
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


MP, great news! And only two weeks until you get to see your little twins again you lucky thing!

April, ugh, being sick while preggo is the worst! I hope you get some rest and are able to beat the sickness soon.

Choro, what a relief! I too am blown that they can give you a 95% chance and then it be a false positive. I'm hoping there is no more stressful situations to come during your pregnancy. News like that is enough!

happybear, completely understandable how you are feeling. Like I think I have mentioned before, all my friends who have had the same procedure have had long healthy pregnancies. I think it will be the same for you.

Hi to anyone else lurking! :wavey:

AFM, I'm making the most of my last two weeks of school holidays. I am really dreading going back to work, mainly because I am having such bad pelvic pain that I don't know how I will stand up and teach for more than an hour, let alone six! I had a scan today and my nerves got to me: I started crying as soon as I walked into the room. But babies were all good and were wriggling around like crazy. I wish we had gotten a video recording of this scan because it made all of us giggle at how they were trying to punch and kick each other through the membrane. They better get used to it though, because after being wombmates they will also be room-mates for a while to come! Since I'm 17 weeks tomorrow she was also able to take a guess as to the sexes of both. One she was pretty sure of but the other she was not so sure, so we will wait and see at the 20 week scan in 3 weeks. I was never one to want to find out the sex, but I must admit it has made me feel closer to them already in the last few hours.

It looks like there is few of us hesitant to jump over to the other thread. I was also thinking of waiting until we get the all clear at our next scan.

tbaus, yay! Glad to hear your babies are doing well. I have my suspicion of the babies' genders based on what you said, but I won't say anything until you are ready to share! I'm hoping we'll be able to get a guess at our next appointment as well, but I'll probably be in the same boat as you and not know for sure until the anatomy scan.

April, too funny about your dream! Sorry you're still not feeling well. I'm right there with you now. My son and husband have had colds off and on for the past month, and I finally succumbed a couple days ago, and it hit me really hard and fast. I haven't been able to sleep more than a couple hours the past few nights because I'm so congested and my throat hurts so badly. Really hoping I'm able to fight it off and start sleeping again. No fun, and there are just not that many very helpful things you can take when you're pregnant.

MP, let's just say if they are what she suspects we will be very happy ;)) I think she just didn't want to say it for certain since it is still a teeny bit early, and one was wriggling so much she couldn't get a proper look.

I hope you feel better soon. I'm hoping to skip any bugs going around this pregnancy, though I'm not holding my breath since I will be heavily pregnant in the middle of winter. Have you told your son that he is going to be a big brother yet?

Tbaus, ha, that further confirms my suspicion! Ideally, I'd love it if we get the same news, however, I'll obviously be thrilled with and grateful for whatever combination we end up getting. When I was pregnant with my son, I had such a strong boy vibe right from the start, so I barely reacted when they told us that he was likely a boy at 12 weeks and confirmed it at 20 weeks. I have zero intuition this time around, but I'm really dying to know. And no, we haven't said much to my little guy about the babies yet. A couple times I've asked if he'd like mommy and daddy to have a baby and make him a big brother. I also used the doppler when he was in the room the other day, and he asked what I was doing and then wanted me to check his tummy too. I told him mommy had babies in her tummy, and he said he did too :) I just think he's too little to get it, but after we get to the midway point in a few more weeks, I think we'll start talking about it more with him and trying to get it to sink in as much as it can for a two year old.

I hate to complain, but I'm going to anyway. This cold I have is really kicking me in the butt. I've literally gone through 5 large boxes of kleenex, and I am coughing and so congested that I haven't had more than a 2-3 hours of sleep a night the past 5 nights. I've taken sudafed and tylenol a couple times, which makes me feel guilty, but I just had to do something to get through the night. My immune system must be shot from the pregnancy. To make matters worse, I developed pink eye yesterday for the first time in my life. I feel so disgusting and my whole house seems like a germ factory! This too shall pass, and I can't wait to feel somewhat normal again and get some sleep. I think I'll have a much happier outlook on life when I'm no longer sleep deprived.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

MP: I had the nasty cold/cough funk for almost three weeks. I still have some lingering but I'm much better. It really made it worse not being able to take the "real" drugs that actually work. I hope you feel better soon!

