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Date: 1/6/2009 11:58:46 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 1/6/2009 11:43:56 PM

Author: iluvcarats

Date: 1/6/2009 11:43:01 PM

Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/6/2009 11:40:25 PM

Author: iluvcarats

Neatfreke once told me the name, but I forgot. I think it was a store in San Diego. Maybe NF will chime in.
Yes it is. Another PS''er told me about it..

I found it

H. Moradi Estate Jewelers in San Diego
Yes but I have them listed in La Jolla, is that the same. I am not from CA.... Good detective work...

Yes, La Jolla is in San Diego
Date: 1/6/2009 7:51:50 PM
Author: Pandora II
I''d be fuming - but I generally own the copyright on my designs, so I''d be after the manufacturer rather quicker than you could say lawsuit...

I have had my designs ripped off several times professionally - and despite them being designs that were for sale (nothing with sentimental value like an engagement ring) I was furious and felt pretty violated that someone else was using my designs without my permission and without payment.

It would also depend on the degree of imitation. I was inspired by the Pokey Special - however I did contact Pokey to ask if he minded my using his ring as inspiration and he gave me permission to copy it wholesale if I wanted. Ultimately I wanted a ring that was 100% unique to me and so other than the fact they are both tsavorites with diamond accents with split-shanks and double claw prongs they look very different.

ETA: Anyone thinking of copying Harriet''s rings had better have plenty of change handy - she owns the copyright to her designs as well I believe!
Well, Leon has about 20 designs that I love, so I''ll just eliminate the designs that have an extra fee to them.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:24:35 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
The way I look at it, we have two choices..

1) never let anyone see our rings so that no one else can ever have one like it


2) get a patent on the design and then post pictures with the caveat that it is a patented design and cannot be reproduced.

Short of that, I feel that any ring posted on the internet is fair game for me to use as a design. I consider it a compliment to the one with the original ring. And for that matter, there are hardly ANY true originals around.

As a matter of fact, Harriet, my e-ring is a smaller copy of yours! And ya know, I''d copy that design in your avatar in a heartbeat if I found a stone that was worthy of the setting! And I hope you''d be very flattered, because I think you have great taste!
That is sad, but true. It might be a function of: (a) copyrights being difficult to obtain for jewellery settings (one may copyright the expression of an idea, but not the idea itself); and (ii) copyrights being limited in duration.

I''d be flattered, but the designer won''t be happy. She''s in the process of protecting that design.
She designed it for me, Leon recognised that and named it after me.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:31:46 PM
Author: swingirl
Uh oh!! I hope YOU don''t mind because I love your rings so much if I ever get the money I''m calling Leon and telling him to make me everything Harriet has in a 5.75!!! JK
Haha. I can just imagine Leon asking "who is Harriet?" and hanging up.
Date: 1/6/2009 9:47:51 PM
Author: GossamerAngel.

CRITICAL POINT OF DIFFERENCE: SG did not custom design her engagement ring with Singlestone. She did not commission the piece specially, and does not own the rights to that exact design.

Therefore it is free game. Under those circumstances, the jeweler IMO is not under any moral or ethical obligation to get 'permission' from the owner of the original design to make a copy for a different client.
My sentiments too. It's one thing if someone copies a ring you designed, it's another if someone uses a ring you found as inspiration.

However, I understand SG's reaction.

My first significant jewelry purchase was a 14K and amethyst ring made by a San Francisco jewelry designer. I purchased it at a trunk showing held by my favorite local jeweler, 100 miles or so north of SF, after trying on what seems like 100 of the rings the designers rep had to offer.
. It is a very unique, bold design that most would consider to be an original. The sample was set with a citrine, I chose an amethyst to match my coloring, and I figured I had a one-of-a-kind piece, at least for my locale. A few years later the jewelry store offered the same design, set with an amethyst, as a ready-to-go ring. I was not happy. I felt somewhat betrayed, especially since I am a regular and loyal customer to this store and on a first-name basis with the owner. Suffice it to say I go over it, and at this point could smile and even offer congratulations if I ran into whoever owns my ring's twin.

