
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Congrats And welcome Trekkie and Muff Dog! That is a great Beta for 14dpo Trekkie so I am hoping this is a sticky bub for you.

I haven't been here much as both my son and I have been constantly sick lately and it didn't seem anyone else was around. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and have my NT scan so hopefully will be moving over to the other thread soon.

Marlie, how are things going with you? When is your NT scan?

Thanks for the welcome mlk!

Second beta came in at 870 - that's a doubling time of 43 hours, so I'm feeling a bit reassured. Our favourite nurse at the fertility clinic called me earlier to congratulate us on our numbers, and that really helped set my mind at ease.

Almost time for you to move over to the big girl thread, mlk! How are you feeling now at almost 12 weeks?

Just de-lurking to say another huge congratulations to LTP!! SO SO SO excited for you, lovely!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Big big congrats to all the other mamas-to-be!! Squeeee!!! :bigsmile:
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Congrats to the new mamas-to-be who have joined this thread, Trekkie and MuffDog!

DandiAndi|1409457795|3742261 said:
Just de-lurking to say another huge congratulations to LTP!! SO SO SO excited for you, lovely!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Big big congrats to all the other mamas-to-be!! Squeeee!!! :bigsmile:

Awwww, Andi, thank you, love! :twirl:

Have been swamped with work over the past few weeks and all of a sudden I'm at 15w6d and we now know it's a girl! So much to do!

Suppose I'll be moving over to the big girl thread now!

Hi girls! This thread isn't moving much - maybe there aren't many of us JBPreggos around? Maybe we could do a bit of a check in?

I'll start.

I'm here. 6w6d. Feeling relatively crappy every day (no puking, just general nausea and gut rot). Exhausted. No other symptoms really. I have my first proper midwife appointment on October 6 so just holding tight for the time being. you guys go!! :-)

Hey Muffdog! Congratulations on your BFP! This thread is kinda quiet but hopefully we can revive things a bit!

Sorry to hear that you're feeling crappy :( It's almost a week later - are you puking yet? :P

I'm 8w today and still don't have a single symptom. If it weren't for the positive tests and last week's ultrasound I wouldn't even know I was pregnant. Our next appointment is on 9 October, so only three days after yours!

Anyone else care to jump in? :)

Hi Muff! Yeah I haven't really jumped on this thread because I have been too nervous. Honestly I am feeling sooooo crappy with this pregnancy. I am light headed all the time and so incredibly nauseous. So far I can honestly say pregnancy has not been fun for me. How are you feeling?
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Huff26|1411992708|3758564 said:
Hi Muff! Yeah I haven't really jumped on this thread because I have been too nervous. Honestly I am feeling sooooo crappy with this pregnancy. I am light headed all the time and so incredibly nauseous. So far I can honestly say pregnancy has not been fun for me. How are you feeling?

Hey Huff! Congratulations! Sorry to hear you feel crappy but hey, at least you know you're pregnant. I had sore boobs a couple of weeks ago but that's gone now. If it weren't for the scan I wouldn't know I was pregnant.

Also, pregnancies with morning sickness have a greater success rate than pregnancies without, so at least you have statistics on your side!

Hope this makes you feel at least a little bit better!

Hi Trekkie and Huff! Thanks for chiming in.

I've also been feeling generally crappy so I haven't even felt motivated to get online and chat with you girls! Sorry :-(

Still feeling nauseous all day (no puking though). Eating helps but only while I'm eating. For example - I just ate a huge piece of lasagna for lunch and while I was eating it, my stomach felt better but I just finished and I already feel shitty again. The weird thing is I feel like my stomach is empty! what the heck!!

I still haven't had an ultrasound so I'm still crossing my fingers over here. My body is definitely changing so I'm guessing things are okay but I'll feel better after I hear a heart beat!

Also bought one of those home-use dopplers and hopefully I will be able to find a heartbeat that way soon :-)
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MuffDog|1412011272|3758688 said:
Hi Trekkie and Huff! Thanks for chiming in.