I'm 12 weeks today. We had an OB appt and the NT scan today. The doc found the HB with the Doppler immediately and commented that I must be close to 13 weeks. We'd been discussing my DD and the fact that I felt 8/11 rather than 8/6 is more accurate since I know exactly when I ovulated. When we had the NT scan, baby measured 12w0d on the nose. So guess who was 100% correct. Me. Ha ha. I feel so vindicated. All our NT measurements looked good, so we are feeling relieved! We are planning to tell family this weekend. They'll probably have kittens. We are the last people they will expect to have a kid.

Here's a pic from the NT scan. I told DH that the baby has his build and hair cut.


April, look at your cute little bean! Amazing to see all the changes between the ultrasounds, isn't it? So sorry you also dealt with the miserable cold stuff. Makes you appreciate your health so much more! Oh, and that's awesome that you were correct about your ovulation/due date.

I went to a doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with bronchitis, sinusitis, pink eye, and pleurisy (inflammation in my lung that makes breathing deeply, coughing, and pretty much moving very painful). Talk about a train wreck! I look and feel awful. During the day, I'm able to function, but at night, it's nearly impossible to find a comfortable position to sleep in and to stay alseep for more than 30 minutes at a time, which just plain sucks. I'm mostly concerned about not getting enough rest and my body staying healthy to keep the babies healthy. He gave me antibiotics to try to speed up the recovery, and I just pray that helps.

Holy crap, MP, that's awful! I hope the antibiotic works ASAP. My sleep was really disrupted when I was in the thick of the funk, but not nearly to the degree you're experiencing. I am so sorry!

Oh, I spent several minutes dry heaving into the bathroom sink this morning. Good times. The doc asked if I was experiencing nausea at the appt yesterday. When I told her yes and that it seems worse now than it was a few weeks ago, she looked almost shocked and said, "But you're 12 weeks". No crap, lady, but tell that to my system. It's not like 12 weeks is some magic number that takes away everything.

MP, hope the antibiotics help. That sounds miserable. Can you take Unisom at night to help with sleep? I hated being sick while pregnant since you are so limited in what you can take. And, you really got hit by a hurricane of illnesses all at once. Hope you feel better soon.

April- What a cutie you have in there! Have fun telling your family. My family were all expecting it this time around so it was nice to have the extra surprise of twins to knock them off their feet!

MP- I had the exact same thing about six years ago (minus the pinkeye)! I think that is the sickest I have ever felt. Please tell me you have taken some time off so you can rest and give your body a chance to recover??? When I had it I had just started a new job and felt like I couldn't ask for leave already. I think I worked 3 weeks before my body shut down, and I didn't feel normal for 6 months after. As a consequence I now have mild asthma for the rest of my life! You may feel okay during the day but please take it easy, for you AND your babies sake. And as for sleeping at night, try and prop yourself upright with lots of pillows. You poor thing, I can't imagine going through that without any drugs! :((

We got our "risks" from the generic counseled yesterday. Based on age alone (I will be 38 when I deliver) it's 1:150 for downs and 1:250 for trisomys. But based on blood work and the NT scan our actual risks are 1:2981 for downs and 1:5000something for trisomys. We feel pretty good about that and won't do further testing.