So I do understand where SG is coming from, but... I hope she'll come around once the initial shock wears off.

And I fervently hope that her reaction doesn't cloud PT's feelings about her ring.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:51:50 PM
Author: Pandora II
I''d be fuming - but I generally own the copyright on my designs, so I''d be after the manufacturer rather quicker than you could say lawsuit...

I have had my designs ripped off several times professionally - and despite them being designs that were for sale (nothing with sentimental value like an engagement ring) I was furious and felt pretty violated that someone else was using my designs without my permission and without payment.

It would also depend on the degree of imitation. I was inspired by the Pokey Special - however I did contact Pokey to ask if he minded my using his ring as inspiration and he gave me permission to copy it wholesale if I wanted. Ultimately I wanted a ring that was 100% unique to me and so other than the fact they are both tsavorites with diamond accents with split-shanks and double claw prongs they look very different.

ETA: Anyone thinking of copying Harriet''s rings had better have plenty of change handy - she owns the copyright to her designs as well I believe!
You give me too much credit. The only ring I have that has a copyright pending is my tsavorite. That''s the beauty of coloured stones. Even if someone were to try to replicate it, they can''t. Each gem is special.
Umm, I have a ring that looks exactly like Harriet''s avatar bauble (pave goes all the way- I do not know whether hers does or not). I was inspired by a ring my sister-in-law inherited mixed with a Tiffany line. Also to add: I knew someone out there would have one like my precious, so I did not go through the pain of having it patented (even though a first cousin of mine is patent lawyer and it would have been a piece of cake). However, it has my late sister''s birthstone (emerald) as the center (I had it created two years ago after she died...). And Harriet: yours is LOVELY and apparently great minds think alike

If I may, I''ll add my $0.02 tomorrow after catching a little shut-eye
Date: 1/6/2009 7:49:59 PM
Author: coatimundi
I''d have to say I shouldn''t be bothered by imitation. Designs, for the most part, have been repeated before.

I spoke with James Meyer on the phone today, and he told me he''s gotten a lot of calls about my ''one of a kind'' handmade ring. haha) Some folks want to replicate it--but it won''t be exactly the same, because there are discrepancies with every handmade piece.

I thought about it, and in the end, I''m flattered. Look at the Van Craeynest thread--2 posters have the same lovely set, and couldn''t be happier for each other--they have fun comparing notes. I actually want that set myself--haha.

As long as it''s not my own copyrighted design/work--it''s fair game.
Thank you Coati! I''ve contacted James, too, and will be asking him to set one of my stones later this year. I hoped that each piece would be somewhat different.

Date: 1/6/2009 7:40:34 PM
Author: Miss Fortune
If it were a close friend I''d be

If it were a PS''er that I''ll never meet
Me too! Honestly, there are so many great pieces on here I would love to copy (yet alter in a tiny way.) WHY? Because they were all fabulous and beautiful designs. Will I? Ahm.. probably not. I don''t have enough money to even think about buying everything on here
But if one of my friends get an oec in a setting similar to mine..
If someone here did..
Coati- let me just say how amazingly stellar and delicious your new set is! My eyes all but popped out of their sockets...It was life-changing
. I''m new to PS, but I had to come out of the shadows to say that!

It''s always wonderful to read your posts
I thought this was an interesting find, given the subject of this thread and its author's (amazing) AV. Interesting design elements

Granted. Definitely not an exact copy. But neither is Parrot Tulips. The proportions are different than SG's. Just thought it was ironic.

