
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

shihtzulover|1406066488|3718544 said:
SMC, I didn't get any true results from my NT scan except 'low risk'. I asked for the ratios and I suppose the nurse had never been asked that before. She had to go back and look at the lab results, but she wasn't really sure how to read them.

She said:

Spina bifida = less than 1 in 10,000
Trisomy 18 = 1 in 3,000 (can't remember exactly, but it was in the 3,000s)
Down's = less than 1 in 10,000, but then she said oh wait, there's another ratio here, age risk…and then it was 1 in 800 or so.

So, I'm really confused. Can anyone shed some light? Should I be looking at the first ratio or the age risk?

The nurse said the important thing is that there wasn't anything identified as high risk. 1.4mm does seem small to me, too…mine was 2mm at 12w per due date, baby measuring 12w3d. I was worried that I would come out high risk, because I also thought my HCG levels would be high.

Oh, and my practice didn't even give me any results until after the second blood draw around 15-16w (yeah, I guess I don't really qualify for this thread anymore…but it's so hard to move on!). I asked at my doctor's appointment between the two blood draws though and my OB told me that if I had been high risk, they would have stopped after the first blood draw and offered an amnio or Harmony.

I asked about Harmony, and apparently they don't offer it routinely, and they've only ordered in a couple of times for high-risk cases, but it probably would have been an option if they saw fit.
The way my genetic counselor explained it to me is that they should take into account your NT measurement AND your first tri blood work AND your age to give you a probability. So, let's say that your measurement came back 1mm. Given all the measurements of women who measured 1mm and with your blood work profile, regardless of age, their chance of having a DS baby is 1:10000 (I made this probability up). Then they look at your age. Let's say your age is 40. A women who is 40 has a 1:100 chance of having a baby with DS. So then they combine those two probabilities together (and I'm not sure but it's unlikely that age and NT measurement are given equal weighting) and say, oh, your chance of having a baby with DS is 1:5050.

So my genetic counselor says that given my age, I'm somewhere between 1:1000 and 1:350. It's possible for my first tri screen to come back with DS risk below 1:1000 if I got some fantastic measurements, but I'm still waiting to hear back.

Shihtzulover, I know it's easier said then done, but it sounds like your doctor isn't concerned that you're at risk, so it seems like everything is ok. I think I'd like to know if the 1:800 number is based on your age or a combo of your age and your first tri screen results though.

SMC Seattle sounds much like Chicago for its daycare rates. We were paying over $25K for E's first year in daycare. It drops a few hundred bucks each year they get older, but it's still pretty expensive. For us, home day cares near us the timing didn't work out for drop off and pick up. But we're looking to move hopefully soon, and I think the new area we're looking home day cares are more common place than corporate centers.

AMC, what have you been doing as an alternate for B's childcare with his daycare being on vacation?

SL, I don't know much re: the ratios, but if your OB is not concerned, personally, I'd leave it at that.

AFM, not much to add. I just ping'd my midwife office about the MaterniT21 test and they said they only order it when there's something abnormal in the sequential screen or if the mother is 35+ by her due date. I'll be nearly 35 (3 months away), so they're not quite pushing for it for me. So I'll just do the sequential screen and leave it at that.
Re: Re:

lliang_chi|1406127929|3719064 said:
SMC Seattle sounds much like Chicago for its daycare rates. We were paying over $25K for E's first year in daycare. It drops a few hundred bucks each year they get older, but it's still pretty expensive. For us, home day cares near us the timing didn't work out for drop off and pick up. But we're looking to move hopefully soon, and I think the new area we're looking home day cares are more common place than corporate centers.

AMC, what have you been doing as an alternate for B's childcare with his daycare being on vacation?

SL, I don't know much re: the ratios, but if your OB is not concerned, personally, I'd leave it at that.

AFM, not much to add. I just ping'd my midwife office about the MaterniT21 test and they said they only order it when there's something abnormal in the sequential screen or if the mother is 35+ by her due date. I'll be nearly 35 (3 months away), so they're not quite pushing for it for me. So I'll just do the sequential screen and leave it at that.

