
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

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Niel|1403730548|3701039 said:
I get gaggy when I'm brushing my teeth and taking my vitamins. Both daily occurances ugh!

And its lame I have like absolutely no gag reflex when I'm not preggers (or drunk lol)

I have no gag reflex normally. The only time I get it now is when I *think* about swallowing a pill. Actually swallowing them? Fine. What in the world is that about?

I also have the gagging thing going on, especially in the morning! It makes brushing my teeth difficult, but I usually start gagging even when I'm not brushing my teeth. If I can't stop the gagging, then I throw up.

Other than than that, I've been feeling fine…except I think I ate some bad soup for dinner last night. It was a bisque, and I think it might have been starting to separate even though it looked and tasted fine. I started getting a stomachache a couple of hours later and then felt really nauseous but didn't actually throw up. I was so worried it would hurt the baby, but I started feeling better after awhile and woke up slightly nauseous this morning, but then it went away and I felt fine. I hope I'm just being paranoid!

Maybe I'll worry less when I can feel the baby move. I feel these little flutters from time to time now, but I'm not sure they're the baby. They feel like muscle twitches, so I guess they could be anything.
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shihtzulover|1403738291|3701129 said:
I also have the gagging thing going on, especially in the morning! It makes brushing my teeth difficult, but I usually start gagging even when I'm not brushing my teeth. If I can't stop the gagging, then I throw up.

Other than than that, I've been feeling fine…except I think I ate some bad soup for dinner last night. It was a bisque, and I think it might have been starting to separate even though it looked and tasted fine. I started getting a stomachache a couple of hours later and then felt really nauseous but didn't actually throw up. I was so worried it would hurt the baby, but I started feeling better after awhile and woke up slightly nauseous this morning, but then it went away and I felt fine. I hope I'm just being paranoid!

Maybe I'll worry less when I can feel the baby move. I feel these little flutters from time to time now, but I'm not sure they're the baby. They feel like muscle twitches, so I guess they could be anything.

I wish I could remember when I first felt B move. I don't think it wasn't until around 18 weeks, and it was only once. Then, a week later, I felt the same thing, and it became more regular after that point. It felt like bubble popping.

Sorry you had bad food, that's no fun even when you are feeling normal.

So I didn't need to as last time I never used any, but I saw h&m having a sale and they had maternity jeans on sale so I bought a pair just to try. On sale for 20 bucks and they were amazing. Same price as like even target maternity but emensly more comfy. If you live by an h&m I'd check it out.
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Niel|1403787944|3701399 said:
So I didn't need to as last time I never used any, but I saw h&m having a sale and they had maternity jeans on sale so I bought a pair just to try. On sale for 20 bucks and they were amazing. Same price as like even target maternity but emensly more comfy. If you live by an h&m I'd check it out.
You're lucky to live by an H&M that carries maternity. Not all of them do! Forever 21 has maternity too, but it's apparently only found in a stores located in areas with high rates of teen pregnancy. :P

I'm in that weird stage where most of my regular pants are sort of uncomfortable (especially towards the end of the day), but a belly band would be a giveaway that I'm pregnant. And maternity clothes would look ridiculous.

Told my in laws.

Their response. "We knew already."

OK. Thanks. Were excited too. :nono:
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Niel|1404316462|3705255 said:
Told my in laws.

Their response. "We knew already."

OK. Thanks. Were excited too. :nono:
Haha! My in-laws are sort of the same in terms of level of excitement. Our baby will by their 6th grandchild so I think that the novelty has sort of worn off for them. It's the first grandchild on my parents' side though, so they are way more into it.

Most of my pants feel very uncomfortable so I've transitioned to wearing dresses everyday. So much better!
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SMC|1404317371|3705264 said:
Niel|1404316462|3705255 said:
Told my in laws.

Their response. "We knew already."

OK. Thanks. Were excited too. :nono:
Haha! My in-laws are sort of the same in terms of level of excitement. Our baby will by their 6th grandchild so I think that the novelty has sort of worn off for them. It's the first grandchild on my parents' side though, so they are way more into it.

Most of my pants feel very uncomfortable so I've transitioned to wearing dresses everyday. So much better!

I'm just pissed that's literally all they said. Didn't look up from their dinner plates then continued eating.