Date: 1/6/2009 11:54:35 PM
Author: crown1
i would have no feelings about it as my stone was set in a mounting available to the general public. if i purchased a stone already set in a mounting, i would think others just like it existed so no feelings about this either. if i designed a custom ring that i felt was truly unique, i would take measures to protect it and realize that someplace, somebody would probably have something very similar, as there are only so many ways to make a ring and so many people to have them made.

harriet, you have pulled a df. how would you feel?
What''s a "df?" Dancing Fire? No, no, no. My intention in starting this thread was to separate Parrot Tulip''s day in the sun from the issue of imitation (which is not to be conflated with the issue Surfgirl''s reaction).
Date: 1/7/2009 12:31:41 AM
Author: alexandrite_lover
Umm, I have a ring that looks exactly like Harriet''s avatar bauble (pave goes all the way- I do not know whether hers does or not). I was inspired by a ring my sister-in-law inherited mixed with a Tiffany line. Also to add: I knew someone out there would have one like my precious, so I did not go through the pain of having it patented (even though a first cousin of mine is patent lawyer and it would have been a piece of cake). However, it has my late sister''s birthstone (emerald) as the center (I had it created two years ago after she died...). And Harriet: yours is LOVELY and apparently great minds think alike

If I may, I''ll add my $0.02 tomorrow after catching a little shut-eye
You do know what they say about fools ...

For what it''s worth, Leon had to engineer something new to get the look we wanted (he said he should have charged me more after it was done).
yes, dancing fire. he frequently asks a question but does not give his own answer or opinion. someone usually chimes in and asks him to answer. i agree parrot tulip''s thread should not be polluted. she has a lovely ring and deserves nothing but kindness.
Here''s my response to the situation:


"come ONNN!!"


I can''t believe this is even an issue.

If this is the worst problem a person has in their life to throw a fit over they should consider themselves extremely blessed...

As some have said before I can see if a "friend" had some kind of malicious intent to be competitive and one-up you, then you may have some reason to be a bit annoyed. But even then - seriously! How can you let something like this get to you?!

But some random person on the internet whom you''ll probably never know or see in real life? PUHLEEZ.

Unfortunately the ego is a fragile thing and can''t be reasoned with..
Date: 1/7/2009 12:48:52 AM
Author: Gypsy
I thought this was an interesting find, given the subject of this thread and its author''s (amazing) AV. Interesting design elements

Granted. Definitely not an exact copy. But neither is Parrot Tulips. The proportions are different than SG''s. Just thought it was ironic.
Fine, so my friend doesn''t win her copyright. But, the issue is not about me. It''s about what we feel and think about imitation.
I have to say I believe this is the first day I've truly missed my chainsaw since retiring it nearly a year ago.

That said, I'm going to speak from my heart.

I wouldn't have enough fingers on my own hands to tick off the COUNTLESS number of posters over the years who came to Pricescope, fell in love with "Mara's ring" and modeled their set(s) after hers. It would take a full village's worth of hands to even come close. At that time, no one else on Pricescope had a set of rings like hers. (Her ring, by the way, wasn't her own design either but inspired by the ring her local jeweler's wife wore.) I don't think it ever would have occurred to her to become upset with another poster for copying 'her' ring.....thank God. That's just not what Mara was about, and it's not what Pricescope has been about during these many years either.

When I finally commissioned my halo pendant (which itself was partially inspired by a Ritani piece I'd seen), a ton of folks commented that they'd love to own a pendant like that. I was beyond flattered. When Lisa decided to look into having one made, she actually got in touch with me to ask if I'd mind. I couldn't believe she even felt she had to ask; it was a nice courtesy on her part, but totally unnecessary. I couldn't imagine being offended by such a request; in fact, I encouraged her to do so by sending my pendant to her chosen jeweler to help make it happen!

In Belle's case, she DID actually create her own unique design in collaboration with Irina.....and that was NO easy feat. There isn't much in the jewelry business that hasn't been tried before, and yet they settled on an arrangement the likes of which no one had ever seen before. It never even occurred to me that Belle would be anything less than completely gracious about others' interest in that pendant, and she did not disappoint. I can't imagine it would have ever crossed her mind to deny someone else the opportunity to enjoy the design as well.

ETA: I've seen multiple owners of the Bellerina pendant since then, and do you know who I think of every time I see it? Yep....Belle. It's no less hers for having shared it.