I've also been feeling generally crappy so I haven't even felt motivated to get online and chat with you girls! Sorry :-(

Still feeling nauseous all day (no puking though). Eating helps but only while I'm eating. For example - I just ate a huge piece of lasagna for lunch and while I was eating it, my stomach felt better but I just finished and I already feel shitty again. The weird thing is I feel like my stomach is empty! what the heck!!

I still haven't had an ultrasound so I'm still crossing my fingers over here. My body is definitely changing so I'm guessing things are okay but I'll feel better after I hear a heart beat!

Also bought one of those home-use dopplers and hopefully I will be able to find a heartbeat that way soon :-)

Hey MuffDog! Sorry to hear you're feeling so terrible :( I hope that improves soon!

There's nothing like an ultrasound to reassure one, is there? :) We had ours a couple of weeks ago and saw the heartbeat. Have another one next week and already I need the reassurance. I think I'm paranoid because of our previous loss.

Have you tried those pregnancy lollipops? They might help with the nausea because you'll sort of be eating. Just a suggestion. :)

Sorry for not replying earlier. This pregnancy is doing crazy things to me. I am getting worried about the baby and I. I know its only 9.5 weeks but I have already lost 9 lbs and I was very skinny to begin with. I am 5'9" and I am getting close to 100 lbs. Any tips on weight gain for me and the little one?

I have all day MS even with taking prescriptions. My poor hubby is going through hell right now. :(
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Huff26|1412889884|3765039 said:
Sorry for not replying earlier. This pregnancy is doing crazy things to me. I am getting worried about the baby and I. I know its only 9.5 weeks but I have already lost 9 lbs and I was very skinny to begin with. I am 5'9" and I am getting close to 100 lbs. Any tips on weight gain for me and the little one?

I have all day MS even with taking prescriptions. My poor hubby is going through hell right now. :(

Boo! Are you on Zofran? Have you tried the diceglis (Unisom/B6 combo) in addition to that? I've heard that some women need both. As far as weight- I'd just focus on whatever you can keep down, especially calorie dense foods. Peanut butter, nuts, whole milk products. Think you can keep down a smoothie or milkshake?

Huff, I am so sorry. I was super sick and lost a lot of weight too (but I had more than enough to start with:-)

Eat whatever you can, whatever sounds good to you and you can keep down. I couldn't even read about food without getting sick, but if you can, here's what worked for me on ocassion. I spent a small fortune on take our for lunches b/c nothing good to me in the morning, and then once it got delivered I could only eat a few bites and then would throw the rest away.

Chocolate milk/chocolate soy milk
Peaches and Raspberries
citrus fruits

Thanks amc80 and Bella_mezzo,

So far I am on the diceglis and I have some Zofran for break through nausea. I'll be honest in that they help me not puke but every bite feels like I am still going to. I can't smell meat right not without getting sick or eggs, not sure what that's about.

Thank you for the advice yesterday. I felt so emotional because I know I haven't been taking in enough calories and I desperately want to take care of our little one. I did some research and am mixing carnation instant breakfast with whole milk and kept that down last night. I will probably try to drink two a day or so. Do you think it's ok to drink it that much? I read somewhere that too many vitamins like A are bad but I also think at this point no food is also terrible. :confused:
Huff26 said:
Thanks amc80 and Bella_mezzo, So far I am on the diceglis and I have some Zofran for break through nausea. I'll be honest in that they help me not puke but every bite feels like I am still going to. I can't smell meat right not without getting sick or eggs, not sure what that's about. Thank you for the advice yesterday. I felt so emotional because I know I haven't been taking in enough calories and I desperately want to take care of our little one. I did some research and am mixing carnation instant breakfast with whole milk and kept that down last night. I will probably try to drink two a day or so. Do you think it's ok to drink it that much? I read somewhere that too many vitamins like A are bad but I also think at this point no food is also terrible. :confused:

Zofran works that way for me, as well. It doesn't make me not feel sick but it keeps me from throwing up. Have you tried taking it continuously to see if that helps?

I think at this stage you need to eat whatever you can. If you can keep the carnation stuff down, do it. I can't imagine there's enough A in it to cause a problem. Glad you found something to eat!!

Huff - have you been in touch with your dr recently esp'ly re: the weight loss? What does he or she suggest? I would also call about the Vit A. That's what they're there for. I hope you feel better soon.

