
Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?


Jun 8, 2008
Traveling to Australia (and Iceland) I haven't done it because I hate (fear) flying and it's too long a trip and we have no one to watch the cats or take care of the feral cats.
But one day we will. I know it will happen. I will make it happen. Just not ready yet

How about you?
Still on my Bucket List is to learn to dance the Viennese Waltz and be able to dance at one of Vienna's big ballroom events.

The Viennese Waltz was not taught at beginner and intermediate ballroom and Latin dance classes that I attended in the past.

I found it not very enjoyable to attend ballroom and Latin dance classes being a singleton due to the need to change partners all the time.

One minute could be a demure lady assistant and the next could be a fellow gentleman student who was 6ft tall (I am 5'2").

Hence I stopped and switched to tap classes instead.

I have started to look into packages that include dance tuition and attendance of one of the balls. Probably need a new outfit with a skirt or sleeves that can be lifted and floated as I make the turns. :kiss2:

DK :))
Still on my Bucket List is to learn to dance the Viennese Waltz and be able to dance at one of Vienna's big ballroom events.

The Viennese Waltz was not taught at beginner and intermediate ballroom and Latin dance classes that I attended in the past.

I found it not very enjoyable to attend ballroom and Latin dance classes being a singleton due to the need to change partners all the time.

One minute could be a demure lady assistant and the next could be a fellow gentleman student who was 6ft tall (I am 5'2").

Hence I stopped and switched to tap classes instead.

I have started to look into packages that include dance tuition and attendance of one of the balls. Probably need a new outfit with a skirt or sleeves that can be lifted and floated as I make the turns. :kiss2:

DK :))

I love this DK. I wish I knew how to do the Viennese Waltz now too...and the good news is it is a very attainable dream...thank you for sharing!!
Come to Australia @missy and I’ll show you around.
We have everything here, almost.
I would love to see the Northern Lights, that’s always been a dream of mine.
One day I hope.
I want to go to the ripe age of 64 I have been looking into some classes for investments and finances.....

You should definitely do this. :) I wish I had learned finance when I was younger. Any other classes you think you might like?
I have long wanted to see Nantucket, but it just hasn't ever been convenient. At this point I probably won't bother. I prefer to save the money for more-needed home repairs.
Traveling to Australia (and Iceland) I haven't done it because I hate (fear) flying and it's too long a trip and we have no one to watch the cats or take care of the feral cats.
But one day we will. I know it will happen. I will make it happen. Just not ready yet

How about you?

I am going to Australia this year and I went to Iceland last year. Highly recommend Iceland, it's super beautiful with tons of natural scenery. When you go, do rent a car and drive the entire island, you won't regret it :))))
I would like to see the Northern Lights as well. Every once in a while they are somewhat visible here, but I always miss them. The only reason I haven't is that most of my travelling halted with COVID and then issues with my travelling partners have kept them at home.
On a more practical note, I really want to renovate one bathroom and my kitchen. What's holding me back is because it's a PIA and so inconvenient.
I can definitely swim - and love swimming! It's the 33,000' drop to get to the water that worries me!


I get it. LOL!
But actually, I was referring to a refreshing and no-sweat method of travel that is a rather arduous alternative to flying. :mrgreen:
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Going home to Australia. I haven't been for 16 years.

I'm afraid of flying.


Girl, I never knew this because you fly so often. I thought I was the only one in our friendship who's terrified of flying (because I cannot control the conditions...the plane mechanics, the pilot and copilot frame of mind and skill, and any dangerous passengers/weather conditions etc). Last time I flew was 2004 LOL. I laugh but it's not funny. Greg wishes to travel but he is very patient with my phobia and right now with the cats and the current situation we cannot even take a long road trip. Cannot leave the house for very long at all due to the cats. But when that situation changes I am still scared of flying. I just never knew you were too because of all the flying you do west to east coast
I am going to Australia this year and I went to Iceland last year. Highly recommend Iceland, it's super beautiful with tons of natural scenery. When you go, do rent a car and drive the entire island, you won't regret it :))))

Glad you enjoyed. These two places are the last two places on my travel wish list. We have been everywhere else I wish to travel to and maybe one day we will get there. I hope.

Come to Australia @missy and I’ll show you around.
We have everything here, almost.
I would love to see the Northern Lights, that’s always been a dream of mine.
One day I hope.

