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I wasn't going to weigh in on this and just let the more established and articulate members of PS have a go at it. I, too, ditto everything that Alj [of the famous chainsaw!] has said thus far.Date: 1/7/2009 2:04:55 PM
Author: princesss
Alj - (not going to quote since it's so long)
As for the people going and commenting now, since I'm one of the people that did that, I just wanted to throw my $.02 in here about it.
I doubt she'll come back. I'm disappointed about that, definitely. But on the off chance she does come back, I hope she reads them and sees that there are people who don't care about the drama, and want to see more of her lovely ring. If I was her, I wouldn't want to come back. But if I did, it would mean a lot to me to see that there were people that were excited for me. So I wanted to let her know that I love her ring, and would love to see more photos if she ever feels like showing them. But if she feels like giving this community a certain finger and never coming back, I'd understand.
I do feel like I should comment now, though, especially in light of what Princess wrote here. When someone has been hurt by something someone has said to them they might not have just disappeared into oblivion. I hoped that PT would be lurking in hopes of some kinder comments, and she has received many, including my own. I have had some very hurtful and imo downright cruel things said to me on PS in the past, and even at times when I acted less than gracefully and considered never coming back I kept track of threads that I knew would make me sad to read. It's hard to stay away from something like that. I know how it feels to have the joy sucked out of your engagement and wedding memories.
On the actual topic at hand, I have to say quite honestly that I would be thrilled if someone wanted to replicate my [admittedly meager] engagement ring, or any other piece of jewelery. ESPECIALLY but certainly not limited to if they were an internet stranger or acquaintance. I once threw a total hissy fit at the age of 14 on an internet forum I frequented back in the day because someone replicated quite closely my beloved screen name. I am so incredibly ashamed of how I acted toward this other little girl and if I could I would take it back. But I was 14, and had I known then what I know now I would have been incredibly flattered that anyone considered me, my chosen handle on a random internet forum, or a piece of jewelery which I hold dear and get an immense amount of pleasure from worthy of the flattery and recognition that is replication. In the past I'd have questioned my ability to "get over" it, but now I know I would be just thrilled. Hey, give me a break... I was 14. 'Nuff said.