
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

blingbunny10|1463757504|4033992 said:
Evergreen - Glad you like Glow. I think they've emailed me once, to confirm registration, and that was it, so hopefully you're not getting spammed.

Ladyciel- Thanks for asking. I did tell my mom (who cried! She never cries!) and my MIL. I was nervous sharing early, but I'm now 10+1 and things are still going very well, knock on wood. I'm on Diclegis and it's been amazing. I can finally eat eggs, salads, meat, and drink plain water without getting sick!

My new problem is that the, erm, constipation has been so awful the past 2 weeks, but I'm trying to get through it naturally. They say it's even worse after delivery, so I'm kind of terrified of that now. My 12 week appt is coming up soon. Will be time to move to the non-"Barely" thread!

After I delivered, they brought Colace and Senna every couple hours. I had a major tear and my doc said they wanted things VERY soft. I had no issues whatsoever. They recommended continuing senna, colace and adding miralax after discharge. I did this for maybe a week or so and never had any issues. It wasn't nearly as scary as everyone said. Trying to pee on command a few hours after delivery and a catheter with a nurse that kept trying to talk to me was another story! It didn't hurt, but things are so swollen afterwards and the catheter made my bladder all wonky that it took real effort to get it moving. The nurse was a PITA about it and wouldn't leave me alone long enough to actually relax and get it done.

blacksand - Congrats and welcome! It's been pretty quiet in here since ladyciel and evergreen "graduated" to the other thread. :))
Sounds like this will be your second? I'm almost 12 weeks with my first.

April20 - Good to know! I think I'll mention to my OB that the issue is something I'm worried about, so it will be on her radar and we can take plenty of preventative measures I feel comfortable with. Colace seems to be the rec I see mentioned over and over.

Thanks, and congrats to you! Yes, I have a 22-month old (23 on Thursday) daughter. We are thinking of announcing this pregnancy to our family at her 2nd birthday party, if all goes well. We already started talking to her about the baby and she doesn't get it at all. She keeps saying she is Mommy's baby. I told her of course, she'll always be Mommy's baby, but she will have a new little baby to be friends with. I asked her if she remembered my friend's newborn baby (whom she met recently) and if she would like a baby like that. She got so excited, said "yeah!" then ran to the kitchen, pulled that baby's birth announcement off the fridge, put it in her doll stroller, and pushed it around the house. So yeah. She's in for a surprise.

Hope things are going well for you! 12 weeks is when things really started to feel real for me last time. Mostly because I was vomiting 12 times a day, lol. Doesn't get much realer than that.

Aw blacksand, that's adorable! I think announcing at her birthday could be really special, especially if she feels really important as a future big sister and sees how excited everyone else is.

I'm pretty good these days, though I have a blood draw tomorrow and another appt (prob with another blood draw) next week. Ugh, my veins are tiny and I dread it every time! How are you doing? Do you find your symptoms this time around have been pretty similar to the ones you had with your first?

No real symptoms to speak of so far, though there's still plenty of time for that. I hate blood draws, too. I had GD and high blood pressure the first time around, so I had blood draws pretty much every time I went to the doctor. Ugh so much fun. Why did I want to have another baby again? Lol. But yeah, I feel okay so far, just exhausted beyond belief. Having a really difficult time at work as my work is very active, exhausting and often involves lifting and other feats of strength (I teach preschoolers with disabilities), and my coworkers don't know yet so I'm pretty sure they all just think I'm being a wimp and/or a jerk. I'm still working my butt off but my butt is TIRED. And I have tons of paperwork that I need to get done in the evenings after school, strict deadlines as the end of the school year approaches, and I'm just not able to get it done because I keep passing out on the couch after I put my toddler to bed. I just cannot hang. But the good news is no nausea so far. I think it started around week 7-8 with DD, so there's still time. I've also been checking my blood glucose every so often since I had GD before, and it's been...okay, but not great. Numbers are kind of borderline. So I'm trying to eat low carb and just keep an eye on things. And honestly all I want to do is eat a banana cream pie right now. But no.

blacksand - I hope you get the summer off so you can focus on young pregnancy and little one at home! (Do preschools break for summer?). Oof week 5 is when the nausea starting kicking in for me, but I am glad to be entering second trimester soon.

