
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


So, I found out earlier this week that one of my closest friends is pregnant (with #4!), due in March. Today, my BFF found out she was pregnant! She has a really sad story- a m/c around 10 weeks and another at 16 weeks, due to fibroids. She had those removed and then went on to have her son (he turned 1 in March). It takes her a while to get pregnant, like 6 months or so. Well, they started trying last month and she got pregnant this month, on their second month. So we will be due within 6 weeks of each other. Also, she and my other friend were due within a week with their last pregnancies, and it looks like that will be the case again. Crazy!
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amc80|1405100419|3711456 said:
So, I found out earlier this week that one of my closest friends is pregnant (with #4!), due in March. Today, my BFF found out she was pregnant! She has a really sad story- a m/c around 10 weeks and another at 16 weeks, due to fibroids. She had those removed and then went on to have her son (he turned 1 in March). It takes her a while to get pregnant, like 6 months or so. Well, they started trying last month and she got pregnant this month, on their second month. So we will be due within 6 weeks of each other. Also, she and my other friend were due within a week with their last pregnancies, and it looks like that will be the case again. Crazy!
That's awesome! My best friend is pregnant as well (with #2). She is due about 2.5 weeks before me. She has a 20 month old son. It's nice to have someone to commiserate with!
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SMC|1405100581|3711457 said:
amc80|1405100419|3711456 said:
So, I found out earlier this week that one of my closest friends is pregnant (with #4!), due in March. Today, my BFF found out she was pregnant! She has a really sad story- a m/c around 10 weeks and another at 16 weeks, due to fibroids. She had those removed and then went on to have her son (he turned 1 in March). It takes her a while to get pregnant, like 6 months or so. Well, they started trying last month and she got pregnant this month, on their second month. So we will be due within 6 weeks of each other. Also, she and my other friend were due within a week with their last pregnancies, and it looks like that will be the case again. Crazy!
That's awesome! My best friend is pregnant as well (with #2). She is due about 2.5 weeks before me. She has a 20 month old son. It's nice to have someone to commiserate with!

Yeah, I'm really excited. Friend #1 has a 5, 2.5, and 1 year old, so B isn't anywhere close to those. BFF's son is 7 months younger than B, but they will be in the same grade...and BFF plans on moving up to Portland after we move up there. So it will be cool that BFF's kids and my kids will both be in the same grades. I'm so nervous for her, though, I really hope her pregnancy is uncomplicated.
How cool that you guys have friends pregnant at the same time! I have a couple who are, but only one is local and she's due next month, so well ahead of me.

We got to see the baby at our appt this morning! Woohoo!


ladypirate|1405113884|3711566 said:
How cool that you guys have friends pregnant at the same time! I have a couple who are, but only one is local and she's due next month, so well ahead of me.

We got to see the baby at our appt this morning! Woohoo!
Woo, congrats! Yours actually looks like a baby - mine looked like a little blob.

My best friend actually lives in SF and I'm in Seattle so we're not close location wise. We do communicate a lot via chat and text though.

ladypirate|1405113884|3711566 said:
How cool that you guys have friends pregnant at the same time! I have a couple who are, but only one is local and she's due next month, so well ahead of me.

We got to see the baby at our appt this morning! Woohoo!
Yay look at that peanut!!
SMC said:
Woo, congrats! Yours actually looks like a baby - mine looked like a little blob. My best friend actually lives in SF and I'm in Seattle so we're not close location wise. We do communicate a lot via chat and text though.

My BFF is in SF as well :)

Love seeing these u/s pics!!

Got my NT scan this morning! Baby was moving around a lot but we got some good pictures & video. The NT scan measured 1.4mm which is in the normal range. Got the heart rate measured at 161 bpm. Also had my blood work done. Going to see the genetic counselor tomorrow. Oh, and I have an anterior placenta.

It was very exciting to see a baby that looked like a baby (albeit all head). All the limbs are there and the ultrasound tech said that everything looked normal and viable. What a relief!
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SMC|1405355468|3713079 said:
Got my NT scan this morning! Baby was moving around a lot but we got some good pictures & video. The NT scan measured 1.4mm which is in the normal range. Got the heart rate measured at 161 bpm. Also had my blood work done. Going to see the genetic counselor tomorrow. Oh, and I have an anterior placenta.

It was very exciting to see a baby that looked like a baby (albeit all head). All the limbs are there and the ultrasound tech said that everything looked normal and viable. What a relief!

