
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thank you everyone :) I'm very excited but my first sign for pregnancy was tender boobs while nursing my 25 month old as well as I haven't been sleeping well :(

The strange dreams began last night and the MS has started today pretty badly. Just feeling it-nothing happening (thank God-last pregnancy staring in the 2nd tri when it was supposed to be done I actually was getting sick a few times a day-nothing like that in the first tri at all-it was terrible).

I hear my milk will dry up at 16 weeks so we'll see if little man self weans or not. My old midwife said he likely won't that it's the boob and not the milk he loves-but his 4:30am feedings say differently.

Man I'm not feeling well. Thank God my husband has only 2 more weeks of work before he has 15 days off. I have a feeling I'll have to rely on him more than I'd like but I'm glad he has the time off!

Skippy, oops! Sorry about that. That's how rumors get started. You have such a beautiful family, and I can understand why your family feels complete with the twins.

Chemgirl, take good care of yourself. Hopefully, you will be back here again soon once you are start trying again. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

April, hoping the strange dreams and morning sickness means that your baby is growing nicely.

Vintagelover, it is really tough feeling sick with a toddler. I'm not a SAHM, but the days when I am home with my son, I cannot keep up with his energy. Hopefully this phase will pass quickly.

Tbaus, hope you are doing well!

AFM, I had another ultrasound today and both babies were still measuring right on track with strong heartbeats. It was a relief to see them again. I'm thinking it will all start to feel more real after my next appointment in two weeks. I'm just ready to be out of the first trimester and feeling more confident.

I woke up this morning and it feels like someone punched my cervix. It just feels tender. It's a weird feeling. Is this a "normal" thing?

My first appointment is the 22nd. I called my obgyn office and told them I had a positive pregnancy test and would like to get appointments started. The lady gets my information and then asks me what the purpose of my appointment is. Me: ummmm. I'm pregnant. I figured y'all would want to start seeing me at some point. I'm going to assume it was Monday morning and she wasn't awake yet.
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April20|1418161613|3798479 said:
I woke up this morning and it feels like someone punched my cervix. It just feels tender. It's a weird feeling. Is this a "normal" thing?

My first appointment is the 22nd. I called my obgyn office and told them I had a positive pregnancy test and would like to get appointments started. The lady gets my information and then asks me what the purpose of my appointment is. Me: ummmm. I'm pregnant. I figured y'all would want to start seeing me at some point. I'm going to assume it was Monday morning and she wasn't awake yet.

Ah, the good ol' "kicked in the crotch" feeling. Yep, totally normal. Welcome to the joys of pregnancy :)
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amc80|1418168752|3798541 said:
April20|1418161613|3798479 said:
I woke up this morning and it feels like someone punched my cervix. It just feels tender. It's a weird feeling. Is this a "normal" thing?

My first appointment is the 22nd. I called my obgyn office and told them I had a positive pregnancy test and would like to get appointments started. The lady gets my information and then asks me what the purpose of my appointment is. Me: ummmm. I'm pregnant. I figured y'all would want to start seeing me at some point. I'm going to assume it was Monday morning and she wasn't awake yet.

Ah, the good ol' "kicked in the crotch" feeling. Yep, totally normal. Welcome to the joys of pregnancy :)

You just made me feel so much better. I figured it was probably a "normal" thing but I never got this feeling with the m/c earlier this year. This feeling really sucks! I suppose I better get used to it!
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April20|1418170925|3798554 said:
amc80|1418168752|3798541 said:
April20|1418161613|3798479 said:
I woke up this morning and it feels like someone punched my cervix. It just feels tender. It's a weird feeling. Is this a "normal" thing?

My first appointment is the 22nd. I called my obgyn office and told them I had a positive pregnancy test and would like to get appointments started. The lady gets my information and then asks me what the purpose of my appointment is. Me: ummmm. I'm pregnant. I figured y'all would want to start seeing me at some point. I'm going to assume it was Monday morning and she wasn't awake yet.

Ah, the good ol' "kicked in the crotch" feeling. Yep, totally normal. Welcome to the joys of pregnancy :)

You just made me feel so much better. I figured it was probably a "normal" thing but I never got this feeling with the m/c earlier this year. This feeling really sucks! I suppose I better get used to it!

Ha, I'm 31 weeks and still get it. Don't be surprised if you get AF-like cramps as well. Mine were pretty intense for a few weeks. Everything is just stretching and hormones are evil.

