
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thinking of you today, JG, and praying for the best!!

JGator, thinking of you today as well! Of course I'm praying both babies are doing great, but if the smaller baby does have a chromosomal problem or a reason why he or she is not growing properly, I really hope you are able to get some closure soon. The being in limbo thing and having to worry about the unknown is the worst part in my opinion. I'll be anxiously awaiting your update!

JGator, thinking of you! F5 F5 F5 <---That's me refreshing my browser.

Hi, I'm back. Sorry for keeping you all in anticipation all afternoon. The appt took forever. There are still 2 heartbeats. Doctor thinks one will not make it. He wants me to continue progesterone till 11 weeks. He thought my RE was overly ambitious to stop it at 8 weeks. He said he's by no means conservative and recommends waiting till 11 weeks. He also said he doesn't refer anyone for CVS/amnio anymore. And, he recommends the non invasive screening in 2 weeks. I am not sure if that's how we will go since we planned to do CVS like we did with K. So, right now, he thinks the odds of the larger baby surviving and being healthy are 95% even with my age. And, said down syndrome risk is 1 in 25 at my age, but to think of it as 96% chance of not having a baby with it. He also said if both twins survive that could mess up the results on the blood test for the 3 trisomies so I guess we'll just see where we are in 2 weeks and go from there. But, definitely a relief. He said the one baby is measuring 1 day behind and the other about 6 days behind. He's not very optimistic on the smaller one, but we'll see. So, the TWW begins for the next scan/update!

I'm glad you followed your gut on the progesterone! I hope the next two weeks go quickly and you have some settled answers. With the early testing will you get to know the sex(s)? Congrats!

JGator, were you able to get the heart rates this time? That's great your OB was so optimistic at least about the one baby. I'm still hoping for the best for both of them though. I don't know what to tell you about the testing. You just have to do what feels right to you and will give you the most reassurance. I can see why the MaterniT21 and similar tests might only be more confusing depending on what happens with the smaller baby. I'm just hoping you will have more definitive information in a couple weeks. Hang in there! Hoping for continued good news!

AHL, I forgot to reply to you previously about your brothers! That's a great story. I hope the same happens to us. I wish I had a teenager to help out, too!

MP, he did not give me the heartbeats. I actually don't think he measured the heart rates. He saw they were both beating and showed me. He seemed to have a much easier time seeing them and measuring them than the RE. He did say that it's a 2d image and it's hard to always measure them properly because you might be measuring from above or a strange angle and miss part of them. I thought that was interesting. So, definitely the one sac is much smaller than the other - that was pretty clear in the images. I talked to DH and we'll likely get the bloodwork done - no reason not to. And, he thinks if there are still 2 heartbeats we should go ahead with the CVS and if not, then likely just go with the results from the blood test assuming the results would be more conclusive. I think it's a good plan. It is going to be a LONG 2 weeks!

Thanks to everyone for your support!

AHL, we will learn gender(s) with the blood screening for trisomies.

JG-I am glad that there are still two heartbeats and am hopeful for good news with both, but am sorry that you still have so much uncertainty with the smaller one. Hope that the next two weeks go very quickly and you get more clarity then!

JGator, I think your approach makes perfect sense. We never did get any of the blood tests because my RE didn't really recommend it based on my age (33 at the time of egg retrieval), but I think I probably would've felt a little less anxious if we had. We just relied on the NT scan and bloodwork which came back very low risk, and no other scan since then has indicated any problems. My babies have always measured within 2-3 days of each other with very similar heart rates, but I have seen other people have greater variation than I did, so I'm not giving up hope on your littlest one. Like Bella said, I just hope the next couple of weeks go by quickly for you and you get some clarity soon.

ETA - JGator, my understanding is that if you have twins, unless they are both girls, you will not get a definitive answer on the gender. If it's two girls, there will be an absence of the Y chromosome, but if it comes back showing a Y chromosome, you could either be having two boys or one of each....

Lavender, hope all is going well with you! Have you had an ultrasound yet?

Jgator, I'm so glad to hear one baby is growing well but sorry you RE isn't optimistic about the other one. I'm hoping for good news but also for clarity on the situation sooner rather than later. Being in limbo is so hard. Big hugs to you.

Also, thanks for your post on the other thread. I'll try to respond soon. (Which one is the sleepy emoticon?)

JGator, happy your ultrasound went relatively well, although I wish you had been able to get more clarity on the smaller baby. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it keeps growing! It's great your doctor is so optimistic about at least the bigger baby, that's great news and hoping it keeps growing and growing!!

My ultrasound is tomorrow (late, around 6pm after work). Very nervous and I keep trying to not think about it too much because I just don't know what to expect. I had a couple days where I felt great and started to get nervous about lack of symptoms, but then this morning I woke up feeling so sick and now I'm sitting at work wishing I could be curled up in bed with a bottle of ginger ale. I'm finding that I need to always have something in my stomach, but there's not much that I want to eat these days. My son is sick with a bad cold, which he's been so nice to pass on to me and DH ::) so that hasn't been too fun, but it's distracted me so far from thinking about the appointment tomorrow!