Fantastic news!
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I had thought I'd have more time to do more than a drive-by today, but wanted to stop by and say hello to you ladies! I'm loving seeing so many familiar "faces" in this thread! :)

SMC|1405355468|3713079 said:
Got my NT scan this morning! Baby was moving around a lot but we got some good pictures & video. The NT scan measured 1.4mm which is in the normal range. Got the heart rate measured at 161 bpm. Also had my blood work done. Going to see the genetic counselor tomorrow. Oh, and I have an anterior placenta.

It was very exciting to see a baby that looked like a baby (albeit all head). All the limbs are there and the ultrasound tech said that everything looked normal and viable. What a relief!

Congratulations! Great news!
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LaurenThePartier|1404768410|3708394 said:
Hi Ladies! I haven't been here in a while, and never ever thought I'd be posting in this thread, but at the ripe old age of 38 (39 in October), DH and I finally have some good news to share. :D

If you've been a PSer for a while, you might remember my story, but if not, most of it is on the first page of the TTC for 6+ months thread. But, the short story is this; on July 4th of 2010 we got pregnant with our first pregnancy, but it ended up being ectopic and I had to have an emergency laparotomy in August of 2010 that ended with me losing my right tube and (obviously) the pregnancy. We were heartbroken, but determined. After the last ~4 years of absolutely nothing (AFAIK I didn't even ever miscarry once in the last 50+ cycles), we decided to just own the fact that we were going to be DINKs and bought my dream sports car for my 38th birthday, just got back from 2 trips this spring (South Africa and then Hawaii), and planned a trip to Napa in a few weeks with the highlight being a dinner at The French Laundry.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I started to feel just *not right*, went upstairs after a weekday dinner in which I had rare steak and we split a bottle of wine, and sure enough, 2 solid, very strong lines on the pee stick. I spent the last 2 weeks before July 3rd panicking that the pregnancy was in my other tube, so very persistently requested a sonogram to determine location sooner rather than later because we didn't want to have to be forced into surgery again as my recovery was awful and had me out of work for 3+ weeks.

I just returned from my second sonogram in 5 days. I am right at 7w1d and measuring right on target. We saw and heard that little heartbeat and we couldn't be happier. Cautiously hoping that I'll be able to graduate to the pregnancy thread with all of you lovely ladies without issue. :)

WOW! :wavey: :appl: I am never over here, but glad I dropped by!

Hope your dream car has room for cat seat(s)!

In health and happiness--Sharon

Great news SMC! What a great milestone! cute already!

Hope all of you nauseous ladies are surviving!

Afm...plugging along! My daughter has been having trouble sleeping since we moved a month ago and we've been up with her a lot at night. Starting to worry if it's dangerous for new baby that I'm not resting enough. I'm lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep at night now. It's impossible to take care of yourself the same way with baby #2. Feeling guilty! Not to mention exhausted! My other panic is that I occasionally cramp on my right side. I remember getting cramps with my first but not concentrated on one side. Anxious for my appt on Tuesday to find out how it's going in there!

Hope all of you are feeling ok!
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marlie|1405444011|3713708 said:
Great news SMC! What a great milestone! cute already!

Hope all of you nauseous ladies are surviving!

Afm...plugging along! My daughter has been having trouble sleeping since we moved a month ago and we've been up with her a lot at night. Starting to worry if it's dangerous for new baby that I'm not resting enough. I'm lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep at night now. It's impossible to take care of yourself the same way with baby #2. Feeling guilty! Not to mention exhausted! My other panic is that I occasionally cramp on my right side. I remember getting cramps with my first but not concentrated on one side. Anxious for my appt on Tuesday to find out how it's going in there!

Hope all of you are feeling ok!
It seems like there's always less time to rest when you already have one (or more) little one(s) at home! You need to make yourself a higher priority - can your DH help with your daughter at night?
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canuk-gal|1405391121|3713410 said:
LaurenThePartier|1404768410|3708394 said:
Hi Ladies! I haven't been here in a while, and never ever thought I'd be posting in this thread, but at the ripe old age of 38 (39 in October), DH and I finally have some good news to share. :D