I am happy to report that today, I do not feel like I've been kicked in the crotch.

I probably will tomorrow.
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April20|1418224611|3798814 said:
I am happy to report that today, I do not feel like I've been kicked in the crotch.

I probably will tomorrow.

:appl: :appl:

And you're right, you probably will :) Wait until real round ligament pain kicks in. You will be sitting down and stand up, then suddenly have to hunch over in'll learn to stand up slowly.

Skippy, woops! Sorry, I must have been getting confused with reading your posts from years ago maybe? I have been on a bit of a twin reading binge. Your boys are so cute btw!

Re: strange dreams. I have lot of those. The other night i dreamt I smoked 2 packets of cigarettes in a row. I knew I was pregnant, but couldn't stop myself. I woke up with such a sore throat..

April, feeling like you are being kicked in the crotch is one of the many joys. I bet you can't wait to see you little bean!

MP, hooray for healthy beans! I think it will definitely sink in soon, I'm 11 weeks and am definitely finding it hard to cover the little bump now. I think once the bump is there it is hard to ignore. I hear you on counting down to the end of the first trimester, not long to go!

AFM, 11w+4d today. Just busy with work and chugging along. I have one more week of work and after that I plan on sleeping for a week! I'm so tired, I might sleep through Christmas!! Like I said to MP, I have been getting a few more stares at work today, I think the bump is getting harder to keep under wraps. The few people I have told don't understand why I am hesitant to announce, but I feel like until I get to that 19 week scan I will still be worried that something is going to happen again. And this time, there is 2 babies to worry about instead of one.

tbaus: I completely understand your reluctance in saying anything before you feel like you've hit the "safe" zone. I hope you get lots of sleep on your off time!

I had a dream last night that when it came time for the baby to be born, it created it's own hole on my upper stomach and it's leg was hanging out. Then it fully crawled out and I was waiting for emergency surgery to fix the hole. The surgery was going to cost $30,000. I was all concerned about the cost and then I remembered that I have a $1500 out of pocket max with my insurance and I wasn't as freaked out. Like the cost was the biggest issue.

Seriously, these dreams just KEEP. GETTING. WEIRDER.

Tbaus, yay! Only one week to go for you at work. That's so nice. I hope you get nice and rested and start feeling more relaxed. And I'm totally going to show way early with this pregnancy too. I went back and looked at pictures, and with my first pregnancy, it wasn't until around 18-20 weeks that I had an actual "bump" that strangers would notice. This time, I already feel like I look 4 months pregnant at night with a distinct bulge. I can easily hide it by not wearing fitted clothing, and I'm sure people at work will just think I'm putting on a little weight, but I think by January, it's going to be pretty obvious (assuming everything keeps going well). So crazy.

April, that dream is funny and creepy! I haven't had crazy dreams as a symptom, and I feel like I'm missing out :) I only had that sore cervix feeling for like a day a few weeks back, and it hasn't come back. But I will tell you that pretty much any weird feeling or thing that happens over the next few months is probably a normal pregnancy symptom. It's weird all the things your body goes through. I have already had a few round ligament pain incidents when sneezing.

ETA - I am also not at all anxious to tell people about the pregnancy. I have told my family who all live in another state, and we will probably tell DH's family around Christmas because I have another ultrasound on December 23. But I kind of wish I could just keep it between DH and me, especially the twin part.

hyperemesis gravidarium sucks. Sick 3 times since 9pm last night-can't keep anything down to save my life. Not water-not juice-certainly not crackers. I'll be calling my midwife to get some meds to hopefully help it but I'm starting to get concerned by the lack of fluids I'm able to keep down-at this rate I'll end up in the hospital with an IV drip.

Sorry for the downer post. I always thought I wanted 3 kids but at this rate I'll be 2 and done.

vintagelover,I can't imagine what it feels like to be that sick. What about sucking on ice cubes? Whenever I feel sick after throwing up and I can't eat or drink, ice cubes are my only option. It really seems to calm my stomach down. I hope you are able to get some meds asap and they help ease your discomfort.

april, get used to the dreams! Mine just got weirder and weirder the further along I got. At least you haven't dreamed about losing your baby yet, I used to wake up feeling like I was going to be the world's worst mother.

MP, I also wished I could keep the twin thing a secret. I must admit though. especially this being the second pregnancy which people may not find quite as exciting, that the reactions when you say it is twins are priceless! How are you feeling these days? Any more nausea?

