

Not open for further replies. Please create a new topic or request for this thread to be opened.
Wow, too much work and you miss out on all the ridiculousless! I just want to say AMEN to the thoughtful and eloquent Alj, tgal, and deco. This is pure insanity to me. Makes me want to go out and copy something

To answer the original question for me (and I did "design" my ring, by basically taking parts of many different rings that I loved and putting them together). I would be absolutely FINE with a pricescoper copying my ring, even to the tiniest detail. And it has probably been done; plenty of people have asked questions over the years. Split shanks are pretty trendy now anyway. Would I be THRILLED if someone I saw everyday copied my ring to the nth? Probably not as much, but I''d get over it in 5 minute and realize my ring rocks and I had it first

CrookedRock- I looooove your ring, and I do hope you come around and play more often
Date: 1/7/2009 4:16:05 PM
Author: fieryred33143
I wonder if the reaction would be different if the one that is doing the imitation reaches out to the original owner and gives them a heads up?

It seems like those that were inspired by other PS rings and have posted about it on here did reach out to the original owner first which I think is not entirely necessary but definitely appreciated and courteous.
It''s a nice gesture, but I don''t think it''s in any way required and I can see several arguments for not doing so.

What if the person says no? Do they have a RIGHT to say no? Not you''re then in a catch-22 situation. Why should you not have the ring that makes your heart sing just because you weren''t the first person on Pricescope to find it?

You could, of course, do it anyway and elect not to post....who''d know, right? But then you''d feel stifled from sharing your joy over your ring. Is that fair? I don''t think so....especially when the other party didn''t even design it herself!

Perhaps a bit of a reality check would help us all going forward.

1. No one should be under any delusion that there will never be another ring that looks like hers. If you were bright enough to think of that combination of elements, rest assured somebody somewhere will have had that same thought too either in a lifetime before yours, during yours, or after yours.

2. If you purchase a ring from a goneby era, it''s probably more likely that you won''t run into many (if any) other similar looking rings simply because they aren''t as readily available as contemporary designs. That is no guarantee, however; maybe it was the hot style in its day and has several siblings out there. Also, if it was that popular once, it might come back (like the miniskirt
Date: 1/7/2009 4:53:35 PM
Author: Allison D.

Date: 1/7/2009 4:16:05 PM
Author: fieryred33143
I wonder if the reaction would be different if the one that is doing the imitation reaches out to the original owner and gives them a heads up?

It seems like those that were inspired by other PS rings and have posted about it on here did reach out to the original owner first which I think is not entirely necessary but definitely appreciated and courteous.
It''s a nice gesture, but I don''t think it''s in any way required and I can see several arguments for not doing so.

What if the person says no? Do they have a RIGHT to say no? Not you''re then in a catch-22 situation. Why should you not have the ring that makes your heart sing just because you weren''t the first person on Pricescope to find it?

You could, of course, do it anyway and elect not to post....who''d know, right? But then you''d feel stifled from sharing your joy over your ring. Is that fair? I don''t think so....especially when the other party didn''t even design it herself!

Perhaps a bit of a reality check would help us all going forward.

1. No one should be under any delusion that there will never be another ring that looks like hers. If you were bright enough to think of that combination of elements, rest assured somebody somewhere will have had that same thought too either in a lifetime before yours, during yours, or after yours.

2. If you purchase a ring from a goneby era, it''s probably more likely that you won''t run into many (if any) other similar looking rings simply because they aren''t as readily available as contemporary designs. That is no guarantee, however; maybe it was the hot style in its day and has several siblings out there. Also, if it was that popular once, it might come back (like the miniskirt
Well, that''s not going to happen for me anyway. My post preggo thighs are so thunderesque that the skirt will keep getting caught between the chunkers. What''s the point of wearing a mini skirt if it''s going to look like shorts anyway?

Hail to the mumu!!!!
Date: 1/6/2009 7:09:01 PM
How would you feel about someone imitating your ring? How should you feel about someone imitating your ring?
I do not have an e-ring yet, so it is hard to say how I would feel if someone replicated it. If it turns out to be a stock setting or a rather common design, I know I would be fine with it. I happen to like antique repro''s, so if I bought a repro, I would be fine with anyone who wants to copy the design. If my ring served as an inspiration for another''s ring, I would be delighted. In fact, if anyone wanted help with developing a ring with common elements, I know I would jump right in and help them the best way I could. However, if someone were to create an exact copy of a ring I designed with my jeweler, I might have mixed feelings.