If you've been a PSer for a while, you might remember my story, but if not, most of it is on the first page of the TTC for 6+ months thread. But, the short story is this; on July 4th of 2010 we got pregnant with our first pregnancy, but it ended up being ectopic and I had to have an emergency laparotomy in August of 2010 that ended with me losing my right tube and (obviously) the pregnancy. We were heartbroken, but determined. After the last ~4 years of absolutely nothing (AFAIK I didn't even ever miscarry once in the last 50+ cycles), we decided to just own the fact that we were going to be DINKs and bought my dream sports car for my 38th birthday, just got back from 2 trips this spring (South Africa and then Hawaii), and planned a trip to Napa in a few weeks with the highlight being a dinner at The French Laundry.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I started to feel just *not right*, went upstairs after a weekday dinner in which I had rare steak and we split a bottle of wine, and sure enough, 2 solid, very strong lines on the pee stick. I spent the last 2 weeks before July 3rd panicking that the pregnancy was in my other tube, so very persistently requested a sonogram to determine location sooner rather than later because we didn't want to have to be forced into surgery again as my recovery was awful and had me out of work for 3+ weeks.

I just returned from my second sonogram in 5 days. I am right at 7w1d and measuring right on target. We saw and heard that little heartbeat and we couldn't be happier. Cautiously hoping that I'll be able to graduate to the pregnancy thread with all of you lovely ladies without issue. :)

WOW! :wavey: :appl: I am never over here, but glad I dropped by!

Hope your dream car has room for cat seat(s)!

In health and happiness--Sharon

Hi Sharon!

I'm LOL'ing because I'm not sure if this typo was intentional or not, since you know my affinity for my cats, as well. :bigsmile:

I have found a baby seat for the backseat of the 911. Not sure how I'd squeeze a stroller in, but luckily, it's a targa so it has a rear hatch. Sort of. :)
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LaurenThePartier|1405448675|3713776 said:
canuk-gal|1405391121|3713410 said:
LaurenThePartier|1404768410|3708394 said:
Hi Ladies! I haven't been here in a while, and never ever thought I'd be posting in this thread, but at the ripe old age of 38 (39 in October), DH and I finally have some good news to share. :D

If you've been a PSer for a while, you might remember my story, but if not, most of it is on the first page of the TTC for 6+ months thread. But, the short story is this; on July 4th of 2010 we got pregnant with our first pregnancy, but it ended up being ectopic and I had to have an emergency laparotomy in August of 2010 that ended with me losing my right tube and (obviously) the pregnancy. We were heartbroken, but determined. After the last ~4 years of absolutely nothing (AFAIK I didn't even ever miscarry once in the last 50+ cycles), we decided to just own the fact that we were going to be DINKs and bought my dream sports car for my 38th birthday, just got back from 2 trips this spring (South Africa and then Hawaii), and planned a trip to Napa in a few weeks with the highlight being a dinner at The French Laundry.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I started to feel just *not right*, went upstairs after a weekday dinner in which I had rare steak and we split a bottle of wine, and sure enough, 2 solid, very strong lines on the pee stick. I spent the last 2 weeks before July 3rd panicking that the pregnancy was in my other tube, so very persistently requested a sonogram to determine location sooner rather than later because we didn't want to have to be forced into surgery again as my recovery was awful and had me out of work for 3+ weeks.

I just returned from my second sonogram in 5 days. I am right at 7w1d and measuring right on target. We saw and heard that little heartbeat and we couldn't be happier. Cautiously hoping that I'll be able to graduate to the pregnancy thread with all of you lovely ladies without issue. :)

WOW! :wavey: :appl: I am never over here, but glad I dropped by!

Hope your dream car has room for cat seat(s)!

In health and happiness--Sharon

Hi Sharon!

I'm LOL'ing because I'm not sure if this typo was intentional or not, since you know my affinity for my cats, as well. :bigsmile:

I have found a baby seat for the backseat of the 911. Not sure how I'd squeeze a stroller in, but luckily, it's a targa so it has a rear hatch. Sort of. :)

haha. Typo for sure--but apropos!

You should inquire at the Porsche dealership--with such beautiful products I am convinced they'd have a compactable--but safe--stroller for your 911!


LTP: Check out the UppaBaby G-Luxe. It's a very compact umbrella stroller that I believe has full recline so you can use it for wee-tiny babies.