My boss was rally sick when pregnant with her daughter (who is now 25) and she's a tiny lady too. She said that she pretty much lived on Carnation Instant Breakfast and dried apricots her whole pregnancy. I agree with calling your Dr since you are so small and to check re vitamin levels, but I think at this stage of the game it's all about what you can keep down and keeping your weight up b/c the baby will take what it needs from your body so you have to be strong and have enough fat stores/calories.

How is everyone doing today? :)

I hope you are feeling better, Huff26. :)

Soooo... 12w4d today. Had our NT appointment on Wednesday and it came back 100% clear, which is a huge relief. We were a little bit worried because I was unable to take prenatal vitamins or folic acid because of my allergies, but everything appears clear, thankfully.

We were also told we have a 90% chance of a boy and a 50% chance of a ginger (don't ask how he tested that!!!) so we're in shock. We were hoping for a girl, but baby is happy and healthy, so what more could one ask for?

DH has two younger sisters who each have a daughter and they've both declared that they're "one and done" so FIL is overjoyed to finally have a grandson. :)

About 6.5 weeks at this point.

I took the test in an airport bathroom on my way to Amsterdam so initially wasn't thrilled. We didn't want kids, but DH was dragging his heels on the snip snip and I was switching to a different form of birth control due to a famoku history of estrogen dependent cancers. Now that its sunk in we're happy, but it was initially a shock.

Where we live they don't do blood tests until 10 weeks and no ultrasound until 12 weeks. I'm sitting around thinking that I'm most likely pregnant, but there's so much uncertainty and its hard to make any solid plans.

Probably not your normal barely pregnant story, but felt like I needed to share with someone.
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chemgirl|1414336280|3772903 said:
About 6.5 weeks at this point.

I took the test in an airport bathroom on my way to Amsterdam so initially wasn't thrilled. We didn't want kids, but DH was dragging his heels on the snip snip and I was switching to a different form of birth control due to a famoku history of estrogen dependent cancers. Now that its sunk in we're happy, but it was initially a shock.

Where we live they don't do blood tests until 10 weeks and no ultrasound until 12 weeks. I'm sitting around thinking that I'm most likely pregnant, but there's so much uncertainty and its hard to make any solid plans.

Probably not your normal barely pregnant story, but felt like I needed to share with someone.

Congratulations to you and your husband! It's awesome that you are happy now. :)

For some reason I thought you were in Canada? I'm surprised that you have to wait this long for a blood test. Could you perhaps do it privately? I would probably do that just so that I can have some certainty and direction, but I'm a bit of a control freak, lol.

I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months ahead!
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Trekkie|1414500469|3773798 said:
chemgirl|1414336280|3772903 said:
About 6.5 weeks at this point.

I took the test in an airport bathroom on my way to Amsterdam so initially wasn't thrilled. We didn't want kids, but DH was dragging his heels on the snip snip and I was switching to a different form of birth control due to a famoku history of estrogen dependent cancers. Now that its sunk in we're happy, but it was initially a shock.

Where we live they don't do blood tests until 10 weeks and no ultrasound until 12 weeks. I'm sitting around thinking that I'm most likely pregnant, but there's so much uncertainty and its hard to make any solid plans.

Probably not your normal barely pregnant story, but felt like I needed to share with someone.

Congratulations to you and your husband! It's awesome that you are happy now. :)

For some reason I thought you were in Canada? I'm surprised that you have to wait this long for a blood test. Could you perhaps do it privately? I would probably do that just so that I can have some certainty and direction, but I'm a bit of a control freak, lol.

I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months ahead!

Congrats to you too!

Yes we are in Canada. My province covers midwife care and they have privileges at specific hospitals. Since I opting for midwife the first appointment is at 10 weeks. I can go to a regular doctor if I have any concerning symptoms. Part of me wants to make up spotting or something so I can get early testing, but then I feel like that would be wrong and tempting fate.

I did take a clear blue test with weeks indicator to make sure the value went up, but I know that could still be chemical pregnancy.