Hey Blacksand, I am joining the party over here. Very excited to be expecting our third child after a long TTC journey. It's my second pregnancy as our oldest son joined our family through adoption. My pregnancy with our younger son was really hard. I had hyperemises and severe iron deficiency anemia. Hoping that this time around will be easier for both of us!

bb- My class is special ed, so it falls under the public school system, meaning, we do get summers off. However, my students are so developmentally delayed that they really can't afford to lose that much time, so we have an extended school year program for them during the summer. So I get a few weeks off, then work for the rest of the summer, but the days are a bit shorter and it's only Monday to Thursday. So it will be a little easier. But still work. We have a big class and a lot of behavioral issues, so it's thoroughly exhausting work. I do love my kids, but I'm just so tired. I wish I had the whole summer off this year. When do you start the second trimester? So exciting!

Bella, congratulations! I remember you from years ago when I was a regular here. I remember your adoption thread. Your son is from Ethiopia, right? So nice to "see" you again. Three kids! That has always been my dream. But I don't think it's going to happen at this rate. HG is nasty business and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I wasn't diagnosed with HG, but I vomited all day, every day for pretty much 7 months with DD. My doctor actually took me off my anti-nausea meds after a while and told me the nausea should be better by now. Well. It wasn't. I really didn't feel better until the last month or so, and even then I would throw up at least once or twice a day. I even threw up for the first three days after my daughter was born. Who knew you could still have morning sickness after giving birth? If anyone could pull that off, it would be me, I guess. Anyway, here's hoping for a much better pregnancy for both of us this time around. So far, so good for me. A little queasiness here and there, but nothing major. It's still so early, though.

First ultrasound will be June 22nd, 2 weeks from today. Seems so far away!

Hi Blacksand, Yes, my older son was born in Ethiopia. 3-4 kids has always been our dream, we are very excited, but also a little terrified as we are moving across the state in 2 weeks for my DH to start medical school. i will be working FT from home and still flying back to NYC periodically for meetings, so life is going to be very busy. I am really praying I don't have the same HG as last time b/c it was so difficult to function. DH and I joke (in a very dark way!) that I threw up on every street corner in NYC, b/c that's really what it felt like. So far, so good though. For me last time the nausea started around week 6 I think, so we'll see what the next week or two bring. Right now I am just trying to enjoy every day without significant nausea!

Your job sounds amazing, but also exhausting. Really hope that you get a break this summer and that your classroom is a little easier to manage.

Sadly, I think I am miscarrying today, so I am ducking out of this thread for now. Hope to be back soon.

Very best wishes to you Blacksand for a happy, healthy (and nausea free!) 9 months.

Oh Bella, I am so sorry! Is there any possibility that is not the case? I hope you aren't in too much pain (physically, at least, I know your heart must hurt).

Bella, I'm so sorry to hear and sending tons of dust and thoughts your way. It's just such a very hard thing to go through...nevermind the fact that you have so much else going on. I'll be thinking of you.

Just wanted to update:

Finally saw the OB today. Everything looks good! Heart rate was 154. I got to bring my DD in to see her new little brother or sister on the screen, she totally doesn't get it, but she was very excited anyway!

I will have to take the glucose test early, and I am pretty sure I am going to fail. Just watching my sugars in the meantime. Otherwise, everything looks good and healthy. Very happy and relieved.


Hi guys, cautiously posting over here. I am 5+1 today. EDD Feb 26, 2017 and first pregnancy.

I am have been feeling very anxiously lately. I haven't had many symptoms yet and that is freaking me out a bit. I had more symptoms last week than I have had in the past 3 days. The fatigue is mostly gone, barely any nausea, not much heartburn and breast tenderness has reduced as well. I've read that decreasing symptoms can point towards an early miscarriage.

Also, can you share tips on how to avoid sharing the news with friends and family too soon? I've tried to keep this on the DL, but I have now had four people flat out ask me if I'm pregnant. One is a close girlfriend, second is my SIL who I adore, third was my SA at VCA, fourth is my cleaning lady. All of them said I had some sort of a glow/sparkle in my eyes! I couldn't lie to the first two! How would you have responded?