The copyright argument is a red herring; the ring wasn't designed by the owner. Further, SS as the jeweler doesn't have a shred of obligation to call the ring owner. She didn't create the design she wears and she doesn't have 'veto' power over his business just because she's a client/fan. As others have pointed out, he likely didn't even conceive that it could be . I know it wouldn't occur to me, and given the several responses in this thread, that assumption would be correct most of the time.

This site has always been about SHARING....sharing knowledge, sharing ideas, sharing information, and yes.....sharing inspiration. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could find offense or injury because some other random individual in the world was wearing a similar piece of jewelry....especially when the two are unlikely to cross paths in real life! I don't see how denying someone else the same pleasure I'd had (finding a given design that spoke to me) would make me feel good; in fact, I'm quite certain I'd feel terrible.

I'm disheartened, dismayed, outraged and ashamed at the disservice that was done to the poor poster today who came here to share her excitement over her ring.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:08:36 AM
Author: crown1
yes, dancing fire. he frequently asks a question but does not give his own answer or opinion. someone usually chimes in and asks him to answer. i agree parrot tulip''s thread should not be polluted. she has a lovely ring and deserves nothing but kindness.
I''ll weigh in with my opinion tomorrow. I''m sick and sleepy, so it whatever I say no won''t make any sense, just like the stuff that comes out of DF''s mouth.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:13:09 AM
Author: Harriet

Date: 1/7/2009 12:48:52 AM
Author: Gypsy
I thought this was an interesting find, given the subject of this thread and its author's (amazing) AV. Interesting design elements

Granted. Definitely not an exact copy. But neither is Parrot Tulips. The proportions are different than SG's. Just thought it was ironic.
Fine, so my friend doesn't win her copyright. But, the issue is not about me. It's about what we feel and think about imitation.
Harriet I didn't mean that as an attack. I was literally just browsing Langs and came across that and thought it was interesting. Just food for thought, not an attack on you. I hope you feel better soon.
Please, please, don''t pick up that chainsaw.
This thread is meant to discuss the larger issue of how one would/should react to imitation, not Surfgirl in particular.
Date: 1/7/2009 12:39:14 AM
Author: alexandrite_lover
Coati- let me just say how amazingly stellar and delicious your new set is! My eyes all but popped out of their sockets...It was life-changing
. I''m new to PS, but I had to come out of the shadows to say that!

It''s always wonderful to read your posts

Thanks dear!
Date: 1/7/2009 1:25:49 AM
Author: Gypsy

Date: 1/7/2009 1:13:09 AM
Author: Harriet

Date: 1/7/2009 12:48:52 AM
Author: Gypsy
I thought this was an interesting find, given the subject of this thread and its author''s (amazing) AV. Interesting design elements

Granted. Definitely not an exact copy. But neither is Parrot Tulips. The proportions are different than SG''s. Just thought it was ironic.
Fine, so my friend doesn''t win her copyright. But, the issue is not about me. It''s about what we feel and think about imitation.
Harriet I didn''t mean that as an attack. I was literally just browsing Langs and came across that and thought it was interesting. Just food for thought, not an attack on you. I hope you feel better soon.
No worries, dear.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:17:10 AM
Author: Allison D.
The copyright argument is a red herring; the ring wasn''t designed by the owner. Further, SS as the jeweler doesn''t have a shred of obligation to call the ring owner. She didn''t create the design she wears and she doesn''t have ''veto'' power over his business just because she''s a client/fan. As others have pointed out, he likely didn''t even conceive that it could be . I know it wouldn''t occur to me, and given the several responses in this thread, that assumption would be correct most of the time.

This site has always been about SHARING....sharing knowledge, sharing ideas, sharing information, and yes.....sharing inspiration. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could find offense or injury because some other random individual in the world was wearing a similar piece of jewelry....especially when the two are unlikely to cross paths in real life! I don''t see how denying someone else the same pleasure I''d had (finding a given design that spoke to me) would make me feel good; in fact, I''m quite certain I''d feel terrible.

I''m disheartened, dismayed, outraged and ashamed at the disservice that was done to the poor poster today who came here to share her excitement over her ring.

Great post!