I will probably just hold tight until November 19th.
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chemgirl|1414541666|3774147 said:
Trekkie|1414500469|3773798 said:
chemgirl|1414336280|3772903 said:
About 6.5 weeks at this point.

I took the test in an airport bathroom on my way to Amsterdam so initially wasn't thrilled. We didn't want kids, but DH was dragging his heels on the snip snip and I was switching to a different form of birth control due to a famoku history of estrogen dependent cancers. Now that its sunk in we're happy, but it was initially a shock.

Where we live they don't do blood tests until 10 weeks and no ultrasound until 12 weeks. I'm sitting around thinking that I'm most likely pregnant, but there's so much uncertainty and its hard to make any solid plans.

Probably not your normal barely pregnant story, but felt like I needed to share with someone.

Congratulations to you and your husband! It's awesome that you are happy now. :)

For some reason I thought you were in Canada? I'm surprised that you have to wait this long for a blood test. Could you perhaps do it privately? I would probably do that just so that I can have some certainty and direction, but I'm a bit of a control freak, lol.

I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months ahead!

Congrats to you too!

Yes we are in Canada. My province covers midwife care and they have privileges at specific hospitals. Since I opting for midwife the first appointment is at 10 weeks. I can go to a regular doctor if I have any concerning symptoms. Part of me wants to make up spotting or something so I can get early testing, but then I feel like that would be wrong and tempting fate.

I did take a clear blue test with weeks indicator to make sure the value went up, but I know that could still be chemical pregnancy.

I will probably just hold tight until November 19th.

Chemgirl - I'm in Canada with a midwife as well. If you want, ask them for a dating ultrasound (tell them you have irregular cycles or don't know when you ovulated). They'll get you a requisition for an ultrasound. I didn't get one but could have if I wanted (and it can help if you want to get additional testing done that is time specific (ie NT screening etc)).

Hi Everyone, :wavey:

I'm new to this sub-forum (long time PSer though!) just discovered I am pregnant (yay! It was planned) and now have realised I seriously have no clue about pregnancy (apart from all the whinging my sisters did :lol: ) so I hope to share this journey with my fellow PS ladies. I'm still very early so cannot tell anyone yet - even my family don't know although we plan to tell them at Christmas.

I have some mild symptoms but no morning sickness so far thankfully. I've done a fair bit of Google searching :shifty: and some is helpful, other parts not so much. Seems everyone is so vastly different that every little thing "could happen to you or might not" IYKWIM?

So far I've gained a couple of Kgs and definitely feel very bloated - already my jeans feel tighter on me. :eek: I'm being careful to eat healthily and avoid caffine & alcohol, sushi etc. Is it too early to get cravings? I'm obsessed with Swiss Cheese all of a sudden... I'm not eating it by the block obviously but suddenly just LOVE the taste of it :confused: Also very thirsty and sooooooo tired all the time and some ouchy cramping too. Hope that is normal?! :shock:

Anyhoo just wanted to say hi and would love any advice you have.

Welcome, and congrats!

Everything you mentioned is totally normal. Your hormones are so out of whack during pregnancy that all sorts of strange things happen. Regarding the cramping- it's pretty common to feel period-type cramping early on, especially the first 8-10 weeks or so. It isn't a problem unless you have bleeding as well (in which case, CALL YOUR DOC!). It's just the ol' ute stretching. It can be pretty uncomfortable (and worrisome) at times.

Weird cravings and aversions- yep! Bloating - yep! Pure exhaustion - yep! I remember with B, I'd go to bed at 8pm or so and come home every day and take a nap at lunch. Much harder to do this round with a toddler!

Enjoy your brain while it still works. Pregnancy brain is real! My memory is shot and everything processes so much slower. That's one of my least favorite things about being pregnant.

If you don't already have it, get a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting. I thought it was the best book out there. You'll have something weird going on, then read that week's chapter and it will say "you might have noticed X starting to happen." Babycenter has a pretty good app where you put in your due date. It has daily tidbits, with a longer, weekly update.