Also, I am a huge wine connoisseur and a go-to resource for many friends. I don't know how I going to explain the lack of drinking. I thought perhaps I would ask hubby to drink from his glass and mine? But it would be obvious to close friends. A part of me doesn't want to share because I am worried about miscarrying, but another part of me wants to tell close circle as I would love to have their support should things not end well.
Re: Re:

kama_s|1467033372|4048744 said:
Hi guys, cautiously posting over here. I am 5+1 today. EDD Feb 26, 2017 and first pregnancy.

I am have been feeling very anxiously lately. I haven't had many symptoms yet and that is freaking me out a bit. I had more symptoms last week than I have had in the past 3 days. The fatigue is mostly gone, barely any nausea, not much heartburn and breast tenderness has reduced as well. I've read that decreasing symptoms can point towards an early miscarriage.

Also, can you share tips on how to avoid sharing the news with friends and family too soon? I've tried to keep this on the DL, but I have now had four people flat out ask me if I'm pregnant. One is a close girlfriend, second is my SIL who I adore, third was my SA at VCA, fourth is my cleaning lady. All of them said I had some sort of a glow/sparkle in my eyes! I couldn't lie to the first two! How would you have responded?

Also, I am a huge wine connoisseur and a go-to resource for many friends. I don't know how I going to explain the lack of drinking. I thought perhaps I would ask hubby to drink from his glass and mine? But it would be obvious to close friends. A part of me doesn't want to share because I am worried about miscarrying, but another part of me wants to tell close circle as I would love to have their support should things not end well.

This might not work for you since you're a wine drinker, but here's what I did. If we were out to dinner with a group, I'd read over the drink menu and tell the waiter I couldn't decide. Once he'd gone, I'd "decide" and go up to the bar/waiter to give my order- a cranberry soda with lime. It looks just like a cocktail, and nobody suspected anything. Not sure how it would work with wine, unless you just got a glass of grape juice or something?
Re: Re:

amc80|1467058289|4048916 said:
kama_s|1467033372|4048744 said:
Hi guys, cautiously posting over here. I am 5+1 today. EDD Feb 26, 2017 and first pregnancy.

I am have been feeling very anxiously lately. I haven't had many symptoms yet and that is freaking me out a bit. I had more symptoms last week than I have had in the past 3 days. The fatigue is mostly gone, barely any nausea, not much heartburn and breast tenderness has reduced as well. I've read that decreasing symptoms can point towards an early miscarriage.

Also, can you share tips on how to avoid sharing the news with friends and family too soon? I've tried to keep this on the DL, but I have now had four people flat out ask me if I'm pregnant. One is a close girlfriend, second is my SIL who I adore, third was my SA at VCA, fourth is my cleaning lady. All of them said I had some sort of a glow/sparkle in my eyes! I couldn't lie to the first two! How would you have responded?

Also, I am a huge wine connoisseur and a go-to resource for many friends. I don't know how I going to explain the lack of drinking. I thought perhaps I would ask hubby to drink from his glass and mine? But it would be obvious to close friends. A part of me doesn't want to share because I am worried about miscarrying, but another part of me wants to tell close circle as I would love to have their support should things not end well.

This might not work for you since you're a wine drinker, but here's what I did. If we were out to dinner with a group, I'd read over the drink menu and tell the waiter I couldn't decide. Once he'd gone, I'd "decide" and go up to the bar/waiter to give my order- a cranberry soda with lime. It looks just like a cocktail, and nobody suspected anything. Not sure how it would work with wine, unless you just got a glass of grape juice or something?

That's actually a great idea! I could fun and say I am off wine because of GI issues and instead order a gin&tonic. Then seek the server and switch to sprite with a cucumber/lime!