AFM, 12 weeks today! My scan is not until next Monday, which is killing me. I feel like my stomach has gone down a little bit this week so maybe I was just really bloated before? I am still having lots of food aversions, so basically sticking to some carbs for meals and snacking on lots of buts for protein since I still can't stomach any type of meat. I'm also off all vegetables but not fruit so I have been making myself one big green smoothie a day with lots of ice to try and get something nutritious into me. Despite my pregnancy symptoms I am still anxious to see that everything is still ok. I hope I am doing enough for these two little babies. News of my pregnancy is slowly filtering out around school, and I had my first shocking comment so far last week. A colleague asked if they (the twins) were IVF babies since it "took you so long to get pregnant again". :rolleyes: I was bit taken back I admit, and just told her that I didn't think 6 months between pregnancies would ever be considered "a long time". I think sometimes people forget that it was an emotional and physical time for me. Yes, I physically recovered fairly quickly from a seven hour labour and birth but in the following months there was no way having another baby let alone actually having sex was on either DH or my mind. We had a lot of grieving, thinking and reassessing to do, and luckily when we did decide to try again it happened quite quickly. I don't know if the pregnancy hormones make me a bit more sensitive and emotional but wow it stung to hear her say that.

vintagelover: I am sorry you are so sick! I can't even begin to imagine what that is like. Do the anti-nausea meds work for you?

tbaus: It amazes me how incredibly insensitive and rude people become when they find out someone is pregnant. They ask prying questions that they'd never ask in other situations! I hope your scan goes well next week and that your food aversions improve.

I'm starting to feel just the slightest bit "off" when I don't eat. Not all out awful, but not great either. I'm taking this as a good sign. I'm 5w6d today. This is when I lost the last pregnancy, so I've been a hot mess the last few days, concerned history would repeat itself. So far, so good though. I'm not planning on telling anyone until 12 weeks. We'd always been in the "not going to have kids" camp until this last year (it took me six months after the m/c to convince my DH that having a child was a non-negotiable for me). Most of our friends don't have kids and when someone has an "oops", it's conversation fodder. No one knows we decided to have one on purpose and I'm just not in the mood to talk to people about it until I'm in the "safe" zone.

Tbaus, wow, what an insensitive comment on multiple levels! I cannot even imagine what would possess somebody to think it is appropriate to comment on how long you waited between pregnancies, especially knowing what a tragic loss you suffered. And second, it is absolutely none of her business when or how your babies were conceived. Ridiculous. I hope you are able to just shake it off and not let it get to you.

I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. I have been taking half a unisom and B6 at night, which helps me sleep and also has helped quite a bit with the nausea. I still have moments here and there, but for the most part, I'm feeling pretty good. I also think the bloating is what is making my pants feel so tight these days. It certainly isn't the babies yet! Glad to here you are feeling less bloated now.

VL, ugh, that sounds just awful. I hope you were able to get zofran or something to help you get through this and to be able to keep things down. Take good care of yourself.

April, when is your first appointment? I would think the feeling "off" is a good sign that your pregnancy is progressing, but I know how nervewracking pregnancy is after a miscarriage. It will be good to have your first appointment and see your little baby's heart beating away.

MP, it's next Monday, the 22nd. It's with a nurse practitioner. They said it would be a "30 min" appt, but no details as to what is involved. I saw the NP for an annual exam back in March and she actually did a quick ultrasound because I was having some issues still after the m/c. So I know they have a portable machine and the ability to whip it out in a second so if a quick US isn't part of the appt, I'm going to lobby for a quick peek to ease my mind. I want to know something's in there, dammit!
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April20|1418665660|3801581 said:
MP, it's next Monday, the 22nd. It's with a nurse practitioner. They said it would be a "30 min" appt, but no details as to what is involved. I saw the NP for an annual exam back in March and she actually did a quick ultrasound because I was having some issues still after the m/c. So I know they have a portable machine and the ability to whip it out in a second so if a quick US isn't part of the appt, I'm going to lobby for a quick peek to ease my mind. I want to know something's in there, dammit!

Just tell them you aren't sure when your last AF was, and they will need to do a dating scan.
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amc80|1418667933|3801593 said:
April20|1418665660|3801581 said:
MP, it's next Monday, the 22nd. It's with a nurse practitioner. They said it would be a "30 min" appt, but no details as to what is involved. I saw the NP for an annual exam back in March and she actually did a quick ultrasound because I was having some issues still after the m/c. So I know they have a portable machine and the ability to whip it out in a second so if a quick US isn't part of the appt, I'm going to lobby for a quick peek to ease my mind. I want to know something's in there, dammit!

