
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Well, the nurse who gave me my first tri test screen results turned out to be completely off base. Got my results in the mail today. She told me my chances of DS was 1:45 and Trisomy 18 was 1:100 - turns out those are the cut-offs! My screen risk is 1:3000 for DS and <1:10000 for T18. I actually beat my maternal age risk of 1:425 for DS and 1:1657 for T18.

Obviously, I'm annoyed at her for reading me my results wrong, but so glad that the situation is actually very good.
SMC- I would say those are much more normal numbers than 1:45!! Great news!

Smc..great news!! Sorry you went through that but happy the results are much more favorable!

LP...when I was pregnant with my daughter I had a lot of trouble with lightheadedness. There is a lot of talk about high blood pressure in pregnancy but some people (myself included) have blood pressure that drops significantly while pregnant. Doc told me that can happen. I have low blood pressure regularly but it would get scary low sometimes when I was pregnant last time and cause me to feel woozy and like I was going to pass out. No fun! Maybe just something to ask your midwife about? Just wanted to share my experience. It's already happening to me again at 7 weeks this time. Whatever the reason, I'm sorry you had that feeling! It's just awful!

Marlie, that's good to know! My blood pressure is normally on the low side (~105/65), so that's definitely something to watch out for.

SMC, glad the numbers are good! I can't believe the nurse read you the wrong results! :wall:
SMC, oh my goodness. I don't even know what to say, but thank goodness everything is ok!

NT scan was this morning. Baby looked great! NT measurement was around 1.5. The tech asked of we wanted a gender guess, and as she went to that area there was no doubt that it's likely a boy. He wasn't shy! I also asked about the MaterniT21 test since I will be just shy of 35 at delivery. They called my insurance and it is going to be covered! I will get the results next Tuesday at the latest. DH is thrilled that it's (most likely) a boy, and I really didn't care either way.

amc80|1406576502|3722064 said:
SMC, oh my goodness. I don't even know what to say, but thank goodness everything is ok!

NT scan was this morning. Baby looked great! NT measurement was around 1.5. The tech asked of we wanted a gender guess, and as she went to that area there was no doubt that it's likely a boy. He wasn't shy! I also asked about the MaterniT21 test since I will be just shy of 35 at delivery. They called my insurance and it is going to be covered! I will get the results next Tuesday at the latest. DH is thrilled that it's (most likely) a boy, and I really didn't care either way.
Congrats! Good news all around! It's awesome that your insurance will cover the MaterniT21 test.

Another boy! How exciting! We're going to wait until our 20 week ultrasound. The 3D/4D ultrasound places around me won't let me schedule until I'm 17 weeks, so I might as well wait until 20 weeks for the insurance-covered ultrasound. I'm dying to know though! Everyday, I vacillate between "it's a girl!" and "it's a boy!"
Yay for good news all around! We had our NT scan today and all was normal--measurement of 1 mm and an active bouncing baby with a heartbeat of 151. Bloodwork should be back within a week.

We're not planning on finding out the gender, so no early guesses here! At first we were both thinking boy, but now I'm torn.

ladypirate|1406595561|3722221 said:
Yay for good news all around! We had our NT scan today and all was normal--measurement of 1 mm and an active bouncing baby with a heartbeat of 151. Bloodwork should be back within a week.

We're not planning on finding out the gender, so no early guesses here! At first we were both thinking boy, but now I'm torn.
Yay, great news!

Nice, LP!

Well, round ligament pain just kicked in. I just stood up too quickly and OMG that freaking hurt! I was hunched over in front of my desk, sort of half laughing and half "Owwww"ing. My coworker was confused :)

I finally got some good sleep last night. B had been waking up in the middle of the night (and staying awake) for the past week or so. As a result, I now have two giant cold sores on my lip. Anyone else get those during pregnancy? Man I hate them. I thought I was in the clear with nausea but threw up dinner the night before last. It's still better than it was, so hopefully it will go away completely soon. I'm taking Zofran as needed which ends up being about once a day.

