
IDOL Live "Gang Blog" April 4

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Date: 4/4/2006 10:06:43 PM
Author: monarch64
Aw, Ebree, Bucky can't git smashed potatos at home, girl! He can only git them out in that there Hollywood!

I hate to admit this, but I grew up hating country music (my mother washed the dishes listening to it every night), and now I love it!

I thought Kellie did a pretty fair job on 'Fancy.' And the story of the song did fit her pretty well, even if it is about a prostitute.


I actually like some country music myself. I think a lot of it's whiney, but I love the Dixie Chicks. Mary Chapin Carpenter. Even some LeAnn Rimes. But the difference between those artists mentioned above and Bucky/Kellie is the singing ability. Bucky has none, and Kellie has some...but it's not enough. This is just my opinion, of course.
Wow, I know Taylorhas a big fan base but he was pretty much the meh-est tonight IMO. Bucky was pitchy--would be funny if he left on country night. I had Ace next --- and I''d still be glad if he went, but tonight was ok for him. And I''m not gonna change my vote, b/c last time I did, I switched Kevin and Lisa around, and Kevin went home. So maybe it''ll work that way for Ace?
I love Taylor, so I hope Katharine is in the bottom 3 instead of him :)

And since I''m focusing on the negative stuff, anyone else think Kelli just looks downright worried when she sings? like she''s afraid to open her mouth? I liked her at 1st but I don''t think she''s improving.

I LOVE Mandisa and Chris.

Paula *did* look like she started to fall over at one point --- I think she was trying to roll her eyes and they ended up back in her head! Oh, and she had to be corrected on a word ("conservative" maybe?) --- watching *her* is what makes me nervous!

Nice to back in town and watchin'' Idol with you guys :)
okay, sniff...I know it's just me but here's my live blog....

starts off with Taylor...i have to say that im not a country gal but i really love this song in general, it's such an old standby. he sounded fine, but the performance itself was a little meh. i was singing along. is that good or bad? and he was less freakyspastictweak tonite so i liked him better too.

What is Ryan growing on his face? Is he trying to look old enough to date Teri Hatcher?

Mandisa...WHY do they keep putting this girl in jeans? and LIGHT jeans no less. they are totally not flattering to her at all. and same with the top, a wild pattern like that on her? WAY too distracting. her hair looked fab. song sounded good, but i caught myself yawning partway through.

Elliott..I love his voice! Surprisingly enough he sounded fab on the country song. I puffy heart you Elliott!! and I think he is getting cuter. Hmm.

Humming 'country road' again. Am disappointed that I don't have brownies handy. And WHAT THE HELL is Paula doing while Randy was talking about Elliott? Leaning over and making horse noises? Seriously the woman is on some bad crack.

I don't know why but suddenly I feel very bored. Maybe it's because I'M the only AI lover on the WC blogging all by herself? *insertselfpityhere* At least Portia is curled up next to me so I don't feel like a total dork.

Paris's hair au natural is SOOOO cute!! Way better than the curly bouffant kewpie doll look. Oh and I LOVE this song also, she sounded absolutely GREAT!!!! Wasn't loving the strange outfit, she looked like she was trying to be Shania.

Oh GOD it's ACE. I have now dubbed him MACE, the ear attacker. Someone kill me. Or throw me a brownie to distract me. Did he really say he WANTS TO CRY???? LORD. Warbly, pitchy, whiney, icky. Next! Was that a man holding up the 'Will you Marry me Ace' sign? Coulda sworn.

Pick Pickler..what's up with the harlot back lace up top and the BLACK JEANS?? Did the stylist clue in? Say it ain't so! Loved her facial expressions during the song, I thought she did fab, of course, very in her element. Salmon.