Congrats kama! I wouldn't worry too much about symptoms just yet. I didn't have any symptoms until 8-9 weeks, other than implantation cramping. I very quickly regretting wishing for symptoms once the nausea set in. Seriously. But some women have no symptoms their entire pregnancy, and it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I usually fake sip (I might even take an occasional sip or two, gasp, shock, horror) my drink and then ask my husband to taste my drink because it's just so delicious. My husband then pretends he just can't get enough of my drink and drinks most of it for me. But we are not really huge drinkers, so it's not too difficult for us. I often just say I'm too tired to drink alcohol (which is not even a lie) or I have work to do for school (also always true), so I'm not going to drink, and no one thinks too much of it. But if you drink wine often, your friends might be more suspicious. Also, if you decide you want to tell people early, I say go for it. I don't post on social media for a while but I tell friends and family pretty early, because I would want their support and understanding should anything go wrong, and I'm not too good at keeping secrets, lol. I personally don't understand why many women feel they have to hide a miscarriage like it's some shameful thing, I know I would need support. But I know some people prefer not to talk about it, so it's a very personal decision. I guess my point is, don't feel like you have to wait to tell people because of social convention. Do what works for you. We will be telling my family and friends at my daughter's birthday on Sunday. I'm kind of nervous for the big reveal!
Re: Re:

kama_s|1467033372|4048744 said:
Hi guys, cautiously posting over here. I am 5+1 today. EDD Feb 26, 2017 and first pregnancy.

I am have been feeling very anxiously lately. I haven't had many symptoms yet and that is freaking me out a bit. I had more symptoms last week than I have had in the past 3 days. The fatigue is mostly gone, barely any nausea, not much heartburn and breast tenderness has reduced as well. I've read that decreasing symptoms can point towards an early miscarriage.

Also, can you share tips on how to avoid sharing the news with friends and family too soon? I've tried to keep this on the DL, but I have now had four people flat out ask me if I'm pregnant. One is a close girlfriend, second is my SIL who I adore, third was my SA at VCA, fourth is my cleaning lady. All of them said I had some sort of a glow/sparkle in my eyes! I couldn't lie to the first two! How would you have responded?

Also, I am a huge wine connoisseur and a go-to resource for many friends. I don't know how I going to explain the lack of drinking. I thought perhaps I would ask hubby to drink from his glass and mine? But it would be obvious to close friends. A part of me doesn't want to share because I am worried about miscarrying, but another part of me wants to tell close circle as I would love to have their support should things not end well.

Eek!! Congrats :-) I think in your case you should just go with the avoid - be too busy/have other plans/etc. The whole fake drinking/I'm on medication thing is pretty transparent IMO.

Blacksand, thanks so much for your detailed response! I feel much better with my lack of symptoms, although 6 weeks has changed that a bit. Having a lot more nausea and fatigue, plus need to pee on the hour every hour ugh. My husband said he misses my boy-bladder (I used to be able to hold it in, now I need to scope out the closest washroom anywhere I go!)

I agree with what you said about sharing with close friends and family. I think j will wait another 2-3 weeks and begin sharing. I feel like I have this huge secret life and feel like I am being very sly with friends and family!

MuffDog: I tried the trick Blacksand's recommended (having hubby drink from my glass) and that didn't work too well at all! I have resorted to not seeing people for the time being as my datigue, bloat, non-drinking etc are just so very obvious at this point!

A quick update:

So beginning Saturday, I had really awful right sided pain in my groin. It was bad enough that I went to the ER on Monday. But their U/S dept was closed due to it being Canada Day weekend.

Yesterday I went to my fertility clinic for an emergency U/S to rule out potential ectopic pregnancy. And we saw a my uterus measuring perfectly at 6+1!!!!! So happy it isn't tubal, but still don't know the cause for my pain. Even the trans-vag probe hurt when on my right side, but they did a complete abdominal/pelvic U/S and found nothing to cause the pain.

Blacksand, forgot to ask, how did it go on Sunday when you shared your news with your friends and family? Were they excited? I can't recall, how many weeks are you now?

I can't wait to tell our parents, I think both sides have long given up on having any grandchildren so this will come a massive shock to all!

kama, hope the pain subsides. I remember having lots of pain in my groin with my daughter, I think because the ligaments are softening and stretching and it's just really easy to pull something while moving around. It was never quite as bad as you describe, though. I'm so glad baby looks good and they have ruled out an ectopic, but I hope the pain doesn't keep you down for long.