I bought material to make a belly band and need to get around to make it. My pants fit great until the end of the day when it just hurts to keep them buttoned. I'm starting to see my lower tummy fill out quite a bit.

Hope you are all well!
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amc80|1406831221|3723870 said:
Nice, LP!

Well, round ligament pain just kicked in. I just stood up too quickly and OMG that freaking hurt! I was hunched over in front of my desk, sort of half laughing and half "Owwww"ing. My coworker was confused :)

I finally got some good sleep last night. B had been waking up in the middle of the night (and staying awake) for the past week or so. As a result, I now have two giant cold sores on my lip. Anyone else get those during pregnancy? Man I hate them. I thought I was in the clear with nausea but threw up dinner the night before last. It's still better than it was, so hopefully it will go away completely soon. I'm taking Zofran as needed which ends up being about once a day.

I bought material to make a belly band and need to get around to make it. My pants fit great until the end of the day when it just hurts to keep them buttoned. I'm starting to see my lower tummy fill out quite a bit.

Hope you are all well!
I started wearing belly bands maybe 2 weeks ago. It was just more comfortable to have more space. I'm getting some maternity hand-me-downs from my sister-in-law when I go visit her at the beginning of September, so I'm trying to hold off on buying more stuff until then. Right now, I have a pair of leggings that I wear quite frequently along with my non-maternity dresses. I have a pair of Old Navy maternity jeans but they don't fit yet (and it's too hot for jeans!). Don't have too many tops but my regular tops seem to be doing just fine for now.

My ms hasn't subsided entirely. There are days where it's just horrible, but these last 2 days have been better, so I'm optimistic that it's going away. I had my first OB appointment (the previous one was with the nurse practitioner to establish pregnancy) and we got to hear the heartbeat using the Doppler. It took her a little while to find it since I have an anterior placenta and a very loud heartbeat of my own, but she eventually found it (baby was right in the middle of my belly, directly in line with the belly button). She said that all seemed well. She told me that it probably wasn't worth getting the cell-free fetal DNA test since I needed to pay out of pocket for it and we're low risk, but again, it's up to us. I think we're going to wait for our 2nd trimester screen results (mid-August) to decide if we want to do an amnio. If that comes back low risk, we'd probably opt to save the $900 the blood test would cost (and also opt out of an amnio).

DH told her about the scare her office gave me when they told me my results were 1:45 for DS and she was horrified. She apologized and I heard her chewing out the nurses outside of the office, in a nice way. So hopefully that won't happen to anyone else.

Anyone else banking cord blood? We're 95% going to do it, just have to decide which provider to go with.

AMC, hooray for a great NT scan and good measurements :) Hoping your MS is on the way out. It's good that you're now on Zofran as needed only. THat's a positive. How's B been with the less rough housing? Hooray for baby boys!

LP, sorry about the dizziness scare. I'm glad Marlie chimed in with her experience. Definitely talk to your OB about it and maybe she can give you some tips or something. Wow, I dunno how you can work around wine all the time and not be able to drink. I swear I'd be staring longingly at the wine I'm pouring... It would be pretty much torture for me.

SMC, Well, hopefully you'll find out at your 20 wk, which in reality isn't too far off, right? I'm glad your OB has eased your concern and I think you have a great plan for your testing if you feel you need it. I'm sorry you're still dealing with MS though. :( I hope the fact that you're having some better days means there's an end to it.

AFM, not much to add. DS & I have been fighting HFM for the past week, so been occupied with that. We have our NT scan/dating US next Tuesday. Hoping for a happy healthy little bean :)

~LC, 10w5d
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lliang_chi|1406909726|3724501 said:
AMC, hooray for a great NT scan and good measurements :) Hoping your MS is on the way out. It's good that you're now on Zofran as needed only. THat's a positive. How's B been with the less rough housing? Hooray for baby boys!

LP, sorry about the dizziness scare. I'm glad Marlie chimed in with her experience. Definitely talk to your OB about it and maybe she can give you some tips or something. Wow, I dunno how you can work around wine all the time and not be able to drink. I swear I'd be staring longingly at the wine I'm pouring... It would be pretty much torture for me.