Did you go look at h&m?
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Niel|1404317640|3705265 said:
I'm just pissed that's literally all they said. Didn't look up from their dinner plates then continued eating.

Did you go look at h&m?

I'm sorry about their lack of response.

Haven't gone to H&M yet - I rarely go to physical stores as I prefer to just shop online. I did buy some maternity jeggings and leggings from Target though (waiting for them to arrive). I feel like switching to maternity clothes at 10 weeks seems a bit early and I haven't told anyone at work besides my manager yet. Wearing maternity clothes would be a giveaway.
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SMC|1404317850|3705268 said:
Niel|1404317640|3705265 said:
I'm just pissed that's literally all they said. Didn't look up from their dinner plates then continued eating.

Did you go look at h&m?

I'm sorry about their lack of response.

Haven't gone to H&M yet - I rarely go to physical stores as I prefer to just shop online. I did buy some maternity jeggings and leggings from Target though (waiting for them to arrive). I feel like switching to maternity clothes at 10 weeks seems a bit early and I haven't told anyone at work besides my manager yet. Wearing maternity clothes would be a giveaway.

I'm not wearing the clothes yet just buying . I bought all mine on the website I didn't go into the store

Hi gals. Nothing major going on here. I think the B6/Unisom combo is starting to lose its power. I haven't thrown up much since taking it, but the seasick/hungover feeling is back. Funny, we were at a car dealership and had just gone to lunch...I had to run to the bathroom. Thank goodness nobody was in there!

When does everyone have an appointment? I go in on Monday for my final RE appointment.

Is anyone having weird appetite issues? Some meals, I can scarf down everything on my plate and more, and barely feel full. Other times, I'll have just a few bites and be totally full. So weird. The power of hormones is mind boggling.

A friend gave me her giant tub (well, two tubs) of maternity clothes. I really think I should be set. I bought some fabric to make some belly bands. We'll see how that goes. I'm not a great seamstress but it seems pretty easy.

We should be getting some girls here from the TTC thread pretty soon. Welcome!
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amc80|1404342209|3705532 said:
Hi gals. Nothing major going on here. I think the B6/Unisom combo is starting to lose its power. I haven't thrown up much since taking it, but the seasick/hungover feeling is back. Funny, we were at a car dealership and had just gone to lunch...I had to run to the bathroom. Thank goodness nobody was in there!

When does everyone have an appointment? I go in on Monday for my final RE appointment.

Is anyone having weird appetite issues? Some meals, I can scarf down everything on my plate and more, and barely feel full. Other times, I'll have just a few bites and be totally full. So weird. The power of hormones is mind boggling.

A friend gave me her giant tub (well, two tubs) of maternity clothes. I really think I should be set. I bought some fabric to make some belly bands. We'll see how that goes. I'm not a great seamstress but it seems pretty easy.

We should be getting some girls here from the TTC thread pretty soon. Welcome!

My appointment is July 20something who remembers. It'll be my first I hope I get an ultrasound! My appetite is such that I'm always hungry and get full too fast :(

I'm sorry your stuff is wearing off

Hi girls!
I suppose I'll dip my toe in here even though I'm super duper early. According to my lmp I'm not even 4 weeks but according to what I think was my conception date, I'm now 4 weeks. I'm due somewhere between 3/11 and 3/14 depending on how I look it up. So far everything is pretty uneventful. I'm tired but that is more likely because my 2.5 year old stopped sleeping through the night. And I feel bloated a little. I do have some cramping which I sort of remember from my first pregnancy. Just really hoping for a healthy sticky bean!

Looking forward to getting to know you!
Woohoo! Congrats, Marlie!

I had my intake appointment on Tuesday--it was mostly just information on nutrition, the midwife program, and genetic counseling options. They also took height, weight, & blood pressure, as well as blood & urine samples for my prenatal tests. My bp was elevated for me (normally it's 105/65 and it was 120/80), but apparently that's not uncommon. First appt with the midwife is a week from tomorrow.

We opted to do the first trimester screen to test for trisomies, so we'll get an ultrasound as part of that on July 28. I'll be 12 weeks along. The nice thing about doing it early is that if anything comes up at an increased risk, it makes us eligible for the NIPT (materni21 and the like) and insurance will cover it.

