
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thanks AHL!!! I will call.

My son is 20+ months right now (will be 2 in June). If all goes well they will be about 2 years, 5 months apart. Which is exactly what I wanted, but also terrifying at the same time! I just find it so hard to believe that I actually will have a baby in November and feel like I'm just waiting for something bad to happen especially because it's so early. Trying not to get too attached/excited, and trying to take it day by day.

I remember having cramping during my first pregnancy but for some reason every time I feel it it still worries me. Just stretching... Just stretching... Keep repeating that to myself in my head!

JGator, what's your due date (or do they wait till the first ultrasound to tell you for sure?) I know I've been through this before but feel like there are so many things I don't remember!

Lavender, the due date is 10/30 based on my IUI date. My daughter was due 11/2 and was born on 10/29 via c-section since she was breech. My husband's birthday is 10/28. So, we'll see! Interesting. I am trying not to get too attached also. I need to get rid of my anxiety though. It can' t be healthy. I had some heart burn today. I had that as my primary major irritation the whole pregnancy with my daughter so maybe that's a good sign.
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monkeyprincess|1425491314|3841768 said:
JGator, how are things going? I think your first ultrasound is sometime next week, right? Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and keeping everything crossed that your baby is growing nice and healthy!

Ckrickett, so sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like you had quite the rollercoaster of emotions last week. I'm hopeful that you will have a successful pregnancy when you are ready to start trying again.I don't know what you decided to do, but I had a D&C this past September when I was 8 weeks along. Happy to answer any questions you have about that process.

Lavender, hope things turned out okay for you!

Thank you! It has been a roller coaster, but there have been some blessings too. My DH and I talked about possibly TTC sometime next year. My main concern when I found out I was pregnant was my health and fitness. I was taking BC and it ruined my figure and made me gain a lot of weight. I was worried it could affect the pregnancy. So Now I am going to work harder to get healthier so I can be better next time.

I am just nervous about D&C because I have anxiety about tubes and stuff, so if they put tubes down my throat when I am under I am ok! Also worried about pain after recovery.

Thank you!

Ckrickett, I think I just had an iv which put me under. No tubes that I recall. And, then I woke up in the recovery room. The pain was not that bad - they prescribed someothing strong, but I only took advil and I was fine.

AFM, so now I hae something to take my mind off the wait till the ultrasound. I think I was robbed tonight as my rings are missing. And, my daughter heard something, and I saw a flash in the hallway earlier this evening. I called 911 as my husband is away and I was afraid someone might still be in my house tonight. No one is here, and there is a chance the rings are just misplaced, but I looked so hard and haven't had any luck yet. I'm stressed out and can't sleep - it's 3am!

Missing jewelry found this AM. My daughter took me straight to the rings after she woke up and I asked where they were. She had them hidden in a toy.

ckrickett - Glad to hear from you. Good luck with the D&C - hopefully they can just put you under with no tubes. I don't believe my friends who had it had any more than an IV, but it's possible every situation/procedure is different.

JGator - So scary that you thought you were robbed! Happy to hear it was just your daughter hiding your jewelry - oh those little troublemakers :lol: :bigsmile:

AFM, I'm having lots of anxiety today also. I didn't eat breakfast and then thought I would feel sick -- but then I didn't feel sick and I was wondering if that's a bad sign. How ridiculous is that? Almost wishing I got nauseous so I would feel like everything is ok (which wouldn't really necessarily mean everything is ok anyway!)? .. my mind keeps playing tricks on me. This was the first morning I didn't POAS right when I woke up, and now I'm itching to take one later after work. I have acupuncture after work, which usually helps calm me at least a *little* bit, so hoping that helps.

JGator, yikes! I HATE being alone at the house at night when DH is away, so that sounds like something I would do as well. Glad that all is well and the rings were found. At least K remembered where they were!