Aww thank you very much and I just might take you up on that offer if I can manage to get over my fear. Appreciate the invite. And if you are ever in the USA near NYC or the jersey Shore please let me know and I can be your guide. Would love that

I get it. LOL!
But actually, I was referring to a refreshing and no-sweat method of travel that is a rather arduous alternative to flying. :mrgreen:

Ok, that made me LOL! I can just picture *this*...

Tim: "Honey? What are you doing?? Why are you wearing your swimsuit, with 17 suitcases tied on behind you??"

Me: "I'm going to Australia! KENNY suggested it!"

I mean, I could give it a shot. But - I just don't know, @kenny - I just don't know... :think:

And @missy - I was in an "air incident" when I was much younger and have also experienced some "hit the ceiling" turbulence (not me - but other fellow travelers) more than once and it certainly gives one pause. I'm not nearly as bad as I used to be; when I used to fly from London back to Australia (when we lived in the UK), my pulse would hit 140 when the doors closed, and wouldn't come down again until we landed. And - back in the days when this was allowed - I would go stand at the back of the plane as soon as we got above 10k feet, and stay there until we landed. I didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't watch a movie - none of it. I remember once Tim said to me "Do you want to have something to eat?" Me: "No - nothing thanks." Him: why don't you try to have something? It might pass some time?" Me: "No - really - nothing." Him: it's a long flight, honey - you need to eat something." Me: "I'M HELPING THE PILOT FLY THE PLANE! Just leave me be, please!!" Flying for me was brutal.

I'm not so bad now - and I find that flying first class helps - just in that all the disaster films I've seen seem to be of people all crammed in together. The extra space seems to calm me and give me more of a sense of control. I can eat, doze, watch a movie etc now. I did a fear of flying course called S.O.A.R. run by a retired pilot-turned-therapist - and it helped a lot. So I don't love it, but I don't hate it like I used to. I still HATE moderate+ turbulence - and that's what keeps me from visiting home more - that passage over the equator/tropics is always rough. The three of us are going home in 2027 tho - Eleanor will get to meet her Australian family for the first time, which will be precious - and Tim might go home later on this year. But when we all go in 2027, it wil be a major undertaking; three adults first class is no small financial commitment for us! We're also planning a week in the Whitsunday Islands, so that will be awesome, too. But it all adds up - and we're currently still reeling from 9 weeks of vet bills.

There's always @kenny's suggestion, of course.... :mrgreen:
...There's always @kenny's suggestion, of course.... :mrgreen:

When you leavin?
I'll send you something helpful, their 17-suitcase model. :eek2:
It's pretty heavy, but you're a strong swimmer.
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I keep my dreams small these days. I'm taking up watercolour painting. II do not have a single artistic bone in my body. I will just fiddle with it this year. Just waiting on supplies.
As the daughter and sister of pilots and niece of two pilot uncles, I hate flying. Two xanax prior and a cocktail, I'm asleep when the plane lands.. But take-off, oh Lord.
As the daughter and sister of pilots and niece of two pilot uncles, I hate flying. Two xanax prior and a cocktail, I'm asleep when the plane lands.. But take-off, oh Lord.

I didn’t fly until I was 23! Flew from Illinois (United States) to Mexico, drunk as a skunk, my (first) ex-husband next to me, passed out. I was SO freaked out. Thankfully the man on my other side was like “girl just chill, they’ll bring you a drink, you’re gonna be ok.” Should’ve married that guy.

But back to your post: Xanax .25 split in half and one glass of sauv blanc is my precursor to flying.
I'm going on a train trip from Virginia to New Orleans in April for a conference. I have always wanted to take a train trip. Taking my dear grown daughter and a co-worker, who also got excited to travel on a train. Darling daughter has family there through her SO. so she will run along and do her thing. I am so excited for a new adventure.