The closest thing I have to an e-ring is my great grandmother''s e-ring that I posted on this forum several months ago (I was trying to figure out what type of gem stone to have set in the center). I have not seen a design pictured on PS quite like it, or even in real life (not that I am looking hard, or claim to be an expert). So, if I did see that someone had a copy made, I would have mixed emotions just because there is great sentimental value involved and I rather like the idea of it being a unique setting pictured on PS. However, my negativity would stem from selfish feelings and it would be hardly fair for me to voice those them on PS. In fact, I would just get over myself and come to love the idea that someone loved my great grandmother''s ring enough to have it made for her e-ring. Hearing stories of her from my mother, she would probably love it too.

Some people have said that posting pictures on PS makes designs fair game to anyone who is viewing them. I agree with this statement. Some have also said they would not care if someone on the Internet replicated their ring, but would be mad if someone close to them IRL replicated their ring. Sure, I would be mad if my best friend did that. However, PS is a community and could it be that some people value this community as an extension of their real life? If so, then I could understand why some would be really mad if their rings were replicated (justified or unjustified). Whether this is rational or not is up for debate, but it is an interesting viewpoint in my opinion.

With all of this being said, I think we are all entitled to our feelings. What is equally, if not more important, is how we act upon them.

I know the intent of Harriet''s thread was not to directly address the PT / SG issue, however, as others have done I feel compelled to say that I think it is sad that there were hurt feelings on both sides. What also saddens me is that SG is being called out by some people for something she did not say herself. There were even people calling her out and did not even know where she bought her ring from, which I found amusing. One could argue that Pandora is a reliable source (which, I do not doubt) and the fact that SG taking her photos down is further evidence that she was upset, however, we do not know the entire story or SG''s feelings on the matter, so I do not think it is fair to lash out toward her (mind you, I realize that not everyone is attacking her). What I do know is that if she wants her opinion to be known, she will convey it and then I think it would be fair to respond to her point of view.

Then we have poor PT, who has a beautiful e-ring she wanted to share with the forum, only to have her moment surrounded in controversy. What happened just is not right and I feel bad for her. I see that someone said she is going to post pictures this weekend, so I am happy to hear that she is not going to leave PS over this. I also hope that SG does not leave either, as I am sure some of you would like her to stay around as well.
Good grief! I must have missed the meeting where everyone decided to take a day off work to discuss this important topic!

Just a few comments:

Alj, it is really good to have you BACK!!!

Harriet, I am sorry you are sick and hope you''ll soon be well!

Crooked Rock, I am very glad to see you back, too!

I am so glad to hear that PT posted again! Now to take a look over there!

Date: 1/7/2009 3:13:33 PM
Author: VRBeauty
Hi Harriet
! I hope you feel better soon. If the PS pie doesn''t do the trick, that planned trip to Leon Mege should help!

Thank you for your quick thinking in separating this discussion from Parrot Tulip''s original thread about her e-ring. It''s been a fascinating discussion that deserves its own venue -- as does the original thread.
Hey hey! Thanks. Something''s really amiss if I can''t drag myself to Leon''s.

Hope I was of help.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:09:01 PM
How would you feel about someone imitating your ring? How should you feel about someone imitating your ring?
I wouldn't care. BUT, if it were a close friend of mine that I often saw, I'd be annoyed that there may be times when we'd both be wearing the same ring.

I didn't read through the whole thread but I'm confused, did Surfgirl use her own design and have it custom made?
Date: 1/7/2009 6:50:53 PM
Author: elle_chris
Date: 1/6/2009 7:09:01 PM


How would you feel about someone imitating your ring? How should you feel about someone imitating your ring?
I wouldn''t care. BUT, if it were a close friend of mine that I often saw, I''d be annoyed that there may be times when we''d both be wearing the same ring.

I didn''t read through the whole thread but I''m confused, did Surfgirl use her own design and have it custom made?

No. She found the ring intact at an estate jewelers.
Date: 1/7/2009 4:03:30 PM
Author: Gayletmom

Date: 1/7/2009 2:45:26 PM
Author: Harriet
May I have some cake? Mushy stuff is about the only thing I can stomach right now.