Hi Ladies,

Just checking in. I had my 1st appointment on Monday. The baby was measuring about 8+wks. My due date based on LMP is Feb 19th, 2015 (2 days after DS's 3rd birthday). After taking measurement from the US they decided not to change my EDD since it's not more than a 7 day difference. But I'll be going in for my NT scan @ 11wks so they can do a dating US then. The midwife was a little sensitive about not doing a dating US in between now and then since that's how it went down with my miscarriage in March. I think I can wait a few more weeks.

SMC, Hooray for your NT scan. Definitely looks more like a baby. The best is the 20 wk anatomy scan :)

Marlie, Poor you. I hope your DD's sleep goes back on the right course soon. Well, if I were you, I'd enlist your DH to help your daughter with her sleep issues. My DS also had a *rough* night last night. woke up SCREAMING 3 times. I fell asleep on his floor from 11:30-1AM last night, moved to my bed, then snuck back into his room @ 5:50AM. He "slept" on/off until 7AM. He woke up and he still had that puffy eye look that babies get when they're crying a lot. All I can say is this kid better sleep tonight. This sh*t's gettin' old.

AMC, Niel, how's your M/S? I hope it's waning by now.

~LC, 8w3d

Just checking in. I'm 11w2d. I take a zofran every evening around 5. So far, I've only thrown up twice on that's a win. I'm hoping I will only need it for another week or two. NT scan is next Monday at 9am. Zofran's lovely side effects are in full force. I just ate a ton of grapes so hopefully that gets things moving (literally). I'm starting to feel really fat and big, especially in the evenings. I'm glad the NT scan is next week- we are telling everyone after that and I don't know how much I can hide it from my coworkers. I'm working with B right now, trying to get him to stop using me as a jungle gym. If any other BTDT moms would like to chime in on that, feel free. He will accidentally kick me or head butt me right in the stomach. Not a problem right now, but obviously it will be soon.
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amc80|1405968508|3717723 said:
Just checking in. I'm 11w2d. I take a zofran every evening around 5. So far, I've only thrown up twice on that's a win. I'm hoping I will only need it for another week or two. NT scan is next Monday at 9am. Zofran's lovely side effects are in full force. I just ate a ton of grapes so hopefully that gets things moving (literally). I'm starting to feel really fat and big, especially in the evenings. I'm glad the NT scan is next week- we are telling everyone after that and I don't know how much I can hide it from my coworkers. I'm working with B right now, trying to get him to stop using me as a jungle gym. If any other BTDT moms would like to chime in on that, feel free. He will accidentally kick me or head butt me right in the stomach. Not a problem right now, but obviously it will be soon.
Sorry that you had to get on Zofran. I feel like my ms is slowing getting better. I still throw up sometimes, but I have some periods where I don't feel sick at all. I'm hoping it goes away soon over the next couple of weeks.

I feel fat too - I've started using my belly bands. They actually don't look too bad with my clothes, kind of looks like I'm wearing a long tank top underneath my regular shirt.

I had a meeting with my genetic counselor last week. I got the Counsyl panel done (only $99) and am waiting results. She seems to think that we're low risk for most things, but if I want to, I can pay $795 for the Harmony (MaterniT21 equivalent) test. My doctor says my first trimester screen is "normal" but she didn't give me any probability so I don't know if my chance of having a child with DS is 1:500 or 1:7000. I asked for a copy of that report, and then will decide if I want to suck it up and pay $795 for the peace of mind.

Everyone thinks I'm having a girl! I'm leaning towards girl too because a girl seems to have come first in every branch of the family in our generation. I guess I'll have to wait until 20 weeks to find out, if I don't get the Harmony test done first!

amc, have you tried explaining to B that there is a baby in your belly and he should be gentle? That's what I've seen my friends do with their toddlers.
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SMC|1405970362|3717749 said:
amc80|1405968508|3717723 said:
Just checking in. I'm 11w2d. I take a zofran every evening around 5. So far, I've only thrown up twice on that's a win. I'm hoping I will only need it for another week or two. NT scan is next Monday at 9am. Zofran's lovely side effects are in full force. I just ate a ton of grapes so hopefully that gets things moving (literally). I'm starting to feel really fat and big, especially in the evenings. I'm glad the NT scan is next week- we are telling everyone after that and I don't know how much I can hide it from my coworkers. I'm working with B right now, trying to get him to stop using me as a jungle gym. If any other BTDT moms would like to chime in on that, feel free. He will accidentally kick me or head butt me right in the stomach. Not a problem right now, but obviously it will be soon.
Sorry that you had to get on Zofran. I feel like my ms is slowing getting better. I still throw up sometimes, but I have some periods where I don't feel sick at all. I'm hoping it goes away soon over the next couple of weeks.

