month or so, I bet they'll come in handy!
Ice and some serious rest, dude!

Seriously though, I'm glad all are within normal range! If it keeps hurting though go back to the doctor. An x-ray can miss things like cartlidge, so sometimes an MRI is necessary.

Rest rest rest!!!!!!
doodle|1291094463|2782471 said:
Good luck with a speedy recovery! I sprained my ankle pretty badly last year (while sliding down an ice ramp getting off the ferry in Calais during the Eurostar breakdown dragging a suitcase through a foot of snow, nonetheless, but that's an adventure in and of itself!), and I still get dull pains in it sometimes if the weather is weird. The human body is odd, I tell ya! Glad to hear you didn't break anything and that the doctor gave you some good meds--with all the holiday activity of the next month or so, I bet they'll come in handy!


As far as the meds, I'm not complaining. :tongue:
kagordo4|1291094976|2782475 said:
Ice and some serious rest, dude!

Seriously though, I'm glad all are within normal range! If it keeps hurting though go back to the doctor. An x-ray can miss things like cartlidge, so sometimes an MRI is necessary.

Rest rest rest!!!!!!

I will keep this in mind.

I am so happy that it is not broken, but sorry that you have to endure so much pain. About 10 years ago I stood on a folding chair and my leg slipped through the back of the chair and the chair folded trapping my lower leg. When I stopped screaming from the pain, I crawled downstairs, was able to stand on one leg to get an ice pack from the freezer.An hour later I hobbled to the car with an ice pack wrapped against my leg to drive my DD to soccer and then out to Pizza Hut as I was not in any mood to make dinner. DH came home later that night from a business trip and saw how swollen my leg was. I refused to go to the emergency room, and was able to see my doctor the next day which was a Saturday. He looked at the leg and sent me to the hopsital to get x-rayed (yes, I kicked myself for not going to the emergency room). At least in the hospital they put me in a wheel chair so I did not have to hobble around. The xray technician was great in that he glanced at the xray and said that the results will be phoned to the doctor, but from what he could see he did not think it was broken. I just had to stay off that leg, legged propped up and ice packs. After a week I needed a cane to help me walk around (I used it for a few weeks). And I have a lovely scar to remind me of my stupidity.
Thanks for your kind words and for telling me your story.

It sounds dumb but when I injured my ankle all I was doing was walking. For some reason I can't explain I lifted my left leg high enough to slam my ankle into the underside of my metal and glass computer desk.

I think the thing I've learned from this experience is that I have to be more careful. I haven't ever broken any bones but it's definitely not something I can take for granted.
Danny, glad to hear it's not broken! Sorry to hear it's gonna take some time to feel better! Hang in there & stay off it as much as possible. What a good reason to sit in front of a computer & look at jewels! There's a silver lining in every cloud (I made that up).

--- Laurie
I hope it is not broken Imdanny! Healing dust and pain med dust! Hope it feels better soon!
JewelFreak|1291128238|2782690 said:
Danny, glad to hear it's not broken! Sorry to hear it's gonna take some time to feel better! Hang in there & stay off it as much as possible. What a good reason to sit in front of a computer & look at jewels! There's a silver lining in every cloud (I made that up).

--- Laurie

Laurie, thanks! You're so funny! :bigsmile:
luv2sparkle|1291131296|2782745 said:
I hope it is not broken Imdanny! Healing dust and pain med dust! Hope it feels better soon!

Thanks, luv2sparkle! I found out it's not broken. One less thing to worry about. I appreciate your healing dust and pain med dust! :wavey:
um, its probably going to take more tha 1-2 weeks.....tendon injuries are worse than breaks. maybe its just bruised.....still going to take awhile. keep it taped and supported, stay off it as much as possible, and keep it elevated when sitting. serioiusly, my break took 6 weeks to heal; tendon issues can take a year.

Danny, I'm so glad to hear nothing's broken, but it stinks you're not feeling better yet. Hope you're on the mend soon!
Thanks, everyone! I promise to be a good patient and a patient patient. :saint:
Imdanny|1291125792|2782637 said:
Thanks for your kind words and for telling me your story.

It sounds dumb but when I injured my ankle all I was doing was walking. For some reason I can't explain I lifted my left leg high enough to slam my ankle into the underside of my metal and glass computer desk.

I think the thing I've learned from this experience is that I have to be more careful. I haven't ever broken any bones but it's definitely not something I can take for granted.

Just checking back in to see how you are doing. But yes I agree with you, just be more careful. I'm now making an effort to watch
where I step and also trying to make sure I don't reinjure my toe. I understand exactly what you are saying hitting your desk. Now that
I'm paying close attention to where I'm walking and where my foot is, it's amazing we don't break every bone in our feet !!
I know! After I did it I looked at pictures of the foot bones and tendons on Wikipedia and I thought that's a lot of little things that could break! I'm doing ok. I hope you are too.