I want to do new things while I can.
As the daughter and sister of pilots and niece of two pilot uncles, I hate flying. Two xanax prior and a cocktail, I'm asleep when the plane lands.. But take-off, oh Lord.
My dad was a pilot for awhile, and my husband is a pilot. I hate flying too! I'd have to medicate to do it now. My husband has been a pilot over 40 years. I do better flying if he's the one flying, but man, over the years I have heard too many details about things that go wrong! And I don't love enclosed. places or heights.
Fly Emirates first and I can guarantee you’ll find it bearable @missy :lol: I was surprised how quickly the flight went!
You should definitely do this. :) I wish I had learned finance when I was younger. Any other classes you think you might like?

sorry for the delay, but yeah I am also thinking about learning Spanish, I had a class in high school and both my kids took it in high school and to this day are still pretty good at it so they could help me...I just need to push myself and make my mind up, got a couple of things/classes I been looking at...right now life is busy but hopefully it will slow down so I can give this so more attention, thanks
I find that flying first class helps - just in that all the disaster films I've seen seem to be of people all crammed in together. The extra space seems to calm me and give me more of a sense of control. I can eat, doze, watch a movie etc now. I did a fear of flying course called S.O.A.R. run by a retired pilot-turned-therapist - and it helped a lot.

Fly Emirates first and I can guarantee you’ll find it bearable @missy :lol: I was surprised how quickly the flight went!

@Austina and @mrs-b Ha yes I definitely prefer first class flying (even business class rocks) over coach. Before I met Greg I only ever flew coach but when Greg and I started dating and he wanted me to meet his family in Florida and Chicago the way he enticed me was to fly first class. It was a lovely experience minus the flying lol. And then we only flew first class (or business class) afterwards. I have not flown coach since I was in my 20s. It is a very different experience for sure

@mrs-b I am glad the course helped you. I truly don't think it would help me because, IMO, my fear is valid and despite it being a rare occurrence if a plane crash happens the hope of survival is very low. We just watched the movie Bounce last night (from the year 2000) and it just reinforced my dislike of flying lol. Not a great choice of a movie since I do want to fly again to get to places I want to visit. I feel confident one day I will. Just not in the near future.
My dad was a pilot for awhile, and my husband is a pilot. I hate flying too! I'd have to medicate to do it now. My husband has been a pilot over 40 years. I do better flying if he's the one flying, but man, over the years I have heard too many details about things that go wrong! And I don't love enclosed. places or heights.

Yes, this. UGH. I have this tug of war going on inside of me. Stay safe don't fly. Don't be a scaredy cat. Fly. Live. Enjoy. The thing is I love where we live and truthfully don't feel I am missing out even though yes I would very much enjoy visiting certain countries I don't feel I am sacrificing anything by not. But my DH really hopes we can travel again so I guess I will have to get over this and suck it up. But I will never love or enjoy flying. Too much out of my control

I also am not a fan of heights or enclosed places
But back to your post: Xanax .25 split in half and one glass of sauv blanc is my precursor to flying.

Is it hard to get your doctor to prescribe Xanax? I never asked but get the feeling they are reluctant based on what other people have shared. But maybe that is no longer true? I am glad it helps you to be a calm flyer. I am a NOT calm flyer. Last time we flew Greg got so angry with me. The flight back from Italy was delayed due to bad weather and we had a connecting flight to make. A small plane to get to the big plane that would take us home. I don't remember if it was rain or snow but it was storming something awful and super early in the AM like 3 AM or something like that. Anyway the small plane was delayed due to a "mechanical" problem and I freaked out. I wanted to get home (we were away over 21 days and I missed our furry babies) but I was terrified to get on that small plane. There were like 8 people waiting for that flight besides Greg and me. And I started crying in the waiting area when the mechanical issue was announced and that we would be boarding soon. And I was like hell no. And started crying. Greg pulled me aside and said compose yourself. NO one else here is crying. But no one else there was terrified of flying either. I find many aren't sympathetic about the fear of flying if they themselves are not fearful. I don't know why it's hard for some to understand and to dismiss this fear. But it's a valid fear (IMO). Anyway, fun times. LOL and the last time I flew. 2004
I'm going on a train trip from Virginia to New Orleans in April for a conference. I have always wanted to take a train trip. Taking my dear grown daughter and a co-worker, who also got excited to travel on a train. Darling daughter has family there through her SO. so she will run along and do her thing. I am so excited for a new adventure.

I want to do new things while I can.

Oh I love train trips. Super romantic. I think I've watched too many old movies lol
I hope you have a terrific trip to New Orleans. I love New Orleans. It's a great place. Have fun!