I will be two months from turning 35. I wonder if they will order it for me? I guess I'll find out at my first (finally!) OB appointment next week!

For B- DH stayed home with him Monday and I stayed home with him yesterday. For the rest of the week, he's going to my friend's house who has a nanny. Funny story- as I mentioned, DH has B on Monday. We needed to go to Costco when I got off work so I asked him to have B ready and to have some stuff packed up that we needed to return. Well, B was dressed in that he had clothes on, but his shirt was his PJ shirt that he had on all day. And B was SO much work that DH couldn't pack up the stuff. Sigh. Fast forward to yesterday when I had B. I managed to do two loads of laundry, clean the kitchen, clean the bathroom, vacuum, spot clean the carpet, and clean our air purifier. All by 10:15am. We also went swimming. I don't understand why guys can't multitask. Anyone else have this problem?
Re: Re:

lliang_chi|1406127929|3719064 said:
SMC Seattle sounds much like Chicago for its daycare rates. We were paying over $25K for E's first year in daycare. It drops a few hundred bucks each year they get older, but it's still pretty expensive. For us, home day cares near us the timing didn't work out for drop off and pick up. But we're looking to move hopefully soon, and I think the new area we're looking home day cares are more common place than corporate centers.

AMC, what have you been doing as an alternate for B's childcare with his daycare being on vacation?

SL, I don't know much re: the ratios, but if your OB is not concerned, personally, I'd leave it at that.

AFM, not much to add. I just ping'd my midwife office about the MaterniT21 test and they said they only order it when there's something abnormal in the sequential screen or if the mother is 35+ by her due date. I'll be nearly 35 (3 months away), so they're not quite pushing for it for me. So I'll just do the sequential screen and leave it at that.
Yeah center day cares are so expensive! We're likely going to suck it up and pay for it unless I get some good recs from local moms. I don't have many mom friends in the area, but I'm trying to join a local Yahoo moms group so I can get some recs.

I'm still on the fence about paying $800 out of pocket for the Harmony test. My OB says that everything is "normal" so far but she won't give me a probability. Am I normal like 1:300 or normal like 1:5000?
Re: Re:

amc80|1406131294|3719104 said:
And B was SO much work that DH couldn't pack up the stuff. Sigh. Fast forward to yesterday when I had B. I managed to do two loads of laundry, clean the kitchen, clean the bathroom, vacuum, spot clean the carpet, and clean our air purifier. All by 10:15am. We also went swimming. I don't understand why guys can't multitask. Anyone else have this problem?

AMC, definitely the same thing in our house. As one of my IRL friends (she's a SAHM) puts it, when her husband watches the kids (they have 4, so it is actually a lot of effort), the only thing that gets done is that the kids are watched/fed. Dishes aren't done, no laundry, heck he doesn't even need to make food. But K's every day is taking kids to school/activities, making breakfast, lunch and dinner, doing laundry, organizing something (PTA, team mom, party, etc), dealing a contractor or two *AND* the kids are watched and fed.

SMC, Sucks your OB hasn't gotten back to you with your ratios. Maybe you can send her a message that you'd like it so you can determine if you'll pay for the Harmony test or not. Also maybe she's waiting for your 2nd set of numbers on the sequential screen?
Re: Re:

SMC|1405977267|3717846 said:
It was 1.4mm at 11 weeks, so it's within normal range. I'm a little worried because the average at 11 weeks is 1.1mm, so I'm above average (doctor says not to worry but it's my baby!). I have a copy of that report from the u/s clinic, but I don't have a copy of my first tri screening bloodwork. They're supposed to give you a probability taking into account the neck measurement and the ultrasound.