We gave my dad and step-mom and framed picture from the NT scan last night. They took a couple minutes to realize what it was and then they got so excited. It's their first grandchild. They live a couple hours north and my SM had just been saying how when dad retires in five years they will move down since all us kids are here. As soon as they figured out what the picture was, they amended that to they're moving as soon as they can. I was actually hoping for that so we will see how long it really is. I give them a year. :cheeky:

We're telling the rest of the family tomorrow. They may not be as shocked as DH had told them about the loss last year so it won't be so far out of left field. We will see.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

Hi everyone... I admit, I haven't read many of the posts (there are so many), and I'm new to this thread, so I don't really know all the "background stories" for everyone. :oops:

I'm 35 (turn 36 in April), been married since March of 2013, and this will be my/our first child. I'm currently 7 weeks, 5 days, according to the OB... We'll have the genetic testing done in about 3-ish weeks, and I'm terrified because of my age. The good news is we'll know the sex with those results as well! :))
Re: Re:

msop04|1422900689|3826070 said:
Hi everyone... I admit, I haven't read many of the posts (there are so many), and I'm new to this thread, so I don't really know all the "background stories" for everyone. :oops:

I'm 35 (turn 36 in April), been married since March of 2013, and this will be my/our first child. I'm currently 7 weeks, 5 days, according to the OB... We'll have the genetic testing done in about 3-ish weeks, and I'm terrified because of my age. The good news is we'll know the sex with those results as well! :))

HI and welcome! No worries about not knowing back stories, just jump right in.

I wouldn't worry too much about your age. I will tell you now that if you haven't already met with genetic counselors, they will give you all these horrible numbers for odds for trisomy and down syndrome that scare the snot out of you. Just remember that they're based on *age* alone and no other factors. I'm older than you- I'm 37 and will be 38 at delivery and my numbers based on age alone were terrifying. I actually opted out of the MaterniT21 and Harmony tests because I've read too much about false positives. We decided to just do the NT scan and 1st Tri blood work and then if we got bad numbers or had soft markers, we would do more definitive testing- CVS or amnio. Long story short, my numbers came back great and the NT scan was 100% normal, so we're not worried at this point.

I hope yours goes smoothly and that you get good solid results from your genetic testing! And bonus you can learn the sex. We still haven't decided if we will find out.
Re: Re:

April20|1422904194|3826117 said:
msop04|1422900689|3826070 said:
Hi everyone... I admit, I haven't read many of the posts (there are so many), and I'm new to this thread, so I don't really know all the "background stories" for everyone. :oops:

I'm 35 (turn 36 in April), been married since March of 2013, and this will be my/our first child. I'm currently 7 weeks, 5 days, according to the OB... We'll have the genetic testing done in about 3-ish weeks, and I'm terrified because of my age. The good news is we'll know the sex with those results as well! :))

HI and welcome! No worries about not knowing back stories, just jump right in.

I wouldn't worry too much about your age. I will tell you now that if you haven't already met with genetic counselors, they will give you all these horrible numbers for odds for trisomy and down syndrome that scare the snot out of you. Just remember that they're based on *age* alone and no other factors. I'm older than you- I'm 37 and will be 38 at delivery and my numbers based on age alone were terrifying. I actually opted out of the MaterniT21 and Harmony tests because I've read too much about false positives. We decided to just do the NT scan and 1st Tri blood work and then if we got bad numbers or had soft markers, we would do more definitive testing- CVS or amnio. Long story short, my numbers came back great and the NT scan was 100% normal, so we're not worried at this point.

I hope yours goes smoothly and that you get good solid results from your genetic testing! And bonus you can learn the sex. We still haven't decided if we will find out.

Thanks, April... that makes me feel a little better. We are doing the Harmony blood tests, then if anything looks bad, we'll do other more definitive/invasive testing. Sooooo... just kinda holding out breath that everything will be okay! :))

msop04, welcome and congratulations! We all understand the anxiety that comes with worrying about chromosomal abnormalities, but I'm really hoping you're test results will be reassuring!

Hi to everyone else! I hope everyone is doing well!

AFM, thanks for the good wishes. I'm finally feeling quite a bit better. Not 100%, and my sleep has still not been great because of coughing/pleurisy, but I'm so much better than I was a week ago. I had an appointment with my new doctor and ultrasound today at 16 weeks. We really like the doctor, and both babies seem to be doing well. And we found out we are having a BOY and a GIRL!!!