Does that mean you are feeling better Harriet?
Get well soon!
Thanks, but I still haven''t left the house!
Date: 1/7/2009 6:55:03 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 1/7/2009 6:50:53 PM
Author: elle_chris

Date: 1/6/2009 7:09:01 PM


How would you feel about someone imitating your ring? How should you feel about someone imitating your ring?
I wouldn''t care. BUT, if it were a close friend of mine that I often saw, I''d be annoyed that there may be times when we''d both be wearing the same ring.

I didn''t read through the whole thread but I''m confused, did Surfgirl use her own design and have it custom made?

No. She found the ring intact at an estate jewelers.
Then what''s the big deal? as in such a long thread if it wasn''t even her design.
Date: 1/7/2009 4:53:35 PM
Author: Allison D.
Date: 1/7/2009 4:16:05 PM

Author: fieryred33143

I wonder if the reaction would be different if the one that is doing the imitation reaches out to the original owner and gives them a heads up?

It seems like those that were inspired by other PS rings and have posted about it on here did reach out to the original owner first which I think is not entirely necessary but definitely appreciated and courteous.

It''s a nice gesture, but I don''t think it''s in any way required and I can see several arguments for not doing so.

What if the person says no? Do they have a RIGHT to say no? Not you''re then in a catch-22 situation. Why should you not have the ring that makes your heart sing just because you weren''t the first person on Pricescope to find it?

You could, of course, do it anyway and elect not to post....who''d know, right? But then you''d feel stifled from sharing your joy over your ring. Is that fair? I don''t think so....especially when the other party didn''t even design it herself!

Perhaps a bit of a reality check would help us all going forward.

1. No one should be under any delusion that there will never be another ring that looks like hers. If you were bright enough to think of that combination of elements, rest assured somebody somewhere will have had that same thought too either in a lifetime before yours, during yours, or after yours.

2. If you purchase a ring from a goneby era, it''s probably more likely that you won''t run into many (if any) other similar looking rings simply because they aren''t as readily available as contemporary designs. That is no guarantee, however; maybe it was the hot style in its day and has several siblings out there. Also, if it was that popular once, it might come back (like the miniskirt

That is the most bogus attempt to justify design theft I have ever read.

That it comes from an industry rep is even worse.
I think I will keep a copy to prove willful infringement should it be needed.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:01:51 PM
Author: strmrdr
Date: 1/7/2009 4:53:35 PM

Author: Allison D.

Date: 1/7/2009 4:16:05 PM

Author: fieryred33143

I wonder if the reaction would be different if the one that is doing the imitation reaches out to the original owner and gives them a heads up?

It seems like those that were inspired by other PS rings and have posted about it on here did reach out to the original owner first which I think is not entirely necessary but definitely appreciated and courteous.

It''s a nice gesture, but I don''t think it''s in any way required and I can see several arguments for not doing so.

What if the person says no? Do they have a RIGHT to say no? Not you''re then in a catch-22 situation. Why should you not have the ring that makes your heart sing just because you weren''t the first person on Pricescope to find it?

You could, of course, do it anyway and elect not to post....who''d know, right? But then you''d feel stifled from sharing your joy over your ring. Is that fair? I don''t think so....especially when the other party didn''t even design it herself!

Perhaps a bit of a reality check would help us all going forward.

1. No one should be under any delusion that there will never be another ring that looks like hers. If you were bright enough to think of that combination of elements, rest assured somebody somewhere will have had that same thought too either in a lifetime before yours, during yours, or after yours.

2. If you purchase a ring from a goneby era, it''s probably more likely that you won''t run into many (if any) other similar looking rings simply because they aren''t as readily available as contemporary designs. That is no guarantee, however; maybe it was the hot style in its day and has several siblings out there. Also, if it was that popular once, it might come back (like the miniskirt

That is the most bogus attempt to justify design theft I have ever read.

That it comes from an industry rep is even worse.

I think I will keep a copy to prove willful infringement should it be needed.

Er ... how so, Storm? The design of SG''s ring is public domain. We''re talking manners, not legality, unless I''m missing something ....
Date: 1/7/2009 4:33:47 PM
Author: AGBF

1/7/2009 2:45:26 PM
Author: Harriet

May I have some cake? Mushy stuff is about the only thing I can stomach right now.

I know you said in another thread that you don''t have chicken soup in the house, just cake, but I have to tell you that I have been keeping my eye on you and and I am going to be sending you another cake in the near future. You are currently at 9,338 postings and at 10,000 you get a cake. I think you may get something else, too, but my concern is the cake and that is what I worry about ;-).

I love my friend, Deb.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:01:51 PM
Author: strmrdr
That is the most bogus attempt to justify design theft I have ever read. That it comes from an industry rep is even worse.
Design theft? Um, you mean "antique reproduction" ... as in, an entire FIELD of the jewelry industry. And by "industry rep" I assume you mean SPECIALIST in antique reproduction, which is, IIRC, one of Singlestone''s primary stated missions. They did what they SPECIALIZE in. And to infer that antique reproduction is wholesale theft is IMHO a rash perhaps even libelous overstatement.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:06:59 PM
Author: Circe

Er ... how so, Storm? The design of SG''s ring is public domain. We''re talking manners, not legality, unless I''m missing something ....

There is no mention of that specific ring in her post she makes a blanket statement.
Design theft is not legal and posting a picture of it on a board does not give anyone the right to copy it.
Just because a designer prints a catalog and sends it to you does that give you the right to copy the ring?
Date: 1/7/2009 7:01:51 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/7/2009 4:53:35 PM
Author: Allison D.

Date: 1/7/2009 4:16:05 PM

Author: fieryred33143

I wonder if the reaction would be different if the one that is doing the imitation reaches out to the original owner and gives them a heads up?

It seems like those that were inspired by other PS rings and have posted about it on here did reach out to the original owner first which I think is not entirely necessary but definitely appreciated and courteous.

It''s a nice gesture, but I don''t think it''s in any way required and I can see several arguments for not doing so.

What if the person says no? Do they have a RIGHT to say no? Not you''re then in a catch-22 situation. Why should you not have the ring that makes your heart sing just because you weren''t the first person on Pricescope to find it?

You could, of course, do it anyway and elect not to post....who''d know, right? But then you''d feel stifled from sharing your joy over your ring. Is that fair? I don''t think so....especially when the other party didn''t even design it herself!

Perhaps a bit of a reality check would help us all going forward.

1. No one should be under any delusion that there will never be another ring that looks like hers. If you were bright enough to think of that combination of elements, rest assured somebody somewhere will have had that same thought too either in a lifetime before yours, during yours, or after yours.

2. If you purchase a ring from a goneby era, it''s probably more likely that you won''t run into many (if any) other similar looking rings simply because they aren''t as readily available as contemporary designs. That is no guarantee, however; maybe it was the hot style in its day and has several siblings out there. Also, if it was that popular once, it might come back (like the miniskirt

That is the most bogus attempt to justify design theft I have ever read.

That it comes from an industry rep is even worse.
I think I will keep a copy to prove willful infringement should it be needed.
HUH? The ring wasn''t a designer piece, no theft of design occured... This was about being courteous to the owner of a piece. When Allison had her halo pendant made, it was a custom job. I was in love with it, and wanted one for myself. I asked Allison if she would mind me copying it, or having one made. She was so helpful and kind to me in that process. I think you are off the mark here?? I will agree to disagree. Peace......
I did read some past posts. SG did recommend Ari at Singlestone to a a poster that was looking for a vintage ring. She also said in her post to the person seeking advice that if they don't have what you are looking for they can make it for you. They do great work....
So it's fine to do a reproduction of a ring, just so long as it isn't hers??

I am not meaning to open a can of worms, just thought it was interesting....
Date: 1/7/2009 7:20:05 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I did read some past posts. SG did recommend Ari at Singlestone to a a poster that was looking for a vintage ring. She also said in her post to the person seeking advice that if they don't have what you are looking for they can make it for you. They do great work....

So it's fine to do a reproduction of a ring, just so long as it isn't hers??

I am not meaning to open a can of worms, just thought it was interesting....

If something is in the public domain then its fine but if not it is illegal.
A design 50 years old could still be under copyright.
old does not mean public domain anymore.
The design of SG's ring may be in public domain and discussing that is kewl.

What is wrong is making a blanket statement that anyone is free to rip off any design that someone happens to post here.
Whoa, I'm having deja vu... when I saw this thread pop up on a username search I thought "huh, that's an old one!"
am I going crazy? Why did I think this thread already happened, at least 6 months ago??

