
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


I gave in and went and bought three pairs of maternity jeans today. They're in the dryer now, and I'm looking forward to being much more comfortable. I realized yesterday that my largest pair of jeans were snug all over, not hanging loose per usual after a few days of wearing them, and the possibility I wouldn't be able to get them on after doing laundry this weekend sent me out shopping to avoid disaster. I live and work in jeans, so even if they don't last me till the end they will get tons of wear. I got three different brands, so it will be interesting to see how they compare wrt stretching out, staying comfy, etc.

I've been headache free for a few days now. I'm wondering if there is a food trigger- thinking back I think the first ones hit after we ate out at a Thai restaurant and took leftovers home for the next night's dinner. Another might have hit the day after I had a frozen curry dinner from trader joe's, but I'm not 100% sure of the timing. I love Thai and curries in general, but I might stay away for now just in case.

Where did you get your maternity jeans from (and where have you found well-fitting jeans pre-pregnancy)? I tried a few pairs at Motherhood Maternity but wasn't overwhelmed (their $30 ones looked very meh on me, and the $50 ones had all this silly distressing nonsense happening). Ordered a pair of my usual favorite jeans, but maternity-style, from Gap online -- these -- & they should arrive in a few days! Very hopeful, but just in case, would love to hear your recommendations. :)

p.s., "wrt"! :tongue: I use it all the time, but almost never see it in common use & was happy to see it here! ;)

eta: aw sad, started a new page. I liked the old page with LC's first baby pics on it. :D

Awww, me too! Seeing my little blob made me smile every time the page loaded. I'll have to settle for the printed versions on my fridge, I guess, until somebody posts more!

For jeans, and pants in general, I usually have a horrible time because I have a long pelvis + curvy booty = need much longer/deeper crotch length than average. I'm average height at 5'5", average leg length, but I make up for the long pelvis with a comically short/high waist. I can wear empire styles, but natural waists land on my hip bones, even in petite sizes. In case anybody else here sews... average back neck to waist length used in sewing patterns is 17.5" or so.... mine is only 14". The average pair of pants off the shelf sit waaaaay too low, especially around back, and I can forget sitting down without mooning somebody! Going up a size just makes them too big all over (though still too low!), and high waist styles just cut in too narrow too soon (so the smallest part is on my hip bones, which is of no help). Most curvy fits are wider and not deeper, which doesn't help me a whole lot, but they're better than nothing. The single place I've found jeans in recent years that fit properly are from Eddie Bauer - their curvy fit accounts for depth, not just width, and they are a godsend. Gap curvy fit used to fit me halfway decently when I was at my thinnest, but they got rid of the style a while back. I was about to resort to making my own jeans, but then I found the EBs.

Sooooo, looking for maternity jeans, what was great for me is that stretchy fabric + design to accommodate fuller curves of pregnancy + high stretchy waist of the belly band = jeans that fit me decently but are probably baggy on most other women, haha. I got a pair off the clearance rack at Old Navy that was final sale due to it being an online-only style returned to store. I need to fix a spot where the stitching on the belly band is wonky, but otherwise they're ok, especially for the price. I like that they have functional front pockets. The other two pairs I got at Destination Maternity. They fit better and generally look nicer, but they have the fake front pockets. One is a boot cut style from Jessica Simpson, and the other is the straight fit Indigo Blue (a motherhood line I think). I had to go a size down in the Indigo Blue to get a good fit, which surprised me since it's a more fitted style. Both pairs from Destination are pretty flattering, all things considered. I haven't worn the Old Navy pair yet, but both the JS and IB have gotten a little baggy in the seat by the end of the day. Just a little bit, nothing horrible that will keep me from wearing them a second day before washing. They're super comfy, too. Feel like I'm in my PJs. :)

OK, getting a new baby picture up here at the top-ish:


:dance: 12-week nuchal translucency scan today, everything looked good. And much more baby-like than before!

LC, glad you have the perfect shape for maternity jeans!! Hehe. :) The Gap maternity jeans are... fine. They'll need breaking in, and are a little big, but that'll probably improve as I grow into them and/or put 'em through the dryer. Wish they felt perfect, but hey, I'm trying to adjust expectations appropriately here. They do have 4 functional pockets, though, so yay for that!

Do Eddie Bauer shorts also run longer in the rise than other companies'? I haven't had a well-fitting pair of shorts for a long time, because even though pants are usually OK, I guess I too have a longish pelvis & shorts are often a problem.