Hi, Lavender. Only 1 day to go - sorry it's so late in the day though. Although that's awesome you can get a late appt. I am jealous of that. I'll tell you what I have been eating in case any of it appeals to you - string cheese, baby bel and laughing cow small cheeses, avocado, veggie sausages, and v8 tomato juice. Also, larabars - chocolate peanut butter flavor. I have one by my bed that I will take a bite of when I wake up early - K stole it this AM though. I think you will be fine tomorrow. No reason to worry needlessly! (pot calling kettle black!)

Bright, thanks for stopping in tired Mamma. :wavey: Clarity would be nice right now!

MP, thanks for checking in and supporting me. You are right - we won't know anything on gender unless both are girls. That would be interesting for DH! I can totally understand you not needing the tests due to your age. Glad all is going well for you - remember, I predicted you would get your 3 kids you always wanted with twins. Can't wait to see those 2 darling babies - they will be here soon. We haven't found the doppler yet since we moved when K was 9 months old, we think it might be in the basement somewhere.

Bella, thanks for the well wishes. I hope the 2 weeks go by quickly too. We have some company coming Easter weekend so that should help. And of course, work is insanely busy/stressful now. I could live without the added stress, though!

AFM, I do feel so in limbo. I am worried that the one small twin will hold on too long and cause problems for the bigger one (assuming the smaller one has a genetic issue). Then other times, I want them both to be fine and one to just be a late implanter. Everything I have read indicates the smaller one won't make it though. The question is when will I know, and if that is the case, apparently the sooner the better for that not to impact the other baby. I thought I was bleeding last night when I was rocking K to sleep and I was so scared, but it was only the progesterone leaking. Limbo ville. I am grateful though to even be pregnant at my age. I just wish I knew more about what the future holds - story of my life. Need to relax and breathe!!! Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it.

JGator - Just wanted to post to say hello and that I hope you are dealing ok with the uncertainty. I have been following along. I hope you are doing well and that the time passes quickly for you.

Lavender - Hope you have a great ultrasound today. I know how dreadful the waiting is though. Yikes to 6pm, but you will make it! I was so susceptible to every cold and minor illness in my first trimester. Second trimester was awesome, though, no illness whatsoever. Something to look forward to!!

I was nervous before but now I'm really starting to panic. I don't know why but I suddenly am very convinced the ultrasound won't go well. I was handling it decently (well, compared to my first pregnancy anyway!) until now, but suddenly I just feel so sick with panic. I just want today to be over.

It's funny how it's so easy for me to tell other people not to worry, and even to tell myself not to worry, until the time actually comes for the worry to set in and then I can't help it! Ahhh I really thought I was doing better with this until now.

Lavender - Don't discount the fact that pregnancy hormones can be very tricky!! Deep Breaths!! You are going to be ok!!

Lavender, I hope all goes well with your u/s today. I totally understand the anxiety. I've been pretty anxious with each of mine during this pregnancy, scared each time that I will get bad news (especially since I got bad news with my oops pregnancy last year). But so far, it's been only good news! Pregnancy hormones can be a bear.

JGator, continuing to keep you in my thoughts. The limbo part of all of this is the worst. Even if it ends up the smaller baby doesn't make it, I'm very hopeful that it won't have any affect on your other baby. I had a friend who had that happen about 8 years ago. Not a particularly uplifting story, but the loss of one of her fraternal twins sometime between 12-16 weeks had no effect on the other baby. Just keep hanging in there. More than anything, I just hope you are able to feel some clarity soon and able to feel more confident about the pregnancy.

Lavender, I think that is a normal reaction, and it pretty much happened to me every time the day of the ultrasound. I would suddenly feel very panicky and almost sick to my stomach the day of the ultrasounds. Having to wait until 6 pm is pure torture. Just do you best to keep your mind occupied (easier said than done I know). We're all thinking of you and hoping for the best!

Lavender, I know exactly what you are feeling. Breathe and stretch as much as you can. Tell yourself that it will be okay. I'm sure it will. There is no reason for you to believe otherwise, right? No bleeding and you have symptoms? Just keep breathing in and out. You will get there. I hope you can post tonight after your appt. Less than 3 hours to go for you. Fingers crossed for great news on a healthy baby!

Hi, LV! :wavey: Great to hear from you. I'm doing my best to stay calm. I have a pretty long wait - my countdown clock is up and says 10 days, 20 hours to go! Work is not helping with my calmness factor, but it's helping me stay distracted a bit.

MP, thanks for telling me about your friend. I'm hopeful that one will make it - it would be great if 2 did, but I think I should set my expectations low, and be surprised if there is good news in 11 days! One day at a time. It will all work out in the end, I am sure one way or another. My BFF's sister was pregnant with IVF triplets several years ago and one died towards the end while she was on hospital bedrest. The other 2 were fine. And,then she had 2 more children without IVF afterwards so be careful! Oh and we found the doppler. Might try it on Friday at 9 weeks. Wish me luck!