We told our family and friends on Sunday. I read a card aloud while my husband and daughter opened a present. I signed the card, "We love you and can't wait to see how you take on your next big adventure! Love, Mommy, Daddy, and your new baby brother or sister." My husband helped open the present, a big sister shirt. I finally got the reaction I wanted from my mom. Last time, I think my mom was kind of in shock. She got really quiet and didn't really seem to get excited until a few days later. This time, a soon as I got to the "Mommy, Daddy, and..." part, she shrieked and jumped up and down. She was genuinely surprised and so, so happy. My husband's family was a little less excited about the whole thing, especially my SIL, but she can be a real stick in the mud anyway, so that's not super unusual. My MIL was pretty quiet when we announced, but has since sent me no fewer than 5 emails and texts saying how excited she is. Everyone else lined up to hug and kiss us. My poor daughter was like "okay, can we open the rest of the presents now?" Haha. But she was a good girl, and she walked around showing people the ultrasound picture and calling it "my baby." It was a great party and I'm happy to have it out there.

Now to figure out how to tell people at work. I'm much more nervous about that.

Okay, I feel comfortable jumping into this thread now. I had my first appointment today at 7+4 (based on O date). Baby measured exactly 7+4 and had a good HB. EDD is March 3. I may have fibbed a little as to when my LMP was. I didn't actually have one after my May m/c and then didn't O until CD29. My office won't go by O date unless you really, really, really push the issue. I didn't want to fight it this time, so I backed up two weeks from O date and gave them that. Ha! Take that OB office. I got an u/s pic, but you seriously can't see a darn thing.

Next appts are in four weeks for NT scan, MFM appt (because I'm old and get genetic testing) and regular 12 week appt.
No March baby for us. We went to the NT scan today and discovered baby stopped growing at 9+1. I've got a D&C scheduled for tomorrow. I'm just so sad.

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Oh, April, I'm so sorry for your loss. That must have been devastating. Big hugs to you.

Oh, April, I'm so so sorry. :blackeye:
I had the D&C yesterday. I was allergic to the antibiotic they gave me before the procedure and developed hives in recovery. Spent hours there instead of just an hour and was given two doses of IV Benedryl. It stings like a mother in the IV. Thankfully the hives went away after the second dose or I may have won an overnight stay. UGH. I also ugly cried in admissions when the lady asked me how I was paying my ENTIRE deductible before the procedure. I had the money but it was just insult to injury. DH had knee surgery thru the same hospital last winter, scheduled weeks in advance and we didn't have to pay up front. At any rate, the lady didn't know what to do with me so she said not to worry about it.

Doc said I need to wait one cycle to try again. So I'm in limbo until AF shows, which I hope is sooner rather than later. The bleeding from the D&C has been nearly non-existent so I'm hoping my body will reset quickly. Not much pain, but I'm also popping percosets every few hours.

I'm so frustrated that my body spent three weeks continuing a non-viable pregnancy. I was already starting to show. I feel like I'm not even back to square 1. It's square -1. I'm 39. I want a second child.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh, April, I'm so sorry for your loss. :blackeye: I hope your body is telling you that, when you're ready to start trying again, things will turn around for you.

Anyone around? I'm reviving this thread. Just got my BFP this morning and will be 8 weeks tomorrow with baby #2. I'm shocked and surprised. I tested the day before my period was due and got a BFN so I assumed it was a bust. After 3 more weeks going by with my period, I tested again this morning and was surprised as heck. My period had only just come back, so I thought it would take more than one cycle to get pregnant. Am feeling slightly nauseous, but not as bad as I felt last time.

Congrats, SMC!! Are you excited/nervous? There's not too many of us around these days it seems. I'm not really JBP anymore, but I'm 18 weeks along with baby number 5! After having infertility for years, my DH and I were satisfied with our four kids, and then we had a surprise oops while using birth control. Funny how life works!

Congrats SMC and Laila! DH and I are so done but I love a good BFP. And, a surprise? Even better! Wishing you both healthy pregnancies.