I feel fat too - I've started using my belly bands. They actually don't look too bad with my clothes, kind of looks like I'm wearing a long tank top underneath my regular shirt.

I had a meeting with my genetic counselor last week. I got the Counsyl panel done (only $99) and am waiting results. She seems to think that we're low risk for most things, but if I want to, I can pay $795 for the Harmony (MaterniT21 equivalent) test. My doctor says my first trimester screen is "normal" but she didn't give me any probability so I don't know if my chance of having a child with DS is 1:500 or 1:7000. I asked for a copy of that report, and then will decide if I want to suck it up and pay $795 for the peace of mind.

Everyone thinks I'm having a girl! I'm leaning towards girl too because a girl seems to have come first in every branch of the family in our generation. I guess I'll have to wait until 20 weeks to find out, if I don't get the Harmony test done first!

amc, have you tried explaining to B that there is a baby in your belly and he should be gentle? That's what I've seen my friends do with their toddlers.

Not really. He's not even two yet so I really don't think he would get it. But we will have to do something because baby will be out of my pelvis pretty soon.

That's really weird that you didn't get your exact results back. I'd definitely ask for a copy of the results. What was the neck measurement at the NT scan?
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amc80|1405976959|3717840 said:
SMC|1405970362|3717749 said:
amc80|1405968508|3717723 said:
Just checking in. I'm 11w2d. I take a zofran every evening around 5. So far, I've only thrown up twice on that's a win. I'm hoping I will only need it for another week or two. NT scan is next Monday at 9am. Zofran's lovely side effects are in full force. I just ate a ton of grapes so hopefully that gets things moving (literally). I'm starting to feel really fat and big, especially in the evenings. I'm glad the NT scan is next week- we are telling everyone after that and I don't know how much I can hide it from my coworkers. I'm working with B right now, trying to get him to stop using me as a jungle gym. If any other BTDT moms would like to chime in on that, feel free. He will accidentally kick me or head butt me right in the stomach. Not a problem right now, but obviously it will be soon.
Sorry that you had to get on Zofran. I feel like my ms is slowing getting better. I still throw up sometimes, but I have some periods where I don't feel sick at all. I'm hoping it goes away soon over the next couple of weeks.

I feel fat too - I've started using my belly bands. They actually don't look too bad with my clothes, kind of looks like I'm wearing a long tank top underneath my regular shirt.

I had a meeting with my genetic counselor last week. I got the Counsyl panel done (only $99) and am waiting results. She seems to think that we're low risk for most things, but if I want to, I can pay $795 for the Harmony (MaterniT21 equivalent) test. My doctor says my first trimester screen is "normal" but she didn't give me any probability so I don't know if my chance of having a child with DS is 1:500 or 1:7000. I asked for a copy of that report, and then will decide if I want to suck it up and pay $795 for the peace of mind.

Everyone thinks I'm having a girl! I'm leaning towards girl too because a girl seems to have come first in every branch of the family in our generation. I guess I'll have to wait until 20 weeks to find out, if I don't get the Harmony test done first!

amc, have you tried explaining to B that there is a baby in your belly and he should be gentle? That's what I've seen my friends do with their toddlers.

Not really. He's not even two yet so I really don't think he would get it. But we will have to do something because baby will be out of my pelvis pretty soon.

That's really weird that you didn't get your exact results back. I'd definitely ask for a copy of the results. What was the neck measurement at the NT scan?
It was 1.4mm at 11 weeks, so it's within normal range. I'm a little worried because the average at 11 weeks is 1.1mm, so I'm above average (doctor says not to worry but it's my baby!). I have a copy of that report from the u/s clinic, but I don't have a copy of my first tri screening bloodwork. They're supposed to give you a probability taking into account the neck measurement and the ultrasound.