I'll echo the choir of "okay through PS, lame in real life." I feel that one of the main points of posting our pieces is to give and receive inspiration, no? I was certainly 'inspired' by a few pieces on here on my wedding band hunt (not so much the e-ring as that was mostly pre-PS).
AND by that same token, here are the things of mine that have been "imitated" through PS in the past year:

-2 people have gotten a ring with the same setting as my e-ring made, and cited me as their 'inspiration'
-5 (yes FIVE) people have bought the same wedding necklace that I got, after I posted about my arduous journey to find it (none of them would have seen it if not for me) and my deep love for its uniqueness (yes, it did bother me that that went somewhat out the window, but that's the nature of consumerism)
-3 people have cited my wedding band as their inspiration to get a thin bezel band

Only one (yup) out of those 10 PSers ever said "thanks musey!" for inspiring their pieces.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:12:29 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/7/2009 7:06:59 PM
Author: Circe

Er ... how so, Storm? The design of SG's ring is public domain. We're talking manners, not legality, unless I'm missing something ....

There is no mention of that specific ring in her post she makes a blanket statement.
Design theft is not legal and posting a picture of it on a board does not give anyone the right to copy it.
Just because a designer prints a catalog and sends it to you does that give you the right to copy the ring?
I don't see that! Oh well. . .

Okay, how about some pie, SERIOUSLY!?
Not at the pie moment yet, LOL!!!
strm~I have not heard you speak out so vehemently about Tiffany, Harry Winston and Cartier reproductions. Why are you claiming design theft in this instance? SG's ring was not purchased as an original design, IIRC. It was not even bought at SS. Antique reproductions are a segment of the jewelry trade. Do you have an objection to this?
Date: 1/7/2009 6:10:54 PM
Author: omieluv

I do not have an e-ring yet, so it is hard to say how I would feel if someone replicated it. If it turns out to be a stock setting or a rather common design, I know I would be fine with it. I happen to like antique repro''s, so if I bought a repro, I would be fine with anyone who wants to copy the design. If my ring served as an inspiration for another''s ring, I would be delighted. In fact, if anyone wanted help with developing a ring with common elements, I know I would jump right in and help them the best way I could. However, if someone were to create an exact copy of a ring I designed with my jeweler, I might have mixed feelings.

The closest thing I have to an e-ring is my great grandmother''s e-ring that I posted on this forum several months ago (I was trying to figure out what type of gem stone to have set in the center). I have not seen a design pictured on PS quite like it, or even in real life (not that I am looking hard, or claim to be an expert). So, if I did see that someone had a copy made, I would have mixed emotions just because there is great sentimental value involved and I rather like the idea of it being a unique setting pictured on PS. However, my negativity would stem from selfish feelings and it would be hardly fair for me to voice those them on PS. In fact, I would just get over myself and come to love the idea that someone loved my great grandmother''s ring enough to have it made for her e-ring. Hearing stories of her from my mother, she would probably love it too.

Some people have said that posting pictures on PS makes designs fair game to anyone who is viewing them. I agree with this statement. Some have also said they would not care if someone on the Internet replicated their ring, but would be mad if someone close to them IRL replicated their ring. Sure, I would be mad if my best friend did that. However, PS is a community and could it be that some people value this community as an extension of their real life? If so, then I could understand why some would be really mad if their rings were replicated (justified or unjustified). Whether this is rational or not is up for debate, but it is an interesting viewpoint in my opinion.

With all of this being said, I think we are all entitled to our feelings. What is equally, if not more important, is how we act upon them.

I know the intent of Harriet''s thread was not to directly address the PT / SG issue, however, as others have done I feel compelled to say that I think it is sad that there were hurt feelings on both sides. What also saddens me is that SG is being called out by some people for something she did not say herself. There were even people calling her out and did not even know where she bought her ring from, which I found amusing. One could argue that Pandora is a reliable source (which, I do not doubt) and the fact that SG taking her photos down is further evidence that she was upset, however, we do not know the entire story or SG''s feelings on the matter, so I do not think it is fair to lash out toward her (mind you, I realize that not everyone is attacking her). What I do know is that if she wants her opinion to be known, she will convey it and then I think it would be fair to respond to her point of view.