I have nothing but respect for Ari at Single Stone. The criticism of him is absurd. There is no point in trying to sully his reputation over a common business practice.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:17:10 AM
Author: Allison D.
I have to say I believe this is the first day I've truly missed my chainsaw since retiring it nearly a year ago.

That said, I'm going to speak from my heart.

I wouldn't have enough fingers on my own hands to tick off the COUNTLESS number of posters over the years who came to Pricescope, fell in love with 'Mara's ring' and modeled their set(s) after hers. It would take a full village's worth of hands to even come close. At that time, no one else on Pricescope had a set of rings like hers. (Her ring, by the way, wasn't her own design either but inspired by the ring her local jeweler's wife wore.) I don't think it ever would have occurred to her to become upset with another poster for copying 'her' ring.....thank God. That's just not what Mara was about, and it's not what Pricescope has been about during these many years either.

When I finally commissioned my halo pendant (which itself was partially inspired by a Ritani piece I'd seen), a ton of folks commented that they'd love to own a pendant like that. I was beyond flattered. When Lisa decided to look into having one made, she actually got in touch with me to ask if I'd mind. I couldn't believe she even felt she had to ask; it was a nice courtesy on her part, but totally unnecessary. I couldn't imagine being offended by such a request; in fact, I encouraged her to do so by sending my pendant to her chosen jeweler to help make it happen!

In Belle's case, she DID actually create her own unique design in collaboration with Irina.....and that was NO easy feat. There isn't much in the jewelry business that hasn't been tried before, and yet they settled on an arrangement the likes of which no one had ever seen before. It never even occurred to me that Belle would be anything less than completely gracious about others' interest in that pendant, and she did not disappoint. I can't imagine it would have ever crossed her mind to deny someone else the opportunity to enjoy the design as well.

ETA: I've seen multiple owners of the Bellerina pendant since then, and do you know who I think of every time I see it? Yep....Belle. It's no less hers for having shared it.

The copyright argument is a red herring; the ring wasn't designed by the owner. Further, SS as the jeweler doesn't have a shred of obligation to call the ring owner. She didn't create the design she wears and she doesn't have 'veto' power over his business just because she's a client/fan. As others have pointed out, he likely didn't even conceive that it could be . I know it wouldn't occur to me, and given the several responses in this thread, that assumption would be correct most of the time.

This site has always been about SHARING....sharing knowledge, sharing ideas, sharing information, and yes.....sharing inspiration. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could find offense or injury because some other random individual in the world was wearing a similar piece of jewelry....especially when the two are unlikely to cross paths in real life! I don't see how denying someone else the same pleasure I'd had (finding a given design that spoke to me) would make me feel good; in fact, I'm quite certain I'd feel terrible.

I'm disheartened, dismayed, outraged and ashamed at the disservice that was done to the poor poster today who came here to share her excitement over her ring.

you Allison D! I miss the chainsaw, but I am SO HAPPY you have not left us.

Ditto. I keep hoping Parrot will post, and can't believe we might have lost not ONE, but TWO members over this. And frankly, I am dissappointed in SG that Pandora and Harriet posted that she's upset, and that someone as forthright and outspoken as SG hasn't come on here herself.

ETA: Ditto Coati too.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:17:10 AM
Author: Allison D.
I have to say I believe this is the first day I''ve truly missed my chainsaw since retiring it nearly a year ago.

That said, I''m going to speak from my heart.

I wouldn''t have enough fingers on my own hands to tick off the COUNTLESS number of posters over the years who came to Pricescope, fell in love with ''Mara''s ring'' and modeled their set(s) after hers. It would take a full village''s worth of hands to even come close. At that time, no one else on Pricescope had a set of rings like hers. (Her ring, by the way, wasn''t her own design either but inspired by the ring her local jeweler''s wife wore.) I don''t think it ever would have occurred to her to become upset with another poster for copying ''her'' ring.....thank God. That''s just not what Mara was about, and it''s not what Pricescope has been about during these many years either.