It took me forever to get mine back, but that was due to a clerical error. My first appointment with my OB (just to meet her, before I was pregnant) was before I was married, so all of my files were in my maiden name. The place that did the NT scan had my married name. So they faxed over the results and apparently it was too complicated for my OB's office to figure out (despite having a DOB and SSN). 1.4mm seems really low, even for 11w. The ones I've seen where the baby ends up having downs are like 5mm. Were you able to see a nasal bone?
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amc80|1405978095|3717855 said:
It took me forever to get mine back, but that was due to a clerical error. My first appointment with my OB (just to meet her, before I was pregnant) was before I was married, so all of my files were in my maiden name. The place that did the NT scan had my married name. So they faxed over the results and apparently it was too complicated for my OB's office to figure out (despite having a DOB and SSN). 1.4mm seems really low, even for 11w. The ones I've seen where the baby ends up having downs are like 5mm. Were you able to see a nasal bone?
Yup, the report did say that they were able to detect a nasal bone.
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SMC|1405978201|3717858 said:
amc80|1405978095|3717855 said:
It took me forever to get mine back, but that was due to a clerical error. My first appointment with my OB (just to meet her, before I was pregnant) was before I was married, so all of my files were in my maiden name. The place that did the NT scan had my married name. So they faxed over the results and apparently it was too complicated for my OB's office to figure out (despite having a DOB and SSN). 1.4mm seems really low, even for 11w. The ones I've seen where the baby ends up having downs are like 5mm. Were you able to see a nasal bone?
Yup, the report did say that they were able to detect a nasal bone.

Can the baby still have DS if they found a nasal bone? Hmm, off to google. ETA- Yes.

ETA again- I wish they'd do away with the NT scan and just use MaterniT21/Harmony instead. It has to be less expensive, and it's definitely more accurate.
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amc80|1405978290|3717859 said:
SMC|1405978201|3717858 said:
amc80|1405978095|3717855 said:
It took me forever to get mine back, but that was due to a clerical error. My first appointment with my OB (just to meet her, before I was pregnant) was before I was married, so all of my files were in my maiden name. The place that did the NT scan had my married name. So they faxed over the results and apparently it was too complicated for my OB's office to figure out (despite having a DOB and SSN). 1.4mm seems really low, even for 11w. The ones I've seen where the baby ends up having downs are like 5mm. Were you able to see a nasal bone?
Yup, the report did say that they were able to detect a nasal bone.

Can the baby still have DS if they found a nasal bone? Hmm, off to google. ETA- Yes.

ETA again- I wish they'd do away with the NT scan and just use MaterniT21/Harmony instead. It has to be less expensive, and it's definitely more accurate.
I know! It annoys me that the technology is there but it's not accessible without having to pay a ton of money (if you don't meet the criteria). My insurance will cover an amnio with a $20 copay, no questions asked. But I have to pay almost $800 to get my blood drawn and a less invasive test. When I asked the genetic counselor why it was so ridiculous, she said that the cell free fetal DNA test still relies on the amnio for a diagnostic conclusion, and just getting the blood test wasn't enough for diagnosis. So unless the cell free fetal DNA test becomes 100% accurate and diagnostic, it's not going to be covered by insurance. I'm pretty sure this will change in the future though, as more and more people realize how ridiculous it is.

ETA: Found this article online '"A woman who is 40 has a one in 80 chance of having a baby with Down [syndrome], but if the nose is normal the risk is one-third of that, or one in 240," Nicolaides says. "For a 35-year-old woman with a background risk of one in 300, that risk is lowered to one in 1,000. A woman who knows this would be much less likely to accept the risks of amnio."'
It's a relief but still not definitive. Google brings up so many cases where someone says they were given a 1:7000 chance of DS, and they ended up with a child with DS. Anyway, I'm leaning towards NOT forking out $800 for a test, but I'm going to read what my report (with blood work) says first.

I agree with you. With odds like that, I'm not sure I'd fork out that much money, either. I figure that if my odds were really such that there was a concern, MaterniT21 would be covered by my insurance anyway. This would be especially true if there were no other soft markers found.
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amc80|1405981171|3717884 said:
I agree with you. With odds like that, I'm not sure I'd fork out that much money, either. I figure that if my odds were really such that there was a concern, MaterniT21 would be covered by my insurance anyway. This would be especially true if there were no other soft markers found.
That's a good way of looking at it. My SIL relied on the screenings for her first 2 pregnancies and MaterniT21 for her 3rd. She said that she would've felt comfortable with just the screenings too.

Btw, I just started looking into day cares last week. It's pretty crazy here in Seattle (and I'm sure it is in other big cities too). I'm on the wait list for 3 day cares but they don't think a spot will open up when I want it. I finally got a guaranteed space in the 4th daycare, near where my husband works (he works like 30 miles north of downtown, in the burbs). The average daycare cost downtown is $2200 per month! There was one daycare I visited, and they were like, "we usually encourage parents to put their name down on the wait list 18 months in advance of when they'll need it" (so this means get your name down on the list before you get pregnant).