Of course babies vary, but my measurement was 2.4 mm at 11w6d gestation (and I believe it is supposed to get smaller when the fetus is older since the fluid is absorbed as time goes on). I *was* originally given scary-ish odds for DS (1:96, high risk is less than 1:100) based on the PAPP protein, HCG hormone (measured from mom's blood and normalized by your weight) and NT measurement when compared to women my age with fetuses the same size. I think that's an important thing to note- they don't just go by LMP dating, they use the crown to rump measurement to put you into the population of data. Since I live in CA I could go on to have the Harmony test and genetic counseling on the state's cost (but we would have paid for it anyway given the 1:96 originally assessed). My odds came back 1:10,000 (lowest risk they'll assess) for T21, T13, and T18. It befuddles me that your OB won't give you the numerical odds. How very strange. Since she is claiming it is normal it seems like it would be worth it to demand the odds (the number itself) before paying out of pocket for the Harmony test. I hope my large number above and positive outcome with further testing helps you rest easy a bit.
Re: Re:

Clairitek|1406135350|3719166 said:
SMC|1405977267|3717846 said:
It was 1.4mm at 11 weeks, so it's within normal range. I'm a little worried because the average at 11 weeks is 1.1mm, so I'm above average (doctor says not to worry but it's my baby!). I have a copy of that report from the u/s clinic, but I don't have a copy of my first tri screening bloodwork. They're supposed to give you a probability taking into account the neck measurement and the ultrasound.

Of course babies vary, but my measurement was 2.4 mm at 11w6d gestation (and I believe it is supposed to get smaller when the fetus is older since the fluid is absorbed as time goes on). I *was* originally given scary-ish odds for DS (1:96, high risk is less than 1:100) based on the PAPP protein, HCG hormone (measured from mom's blood and normalized by your weight) and NT measurement when compared to women my age with fetuses the same size. I think that's an important thing to note- they don't just go by LMP dating, they use the crown to rump measurement to put you into the population of data. Since I live in CA I could go on to have the Harmony test and genetic counseling on the state's cost (but we would have paid for it anyway given the 1:96 originally assessed). My odds came back 1:10,000 (lowest risk they'll assess) for T21, T13, and T18. It befuddles me that your OB won't give you the numerical odds. How very strange. Since she is claiming it is normal it seems like it would be worth it to demand the odds (the number itself) before paying out of pocket for the Harmony test. I hope my large number above and positive outcome with further testing helps you rest easy a bit.
LC is right, they're waiting for the results of my second blood draw before they can give me a firm odds number. I am scared because the odds of DS, according to my first tri bloodwork, is 1:45! I called my OB office again this morning, sort of freaking out, and they said that it's still considered "normal" since they take my NT scan results into account as well. However, going purely on bloodwork alone, my odds of DS are 1:45 which seems really high to me. She reassured me that it was "normal" though, and so far, nothing indicates that I am at higher risk for DS, which would identify me as a candidate for CVS. They're mailing me a physical copy of blood work report, after which I may take it to the genetic counselor again for a second opinion.
This'll be my last post about myself here as tomorrow I'm 13 weeks.

I had my first doc appt yesterday and it went like this
"Let's get this thing out to hear the baby's heartbeat. I'll only give you an ultrasound if I can't find the heartbeat .....(scanning...scanning...) Do twins run in your family?"
"Uh no....."
" you're measuring big, this is the heartbeat but as you're larger I'm going to get an ultrasound to date the due date and see how many are in there "
(I'm 100% sure of the conception date sooooo..... Due date wasn't going to change.

Wait 2 hours to get in to see the ultrasound tech but thank goodness only one peanut in there! Its amazing how much it looks like a baby I could see arms and nose and all 5 fingers on one hand. It was moving all round. All the ultrasound tech said was that I had "a healthy little baby in there" so that's good. I totally have a belly though. There's no hiding it!

Niel|1406136968|3719193 said:
This'll be my last post about myself here as tomorrow I'm 13 weeks.

I had my first doc appt yesterday and it went like this
"Let's get this thing out to hear the baby's heartbeat. I'll only give you an ultrasound if I can't find the heartbeat .....(scanning...scanning...) Do twins run in your family?"
"Uh no....."
" you're measuring big, this is the heartbeat but as you're larger I'm going to get an ultrasound to date the due date and see how many are in there "
(I'm 100% sure of the conception date sooooo..... Due date wasn't going to change.

Wait 2 hours to get in to see the ultrasound tech but thank goodness only one peanut in there! Its amazing how much it looks like a baby I could see arms and nose and all 5 fingers on one hand. It was moving all round. All the ultrasound tech said was that I had "a healthy little baby in there" so that's good. I totally have a belly though. There's no hiding it!