The bloat is real. Looked at my profile in the mirror this morning and stared at my pooch. Went to the Dr. yesterday (saw the heartbeat!) and they gave me a welcome packet with a bunch of info and coupons. Dug out the coupon for maternity leggings right away, haha. Nausea is still going strong, but the Dr. said they don't like to prescribe Zofran and gave me a sample of Diclegis instead. Hoarding it in case I need it on an upcoming trip.

Also decided to tell the moms on Mother's Day! I'm only 7 + 1 today, but seeing the heartbeat made us feel a lot more comfortable deciding to tell family. Both will be first time grandmamas!

Evergreen, love your new scan! Can't wait until I start to see something vaguely baby like on my screen.

Evergreen, I haven't had much luck finding pairs of their shorts in the curvy fit when I've been in store, and I haven't yet gotten the chance to check their website. I guess I will next summer! Your bean is officially looking like a baby - so adorable and thanks for sharing!! I have my 12wk appt in a week, and my office doesn't typically do scans at this point. I'm secretly hoping they might change their minds after seeing how big I've gotten and decide to check the fibroid's growth. I also have to decide if I want to do the MaterniT21. I think my insurance actually decided a while back to cover the extra screening for all pregnancies, not just "high risk", but I need to call and confirm.

Blingbunny, isn't that heartbeat the most amazing sound?? So glad you saw a healthy bean after your initial early scares w/ the cramps and spotting. We also told our parents as soon as we had that heartbeat to assure us. I checked the calendar and saw how far away Mother's Day was, and we decided there was no way we could wait that long, haha. It's fun the timing will work out for you to make their day extra special.

AFM.... I have completely given up the sham this week of pretending at work that I'm not knocked up. We still haven't told long distance relatives (other than parents/grandparents/siblings), and I'm not letting it touch Facebook any time soon, but the reality is that this profile is impossible to hide, even in my largest, most flowy, tops. This is this morning, before the daily bloat, at 11+3. I've decided to just embrace/flaunt it rather than feel self conscious and pudgy.


Blingbunny, perfect timing for telling the immediate family! We also told after we confirmed the heartbeat on ultrasound at the first OB appointment.

Aaaand... wow, LC. Just had lunch with a friend who's due in July and you look about as pregnant as she does -- actually, I can't believe you held off on maternity jeans this long. :D I imagine if it's from the fibroid your belly growth trajectory would be stabilizing, at least; if the fibroid is the size of a 13-week uterus itself (grapefruit) then it's a HUGE contribution early on (>doubling your uterine size at this point), but once your baby gets bigger it won't be such a major factor. I hope! But look how cute your belly is now, even if it's kinda early!

AFM, maternity pants fall off but regular pants are uncomfortably tight. I think I'll be ready for the big thread once the maternity pants fit. :) I started publicizing the pregnancy at work (not, y'know, broadcasting, but had a work occasion over the weekend where lots of people were drinking and clearly I wasn't so questions were raised!) since I'm technically 2nd trimester today, i think. (13 weeks is 2nd tri?)

Have you guys downloaded any pregnancy apps? My friend recommended Sprout and I'm downloading it right now mostly because it compares your baby to a fruit or vegetable every week which I find helpful. :D Simple mind over here. I'm sure there are other good things about it but I like seeing a picture of what a fetus looks like compared with a veggie! Last week was a key lime (DISAPPOINTING BECAUSE THOSE ARE SO TINY. but i'm over it. ;) )

Evergreen, I use an app called Glow and like it a lot. It has the "Your baby is as big as" feature (Mine is a blueberry this week, lol) but also a convenient logging system. I log all symptoms, exercise, etc daily. The app puts your symptoms in a chart, so you c an easily go back and tell your dr you had cramping last Tuesday or severe nausea 5 out of the past 10 days, for example. It also synchs with MyFitnessPal if you want to keep track of your diet. And it's free, always a plus!

The one caveat is that the company collects anonymous health data from user entries. I'm big on privacy, so I don't join groups on the app, post in the forums, or upload ultrasound images.