Sooo... I'm back. There was a heartbeat!! I didn't really get to see the screen while my doctor was doing the US because I was so busy trying to read her face to see if anything looked wrong and by the time she said everything looked good she had finished the ultrasound! I was just so anxious and wish I had been able to see the baby, but she did print a picture and we heard the heartbeat! She said everything looks good, measuring 7 weeks, 5 days (which is exactly right based on LMP, and 2 days ahead based on ovulation) so due date for now is November 7.

I don't think it hit me till I left and DH texted me (he was with me at the appointment but had to run somewhere after) "we're going to have a baby!!!" - that's when I started crying in the car. Then came home and saw my son and started crying again. Ahh, hormones. ::)

Very relieved, although now need to wait 4 more weeks for the next ultrasound, so I know by tomorrow I'll probably start getting nervous again that something happened :knockout:

Thanks for all the support leading up to the ultrasound, I was reading it all during my long wait at the doctor and it helped calm me a bit :))


Lavender, such wonderful news!

Yay, Lavender! Very cute baby pic, too! Congrats. I knew everything would be fine.

Congrats on the awesome u/s, Lavender!!

To make a really long story short, I had blood work drawn on Monday (the day I should have started my period). My Quant HCG came back 8. Originally the doctor that ordered this blood work told me it was negative. However my family doctor called to inform me I needed it re-drawn, I had it drawn on Wednesday the result was 14. I then had it drawn the following day Thursday for my OB/GYN appointment it was 13.

When I went to my appointment he told me it's to early to know. But a positive HCG means baby until proven otherwise.
So I was given prenatal vitamins and an order for another draw next week and then the following week.

If it was not for pre-admission testing, this blood work would have never been drawn, I wouldn't have even today been thinking I'm pregnant yet. But now I can't stop wondering and thinking about it.

I am keeping this to myself other than a few friends. Which have suggested that maybe I'm in pre/peri menopause or that it's mouse monoclonal antibody interference. Which to explain as simple as possible people that live in the country build up antibodies from mice and when a HCG is done, which is done with mouse serum, you get a false positive result. I mentioned this to my doctor, he just looked at me.

I cant possibly read every post on this thread, so I thought I would just ask if anyone has had this happen to them and if in fact they were pregnant or not?


It sounds like a chemical pregnancy. One where the embryo just didn't stick properly and/or had a genetic issue to begin with. I would not expect those numbers to improve since you have had them taken a few times. The numbers are supposed to double every 48 hours on average. Sorry, it doesn't sound look good.
Re: Re:

JGator|1427471360|3853283 said:
It sounds like a chemical pregnancy. One where the embryo just didn't stick properly and/or had a genetic issue to begin with. I would not expect those numbers to improve since you have had them taken a few times. The numbers are supposed to double every 48 hours on average. Sorry, it doesn't sound look good.

Waiting stinks. With my second daughter my hcg quant was 5, she's eleven now. I've also been having menstrual like cramps for about two weeks. Which with my first daughter that was the first sign I was pregnant, having cramps but no period.
So as much as I think it's probably not a viable pregnancy that little bit of doubt keeps creeping in.

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been missing the past few weeks. I didn't have much to report and was trying to keep myself busy and not dwell too much on my incompetent cervix. So I didn't log in for awhile.

I'm glad to report that I've reached 24 weeks this week! It's a big milestone for me. Next milestone will be 30 weeks and after that I'll breathe easier.

I had my anomaly scan at 21 weeks and we're having a girl!
Everything looks ok. But I can't help feeling that certain days she's not moving as much as she should be. And she often kicks way down there, which really terrifies me that one day the stitch will not be able to hold her in anymore. My doctor assures me it's normal though. Sigh, so much to worry!

Though my due date is in mid - July, my doctor said I'd likely be early, by as much as 4 weeks. That means I have 12 more weeks to go!

Wish everyone here an uneventful pregnancy!

Happybear, glad to hear things are still going well, and congratulations on your girl news! I hit 24 weeks today, so I know what you meant about it feeling like a milestone. I'm hoping things continue to go well and complication free for you. Feel free to join us over in the pregnancy thread.

JGator, I've been thinking about you a lot and hope you are holding up okay. When is your next appointment? And did you ever try to the doppler?

MP, we tried the doppler on Friday at exactly 9 weeks with no luck. I have my next appt next Monday at 1140am so I will report back then. I am hanging in there okay. I had an anxiety attack last night because I have a cold and can't breathe and can't take any meds except for saline spray. So, I was getting stressed about that and then thinking I have 31 more weeks to go, and I can't sleep now. And this is what I have to look forward to after the baby(ies) are here too. The no sleep thing was the worst part about being a new mom. Anyway, I stressed myself out and then took a Benadryl to just sleep already at 1am. My doc said Benadryl is okay for my itching which has subsided a lot. Other than that, I am doing okay in limbo till the next appt.

Happybear, congrats on 24 weeks! That's great progress!

Luvsdmb, keep us posted.

Lavender, how goes it? Stil in happy land, I hope!

So, I stopped the benadryl last night to see if I could sleep and my itchiness came back around 5am. I think that has been keeping the itchiness away for the last several days! Uggh. Always something - 5 days till the ultrasound.