Aww Niel, we'll miss you! Although I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks in the other thread :)
Re: Re:

SMC|1406135909|3719175 said:
Clairitek|1406135350|3719166 said:
SMC|1405977267|3717846 said:
It was 1.4mm at 11 weeks, so it's within normal range. I'm a little worried because the average at 11 weeks is 1.1mm, so I'm above average (doctor says not to worry but it's my baby!). I have a copy of that report from the u/s clinic, but I don't have a copy of my first tri screening bloodwork. They're supposed to give you a probability taking into account the neck measurement and the ultrasound.

Of course babies vary, but my measurement was 2.4 mm at 11w6d gestation (and I believe it is supposed to get smaller when the fetus is older since the fluid is absorbed as time goes on). I *was* originally given scary-ish odds for DS (1:96, high risk is less than 1:100) based on the PAPP protein, HCG hormone (measured from mom's blood and normalized by your weight) and NT measurement when compared to women my age with fetuses the same size. I think that's an important thing to note- they don't just go by LMP dating, they use the crown to rump measurement to put you into the population of data. Since I live in CA I could go on to have the Harmony test and genetic counseling on the state's cost (but we would have paid for it anyway given the 1:96 originally assessed). My odds came back 1:10,000 (lowest risk they'll assess) for T21, T13, and T18. It befuddles me that your OB won't give you the numerical odds. How very strange. Since she is claiming it is normal it seems like it would be worth it to demand the odds (the number itself) before paying out of pocket for the Harmony test. I hope my large number above and positive outcome with further testing helps you rest easy a bit.
LC is right, they're waiting for the results of my second blood draw before they can give me a firm odds number. I am scared because the odds of DS, according to my first tri bloodwork, is 1:45! I called my OB office again this morning, sort of freaking out, and they said that it's still considered "normal" since they take my NT scan results into account as well. However, going purely on bloodwork alone, my odds of DS are 1:45 which seems really high to me. She reassured me that it was "normal" though, and so far, nothing indicates that I am at higher risk for DS, which would identify me as a candidate for CVS. They're mailing me a physical copy of blood work report, after which I may take it to the genetic counselor again for a second opinion.

I think I'd be throwing a fit. If any part of my results came back as 1:45, I would definitely want the Harmony/MaterniT21, and I'd want them to write it up so insurance covered it.
Re: Re:

amc80|1406137177|3719198 said:
SMC|1406135909|3719175 said:
Clairitek|1406135350|3719166 said:
SMC|1405977267|3717846 said:
It was 1.4mm at 11 weeks, so it's within normal range. I'm a little worried because the average at 11 weeks is 1.1mm, so I'm above average (doctor says not to worry but it's my baby!). I have a copy of that report from the u/s clinic, but I don't have a copy of my first tri screening bloodwork. They're supposed to give you a probability taking into account the neck measurement and the ultrasound.

Of course babies vary, but my measurement was 2.4 mm at 11w6d gestation (and I believe it is supposed to get smaller when the fetus is older since the fluid is absorbed as time goes on). I *was* originally given scary-ish odds for DS (1:96, high risk is less than 1:100) based on the PAPP protein, HCG hormone (measured from mom's blood and normalized by your weight) and NT measurement when compared to women my age with fetuses the same size. I think that's an important thing to note- they don't just go by LMP dating, they use the crown to rump measurement to put you into the population of data. Since I live in CA I could go on to have the Harmony test and genetic counseling on the state's cost (but we would have paid for it anyway given the 1:96 originally assessed). My odds came back 1:10,000 (lowest risk they'll assess) for T21, T13, and T18. It befuddles me that your OB won't give you the numerical odds. How very strange. Since she is claiming it is normal it seems like it would be worth it to demand the odds (the number itself) before paying out of pocket for the Harmony test. I hope my large number above and positive outcome with further testing helps you rest easy a bit.
LC is right, they're waiting for the results of my second blood draw before they can give me a firm odds number. I am scared because the odds of DS, according to my first tri bloodwork, is 1:45! I called my OB office again this morning, sort of freaking out, and they said that it's still considered "normal" since they take my NT scan results into account as well. However, going purely on bloodwork alone, my odds of DS are 1:45 which seems really high to me. She reassured me that it was "normal" though, and so far, nothing indicates that I am at higher risk for DS, which would identify me as a candidate for CVS. They're mailing me a physical copy of blood work report, after which I may take it to the genetic counselor again for a second opinion.

I think I'd be throwing a fit. If any part of my results came back as 1:45, I would definitely want the Harmony/MaterniT21, and I'd want them to write it up so insurance covered it.
I thought so too, but apparently, it's still considered "normal" and I'm not a candidate for those tests. They're mailing me a copy of my test results though, and I'll send them over to my genetic counselor to see what she thinks.

Just jumping in because of the Harmony discussion. I called my insurer (BCBS) to ask if it would be covered and in both conversations (I called twice), I was told it would "probably" be covered, but they weren't 100% sure. When I went in for my first appt., I requested to have the Harmony test done even though I was only 32. My OB knows I'm stubborn, so she didn't fight me too much. I asked about it being covered and she said that even if my insurance denied me, Harmony would reimburse me, but I would still have to pay a $200 copay.

I happen to have the bill on my desk (I have to keep all documentation for my flexible spending account). This is the bill:
Harmony with XY analysis = $815
adjustments = ($20)
Insurance payment = ($715.50)

So in the end I had to pay $79.50 for the test. This was last summer, so I'm not sure how much has changed in a year, just letting you guys know my experience. Might be worth pushing your OBs if you really want it.

amc, my husband is similar to yours. I think men in general are just challenged when multi-tasking. I have 1 day/week (Fridays) with the girls and I find it relaxing even though I'm cleaning the house, taking them to classes and (usually) going to the beach or pool. When D watches the girls, my expectation is that they are alive at the end of the day. D loves taking Katie places, so on weekends if I need some time to do chores, I'll send them out to do something. They both enjoy it, they get some one on one time and I get some quiet time. I've found it really helpful, especially after having a second.

lc, funny how you can plan for the costs, but it doesn't feel real until you're writing the checks. I still work 4 days/week and we have the in-laws watch the girls 1 day/week because they really wanted to, but it does help us with costs. Still, doing in-home care 3 days/week still costs us $30K/year (would be $42K for 5 days). I checked with the closest center-based care and it would be $36K/year for 3 days. I didn't ask about 5 days. And I live in the 'burbs! It really is like a second mortgage. Just trying to say I understand and sometime wonder how other people do it! When D brings up a third I tell him we can't afford it!

Quick question- do any of you still get crampy? I don't remember how long I was crampy with B- I think it stopped fairly early on. I get it every day. Nothing horrible, just similar to mild period cramps. They come and go (and I especially notice them after I do something physical- like going up and down the stairs or something). Anyone else?

Background: With B I had an "irritable uterus" starting at 29 weeks, which put me on bed rest and meds until 36 weeks. I had some cramping and went to get checked out, and I was having contractions every minute. Those started up after a workout so, of course, I'm concerned the same thing will happen again this time. Especially since it's worse after doing physical activity. The good news is the contractions never did anything in terms of dilation, they were just super annoying.
Re: Re:

amc80|1406144717|3719283 said:
Quick question- do any of you still get crampy? I don't remember how long I was crampy with B- I think it stopped fairly early on. I get it every day. Nothing horrible, just similar to mild period cramps. They come and go (and I especially notice them after I do something physical- like going up and down the stairs or something). Anyone else?

Background: With B I had an "irritable uterus" starting at 29 weeks, which put me on bed rest and meds until 36 weeks. I had some cramping and went to get checked out, and I was having contractions every minute. Those started up after a workout so, of course, I'm concerned the same thing will happen again this time. Especially since it's worse after doing physical activity. The good news is the contractions never did anything in terms of dilation, they were just super annoying.
I haven't personally experienced any cramping but my bff (who is due 2.5 weeks before me) says she has some pains in her lower abdomen periodically. She doesn't think that they're anything to worry about about though, I think hers might be from all the stretching that's going on (she is prone to big babies - her DS was 9lb 13oz at birth, delivered vaginally - ouch).

ETA: If you're really worried, you should totally call your OB and ask.
Re: Re:

SMC|1406148306|3719312 said:
amc80|1406144717|3719283 said:
Quick question- do any of you still get crampy? I don't remember how long I was crampy with B- I think it stopped fairly early on. I get it every day. Nothing horrible, just similar to mild period cramps. They come and go (and I especially notice them after I do something physical- like going up and down the stairs or something). Anyone else?

Background: With B I had an "irritable uterus" starting at 29 weeks, which put me on bed rest and meds until 36 weeks. I had some cramping and went to get checked out, and I was having contractions every minute. Those started up after a workout so, of course, I'm concerned the same thing will happen again this time. Especially since it's worse after doing physical activity. The good news is the contractions never did anything in terms of dilation, they were just super annoying.
I haven't personally experienced any cramping but my bff (who is due 2.5 weeks before me) says she has some pains in her lower abdomen periodically. She doesn't think that they're anything to worry about about though, I think hers might be from all the stretching that's going on (she is prone to big babies - her DS was 9lb 13oz at birth, delivered vaginally - ouch).

ETA: If you're really worried, you should totally call your OB and ask.

I'm not too worried. As long as it's mild and there's no spotting I'm sure it's normal. My OB is out of town this week (of course!) appointment with her is on Tuesday and I have the NT scan on Monday. I'm sure I can last until then. I've just now put together that it is related to activity, so I'll try to take it easy.

ETA- I did just call and apparently my OB was out last week, not this week. I left a message for her. I'm SURE it's nothing, but it just seems way too frequent. This is why I have insurance, right?

Just stopping by to say hi and check in on everyone! Looks like everything is going well for all!

Niel - we'll all see you in the other thread in a few weeks! :)

NEL and Claritek - Thanks for the detailed information about costs and experiences with genetic testing.

AMC, I'm early and started getting a bit crampy this week (especially after physical activity. Only 9w4d right now, though, so I expect it will happen much more often as I start to show.

LC - I believe the Fetal DNA screen is completely covered by insurance if you're officially high risk at birth age. I can't imagine you wouldn't be able to take an insurance company to task to fork it over for being 2-3 months away. Have you called your insurance company yet to ask?

Out of curiosity for the ladies who have had the Harmony/MaterniT21/Cell-Free FetalDNA test, how long was it before you had any results?

I am scheduled to have another ultrasound on Tuesday at 10w2d and blood samples taken for the FetalDNA test. I'm leaving for Napa on Thursday. Do you all think I would have them within 48 hours?
Re: Re:

LaurenThePartier|1406149919|3719333 said:
Out of curiosity for the ladies who have had the Harmony/MaterniT21/Cell-Free FetalDNA test, how long was it before you had any results?

I am scheduled to have another ultrasound on Tuesday at 10w2d and blood samples taken for the FetalDNA test. I'm leaving for Napa on Thursday. Do you all think I would have them within 48 hours?

I think it takes a week or two, so I doubt you'll have them that fast.
Re: Re:

amc80|1406151659|3719344 said:
LaurenThePartier|1406149919|3719333 said:
Out of curiosity for the ladies who have had the Harmony/MaterniT21/Cell-Free FetalDNA test, how long was it before you had any results?

I am scheduled to have another ultrasound on Tuesday at 10w2d and blood samples taken for the FetalDNA test. I'm leaving for Napa on Thursday. Do you all think I would have them within 48 hours?

I think it takes a week or two, so I doubt you'll have them that fast.
One of my friends had it done, and her doctor said one week (5 biz days).

Hi Ladies!

11w3d here. My tight jeans are starting to be just a little too tight--today I gave in to wearing them unbuttoned with a hair tie holding them together. I should probably pick up a bella band at some point, but this works for now.

LTP, have a great time in Napa! Are you planning on tasting/spitting? I work in the wine industry, so I checked that with my doc even before I got pregnant and she said tasting was fine.

AMC, hope everything's ok. Any chance it's related to constipation or round ligament pain? I was dealing with some of that and increasing my fiber intake really helped. Now I put oat bran on everything. Could also be the uterine stretching.