So sorry to just drop in here, but EEeee!! MP!!! A boy and a girl??! That's so AWESOME!!! I think it really is the best of both worlds!!! Not sure if you had any preferences, but I'm just beyond excited for you!!

Also, so glad you're starting to feel better--this past week had to have been so awful for you. At least you're on the mend now!

MP!! Woo hoo! Congrats on a Boy and a Girl!!! Awesome news!!!! I'm glad you are feeling better too.

msop04, Hi, hope to see you in the main thread soon. Hope your test goes smoothly :)
mp, woohoo, a boy and a girl!! :dance: I'm glad you're feeling better. Who watched your little one while you were sick?

Hello, I usually am always in the colored stones forum but found out I am expecting my 3rd baby at the end of August/beginning of September. I am 9 weeks and one day. I am usually obsessed with reading and looking for sapphires and other pretty things but now I am finding myself reading about pregnancies and looking for baby names. I have been feeling really nauseous and tired everyday.
It's funny how you forget how it feels until you are pregnant again and then you remember promising yourself after your last pregnancy you'd wait 10 to 15 years to have another one. I waited 4 1/2 and I think my kids will be too spread out now. But I am so excited. My kids are both almost in school and I have always known I wanted at least 3 kids. I don't care what it is, I just want a healthy baby and hoping for not too hard of a pregnancy.
Msop, congratulations on your pregnancy! I too have not really read others stories on here. But congratulations to all!

MP a boy and a girl!!!! That is so, so awesome. I'm so happy for you.

I'm going to vent for a minute so I'm giving advance warning.

I am so annoyed. I've been sitting on my pregnancy news since THANKSGIVING. I didn't want to tell early since I've had a loss but after the NT scan last week, we were ready to tell. I was very sensitive to the fact that there are a lot of connections between our friends and DHs parents that could result in them accidentally finding out if I told someone and they slipped up or said something on FB. So I didn't tell anyone but my out of town friends and I waited to text them until right before my ILs came over. I took zero risks as I wanted to ensure they learned first. Well, as soon as we told them, my MIL started texting people. I thought she was just texting her friends and people we don't spend time with. Nope. She texted every damn person in her address book, including any and all friends we had in common. I have a friend I planned to tell in person when I saw her today. She gets to my house and ALREADY KNOWS. She learned Sunday night. She's not my only friend that already knew, but she's the tipping point. I am irrationally angry. I told DH that I understood that his mother was excited but she was so focused on what SHE wanted to do, she never stopped to even think about us. That she took this away from us and she was rude and inconsiderate. It's going to be a very long rest of my life.

Ugh! I'm sorry, April... that would SERIOUSLY piss me off. I told my closest friends and made it clear that we were "not telling anyone" until 12 weeks or so, and "there shall be no posting on FB or any other social media" until we tell the family. They were completely understanding and I trust that they'll keep their mouths shut. I know I'd be soooo upset if my IL did that to us! Hope everything calms down for you. :))

msop04 and livannie, welcome and congratulations!

MP!!!!!! YAY!!!! How exciting for you. Glad to hear babies are well. How long until your anatomy scan? Does sleeping upright at all help at night?

April, we were forced to announce before we were ready as well due to some overexcited grandparents. I feel your frustration.

Hi to anyone else, hope you are well!

AFM, I started back at work this week. I've dropped down to 2 days a week and will see how long that lasts. I am having horrible SI joint pain as well as PSD pain. By the end of the day I am hobbling along and sometimes at night when I try and roll over in bed I swear I can hear (as well as feel) my pubic bone separating. My body does not like pregnancy at all. ;( On a brighter note our anatomy scan is on Tuesday. I try and not think about it too much otherwise I get scared we will be in for bad news again. I am trying to stay positive and cannot believe we are actually going to pick up a second hand snap and go capsule stroller tonight. They don't sell them here in Australia so someone has obviously ordered it online and had it shipped, and now they are ready to pass it on. Our first baby purchase!