SMC, Well, hopefully you'll find out at your 20 wk, which in reality isn't too far off, right? I'm glad your OB has eased your concern and I think you have a great plan for your testing if you feel you need it. I'm sorry you're still dealing with MS though. :( I hope the fact that you're having some better days means there's an end to it.

AFM, not much to add. DS & I have been fighting HFM for the past week, so been occupied with that. We have our NT scan/dating US next Tuesday. Hoping for a happy healthy little bean :)

~LC, 10w5d
Thank you! Best of luck to you next week! I'm hoping you have a healthy little baby in there too! My LO was super active during our NT scan which was a lot of fun to watch. Seems a lot more real one you see something that looks like a baby on the screen.
AMC, sorry about the round ligament pain and the cold sores! Glad you got a good night's sleep, though!

SMC, I'm trying to hold off on buying maternity stuff as well. Glad you got to hear the heartbeat!

We're not doing cord blood banking because we're planning to delay cord cutting so the blood will all go to the baby.

LC, sorry about the HFM. Have fun at your scan tomorrow!

AFM, still waiting on our blood test results from the first trimester screening. I'm hoping we'll get them today, since it's been a full week since our scan.
And by today I mean tomorrow. We're out of town visiting relatives and I forgot it was Sunday, not Monday. LOL!
ladypirate said:
And by today I mean tomorrow. We're out of town visiting relatives and I forgot it was Sunday, not Monday. LOL!

Ha I was wondering!

So I felt totally fine when I laid down to take a nap. I woke up and I swear baby had a growth spurt during my nap. All of my insides feel completely squished!

SMC, we also opted not to do private core blood banking for personal reasons (I can explain if you'd like, but it's a personal decision so I won't put it out there right now). But we did donate to the public core blood bank. I asked my midwife if we could do both delayed cord cutting and core blood donation and she said, Sure, we can split the two. I'm happy with our decision.

I asked my OB about delayed cord clamping and she said it's awesome for premies, but can cause anemia in full term babies. Theoretically, it sounded like a really good idea but I think I need to research it more.

I swear, every time I think I'm over the m/s hump I go backwards. I threw up last night and feel awful this morning. I already took a zofran so hopefully it kicks in quickly. Ugh.

I'm 13w2d today, so as of tomorrow I'm officially in the 2nd trimester. I guess I will be heading over to the other thread!
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amc80|1407168587|3725835 said:
I asked my OB about delayed cord clamping and she said it's awesome for premies, but can cause anemia in full term babies. Theoretically, it sounded like a really good idea but I think I need to research it more.

I swear, every time I think I'm over the m/s hump I go backwards. I threw up last night and feel awful this morning. I already took a zofran so hopefully it kicks in quickly. Ugh.

I'm 13w2d today, so as of tomorrow I'm officially in the 2nd trimester. I guess I will be heading over to the other thread!
I still have yet to post in the other thread. I feel like everyone else there is so much farther along than I am!

Cord blood banking was non-negotiable for DH. I asked my doctor and she said she had the most experience banking with Cord Blood Registry so that's the one we decided to go with. We opted for the lifetime storage option too. I guess there's no real downside to doing it, it's just expensive.

I'm also still grappling with nausea. Everyone tells me that it should get better really soon, so I'm trying to stay positive.
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SMC|1407168849|3725837 said:
amc80|1407168587|3725835 said:
I asked my OB about delayed cord clamping and she said it's awesome for premies, but can cause anemia in full term babies. Theoretically, it sounded like a really good idea but I think I need to research it more.

I swear, every time I think I'm over the m/s hump I go backwards. I threw up last night and feel awful this morning. I already took a zofran so hopefully it kicks in quickly. Ugh.

I'm 13w2d today, so as of tomorrow I'm officially in the 2nd trimester. I guess I will be heading over to the other thread!
I still have yet to post in the other thread. I feel like everyone else there is so much farther along than I am!

Cord blood banking was non-negotiable for DH. I asked my doctor and she said she had the most experience banking with Cord Blood Registry so that's the one we decided to go with. We opted for the lifetime storage option too. I guess there's no real downside to doing it, it's just expensive.