When I finally commissioned my halo pendant (which itself was partially inspired by a Ritani piece I''d seen), a ton of folks commented that they''d love to own a pendant like that. I was beyond flattered. When Lisa decided to look into having one made, she actually got in touch with me to ask if I''d mind. I couldn''t believe she even felt she had to ask; it was a nice courtesy on her part, but totally unnecessary. I couldn''t imagine being offended by such a request; in fact, I encouraged her to do so by sending my pendant to her chosen jeweler to help make it happen!

In Belle''s case, she DID actually create her own unique design in collaboration with Irina.....and that was NO easy feat. There isn''t much in the jewelry business that hasn''t been tried before, and yet they settled on an arrangement the likes of which no one had ever seen before. It never even occurred to me that Belle would be anything less than completely gracious about others'' interest in that pendant, and she did not disappoint. I can''t imagine it would have ever crossed her mind to deny someone else the opportunity to enjoy the design as well.

ETA: I''ve seen multiple owners of the Bellerina pendant since then, and do you know who I think of every time I see it? Yep....Belle. It''s no less hers for having shared it.

The copyright argument is a red herring; the ring wasn''t designed by the owner. Further, SS as the jeweler doesn''t have a shred of obligation to call the ring owner. She didn''t create the design she wears and she doesn''t have ''veto'' power over his business just because she''s a client/fan. As others have pointed out, he likely didn''t even conceive that it could be . I know it wouldn''t occur to me, and given the several responses in this thread, that assumption would be correct most of the time.

This site has always been about SHARING....sharing knowledge, sharing ideas, sharing information, and yes.....sharing inspiration. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could find offense or injury because some other random individual in the world was wearing a similar piece of jewelry....especially when the two are unlikely to cross paths in real life! I don''t see how denying someone else the same pleasure I''d had (finding a given design that spoke to me) would make me feel good; in fact, I''m quite certain I''d feel terrible.

I''m disheartened, dismayed, outraged and ashamed at the disservice that was done to the poor poster today who came here to share her excitement over her ring.
agreed, as always with Alj, I don''t have much to add!
Date: 1/7/2009 1:17:10 AM
Author: Allison D.
I''m disheartened, dismayed, outraged and ashamed at the disservice that was done to the poor poster today who came here to share her excitement over her ring.
Agree 100%. My eyes have been opened quite a bit during these shenanigans.
You just never know ...
Date: 1/7/2009 1:25:53 AM
Author: Harriet
Please, please, don't pick up that chainsaw.
This thread is meant to discuss the larger issue of how one would/should react to imitation, not Surfgirl in particular.
Harriet, the chainsaw isn't about Surfgirl individually; I'd feel this way if you plugged any other name into the equation, and that does speak to the macro issue being discussed of imitiation.

For the life of me, I cannot see how it's reasonable for anyone to think a design is 'hers alone' unless she actually 1) contributes to the creation of the unique design either singly on or collaboration with her jeweler and 2) stipulates that the design is never to be reproduced. (Good luck with that one, because exclusivity comes at a cost many times more than simple custom work.)

EVEN THEN, there's no guarantee that some other person at some point in time won't have a substantially similar concept and wear a ring that looks materially like hers.

But to take 'imitation' to the next level for something one only purchased (and purchased with no guarantee there is no other like it already and won't be in the future) is patently ludricrous to me. To me, that's as outlandish as being offended that anyone else (in real life or otherwise) might decide to purchase the exact same wedding gown I did.

I didn't merely purchase my engagement ring; I had it made to combine all the elements I'd love into that significant piece. That said, my ring is meaningful because of the sentiment behind it and the giver of the ring, not because 'no one else has one like it.' It's a ring, not an identity. It's a symbol of my husband's love for me, not a symbol of exclusivity.

In fact, now someone else DOES have one like it......a dear friend of mine has always admired my ring. Her husband died at 45; the last gift he had given her was stud earrings for their 10th anniversary. She was afraid of losing them and decided to reset them with her engagement stone into a 3-stone ring. She asked for my help, and we pored through tons of designs and none spoke to her. We came to realize it was because she prefers 6-prong (which was the same thing that drove me when I couldn't find a ring I liked and decided to have one made.) She had one made exceptionally similar to mine......with my blessing. It wouldn't even cross my mind to worry about 'oh, now someone else has a ring just like mine."