Awwww it's my little bald eagle! He's singing to you FLOD!!! Look at those eyes. Swoonable. Oh and he did *awesome*! Kudos to him for breaking out of the rocker mold and showing what a great voice he has. I have a large puffy heart for Chris.

katherine..okay i don't love this girl at all, she's meh on a good day typically for me, but she did good tonite..and her outfit was 100000% better than the nude bodysuit from last week. and she had FUN with the song. but hello getting smart ass with simon? back up girlfriend...i can't STAND when contestants throw attitude. simon may not be the most likeable but he is typically right!

bucky..i liked him better with his big shag of hair hidden under the hat. pitchy but sounded good. nothing super special. meh, i think his voice has potential but he's not getting that much better from week to week. however, he was better than MACE..

tonite was pretty meh in general. is it just me or are these kids really just not bringing it???? i mean we are down to what? the final 8 or 9? come on! LETS GET IT STARTED!

my faves tonite were paris, elliott, kelly, and katherine. going home? MACE.
I feel let down with the AI thing tonight...except for Chris because he makes me swoon when he sings! Sigh.....
Date: 4/5/2006 12:58:54 AM
Author: Mara

Awwww it''s my little bald eagle! He''s singing to you FLOD!!! Look at those eyes. Swoonable. Oh and he did *awesome*! Kudos to him for breaking out of the rocker mold and showing what a great voice he has. I have a large puffy heart for Chris.

Awwwww.. Best birthday gift... or maybe that was the $5K my husband gave me to I am seriously quoting here "to invest in ANY Mutual Fund I want." Aint he sweet! lmao! I think the song may have to come in second to that.

So my internet connection crashed.

Loved Chris. About Chris'' vibrato. Unfortunately, his vibrato is natural. That''s the problem. His vibrato is coming from his throat which makes it sound manufactured rather than from his diaphragm where it would sound more natural. I know its weird. I have struggled with it for years. It takes really strong abs and super talent to be able to control a natural vibrato and tame it.

Loved Katharine''s SONG. I think she sang the song very well. She is a great technical singer. BUT she needs to grow up. Yes I agree people have told her that she is pretty and sings well her whole life and I agree that that is what she looks like up there on stage. She is too smug. She needs a dose of Bucky''s humble tea.

Bucky was ok. He''s not going home I don''t think. I just like the dude, but he''s not a good singer in the technical sense. He warbles too much and contrary to popular belief. Warbling does not equal country. Case in point. I was watching Nashville Star and this guy named Chris Young, no relation to Ace... THANK GOD was singing the song Bucky sang the other night. "Real Good Man" and it WAS HOT!!!! I didn''t even recognize the song cause the guy sang it so HOT. Compared to the artists on Nashville Star, neither Pickler nor Bucky would ever stand a chance.

Pickler. IMO, she sucked. To me it sounded forced and I hate her facial expressions. Fancy is such an emotional and jarring song. She did not give it what it needed AT ALL.

The whole show was just so freakishly boring. They have only had one raise the roof performance this year and that was Chris'' first performance. I''m so dissapointed in most of the show.
mara - Mace? Pure genius.
Mara, I read somewhere that Ryan Seacrest IS dating Teri Hatcher!!! Maybe he heard she really likes beards on petite men.
ok - i''m totally behind all y''all

i don''t have a computer near my tv (bf is looking into a laptop so maybe before the finals I will get to live blog with you!) and we actually dvr/tivo the show and watch it way later.
But here goes:

taylor - seriously? it sucked. when they did the recaps I totally forgot he even sang already.

mandisa - bad bad bad outfit. not as hideous and the KATastrophe but still -- horizontal stripes on a larger girl? Plus tight jeans? stylists hates him some mandisa I think. Song wasn''t great wasnt'' horrid

elliot - i PUFFY HEART you elliot. I am a huge fan now. I know lots of folks don''t like him, but something about him just gets me. He''s definitely starting to look cuter too. I''m really hoping he isn''t in the bottom 3 this week but I wouldn''t put money on it.

ace - ick. can you please sing something other than pansy boy love songs? oh wait - make that pansy boy love songs with falsetto. I''m so sick of this kid - I''m guessing bottom 3 for sure maybe going home??