Evergreen, if it weren't for the bellaband I would have bought the maternity jeans a week sooner, at least! At 8 weeks the fibroid was 8cm. Google says most grapefruit are bigger, at 10-15cm, though it is entirely possible the fibroid has grown to that size by now. Regardless, even at 8cm it gave my uterus a gigantic head start. I agree that it should (hopefully) lose some influence as baby's growth takes off. My doc was pretty spot on...she figured I'd be showing within a month of seeing her at that 8 week appointment. She didn't say I'd be showing THIS much, but then again she did look a bit concerned when I asked, until I clarified I wasn't terribly concerned about being able to hide it at work. I was just curious and wanted to be prepared for the possibility! The fibroid is bound to be a pain (literally) as I get bigger, but for now the one perk is that I flew through the "I feel fat, not pregnant" stage in the span of 1-2 weeks. Thanks for the cute bump compliment! I actually feel pretty good about how I look, and I'm surprised to find I like wearing things that show off the bump. I've been digging tops out of the back of my closet that I wouldn't wear a few months ago for feeling they showed off curves I'd rather keep hidden. :lol:

Re: start of second trimester, some of my books say 13 weeks, some say 14. If you aren't there yet, you're on the doorstep! As an alternative to the still-big maternity pants, I've seen a decent selection of elastic + drawstring pants in stores the last few months in fashionable styles. I thought about looking for some to help the transition, but before I could make the trip my belly exploded on me. Specific to your work environment, can you get away with wearing scrubs and pretending every day is a clinic day?

Re: Pregnancy apps, I think almost all of them compare to fruits and veggies. I've got What to Expect and the Babycenter apps right now. They're ok. The WTE has a video every week that is kind of cheesy (same ones as on their website), but it at least goes into detail about baby's development each week and nice illustrations. I'll have to check out Glow and Sprout, too. I'm all for trying a bunch of different ones and whittling it down to the one or two I like best.

Turns out the Sprout app for Android isn't as fully-featured as the one for iPhone, so I don't get baby-next-to-vegetable pictures unlike my iPhone friend. :( I did like that it didn't ask for an email address to use it, though, unlike my second attempt, a highly-rated app "My Pregnancy & Baby Today" which links, unfortunately, to (and now I've really gotta manage the email subscriptions, argh), and has a lot of links to web content when I prefer to stay within an app. Hmph. I'm downloading Glow now to try it out.

LC, I lamented about the pants situation to my friends and they looked at me like I'd sprouted a third ear: yes, scrubs are exactly the solution I'm looking for. :D After all, on most days I don't interact with any humans except the cafeteria workers ( :( )... that's just the kind of research I do, computer-based and not within a lab. So who cares if I wear scrub pants? Sold! :)

ETA: Ooh, I like Glow!! I hope it doesn't incessantly email me, but all the checkboxes for the day make me feel good and organized (going to go get some water right now, Glow, I promise!). Kegels 10x three times a day, ha, I'd always wondered how many you were supposed to do. And I might actually exercise just to get that guilt-inducing red X off. ;)

I had my second (12wk) appt today, this time with my original doc who did my surgery. She was so excited to see me there for an OB appt. She was able to find bub's heart beat easily with the doppler- 145bpm this time - and she confirmed the big ball I'm feeling up near my belly button on the right side is the fibroid. She said it would be wise to compare my symptoms with those expected a couple months ahead for now, as the fibroid is mimicking me being 20 wks at the moment. No wonder I am as big as I am already. The plus is it is out of my pelvis, so my bladder is slightly happier. The downside is I've been getting lots of round ligament pains this week, especially on the right side. Baby is down low, closer to where might be expected for 12wks.

We decided to do the MaterniT21 screening, so they drew blood for that today. My insurance actually covers almost all of it, and i don't have a deductible, so we decided it was worth it. We are of course hoping for some peace of mind, but whatever the news we would prefer to be informed. We should find out the sex, too, which is exciting. Otherwise we wouldn't know until about 19 weeks, when I will prob be scheduled for the anatomy scan. Results can take a couple of weeks to come in. Let the waiting begin.

Evergreen, how is the 2nd Tri treating you? Are you feeling ready to move to the big thread?

Blingbunny, how are you feeling these days? Did you tell your moms as planned this weekend?
I guess I go here now. Again. I really didn't see this coming. DD is 9.5 months. If this sticks we will have 2 under 2. Somebody hold me.

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Ugh. Well might not be sticking.

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Oh, April20, fingers crossed that if it's meant to be, it'll all work out fine? Hugs either way, and hope you're OK!

Ha, LC, 2nd trimester is just like 1st trimester except now instead of bloat it's more likely to be baby? Still feeling nauseous in the afternoons through evenings, still sleeping as much as I can, meh. When are you moving to the big thread? I just want to LOOK pregnant but not FEEL pregnant, I think all the pregnancy symptoms plus an abdominal contour that's still, like, normal on almost anyone else means I'm still JBP. ;)
It's a miscarriage. I'm going in for the rhogam shot today since I'm RH-. Based on how this is going, I'm going to guess i was further around than the week's estimator says and probably caught the HCG on the way down.