Then we have poor PT, who has a beautiful e-ring she wanted to share with the forum, only to have her moment surrounded in controversy. What happened just is not right and I feel bad for her. I see that someone said she is going to post pictures this weekend, so I am happy to hear that she is not going to leave PS over this. I also hope that SG does not leave either, as I am sure some of you would like her to stay around as well.
Well said, omieluv. I''m in complete agreement with your post.

Seriously, I would be flattered if someone copied a piece of mine. I have been looking at several pendants on pricescope lately for inspiration for a project...isn't that what the site is for (at least in part)?
Date: 1/7/2009 7:36:18 PM
Author: risingsun
strm~I have not heard you speak out so vehemently about Tiffany, Harry Winston and Cartier reproductions. Why are you claiming design theft in this instance? This ring was not purchased as an original design, IIRC. It was not even bought at SS. Antique reproductions are a segment of the jewelry trade. Do you have an objection to this?
Those designs are under public domain and SG''s ring design may also be.
What I am objecting to is saying that if something is posted here it is fair game to copy!
I have no objection to reproducing out of copyright rings.
I have a very strong objection to design theft of rings that are in copyright.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:41:25 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/7/2009 7:36:18 PM
Author: risingsun
strm~I have not heard you speak out so vehemently about Tiffany, Harry Winston and Cartier reproductions. Why are you claiming design theft in this instance? This ring was not purchased as an original design, IIRC. It was not even bought at SS. Antique reproductions are a segment of the jewelry trade. Do you have an objection to this?
Those designs are under public domain and SG''s ring design may also be.
What I am objecting to is saying that if something is posted here it is fair game to copy!
I have no objection to reproducing out of copyright rings.
I have a very strong objection to design theft of rings that are in copyright.
I doubt SG''s ring design is under public domain.....
Now I am confused. Is SG's setting original 1920's, or did she have it copied?
Date: 1/7/2009 7:45:37 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 1/7/2009 7:41:25 PM

Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/7/2009 7:36:18 PM

Author: risingsun

strm~I have not heard you speak out so vehemently about Tiffany, Harry Winston and Cartier reproductions. Why are you claiming design theft in this instance? This ring was not purchased as an original design, IIRC. It was not even bought at SS. Antique reproductions are a segment of the jewelry trade. Do you have an objection to this?

Those designs are under public domain and SG''s ring design may also be.

What I am objecting to is saying that if something is posted here it is fair game to copy!

I have no objection to reproducing out of copyright rings.

I have a very strong objection to design theft of rings that are in copyright.
I doubt SG''s ring design is under public domain.....
Then it is illegal to copy it.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:41:25 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 1/7/2009 7:36:18 PM
Author: risingsun
strm~I have not heard you speak out so vehemently about Tiffany, Harry Winston and Cartier reproductions. Why are you claiming design theft in this instance? This ring was not purchased as an original design, IIRC. It was not even bought at SS. Antique reproductions are a segment of the jewelry trade. Do you have an objection to this?
Those designs are under public domain and SG's ring design may also be.
What I am objecting to is saying that if something is posted here it is fair game to copy!
I have no objection to reproducing out of copyright rings.
I have a very strong objection to design theft of rings that are in copyright.
Do you have information indicating that SG's ring is under copyright? Aren't many of the Tiffany, Cartier and HW jewelry under copyright, as well? I have a Cartier Trinity ring and the copyright is on one of the bands. That hasn't stopped other jewelers from selling replicas.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:41:25 PM
Author: strmrdr
Date: 1/7/2009 7:36:18 PM

Author: risingsun

strm~I have not heard you speak out so vehemently about Tiffany, Harry Winston and Cartier reproductions. Why are you claiming design theft in this instance? This ring was not purchased as an original design, IIRC. It was not even bought at SS. Antique reproductions are a segment of the jewelry trade. Do you have an objection to this?

Those designs are under public domain and SG''s ring design may also be.

What I am objecting to is saying that if something is posted here it is fair game to copy!

I have no objection to reproducing out of copyright rings.

I have a very strong objection to design theft of rings that are in copyright.

Ah, okay, gotcha. I''m in complete agreement with the thrust of your argument, but I think you have to read Allison D''s post completely outside of the context of this discussion in order to make it. She''s talking about this scenario, not the absolute right to, say, duplicate a Tiffany Legacy down to the last detail on the basis of their ad campaign. Context is critical, right?
Not open for further replies. Please create a new topic or request for this thread to be opened.