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Date: 1/6/2009 8:45:24 PM
Author: LaraOnline
One of my best girlfriends asked me about my RB diamond solitaire earring studs (.5tcw) and matching RB solitaire pendant yesterday, she said with a view to having her husband buy her something similar.
I really like her, so I kinda felt flattered. It was weird to think I would inspire her to get something exactly similar though, particularly as these jewels are the most precious things I possess!
Um.... except for the kids, right??? Or maybe you don't possess them, they possess you? Kinda like my cats. Who owns whom? Nevermind. Just being silly.
I agree with Neatfreak and the others who said that if it was someone IRL I''d be upset, but I''d be flattered if it was a fellow PSer.
I would like to comment, but would like to see SG''s thread, first. Can someone post the link for me?
I agree with most other posters - that if it was someone close to me and I thought they did it to "one up" me or because they always copied what I did, I''d be upset. If it was someone here on PS though, I''d be COMPLETELY flattered. I myself took inspiration from Geckodani and actually got the Ritani setting that she decided against when she did her reset. I think that''s what PS is all about - sharing our beautiful sparkly doo-dads, sharing information with those less knowledgable, sharing our obsession, and drawing inspiration for future projects.

However, if it was my own unique design, I might feel a little miffed, but in the end, I don''t think it''s worth it to get worked up over. In the case of the situation currently being discussed, I agree that since no one knows if there might be 1000 other rings out there exactly like SG''s and because it was not her own design, that there is no huge reason to be upset.
Someone here, (one of the guys) recently designed and had made a very original design that was lovely. Since that was his original made specifically for his fiancee, I would be VERY upset if someone here copied it. If the ring is a copy of a vintage design I say its a free for all. I would be flattered as long as it wasn''t identical down to the size of the stones. Every ring is it''s own in some way. Don''t we see posts all the time asking if someone can make a copy of a Tiffany or a Scott Kay or something???? Why is that any different?
Date: 1/6/2009 7:51:50 PM
Author: Pandora II

It would also depend on the degree of imitation. I was inspired by the Pokey Special - however I did contact Pokey to ask if he minded my using his ring as inspiration and he gave me permission to copy it wholesale if I wanted. Ultimately I wanted a ring that was 100% unique to me and so other than the fact they are both tsavorites with diamond accents with split-shanks and double claw prongs they look very different.

ETA: Anyone thinking of copying Harriet''s rings had better have plenty of change handy - she owns the copyright to her designs as well I believe!

and the Pokey special was inspired by Daniel K. Did he contact the DK folks and ask permission? I just think it''s a slippery slope. There have been a ton of threads on the ethics of jewelers and who will or won''t make an exact copy. I also might guess that their isn''t a copyright on SG''s design b/c many antique settings do not have any copyright protection and are just included in *public domain* so although I can understand her being upset with Ari, I''m not sure he did anything illegal or unethical for that matter. It would however been nice of him to contact SG and ask her but not just simply expected.

Pandora-I totally get where you a coming from as a designer and honestly I usually will advocate for someone to just purchase the real design if they love it as is. Most do have copyright''s but do not have the funds to sue everyone who would copy. Plus, many times if the designers name is *not* included in the replica it''s legal. I think Tacori is the only one to have any success but there could be more. Also, I truly believe the original designer is the one who best make''s it the best. But jewelry is not different than other industries where there are knock-offs right and left. heck, look at Target and their total knock off of Pottery Barn stuff.

I would also guess as stunning as SG''s ring is, there are others who have had replica''s made and just not posted them here.
I think Kennedy is TOTALLY right-on with her reply.

CRITICAL POINT OF DIFFERENCE: SurferGirl did not custom design her engagement ring with Singlestone. She did not commission the piece specially, and does not own the rights to that exact design.

Therefore it is free game. Under those circumstances, the jeweler IMO is not under any moral or ethical obligation to get "permission" from the owner of the original design to make a copy for a different client. COULD Ari have asked for SG''s blessing prior to making the piece for Parrots? Sure - but what if she had said no to him? I''m sorry, but he runs a business and that is his livelihood, that would be asking a whole lot of him to expect him to turn away a few thousand dollars of income just because the original purchaser of the piece can''t find it in her heart to share a lovely design (that wasn''t even her original design - hello, the piece is an antique and was probably someone else''s original design who has long since departed this earth!!!) with a perfectly well-intentioned stranger!