It tells me what I need to know though. I'm not one and done. Maybe I will be back in a few months. I'd like them closer to 2 years apart. 17 months would have been rough.

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Aww, I'm so sorry April.

April, I had a similar experience between my two boys. It was an emotional roller coaster. Take it easy.

I'm so sorry, April20. :blackeye:

April, just wanted to tell you I'm really sorry about your loss. Because it's unexpected doesn't make it any easier. Hugs to you!

Oh April, I'm so sorry for your loss as well. Rollercoaster of emotions for sure. Hopefully, when you are ready to actively try again, things will go smoothly. Hugs to you.

Thanks gals, I really appreciate it.

You know, I REALLY didn't want kids 17 months apart, but dammit, I still wanted that baby! I'm just so annoyed. I'd like to be able to get pregnant and not worry. But it's never that way. I'm 1:3 now. The kicker is, it's my "oops" that don't stick. I know this is insane, but it almost feels like my body says "you didn't try for this, so you don't get to keep it". UGH.

I told one of my good friends (she has a baby almost exactly one year older than DD and had a m/c a couple months ago) and she immediately asked me what my favorite liquor was. I came home to the big boy bottle on my porch. God love her.

April, so sorry it was a MC after all. :( Obviously, your heart is ready, and your body is, but when your family is truly ready to welcome another, fingers crossed that things fall into place for you! Enjoy that gift from your friend. :D

Aww, April, I'm sorry. I had two MCs between my first to kiddos (and one before #1). It really sucks. :(

I'm sorry April20. :(sad Hugs to you.

Evergreen - Glad you like Glow. I think they've emailed me once, to confirm registration, and that was it, so hopefully you're not getting spammed.

Ladyciel- Thanks for asking. I did tell my mom (who cried! She never cries!) and my MIL. I was nervous sharing early, but I'm now 10+1 and things are still going very well, knock on wood. I'm on Diclegis and it's been amazing. I can finally eat eggs, salads, meat, and drink plain water without getting sick!

My new problem is that the, erm, constipation has been so awful the past 2 weeks, but I'm trying to get through it naturally. They say it's even worse after delivery, so I'm kind of terrified of that now. My 12 week appt is coming up soon. Will be time to move to the non-"Barely" thread!
Re: Re:

blingbunny10|1463757504|4033992 said:
My new problem is that the, erm, constipation has been so awful the past 2 weeks, but I'm trying to get through it naturally. They say it's even worse after delivery, so I'm kind of terrified of that now. My 12 week appt is coming up soon. Will be time to move to the non-"Barely" thread!

Prune juice does wonders. FWIW, I had no problems after delivery. Let the nurse know if you do, they will give you colace or something. Actually, I take that back. I think I did have some minor issues, but it was more due to fear of trying than any actual problem.
Re: Re:

amc80|1463759864|4034012 said:
blingbunny10|1463757504|4033992 said:
My new problem is that the, erm, constipation has been so awful the past 2 weeks, but I'm trying to get through it naturally. They say it's even worse after delivery, so I'm kind of terrified of that now. My 12 week appt is coming up soon. Will be time to move to the non-"Barely" thread!

Prune juice does wonders. FWIW, I had no problems after delivery. Let the nurse know if you do, they will give you colace or something. Actually, I take that back. I think I did have some minor issues, but it was more due to fear of trying than any actual problem.

Thanks, amc80. So I sent my husband to the store for prune juice and prunes and he bought me fresh plums instead, haha! I also have some dried prunes and kiwi fruits at home and they've made some improvement. Prune juice actually sounds good and refreshing, will have to pick some up next time. I also didn't realize the recommended dosage is 7 prunes twice a day, which seems like a ton. 1/2 cup of juice sounds much more doable.

Popping in here. I should be just about 4 weeks 1 day, or basically 30 seconds pregnant. So surreal to think of another child on the way. I'm not quite sure how I feel right now (super excited to have another baby, yay! But OMG I hate being pregnant so much and what am I going to do with another baby, yikes!) but I wanted to say hi.

April, I'm so sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter how it happens or when it happens, it's a horrible thing to go through. Hoping that it will happen when the time is right for you.

bb, I wasn't particularly constipated after delivery, just terrified to poop. I think my anxiety made things much more difficult. A little colace and a little mediation (plus the fact that they wouldn't discharge me until I pooped) got things moving and it was far less painful than I imagined. Not that anyone wanted to know that about me, lol.