Thanks AMC80! That is SO reassuring to hear the cramps are normal - I was getting quite worried! :wavey:

Tiredness is killing me right now - I'm struggling to stay awake/perky at work and I work long hours in a corporate office where I need to be uber professional all the time. I've lost my caffine crutch! :lol: Sounds like the "pregnancy brain" could also be an issue later on... :shock:

I also have a have a super long commute each day (4 hours in total by train!) so although I'm meant to be online working via my laptop on the train - to be honest I've be sleeping, especially on the trip home. I'm lucky to work one day from home a week so I have a break from it all midweek at least. I work for a great company so expect they will be more flexible as I need it later on.

Great advice about the book - I'll be sure to pick it up this weekend so hubby & I can get educated. :read:

I'm so exited about this baby! :dance:

Hi everyone!

I'm also jumping in here again. I was here earlier on this year with my first pregnancy, which we had to unfortunately terminate at 22 weeks. This time I'm back, with double the baggage: We found out last week at our first scan that we are having TWINS!!! :love: It was a shock at first, but we are slowly adjusting to the idea.

I'm around 7 weeks pregnant, but not exactly sure of 7 weeks and how many days, as the OB told us there was twins first and all the information after that I can't really remember. I have had almost no morning sickness this time around, just constant hunger. I have to be careful to always keep a little something in my stomach otherwise it feels like it starts to eat itself!! So all day snacking over here, I'm pretty sure my work colleagues are on to my little secret. Also, I'm so tired. I come home and have a two hour nap, wake up for dinner that my husband is now in charge of cooking, after which I usually jump in the shower and then in bed by 8pm.

Other than that I'm feeling great, excited and hopeful for a totally normal pregnancy! :wavey:

So who have we got in here?? Trekkie and Huff, have you both moved to the other thread?

LV, how far along are you now? You've been quiet!

Chemgirl, how are you doing? November 19 is this week coming! I hope you have some great news for us soon.

AMC I lurk in the other thread. Not long to go for you!

HotPozzum, congratulations! A four hour commute would be exhausting for a normal person, never mind a pregnant person! You know you are still allowed some caffeine, right? I'm not sure what the guidelines are in the US but here in Australia it is the equivalent of 2 instant cups of coffee, or 4 cups of tea a day. It is totally your choice though, I know with my first pregnancy I gave up tea and coffee but chose not to this time.

Hi Tbaus - How are you feeling? Yes, I have been quiet. Just sort of going on with normal life, definitely different than my first. I *just* signed up for those weekly development emails! So interesting. I'm 14 weeks, 3 days! I was really sick all of the time during the first trimester. No morning sickness, thankfully, but lots of colds, accompanied by low grade fevers that were quite worrisome for me. Since the second tri started, I have been feeling healthy, but a smidge tired. I had the SAME constant hunger. I would eat ravenously, and had some definite cravings, all of which seems to have evened out now. Re: coffee, in the US, most say 1 cup of coffee is ok, but lots of women will stop all caffeine anyway. I am not one of them! I enjoy my one morning cup (brewed at home, so fairly light compared to what I used to drink) per day, and will occasionally have a lightly brewed cup of tea in the afternoon too. Oh, and I haven't said on here yet, but we are having a boy!! My 3.5 year old daughter is delighted that she will be a big sister!!

HP - Congrats to you!! Whoa to your commute time! That must be tough as a non-pregnant person!! Once you get to the second tri, you should be less tired, but I would still spend train time trying to nap instead of working! What kind of work do you do? So funny about the swiss cheese too! Hee-hee.

OMG, congrats on your baby boy LV!! It's great to have one of each!

Woohoo Tbaus - twins! :appl: I can definitely imagine the fatigue level with that!

Yeah I've already given up the idea of going cold turkey on caffine - was getting the most awful headaches so now I have one small weak latte every other day which seems to help me wean off it slowly without falling asleep at my work desk.... :lol: I still drink tea every day but just try to limit to to a few cups.

Congrats LovesVintage - a boy! Glad you are feeling better now and have more energy. :wavey:

I'm started to get very sore tender boobs and still have some cramping but otherwise fine. Feel somewhat reassured by the symptoms in that I hope it means everything is normal and on track. :read: Hubby is being very sweet and protective. Craving is now Swiss cheese on cruskits with vegemite....yummmmmmm :love: