
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thanks puppmom! Laila, congratulations on #5! I'm excited and nervous about this whole thing. I definitely am not feeling as bad as last time when I threw up and was nauseous starting from week 7. I'm going to be 9w tmw and though there have been moments when I'm feeling off, I haven't had to throw up yet. Though I'm happy not to be sick, I'm a little worried at the same time because morning sickness is supposed to be a sign of a healthy pregnancy. I'm hopeful that nothing is wrong, and my body is just handling pregnancy better this time around. Can't wait to have my first doctor's appointment next week so we can get confirmation of a heartbeat.
SMC- I felt terrible thru week 13 with my DD. I felt slightly nauseous and had my typical meat aversions with the pregnancy I lost in August. I have zero sickness and no meat aversions and a ridiculous desire for Taco Bell this time around and thus far, everything looks good (13 weeks tomorrow). Being sick or not being sick isn't necessarily an indicator of anything I guess.

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April20|1480354748|4103127 said:
SMC- I felt terrible thru week 13 with my DD. I felt slightly nauseous and had my typical meat aversions with the pregnancy I lost in August. I have zero sickness and no meat aversions and a ridiculous desire for Taco Bell this time around and thus far, everything looks good (13 weeks tomorrow). Being sick or not being sick isn't necessarily an indicator of anything I guess.

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Thanks April, that is reassuring. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage but glad to hear that everything is going well with the current pregnancy. Are you going to find out the gender? I'm 35, and am going to have the cell free fetal DNA test in a few weeks too. I think the gender detection is a big bonus of that test for me. I do want a boy, but would be really happy to have a girl too. DD is going to be 2 in Feb, and she's such an awesome little person that I wouldn't mind having another little girl.
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SMC|1480355738|4103131 said:
April20|1480354748|4103127 said:
SMC- I felt terrible thru week 13 with my DD. I felt slightly nauseous and had my typical meat aversions with the pregnancy I lost in August. I have zero sickness and no meat aversions and a ridiculous desire for Taco Bell this time around and thus far, everything looks good (13 weeks tomorrow). Being sick or not being sick isn't necessarily an indicator of anything I guess.

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Thanks April, that is reassuring. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage but glad to hear that everything is going well with the current pregnancy. Are you going to find out the gender? I'm 35, and am going to have the cell free fetal DNA test in a few weeks too. I think the gender detection is a big bonus of that test for me. I do want a boy, but would be really happy to have a girl too. DD is going to be 2 in Feb, and she's such an awesome little person that I wouldn't mind having another little girl.

We had the blood drawn for Harmony last Monday and are waiting on the results. We're going to find out the sex, but I think we're going to keep it a surprise for everyone else. I'm 39 and will turn 40 in the month after the due date and wanted all the upfront information. This is my 5th pregnancy- I had an early loss before DD, an oops that ended in an early loss in May and then a MMC in August. I want to know this little bean doesnt have the typical chromosonal abnormalities! Or if there is something off, we can be prepared.

I'm barely 10w in and my pants are getting very uncomfortable. You really do show faster the second time!

I have worries that I won't love the second child as much as the first. Does anyone else feel the same? And any parents with more than one child care to comment on this?
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SMC|1481071047|4105294 said:
I'm barely 10w in and my pants are getting very uncomfortable. You really do show faster the second time!

I have worries that I won't love the second child as much as the first. Does anyone else feel the same? And any parents with more than one child care to comment on this?
Well, I won't need to worry about having a second child. I went to the doctor today and it turns out that it was twins, but the pregnancy isn't viable. A little sad, but glad we dodged the twins bullet. Three children would have been too hard for us financially. Going to rejoin the TTC thread.
I'm so sorry for you loss.

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April20|1481240494|4105748 said:
I'm so sorry for you loss.

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Thanks! It's really common, but it's still one of those things that you don't expect to happen to yourself.
SMC said:
April20|1481240494|4105748 said:
I'm so sorry for you loss.

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Thanks! It's really common, but it's still one of those things that you don't expect to happen to yourself.

I've had two early losses and a 12 week loss. They're all the pits! Take care of yourself and I hope you get another BFP soon!

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I'm sorry for your loss SMC, wishing you the best of luck in the future!
It sure is quiet in these parts, but I came back to update that I got a BFP for baby 2 yesterday at 9dpo. Big sis is 15 months now (crazy), and this was actually our first month trying. It took us over a year and a surgery for me to conceive the first time, so this was an amazing surprise! DD changed into a "World's Best Sister" tee to reveal the news to her dad when we all got home from work/daycare.
Woo hoo, congratulations @ladyciel ! We were the opposite, pregnant first go with DS, and nearly a year of trying with DD. Our bodies can so confusing! Hope you're feeling well and sending loads of sticky dust!!
I just found out I am pregnant again after a loss in January 2018. I estimate 4 weeks 4 days. I don't want to get my hopes up yet. I had blood taken for HCG on Friday. Hopefully I'll get results Monday and get scheduled for an US In a couple weeks.
Haha love this thread
:cry2: We are spending this holiday weekend mourning a loss. Our 8 week US was on Wed, and it revealed a missed miscarriage dating back to 5 weeks or so. I had D&C on Thursday.
Ladyciel, I am so very sorry for your loss, how painful...sending lots of comfort and support - and hugs too - take care of yourself.
Thanks, Junebug.
I'm so very sorry ladyciel. Big hugs to you from across the oceans xx