Tbaus: I hope you get excellent news at your anatomy scan. I can certainly understand your anxiety. I'll be thinking of you.

Here's a fun one. I was chatting with a friend today that had a baby a few months ago. I'd heard that she didn't know for a while, but to be honest, I heard she was pregnant right after my loss and it was certainly not something I wanted to chat about. Anyway, I asked her today when she found out. Ready for this? 20 WEEKS!!!! I asked how she didn't know or what made her finally figure it out. Long story short, her birth control had interrupted her cycle for several years and they weren't trying. She just didn't suspect and she had a lot going on that let her write off symptoms as just exhaustion from her life at the time. She finally figured it out when she kept gaining weight despite diet and exercise AND her stomach got hard! In a way, fast forwarding to 20 weeks doesn't sound bad!

April, that's crazy! At least she figured it out then and not right before giving birth. There was some woman I saw on the news recently that allegedly found out the morning she gave birth that she was pregnant, and her baby was like 10 pounds or something. I'm thinking there's no way you wouldn't know. It's my second pregnancy, and I'm having twins, but there is no way I wouldn't have realized something was up at about 12-13 weeks when I clearly had a bulge that couldn't be explained as anything other than a pregnancy (or a tumor or something). Sorry you didn't get to share the news the way you wanted. That is so disappointing. I hate to say it, but at least in my case and many of the friends I talk to, your relationship with your in-laws sometimes get tenser when grandkids come into the picture. The boundaries seem to get a bit blurred. I try to respect the fact that my son is my MIL's grandchild and not get too possessive and territorial, but it's hard.

Tbaus, sorry you are already so uncomfortable. Hoping you are able to take it as easy as possible. Good luck with your anatomy scan. Praying both little ones are jsut perfect! Are you getting a double snap n go? They are widely available in the US, so I'm holding off for awhile, but I figure we will get one of those for the early months before they are able to sit in a real stroller. Also, you should hop on over to the other pregnancy thread once you are ready!

This #!@*&#@*^ gag reflex! I feel fine today. I'm not nauseated. I don't seem to be averse to any foods today. I made fresh juice- apple, carrot, celery. I'm trying to eat healthier now that I'm feeling better. I poured my glass. I was almost finished with it when I somehow triggered my gag reflex and promptly threw ALL my juice back up in the sink. I am so irritated! That was good juice!!

April, the story about your friend is crazy! I can't imagine not knowing for that long! Sorry your gag reflex is still so sensitive. I had that last pregnancy and it made brushing my teeth my least favourite thing to do.

MP, yes, we got the double snap n go. Now we just need to take it to a store and figure out which capsule fits on it. I will be joining you over on the other thread straight after I post this!

AFM, it's officially time to move over to the other pregnancy thread as I click on over to 20 weeks tomorrow. We had our anatomy scan this week and both babies were healthy and happy in there. We also confirmed what the previous sonographer had suspected.... we are having a little boy and a little girl!! DH and I have been on a high the last couple of days and it is finally sinking in that we might be coming home with two babies very very soon. I hope to see all you in the other thread!

Tbaus, fantastic news! I know how stressful it has been for you waiting for your anatomy scan, so I'm glad that you and you DH are finally able to feel excited. And yay for another set of boy/girl twins! I don't have my anatomy scan for another three weeks, although I'll get a brief peak at the babies next week for a cervical length and fluid check (which I apparently due every two weeks), so I'm really anxious to hear all of their organs and parts are looking normal. Then we both just need to do our best to fatten these babies up and keep them inside as long as possible! See you in the other thread!

Tbaus, so very happy to hear your anatomy scan went well. I'm sure you were very anxious about it & hope you & your hubby can relax & celebrate now. And girl/boy twins?! How perfect!

MP, I'm so excited to hear about your girl/boy twins too!! Glad all is going well.

Best wishes to everyone else!

Oh my goodness, just delurking to tell tbaus and mp that I have tears of joy in my eyes for you both!! What incredible news!!! :appl:

Thanks so much, Brightspot and Dandi!