paris - looking way cute today. you know I LOVED paris in the auditions. she was meh today - and i find my tolerance of her slipping away more and more as the weeks go by.

chris - i love me some chris. i thought he showed that he could actually sing - not just "rock" it out. when he is rocking he sounds great - but you can''t really tell if he can actually sing or not - this song really reminded me that he can

kellie- i know everyone loves her. i know she did good enough to sail through this week. i just take comfort in knowing that whatever they have to sing next will not be country - not the next week either - so eventually the PICKLE WILL FALL. I wait with sweet anticipation for that day to come.

bucky - actually not too bad. couldn''t really understand more than every 4th word. He did the growly thing again - which sort of worked for this song. But the ending was weird - he hit a couple of bad notes and overall was just "not too bad" -- on a week that was supposed to be your super strong point? does not bode well for you

the stylist is now attacking the judges and the host. What was up with randy''s vest and ryan''s tight in the torso suit but super loose in the arms outfit? he looked goofy - the scruff didn''t help.
Date: 4/5/2006 11:36:40 AM
Author: Cailet

not as hideous and the KATastrophe but still

something other than pansy boy love songs? oh wait - make that pansy boy love songs with falsetto

so eventually the PICKLE WILL FALL. I wait with sweet anticipation for that day to come.
I give you snarkalicious props this week!
Even the Jaded Recap-er got a little snarky last week with the wardrobe choices....

Okay, now it''s time for some results. Front rowers, you are all safe. I guess Paris'' Raiders of the Lost Ark medallion protected them from evil. Everybody goes wild. Except, of course, the five in the top row. They go nervous.

And the snark award this week goes to: Caillet!

CAN''T READ, CAN''T READ ... was on a plane last night .. have to wait til tonight to watch it with the Sweetie.

*SOBS* no one will wanna read my snark tomorrow.
I''ve had an IDOL-ectomy! I feel empty. Alone. Out-of-the-loop.
Wrote a disertation and my computer crashed.

Oh well, - the reader''s digest version -

Chris - Chrisdalicious!

Elliott - still feelin the puffy heart love for my homey. Love his singing - and that no one in town has a bad word to say about the guy. All reports that he is sweet and humble. Plus props for overcoming his health issues & hearing loss.

Mandissa - as they said - she could sing the phone book and it sound good.

Kellie - the pickle is really starting to grate on my nerves.

Bucky - I didn''t think he did well considering it was his day to shine - meh to me considering.

Taylor was fun - but that''s about it.

Ace - better singing - better look for him - but he''s still drippin of creepiness.

Paris - looked cuter & sounded better.

Katherine - never quite grabbed me.

I really don''t know who''s going home. Bucky, Ace & Paris in the bottom three? Maybe Kellie & Taylor as well.

FWIW - I tried to vote for Elliot until 10:00 - always a busy signal.

My MEH award is presented to Kenny Rogers. Although the Idols did better this week, Kenny Rogers certainly didn''t offer much.
now you know what i feel like deco!! have yourself some STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE in consolation!

omg i totally forgot about randy's vest, that thing was horrifying. i was getting the Prince flashbacks.

how funny that Fancy is about a prostitute and look it's Pickler wearing a LACE UP back HARLOT RED tank. surprise surprise.

lol monarch, i know i saw the teri hatcher thing on superficial and in my intouch...he's like 1/2 her age (and height?).

ETA F&I I know what you mean about Kenny...he was sooo useless compared to Stevie and Barry.
Date: 4/5/2006 12:38:15 PM
Author: fire&ice

My MEH award is presented to Kenny Rogers. Although the Idols did better this week, Kenny Rogers certainly didn''t offer much.

so true..
Date: 4/5/2006 12:03:23 PM
Author: decodelighted

*SOBS* no one will wanna read my snark tomorrow.

aw deco..i''ll still read your snark tomorrow. I''m sure you''ll have some great snarks
Date: 4/5/2006 12:41:12 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 4/5/2006 12:38:15 PM
Author: fire&ice