LOL - people, life is too short for petty grievances like this :) If you put it out there, full-on with dozens of detailed pictures in super-macro 58 megapixel zoom mode from every conceivable angle, you put it out there for the whole world and pricescope diamond and jewelry-obsessed community to admire, drool over, and YES, copy! Or should I say "emulate" :)
Date: 1/6/2009 9:47:51 PM
Author: GossamerAngel

COULD Ari have asked for SG''s blessing prior to making the piece for Parrots? Sure - but what if she had said no to him?

I was about to ask the same thing. If a customer doesn''t have rights to the design, the jeweler, by asking permission, could be put in a difficult position. Does the original owner then get to decide what he/she is comfortable with in terms of the new customer''s design? Where IS the line drawn in terms of "courtesy"?
I really don''t understand what all the fuss is about, but it''s also just not my nature to care about these things. I have had several friends/acquaintances of mine comment that they "want a ring just like mine". If they all got one, I could care less. It wouldn''t make my ring and the sentiment behind it any less special. And I can''t for the life of me understand why the fact that someone you''ve never met and probably never will having the same ring you have would get your panties in a bunch. But, everyone is entitled to their own feelings.

I also don''t see why anyone thinks Ari would owe it to Surfgirl to call her and ask if she could copy a ring that from my recollection she purchased intact. Does anyone really expect that if they buy a ring in a store, even if it is a unique design or "one of a kind" that there is some sort of guarantee that it will always be unique or one of a kind and that they have the right to be consulted if another one is to be made? I can maybe begin to understand this if it is a ring the customer designed, but for a pre-designed ring bought as-No way.
Great points have been made. I am on the side that the ring wasn't SG's own design, she found a beautiful ring intact, and it's probably one of the most admired rings on PS. I know it's my favorite ring.

Surfgirl, can we hear from you directly?? I think it would help us all.
I''ve missed the thread where this must have originated. So, all I can do is answer the OP.

I believe imitation (short of that Madonna movie) is fine. We pick up phrases from other people (bootylicious for example), we all wear jeans (which had to start somewhere), and we all have set rocks into metal to wear on our fingers. To me, the details aren''t important. We''re ALL doing it.
I agree with others that if someone doesn''t want their ring copied, then don''t post it all over the internet for others to see and admire. I would take it as a compliment and then move on to other things in life that really matter
Date: 1/6/2009 10:24:35 PM
Author: steph72276
I agree with others that if someone doesn't want their ring copied, then don't post it all over the internet for others to see and admire. I would take it as a compliment and then move on to other things in life that really matter
Nicely said Steph!!!
I think if you put your ring up here, weather it is right or wrong, you risk someone copying it. People come here for ideas. People also come here to figure out how to copy rings (Tiffany's anyone?).

I know when a regular poster here told me she used my sapphire as an example of the color she wanted, I was flattered. If I wanted to keep something my own I would not put it on the internet.

I am always getting ideas from here. I always try to put my own spin on it and make the piece right for me, but I would say most of my inspiration is not my own.
This is the thread:

Sad to say that it looks like SG did have her SMTR thread removed. What a shame as I LOVE, LOVE her ring. In fact, her OEC is what got me interested in OECs...then I fell in love with the H&A. I don''t think her being upset about this is in the true spirit of PS. I know that I looked to this site for ideas, what looks good with what. Carat size, metal type, mele, etc..... I am sure a million of us would love to copy her ring! :)
Date: 1/6/2009 8:38:33 PM
Author: kennedy
The difference (and, to me, it's a pretty big one) here is that the original owner did not design this ring. She stumbled upon it in a jewelry store. No one knows who the designer is -- there may well be other copies out there manufactured by the original designer/jeweler.

Is it possible that Ari honestly didn't know that his customer would be so upset by this? Again, it's her ring, not her design. I know of at least one jeweler in NY whose entire business is making exact replicas of antique rings.

Exactly the point I was going to make. It wasn't her design to begin with so I think this is a different situation than the one Pandora and others are talking about here with the copyright issues....and I don't think Ari did anything wrong by making a copy of an antique ring whose design is in the public domain.
Geez, these things always fly over my head... I didn't realize why this thread was started!

I still stand by my ditto though.

I think my ring is unique, and I designed it, but I'd still be flattered if a PS'r had it remade. I think.

I think the biggest reason I would be so flattered is because there are a thousand beautiful rings on PS that are also beautiful and unique. For someone to narrow their search down to just mine, well, it's not like we PS'rs don't do our research...
Huh. When you post a design on a forum of thousands... how can you NOT expect that someone will love it, and perhaps copy it?
Date: 1/6/2009 10:54:36 PM
Author: 777_LDY
Geez, these things always fly over my head... I didn''t realize why this thread was started!