Just tell them you aren't sure when your last AF was, and they will need to do a dating scan.

I thought about that but they asked me when it was when I made the appt. I'm not sure if it's noted in the appt.
April20 said:
I thought about that but they asked me when it was when I made the appt. I'm not sure if it's noted in the appt.

Just say you gave them your best guess but aren't 100%. They should do a scan anyway.

April, I'd also say you were anxious because of your prior loss if they resist giving you an ultrasound. With my prior pregnancy, it was standard procedure to give an ultrasound at every appointment until a heartbeat could be detected via doppler.

I'm dipping my toes in here. Congratulations April, I hope you get your ultrasound! Tbaus, I'll kick that coworker's butt. How can people like that exist???

I just found out that for now my bean is viable at 12 weeks. I was supposed to get an ultrasound at 8 weeks, but my mother was hospitalized back home overseas. I postponed my appointment and went back for a month to help out. I haven't told anyone (my sister guessed though), and it was the most anxious month I've spent. I tried to keep myself busy with work, my mom, and my dad, but it was so hard not to form a plan for the worst.
My sister took over our parents last week, and finally today we saw the little guy wriggle with a 160 hb. I've printed out the ultrasound pictures, wrapped it in a gift box, and it's all ready to be shipped home to my parents. That's their Christmas gift from me. It's super lame but I'm too emotionally exhausted to do anything festive this year. My parents will probably scold me for working my butt off for them in my "condition", but they couldn't have made me change my mind. My next appointment will be in mid January, so I hope I wouldn't have to give gut wrenching news after announcing.

I hope to stay with you and safely move to the big bump thread together. Happy, joyous three months everyone!

Choro, congratulations! I've been hoping to hear an update from you. I understand your caution, as I'm feeling the same way (I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow), but I think getting to the 12-week point is a big hurdle! I know it was hard, but in the end, maybe staying busy with your parents was helpful at keeping you occupied and not having time to worry or obsess about the pregnancy. Hoping everything will be smooth sailing for you from here on out!

Congrats Choro! I hope this remains a sticky bean for you.

6w2d here. And while I don't have active nausea, I'm now at a point where I go from being fine, to OMG I'm going to puke if I don't eat NOW. Not pleasant. I usually skip bfast and then often don't eat lunch until 1 or 2. Or if I eat bfast, I might only have a snack in the late afternoon and then dinner. Yeah. I had bfast at 8 and was about ready to lose it about 15 mins ago. Awesome. IIRK, my mother was the same way (she had her last baby when I was 18, so my memory is relatively clear on this).

Oh, and all I think about every day is a nap. I'm self employed and I work at home, so thankfully, I can go take one when I need and don't have to try to buck it up during the work day.

Sticky dust to everyone here!

I just past the 10 weeks mark and it's been such a roller coaster ride. I had spotting/bleeding 3 times (@ 4th, 6th & 8th week) and each time rushed to the 24-hr O&G clinic. Luckily the little bean seems fine. Been taking progesterone pills ever since.

After having a mc last year, every single thing this time round just freaks me out. I really want to enjoy this pregnancy but it's hard. My doctor suspects I have an incompetent cervix which dilated prematurely and caused me to lose my baby last year. So this time I'll be getting my cervix stitched up at 13 weeks. I'm hopeful yet afraid.

Happy bear- congrats on your pregnancy. Pregnancy after a loss is so hard. I hope the rest your pregnancy is less stressful!

AFM: great dr's appt today! I'm measuring 7 weeks (I'm 6w6d by my calcs) with a nice, strong heartbeat!! They set my DD for Aug 6 but I really feel like the 11th is more accurate. Oh well. Whatever. We go Jan 27 to meet with the genetic counseler. There's a US as part of the appt so I assume it's the NT scan. Once we get past that hurdles plan to start telling family.

April, what great news! I would agree with you about your suspected due date based on the measurement and your calculation. I guess that would only really matter if you happen to go over and are being pushed to induce earlier than you want. Otherwise, a difference of a few days shouldn't matter. Congrats again. Seeing (and hearing?) your baby's heartbeat for the first time is so surreal!

Happybear, congratulations! I'm sorry for your prior loss, and I hope the stitch prevents any complications this time. I too have had a bit of spotting this pregnancy (although mine has been mostly very scant), but it really is unsettling. Hoping you've seen the last of it.