Thank goodness it wouldn't, because two years into my time on PS, a gal in Australia posted her 3-stone which looked like a dead ringer for my ring. She hadn't even 'copied' it; it was in a local jewelry shop (I think in Melbourne?). Last year, I saw a vintage 3-stone ring that looked strikingly similar to my ring either.

Seriously, almost NOTHING is 'original' at this point in jewelry design, so why get all in a twist about imitation? I don't get it, especially when it can hurt someone else.
Date: 1/7/2009 1:17:10 AM
Author: Allison D.
I have to say I believe this is the first day I''ve truly missed my chainsaw since retiring it nearly a year ago.

That said, I''m going to speak from my heart.

I wouldn''t have enough fingers on my own hands to tick off the COUNTLESS number of posters over the years who came to Pricescope, fell in love with ''Mara''s ring'' and modeled their set(s) after hers. It would take a full village''s worth of hands to even come close. At that time, no one else on Pricescope had a set of rings like hers. (Her ring, by the way, wasn''t her own design either but inspired by the ring her local jeweler''s wife wore.) I don''t think it ever would have occurred to her to become upset with another poster for copying ''her'' ring.....thank God. That''s just not what Mara was about, and it''s not what Pricescope has been about during these many years either.

When I finally commissioned my halo pendant (which itself was partially inspired by a Ritani piece I''d seen), a ton of folks commented that they''d love to own a pendant like that. I was beyond flattered. When Lisa decided to look into having one made, she actually got in touch with me to ask if I''d mind. I couldn''t believe she even felt she had to ask; it was a nice courtesy on her part, but totally unnecessary. I couldn''t imagine being offended by such a request; in fact, I encouraged her to do so by sending my pendant to her chosen jeweler to help make it happen!

In Belle''s case, she DID actually create her own unique design in collaboration with Irina.....and that was NO easy feat. There isn''t much in the jewelry business that hasn''t been tried before, and yet they settled on an arrangement the likes of which no one had ever seen before. It never even occurred to me that Belle would be anything less than completely gracious about others'' interest in that pendant, and she did not disappoint. I can''t imagine it would have ever crossed her mind to deny someone else the opportunity to enjoy the design as well.

ETA: I''ve seen multiple owners of the Bellerina pendant since then, and do you know who I think of every time I see it? Yep....Belle. It''s no less hers for having shared it.

The copyright argument is a red herring; the ring wasn''t designed by the owner. Further, SS as the jeweler doesn''t have a shred of obligation to call the ring owner. She didn''t create the design she wears and she doesn''t have ''veto'' power over his business just because she''s a client/fan. As others have pointed out, he likely didn''t even conceive that it could be . I know it wouldn''t occur to me, and given the several responses in this thread, that assumption would be correct most of the time.

This site has always been about SHARING....sharing knowledge, sharing ideas, sharing information, and yes.....sharing inspiration. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could find offense or injury because some other random individual in the world was wearing a similar piece of jewelry....especially when the two are unlikely to cross paths in real life! I don''t see how denying someone else the same pleasure I''d had (finding a given design that spoke to me) would make me feel good; in fact, I''m quite certain I''d feel terrible.

I''m disheartened, dismayed, outraged and ashamed at the disservice that was done to the poor poster today who came here to share her excitement over her ring.
Wise words as always. You summed it up by saying this site has always been about sharing.. Knowledge, ideas, info, tweaking custom designs... Still loving my pendant.
I am hoping the poster will come back with lots of pics for us to enjoy. My best to her.
I also thought that Single stone did Not sell SG her ring - hence, imo, the idea that Ari had some responsibility to ask Surf's permission is even more abstract

All they did is what bench jewellers around the world do every day - copied some jewellery that somebody else sold .

I must say that in "the other thread", when Pandora first posted -I was hesitant to reply as I wasn't sure if it was sarcasm / a joke or that will probably speak to my opinion on the issue.
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