I'm relieved that I have a spot somewhere so I know for sure that I can go back to work. Still, if we ever have a 2nd kid, two kids in daycare will basically take away one of our two incomes. At that point, I suppose we'll look into hiring a FT nanny, or just sucking it up and pay for 2 kids in daycare (I don't think that I can stay at home FT, I'd go nuts).
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SMC|1405982103|3717893 said:
amc80|1405981171|3717884 said:
I agree with you. With odds like that, I'm not sure I'd fork out that much money, either. I figure that if my odds were really such that there was a concern, MaterniT21 would be covered by my insurance anyway. This would be especially true if there were no other soft markers found.
That's a good way of looking at it. My SIL relied on the screenings for her first 2 pregnancies and MaterniT21 for her 3rd. She said that she would've felt comfortable with just the screenings too.

Btw, I just started looking into day cares last week. It's pretty crazy here in Seattle (and I'm sure it is in other big cities too). I'm on the wait list for 3 day cares but they don't think a spot will open up when I want it. I finally got a guaranteed space in the 4th daycare, near where my husband works (he works like 30 miles north of downtown, in the burbs). The average daycare cost downtown is $2200 per month! There was one daycare I visited, and they were like, "we usually encourage parents to put their name down on the wait list 18 months in advance of when they'll need it" (so this means get your name down on the list before you get pregnant).

I'm relieved that I have a spot somewhere so I know for sure that I can go back to work. Still, if we ever have a 2nd kid, two kids in daycare will basically take away one of our two incomes. At that point, I suppose we'll look into hiring a FT nanny, or just sucking it up and pay for 2 kids in daycare (I don't think that I can stay at home FT, I'd go nuts).

That is insane! have you looked into home day cares? B was at a center and it was $202/week, which comes out to $875. That is pretty standard around here (Reno). His home day care is even less, around $680/month. I was really hesitant to put him in a home day care, but it's been a great fit. They are much more flexible and B loves it. The main downside is they don't have back ups like a center would. A great example is happening right now- his providers are on vacation this week so we had to find an alternative for him.
Re: Re:

amc80|1405982494|3717897 said:
That is insane! have you looked into home day cares? B was at a center and it was $202/week, which comes out to $875. That is pretty standard around here (Reno). His home day care is even less, around $680/month. I was really hesitant to put him in a home day care, but it's been a great fit. They are much more flexible and B loves it. The main downside is they don't have back ups like a center would. A great example is happening right now- his providers are on vacation this week so we had to find an alternative for him.
Yes, and no. I haven't gotten any good recommendations for home day cares yet so I'm hesitant to put the baby in one for now. I'm going to see if I can get any recs from a moms group I just joined. At this point, I'm more comfortable putting an infant in a larger center day care just because I feel like I'm "guaranteed" some level of service. If I find a home day care that I trust, I'll definitely look into going that route.

I've spent $500 on day care "registration/application fees" already!

SMC, I didn't get any true results from my NT scan except 'low risk'. I asked for the ratios and I suppose the nurse had never been asked that before. She had to go back and look at the lab results, but she wasn't really sure how to read them.

She said:

Spina bifida = less than 1 in 10,000
Trisomy 18 = 1 in 3,000 (can't remember exactly, but it was in the 3,000s)
Down's = less than 1 in 10,000, but then she said oh wait, there's another ratio here, age risk…and then it was 1 in 800 or so.

So, I'm really confused. Can anyone shed some light? Should I be looking at the first ratio or the age risk?

The nurse said the important thing is that there wasn't anything identified as high risk. 1.4mm does seem small to me, too…mine was 2mm at 12w per due date, baby measuring 12w3d. I was worried that I would come out high risk, because I also thought my HCG levels would be high.

Oh, and my practice didn't even give me any results until after the second blood draw around 15-16w (yeah, I guess I don't really qualify for this thread anymore…but it's so hard to move on!). I asked at my doctor's appointment between the two blood draws though and my OB told me that if I had been high risk, they would have stopped after the first blood draw and offered an amnio or Harmony.

I asked about Harmony, and apparently they don't offer it routinely, and they've only ordered in a couple of times for high-risk cases, but it probably would have been an option if they saw fit.