I still stand by my ditto though.

I think my ring is unique, and I designed it, but I''d still be flattered if a PS''r had it remade. I think.

I think the biggest reason I would be so flattered is because there are a thousand beautiful rings on PS that are also beautiful and unique. For someone to narrow their search down to just mine, well, it''s not like we PS''rs don''t do our research...
A co-worker and I have very similar wedding sets. We have both agreed that we have excellent taste
Most rings are inspired by someone else's orginal design. Unless it is your own, copyrighted design, you can't expect that it will never be reproduced. Even if it is a copyrighted design, others will have replicas made, e.g., Tiffany rings. I'm sorry SG is upset, but I would like to hear from her directly. It is my recollection that SG did not buy her ring from SS, but it seems that I may be wrong about that
Ari is in the business of making and selling rings. I am sure he makes multiples of every setting he makes as well as copies of antique settings. I know there is a design that I love that I emailed them for a quote on. I''ll bet it wouldn''t cross his mind to think that he had to call every previous buyer each time someone came in and wanted a similar ring to one they had seen either on his site or posted online somewhere! As others have said, old rings usually don''t have a copyright, so he is free to make copies of antique rings. And in any event, the size of the stones are very different in these two rings, so it is not like the two rings are identical.
SG''s ring is certainly one of my very favorites, and I hope she is flattered that someone loved it enough to want to have one like it!
I personally could care less if someone from Pricescope copied my engagement ring, wedding band or any other piece of jewelry I come to own. I would probably give them the information and refer them to my designer if they wanted the info! I am shocked that someone would have tantrum and remove their thread after basking in the compliments. It would be different if it were say an original copywrited design, but when it wasn''t your work to begin with, I guess I just don''t get it.
Date: 1/6/2009 11:25:28 PM
Author: risingsun
A co-worker and I have very similar wedding sets. We have both agreed that we have excellent taste
Most rings are inspired by someone else's orginal design. Unless it is your own, copyrighted design, you can't expect that it will never be copied. Even if it is a copyrighted design, others will have copies made, e.g., Tiffany rings. I'm sorry SG is upset, but I would like to hear from her directly. It is my recollection that SG did not buy her ring from SS, but it seems that I may be wrong about that
Your recollection is the same as mne, she didn't buy her ring from SS... This is why I asked to have SG respond to us directly. We just go round and round.
Date: 1/6/2009 10:56:25 PM
Author: geckodani
Huh. When you post a design on a forum of thousands... how can you NOT expect that someone will love it, and perhaps copy it?

Neatfreak once told me the name, but I forgot. I think it was a store in San Diego. Maybe NF will chime in.
Date: 1/6/2009 11:40:25 PM
Author: iluvcarats
Neatfreke once told me the name, but I forgot. I think it was a store in San Diego. Maybe NF will chime in.
Yes it is. Another PS''er told me about it..
Date: 1/6/2009 11:43:01 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 1/6/2009 11:40:25 PM

Author: iluvcarats

Neatfreke once told me the name, but I forgot. I think it was a store in San Diego. Maybe NF will chime in.
Yes it is. Another PS''er told me about it..

I found it
H. Moradi Estate Jewelers in San Diego
Well for petes sake then. They don''t even live near each other, so what is the big deal? One lives in Southern California and the other in Northern California.

If someone wanted to copy one of my rings I would say go ahead, I would be flattered.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:09:01 PM
How would you feel about someone imitating your ring? How should you feel about someone imitating your ring?

i would have no feelings about it as my stone was set in a mounting available to the general public. if i purchased a stone already set in a mounting, i would think others just like it existed so no feelings about this either. if i designed a custom ring that i felt was truly unique, i would take measures to protect it and realize that someplace, somebody would probably have something very similar, as there are only so many ways to make a ring and so many people to have them made.

harriet, you have pulled a df. how would you feel?
Date: 1/6/2009 11:43:56 PM
Author: iluvcarats

Date: 1/6/2009 11:43:01 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/6/2009 11:40:25 PM

Author: iluvcarats

Neatfreke once told me the name, but I forgot. I think it was a store in San Diego. Maybe NF will chime in.
Yes it is. Another PS''er told me about it..

I found it
H. Moradi Estate Jewelers in San Diego
Yes but I have them listed in La Jolla, is that the same. I am not from CA.... Good detective work...
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