AFM, I have another ultrasound tomorrow. I'll be 10 weeks. I was able to pick up at least one of the baby's heartbeats on the doppler a few times in the past few days. I *think* I was able to pick up both heartbeats, although it's hard to tell if I'm getting the same one twice from a different angle. Regardless, I feel much less anxious going into tomorrow's ultrasound knowing that at least one of the babies still has a nice, strong heartbeat. I'm having to work harder to hide my thickening waist these days. I've heard people say you show much earlier with subsequent pregnancies, and that is definitely the case for me. It's like my muscles just gave up the fight before it began. I am actually wearing a pair of maternity jeans today because they are just so much more comfortable and the elastic makes the bulge in my belly much less noticeable. I didn't switch to maternity pants until like 17-18 weeks last time around.

MP: i hope your u/s tomorrow shows you still have two healthy beans. I can't believe you were able to hear on the Doppler so early. That is so so cool!

I didn't get to hear the HB but honestly, seeing it was enough for me! I don't know if the mobile machine had sound capability or if it was just too early to hear.

My only concern on the earlier EDD is exactly what you mentioned- going "over" and being talked to about induction before I'm really "late". But I agree that five days doesn't seem like enough to worry about.

They are also recommending a 1 hr glucose tolerance test in the 1st tri. I haven't heard of this before. Has anyone else been asked to do this in 1st tri? They wanted me to do it today but I was just not prepared for that extra time. As it was, I was at the clinic for FOUR hours for the appointment and waiting at the lab for a blood draw. I was starving by the time I got to the lab so I asked for cookies and juice. They were more than happy to comply!

Congrats, Choro!! You are amazingly patient!! Glad to hear all is going well.

HappyBear, Congrats on your pregnancy. Sounds like all is going well and you are receiving good care from your physician. I hope that in time you are able to relax a bit more. I know it is so hard after a loss.

MP - Hope all is well at your US today.

April - I did have an early glucose test, but was already in the second tri. I was previously at an OB/GYN's office. They did not recommend an early glucose screen. I switched to a midwife practice, and they recommended it. If I recall, she said they recommend them for adv mat age, but I don't recall at what specific age. I did have the test and all was fine.

So, I am 19.5 weeks and totally don't belong in this thread, but I am posting this here anyway. My car was hit from behind yesterday. I was stopped, and the other car was accelerating and really jolted my car. The EMT really wanted me to take the ambulance to the hospital!! I wound up driving myself, and was sent to labor and delivery. All checked out ok, thank goodness, but I am still kind of upset by the whole thing. I try to be so careful about EVERYTHING and then something so random happens. Thank goodness it was not a serious accident.

LV, ugh, that sucks! So glad all is well. When I was pregnant with my son, we got rear-ended by some idiot when I was about 32 weeks, and we spent about 4 hours in L&D being monitored. Not fun, but worth it to know all is well. It's scary when you realize how little control you really have in life. Can't believe you are about halfway through!

April, I didn't have the glucose test until 24 or 26 weeks last time, but I may have to do it earlier this time with twins. It's annoying, but really not a big deal, and definitely worth it if they are recommending it. I think it depends on the equipment used when you are able to hear the heartbeat. I heard the heartbeats at the 8 week ultrasound. The Doppler is great. I try not to overuse it, and I'm lucky I found them this early. It is probably much safer to wait until 12 weeks or so to try it, but I'm neurotic.

TB, hope you are doing well and enjoying your time off!

AFM, my ultrasound this morning went well. Both babies look good and had good heartbeats. Before one was measuring right on track and one was a day ahead. Now one is measuring a day behind and the other is measuring 2 days ahead. All within the margin of error, so I'm not worried about it. We will do first trimester screening aka NT scanning on January 14. Just praying they are both healthy!

Happy holidays to all!

April, I think they do it early for moms who have high risks or something. Was the doctor worried about anything?

LV, Glad you're okay! How annoying though. Can your car be fixed?

happybear, I completely understand! I'm going through the same anxiety. How scary about the incompetent cervix, but I'm glad your doctor is proactive about it. Crossing fingers for a smooth treatment!

afm, I'm being a paranoid mess. Second+ moms, how early did you feel the baby move? From what I gather, second time moms feel their baby move at about 13 weeks. I'm 13W 3D, and I feel nothing. My friend who is 10 weeks (second time) says she feel flutters already. I'm so worried.