Neil, see you in the preggo thread in a couple weeks!

SMC, that would drive me up the wall. Our midwife's office told us that any elevated test result makes us eligible for insurance to cover the Materni21 test, but they didn't tell us what "elevated" meant. It's good that everything else looks normal, though, and that they're not concerned.

We have our NT scan & first tri bloodwork on Monday. I'll be 12w1d. At this point, the first trimester screening is all we're planning on doing, but that may change if we get an elevated result for anything. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that there's a healthy bean in there.
Re: Re:

ladypirate|1406152363|3719350 said:
AMC, hope everything's ok. Any chance it's related to constipation or round ligament pain? I was dealing with some of that and increasing my fiber intake really helped. Now I put oat bran on everything. Could also be the uterine stretching.

It's funny, I was just thinking about how I haven't had any RL pain yet...then I stood up too fast and BAM! Haha. I really think it's just normal uterine stretching. I will see what my OB says, though.

Hi all!
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I haven't had a second free from my daughter in forever and I keep falling asleep on the couch when I finally do have some computer time.

I'll try to come back with individual responses soon. Hoping you are all feeling well! Congrats to the few of you graduating on to the big girl preggo thread!

I am now 6w4d and went for my first ultrasound yesterday. Saw a very cute little grain with a flickering heartbeat! Such a relief to see it there. Otherwise all is normal. The day I hit 6 weeks my nausea started. I don't remember it being this bad last time (maybe a boy then?) No puking yet. Just sort of seasick and hungover. Blech.

Anyway, I'm sure you've all already covered this so my apologies if this is repetitive but what is your take on the counsyl test? My doc mentioned me doing it at my next appt (2 weeks). Is it necessary? Any of you do it?
Re: Re:

marlie|1406157580|3719419 said:
Hi all!
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I haven't had a second free from my daughter in forever and I keep falling asleep on the couch when I finally do have some computer time.

I'll try to come back with individual responses soon. Hoping you are all feeling well! Congrats to the few of you graduating on to the big girl preggo thread!

I am now 6w4d and went for my first ultrasound yesterday. Saw a very cute little grain with a flickering heartbeat! Such a relief to see it there. Otherwise all is normal. The day I hit 6 weeks my nausea started. I don't remember it being this bad last time (maybe a boy then?) No puking yet. Just sort of seasick and hungover. Blech.

Anyway, I'm sure you've all already covered this so my apologies if this is repetitive but what is your take on the counsyl test? My doc mentioned me doing it at my next appt (2 weeks). Is it necessary? Any of you do it?
I did it and came back negative for everything. I don't think it's necessary though. The chances of you being a carrier for those diseases are really low in general, even if you did fit one of the ethnic backgrounds that carry higher risk. I wouldn't worry about it especially since you have a healthy daughter.

The good news is that if you choose to do it, the test is inexpensive. It's capped at a $99 cost to you, regardless of insurance coverage.
Re: Re:

marlie|1406157580|3719419 said:
Hi all!
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I haven't had a second free from my daughter in forever and I keep falling asleep on the couch when I finally do have some computer time.

I'll try to come back with individual responses soon. Hoping you are all feeling well! Congrats to the few of you graduating on to the big girl preggo thread!

I am now 6w4d and went for my first ultrasound yesterday. Saw a very cute little grain with a flickering heartbeat! Such a relief to see it there. Otherwise all is normal. The day I hit 6 weeks my nausea started. I don't remember it being this bad last time (maybe a boy then?) No puking yet. Just sort of seasick and hungover. Blech.

Anyway, I'm sure you've all already covered this so my apologies if this is repetitive but what is your take on the counsyl test? My doc mentioned me doing it at my next appt (2 weeks). Is it necessary? Any of you do it?

We opted not to do screening on ourselves since we don't have any family history and aren't high risk.
Re: Re:

LaurenThePartier|1406149919|3719333 said:
Just stopping by to say hi and check in on everyone! Looks like everything is going well for all!

Niel - we'll all see you in the other thread in a few weeks! :)

NEL and Claritek - Thanks for the detailed information about costs and experiences with genetic testing.

AMC, I'm early and started getting a bit crampy this week (especially after physical activity. Only 9w4d right now, though, so I expect it will happen much more often as I start to show.

LC - I believe the Fetal DNA screen is completely covered by insurance if you're officially high risk at birth age. I can't imagine you wouldn't be able to take an insurance company to task to fork it over for being 2-3 months away. Have you called your insurance company yet to ask?

Out of curiosity for the ladies who have had the Harmony/MaterniT21/Cell-Free FetalDNA test, how long was it before you had any results?

I am scheduled to have another ultrasound on Tuesday at 10w2d and blood samples taken for the FetalDNA test. I'm leaving for Napa on Thursday. Do you all think I would have them within 48 hours?

They snail mail you the results, so I don't think 48 hours is possible. My friend got hers in 10 days. My results took 2 weeks on the nose.

Lauren, I'm so excited for you. :appl:
This baby is very lucky to have you for a Mama. I have everything crossed and am excited to read your updates. Gotta say, awh... so very glad this happened for you guys. Kisses from us. xx

I finally spoke with my OB around 7 last night. She said it sounds like it's all normal and to let her know if I have any spotting. It is pretty much what I figured, and it was nice to get the confirmation.

Also, I forgot to mention that I totally forgot to take a Zofran last night and I was fine. So I'm hoping the worst is over! Now I need to stop my unisom/b6 as well.
Re: Re:

amc80|1406224431|3719887 said:
Also, I forgot to mention that I totally forgot to take a Zofran last night and I was fine. So I'm hoping the worst is over! Now I need to stop my unisom/b6 as well.
Yay, glad your ms is getting better! Mine still comes and goes, especially in the evening. It seems to be much better when I'm able to get at least 8 hours of sleep though.

I've been researching on the first tri tests, and it seems like they identify anywhere between 70-80% of DS babies, so since I got a "normal" result, I decided not to worry about it too much until after my 2nd tri test. From what I've read, it doesn't seem like the doctors are shy about telling anyone about an "abnormal" result and most abnormal testers still end up with perfectly healthy babies. Of course - there's always the chance of a false negative - but I should really stop googling at this point. My insurance covers an amnio so if I'm really worried after my 2nd tri test, I'll just opt for that.

I'll be 13w on Sat (or Mon), does that mean I have to graduate to the big girl thread?
Re: Re:

SMC|1406231512|3719951 said:
amc80|1406224431|3719887 said:
Also, I forgot to mention that I totally forgot to take a Zofran last night and I was fine. So I'm hoping the worst is over! Now I need to stop my unisom/b6 as well.
Yay, glad your ms is getting better! Mine still comes and goes, especially in the evening. It seems to be much better when I'm able to get at least 8 hours of sleep though.

I've been researching on the first tri tests, and it seems like they identify anywhere between 70-80% of DS babies, so since I got a "normal" result, I decided not to worry about it too much until after my 2nd tri test. From what I've read, it doesn't seem like the doctors are shy about telling anyone about an "abnormal" result and most abnormal testers still end up with perfectly healthy babies. Of course - there's always the chance of a false negative - but I should really stop googling at this point. My insurance covers an amnio so if I'm really worried after my 2nd tri test, I'll just opt for that.

I'll be 13w on Sat (or Mon), does that mean I have to graduate to the big girl thread?

I think that's smart. We can only stress about this stuff so much, you know? And I agree, a doctor would let you know if they thought there was a problem.

You don't have to go anywhere :)

Sounds like you're on the right track, SMC! If you do decide to head over to the preggo thread, we'll be joining you in a little over a week!

AMC, glad your morning sickness is getting better!

I had the weirdest thing happen to me today--I was standing in the tasting room at work pouring wine for someone and I had to excuse myself to sit down because I got so lightheaded I nearly passed out. I got really clammy and pale. Luckily it passed after sitting down and drinking some water.

Called the midwife and she said it was nothing to worry about, but it freaked me out! I think it may have been related to missing dinner last night (long story--an emergency with a close friend came up right before we were going to sit down for dinner and I didn't get home until after 11), even though I ate breakfast this morning. In any case, I'm feeling much better and I'm grateful I didn't actually lose consciousness!