My MEH award is presented to Kenny Rogers. Although the Idols did better this week, Kenny Rogers certainly didn''t offer much.

so true..
And what''s even better
we get to hear him perform tonight

Deco - I''ll read your snark-down any ol day of the week
We missed you last night Deco. Your Snark will be appreciated any day of the week.
Did anyone else notice Kellie wiggling her eyebrows up and down? She did it the whole song...and it was just weird! Tarantulas maybe?
Date: 4/5/2006 3:25:05 PM
Author: tawn
Did anyone else notice Kellie wiggling her eyebrows up and down? She did it the whole song...and it was just weird! Tarantulas maybe?
too much kal-a-maree.

or maybe her lace up top was too tight.
Date: 4/5/2006 12:38:15 PM
Author: fire&ice

Elliott - still feelin the puffy heart love for my homey. Love his singing - and that no one in town has a bad word to say about the guy. All reports that he is sweet and humble. Plus props for overcoming his health issues & hearing loss.

He does seem humble, doesn't he? So down-to-earth.
Tawn - I TOTALLY noticed that and forgot all about it. It was freakin'' me out. More than her freakishly pushed up boobs.

Deco - you were missed last night, but I''ll still love your snark.
I was going to watch it today, but my FI just told me to save it for tonight...he''ll watch some of it with me. This from the boy who''s made constant fun of me for watching it.

Another convert.
Date: 4/5/2006 11:46:47 AM
Author: Starset

Date: 4/5/2006 11:36:40 AM
Author: Cailet

not as hideous and the KATastrophe but still

something other than pansy boy love songs? oh wait - make that pansy boy love songs with falsetto

so eventually the PICKLE WILL FALL. I wait with sweet anticipation for that day to come.
I give you snarkalicious props this week!

why thank you - now I feel like I really belong on this thread with you guys!!

Oh and no joke -- some lady at work didn''t even realize that is was Kenny Rogers - she though tit was just some guy standing in for him - I guess he went under the knife one too many times.

I''m getting really anxious to see who goes home!!
any more predictions or changes of heart for who''s leaving us tonight?
Unless all the teenyboppers who love Mace voted in force last night, I think he and his stupid scar that I realllly DIDN''T want to see last week will be leaving us.

I''m not terribly impressed with the little red harlot mink or Buhhhcky, but I would be a little bit surprised if either one of them went home after what was supposed to be "their week."

Aaaaaand Chris is fan-freakin-tastic!!!! Loooooove him.
Okay, going on a limb to predict bottom three are Mace (love that Mara) Paris, and Katharine. Ms. McFeever can sing, but I don''t think that America likes the smug bug attitude she exudes from every pore like cheap perfume. I personally went from loving her voice and admiring her talent to wanting to see her brought down a peg or three. (something involving a mud puddle would be nice)

Paris just does not have the week in week out wow factor. Some weeks good, others meh, others feh. I''m over her.

Mace, I never got at all. The first week was good, but he just makes me nervous. When he looks into the camera, I think I should check to make certain I''m fully dressed. Totally creeps me out.

I predict Katharine goes home, and AI is cured of McPheever once and for all.


P.S. I really enjoyed my first week with you guys. Look forward to next. Mara, you were not alone. We paid attention to you. Deco, you darned well better snark. I will be upset if you don''t let fly.
I predict Ace!!! I''m tired of seeing Kellie too but I think there are too many Mink-lovers out there.
Another vote for Ace!
Hey did anyone see Kenny Rogers on Dancing with the Stars? It was AWFUL. We have to sit through that *again*?? Barry was bad on DWTS, but he made up for it by being a good coach to these kids. And sang better, too, on his wed night. This is gonna suck. Honestly, Kenny (on DWTS) was more lit than Paula.

So my BF thinks Katharine isn''t just smug/bitchy, but rather a nut-job. He says she''s trying to somehow control the inner psycho and this is what''s coming out!

I think it might be Bucky Beaver''s (
) night, even though I voted for Ace. Don''t be freakin'' meh on the night you''re expected to shine.

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