I'm also still grappling with nausea. Everyone tells me that it should get better really soon, so I'm trying to stay positive.

Yeah, everyone keeps saying that it will go away soon since I'm at the end of the first trimester, but with B it lasted until 16w so I don't have much hope. I'm sitting at my desk taking deep breaths and sucking on jolly ranchers. Breakfast of champions, right?
Just got my screening results! 1:9,400 for Down syndrome and 1:10,000 for trisomy 18. They'll do one more blood draw the first week of September, but I'm so glad my numbers came back good!

ladypirate|1407190899|3726023 said:
Just got my screening results! 1:9,400 for Down syndrome and 1:10,000 for trisomy 18. They'll do one more blood draw the first week of September, but I'm so glad my numbers came back good!

Nice! I came to post the same thing- I got my MaterniT21 results and everything looks good. They didn't give me odds, just said that everything is normal (which I think is how that test works). Also confirmed that it is indeed a boy!
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amc80|1407193875|3726049 said:
ladypirate|1407190899|3726023 said:
Just got my screening results! 1:9,400 for Down syndrome and 1:10,000 for trisomy 18. They'll do one more blood draw the first week of September, but I'm so glad my numbers came back good!

Nice! I came to post the same thing- I got my MaterniT21 results and everything looks good. They didn't give me odds, just said that everything is normal (which I think is how that test works). Also confirmed that it is indeed a boy!
Congratulations LP and AMC! Such great news!

LP, great numbers! Have you had your NT scan yet?

AMC, hooray for little boys! And awesome your MaterniT21 test came back normal.

AFM: NT scan tomorrow. Oh and we're under contract for our unit! Dust that everything goes well and closing is a piece of cake.

~LC 11w1d
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lliang_chi|1407194195|3726053 said:
LP, great numbers! Have you had your NT scan yet?

AMC, hooray for little boys! And awesome your MaterniT21 test came back normal.

AFM: NT scan tomorrow. Oh and we're under contract for our unit! Dust that everything goes well and closing is a piece of cake.

~LC 11w1d

Woohoo for being under contract! Good luck at your NT scan as well.
Congrats, AMC!!

LC, we had our scan last week, so this was the combined result. Good luck with your scan and congrats on the contract!

OK. ladies! I'm 13w3d today, so I'd say that puts me officially into the second trimester. I'll see you all over in the Preggo thread!
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ladypirate|1407371540|3727587 said:
OK. ladies! I'm 13w3d today, so I'd say that puts me officially into the second trimester. I'll see you all over in the Preggo thread!

Ditto! Except I'm 13w5d, so I'm moving over. See the rest of you over there soon!


My lurking tells me a couple of ladies might be joining this thread soon :)

I'm rejoining after a loss last year. First IUI (this time) was on 11 August, so I'm bang on 4 weeks. Been furiously POAS, hoping and praying like mad that the line would darken and had it confirmed this morning - beta of 408! :D At this point, it looks like I'm due on the 4th of May - a Star Wars baby! "May the fourth be with you" :errrr:

Anyone care to join me here? I have cookies :)


Hi guys - I guess I should come on over here now!

I'm pregnant with my second child (first is now 26 months). I'm only 12DPO but the line keeps getting darker (yes, I keep POAS!), so I'm hopeful.

Due date seems to be May 6 based on ovulation date but who knows - will have to wait until the dating ultrasound I guess!

Anyhoo...I look forward to being a part of this group :-)
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MuffDog|1408972656|3738906 said:
Hi guys - I guess I should come on over here now!

I'm pregnant with my second child (first is now 26 months). I'm only 12DPO but the line keeps getting darker (yes, I keep POAS!), so I'm hopeful.

Due date seems to be May 6 based on ovulation date but who knows - will have to wait until the dating ultrasound I guess!

Anyhoo...I look forward to being a part of this group :-)

Welcome, MuffDog! Ive been testing since 8dpo, so know aaaaaall about that POAS addiction!

I hope you have a super sticky bean and an uneventful pregnancy ahead of you!