Ckrickett, my experience was very similar to JGator's. No tubes involved, just an IV. I was out during the procedure and woke up in the recovery room with no memory of anything. I was given strong painkillers to take home afterward as well, but I also didn't need them. I didn't have any heavy bleeding afterward. Just some light bleeding and spotting here and there for the next week or so. Everybody's recovery is a little different I'm sure, and you will want to weigh your other options of course, but for me the D&C was not physically painful, and it took away the worry of having a miscarriage at an unknown time and place.

Lavender and JGator, try not to worry. I know symptoms are the only thing you have to hang onto at this point, but it's still so early, and it is perfectly normal not to have any symptoms yet, but it sounds like you both may have at least one symptom. I had pretty high betas with my current pregnancy because it was twins, and it was until the 6th week that I started to feel queasy. No other symptoms. With my singleton, I hardly had any queasiness or symptoms at all, and it didn't start until 8 or 9 weeks.


I was my Dr earlier and she wants me to take the prescription meds before procedure (there goes my hope for a good nights sleep the night before) BUT they said that will reduce risk of perforation so I am a ok with taking it.

Ckrickett, I'm not sure what the prescription you're taking will be, but if it will help prevent perforation, definitely a good idea. If it makes you feel better, many ladies on here have gotten pregnant again with healthy babies shortly after a D&C. I had my D&C in September, and I was pregnant again by November.
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monkeyprincess|1425587811|3842386 said:
Ckrickett, I'm not sure what the prescription you're taking will be, but if it will help prevent perforation, definitely a good idea. If it makes you feel better, many ladies on here have gotten pregnant again with healthy babies shortly after a D&C. I had my D&C in September, and I was pregnant again by November.

I forget what they are called, but they are the drugs to induce the MC, progrestol or something?

I just wanted to pop back in to say that I took the Harmony test last Thursday. My OB told me I'd hear back in about 10-14 days, but they called me yesterday! Soooo thankful and excited to be having a healthy GIRL!! (which is what I wanted) :halo: :dance:
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msop04|1425592177|3842426 said:
I just wanted to pop back in to say that I took the Harmony test last Thursday. My OB told me I'd hear back in about 10-14 days, but they called me yesterday! Soooo thankful and excited to be having a healthy GIRL!! (which is what I wanted) :halo: :dance:


ckrickett, I don't know about that drug that induces the miscarriage. I have heard bad things. Can't they just do the D&C without that? Mine didn't involve any drugs to induce.

Msop, congrats on a baby girl!! How exciting! How far along are you?

Thanks, ladies! I'm 12 weeks, 2 days today. :))

msop04 - Congrats on the girl! So exciting!! How are you feeling now that you've hit 12 weeks+?

JGator - How are you feeling? Almost time for your ultrasound (it's tomorrow, right?) Hoping you were able to have a nice weekend and maybe take your mind off of the anxiety a bit, although I definitely understand if you couldn't! Hopefully tomorrow can ease your fears a bit...

I'm still feeling the same. Occasional dizziness, feeling a little shaky if I don't eat "on time" and I've been getting extremely lightheaded (like black spots in front of my eyes) when I stand up too fast from playing with my son on the floor, picking him up, standing up from a chair, or even just bending down to pick something up off the floor. Nothing major, just like I need to stop and give my eyes a second to clear. I need to start drinking more water, I wonder if it's related to that. I've cut down my POAS to 1x/day, which is a huge improvement from last week, so I'm hoping I can try to stop doing that at some point in the next week or two :wink2: Wishing my ultrasound was sometime soon but I know it's better to wait as long as I can so I have the best chance of seeing a heartbeat... if everything is ok... ::)

MSOP, that's great! Almost ready to graduate to the Preggo thread!

Lavender, yes, you are right. My ultrasound is tomorrow. The heartburn went away, and I was pretty symptom free and paranoid. I am wondering when the wondfo test line should get darker than control line. Mine is not yet. I ordered new tests and got a refund on the green ones, thanks to AHL. I am feeling like the line isn't dark enough. I did have sore breasts last night that woke me up, but that could also be attributed to the progesterone I am taking. I know I need to just relax till tomorrow as I can't change the outcome. That's encouraging that you are having so many symptoms. Hopefully your son will keep you busy and distracted till your ultrasound.

JGator said:
MSOP, that's great! Almost ready to graduate to the Preggo thread!

Lavender, yes, you are right. My ultrasound is tomorrow. The heartburn went away, and I was pretty symptom free and paranoid. I am wondering when the wondfo test line should get darker than control line. Mine is not yet. I ordered new tests and got a refund on the green ones, thanks to AHL. I am feeling like the line isn't dark enough. I did have sore breasts last night that woke me up, but that could also be attributed to the progesterone I am taking. I know I need to just relax till tomorrow as I can't change the outcome. That's encouraging that you are having so many symptoms. Hopefully your son will keep you busy and distracted till your ultrasound.

JGator, I should clarify because I don't want you worrying even more thinking I have so many symptoms and you don't! The lightheadedness is the ONLY symptom I have, and it could also be the case of just being too dehydrated and not eating enough food. This happens to me also when I'm *not* pregnant, I just feel like lately it's happening a little bit more. I still don't have nausea, no sore breasts, no heartburn, even the cramping has mostly disappeared, no other real symptoms to speak of. If I didn't know I was pregnant, I would have no idea I'm pregnant (if you know what I mean!). I remember my first pregnancy was like this also until around 7 weeks, and then the morning sickness showed up, but it's still nerve-wracking to have no "real" symptoms other than positive lines on tests. Hopefully both of us are just lucky and once the symptoms do come we'll wish we could feel as good as we do now! Definitely nerve-wracking though.
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Lavender_81|1425905409|3844218 said:
msop04 - Congrats on the girl! So exciting!! How are you feeling now that you've hit 12 weeks+?

Lavender, I feel great -- I never threw up before, but I was sooooo tired and felt nauseated/unsettled quite a bit. Now, I just wanna eat all the time! 8) :bigsmile:

Good Luck tomorrow, JGator!! I stopped testing very early on, so can't help there. All I know is -- I am hoping for the best for you tomorrow!!

To my immense relief, there was a heartbeat today, and not just one, but two!


So incredibly thrilled for you, Jgator! How are you doing with the news?

Also, just sayin', I think I called that? A double yolked egg had to be a sign. :appl:
There seems to be something in the water around here.

Sending tons of healthy, sticky dust for both of your little ones!!

Bright, I totally forgot about the double yolked egg! Thanks for reminding me!! Thanks also for the dust! I am handling it pretty well. I'm more excited than nervous today. I asked the RE what the odds are of success at this point, and he said normally it's a 50% miscarriage rate at my age, but seeing the heartbeat brings that down to 20%. And, then having 2 hedges our bets. He said the next ultrasound will be a better indicator of viability. I just hope they are both healthy and hang in there. I made an appt for next Thursday so that will be the next ultrasound. They sent me to a lab for TSH bloodwork so I will get the results tomorrow, and hopefully I can get an RX from the RE if needed. He seemed to say he would help me with that until I can get into see my regular endo next month.

WOW WOW WOW! So awesome J!

JGator, LOL! Welcome to the club. I don't know about you, but for me, I was just so happy to see even one heartbeat that I didn't think about the twins part for a few weeks. Now, I'm terrified! But excited too. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Thanks, Avia!

MP, yes, I can totally agree with your sentiments. I was so afraid of not seeing 1 heartbeat that 2 has not set in yet. Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers.

Holy moly, twins all over the place!!

Congrats, JGator!! With your high and fast doubling betas, I wondered...

It's probably a bit of a shock right now, but you will be fine! Congratulations!

Wow it's twinamania around here lately! Congratulations and best wishes ladies! My mother had twins when I was 17 (she was 39) and they were full term 7lbs7oz and 6lbs vaginal birth and perfectly healthy! I helped a lot with raising them until they were 7 and I finally moved out, now they're almost 12 and bigger than me, lol. Twins are harder and easier at the same time, my favorite things were the crazy twin speak when they were tiny and just seeing them together. Double healthy baby dust all around :appl:

J That is fantastic, congrats!!!!!!! :love:

Omg, JG!!! Congratulations!!!! Awesome!