AMC and Neil, I am always hungry but get full really fast too! It's so weird. The nutritionist put the fear of god in us at the appointment on Tuesday. I eat healthy anyhow, but she made it sound like eating non-whole wheat bread was basically condemning your baby to a life of obesity. I started using myfitnesspal to track what I'm eating so I make sure I'm getting all the right nutrients. She also made me feel guilty for not starting Prenatals until 1wk 4 days. Hopefully my folic acid levels were high enough from diet!

Neil, that's so crappy that your in laws reacted that way.

SMC, sorry your pants are getting tight. I noticed just this week that my stomach is no longer as flat as it was. My pants still fit, but I have perma-pooch. Could you maybe use a Bella band or hair ties as a middle ground before switching to full on maternity clothes?

Hi ladies, I'm going to follow Marlie's lead and jump in here too. I am 4 weeks, 14dpo today. This is my second pregnancy and child and my son is 19 months today. Based on O day, my dd is 13 March but it is highly unlikely I will make it that far as I had pre-eclampsia and my son was born at 30+6. My OB said previously that I will have to have an elective c-section so everything can be controlled so assuming this pregnancy is normal then I am guessing I will only be allowed to go to 38 weeks anyway.

For those who are going from one to two, have you had any freak outs about what this will mean for your relationship with your first? I had a massive meltdown in bed last night which ended up with me sobbing that my relationship with my son will now be compromised. This baby was very much planned and wanted to this completely got me out of the blue. Would love to hear how everyone else is feeling.
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mlk|1404427147|3706295 said:
Hi ladies, I'm going to follow Marlie's lead and jump in here too. I am 4 weeks, 14dpo today. This is my second pregnancy and child and my son is 19 months today. Based on O day, my dd is 13 March but it is highly unlikely I will make it that far as I had pre-eclampsia and my son was born at 30+6. My OB said previously that I will have to have an elective c-section so everything can be controlled so assuming this pregnancy is normal then I am guessing I will only be allowed to go to 38 weeks anyway.

For those who are going from one to two, have you had any freak outs about what this will mean for your relationship with your first? I had a massive meltdown in bed last night which ended up with me sobbing that my relationship with my son will now be compromised. This baby was very much planned and wanted to this completely got me out of the blue. Would love to hear how everyone else is feeling.

That's totally normal.

I have fears as such:
What if it's not as cute as my current child. Stupid I know but I don't want it to grow up as the ugly sister or something

What if I don't love it as much as I love my first child.

What if I don't have time for each kid like I used to.

The Unisom + B6 combo stopped working for me pretty quickly and I've been pretty out of it for the past few weeks. I basically slept the entire long weekend. My nausea is definitely worse in the evenings and I've been throwing up after dinner pretty regularly. I'm fervently hoping that the 2nd trimester will bring relief! I "turned" 10 weeks this past Saturday!

I bought some maternity pants from Target. They look ridiculous right now but I'm keeping them because I'm sure I'll grow into them. I've been wearing a lot of dresses.

Congrats to the new Just Barelys!
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SMC|1404749125|3708190 said:
The Unisom + B6 combo stopped working for me pretty quickly and I've been pretty out of it for the past few weeks. I basically slept the entire long weekend. My nausea is definitely worse in the evenings and I've been throwing up after dinner pretty regularly. I'm fervently hoping that the 2nd trimester will bring relief! I "turned" 10 weeks this past Saturday!

This is me exactly. I think it's because the unison/B6 is out of my system by the time evening hit. I throw up dinner pretty regularly, but am okay with breakfast and lunch.

I had another u/s today. I'm 9w2d and little one is measuring 9w5d. I will post a picture in a separate post, since it's on my phone. I am released to my OB and can stop my progesterone (YES!!). I called and can't get in to my OB until July 29. The problem is that will put me too far out to schedule my NT scan, so I need to see if I can get it scheduled through the RE's office.

Funny story- at the u/s, the RE said "oh, nothing is between the legs, must be a girl." DH momentarily freaked out until the RE said "just kidding, it's too early for that." Hahaha we were all cracking up.
And the pic


amc80|1404752354|3708216 said:
And the pic
Wow, congrats. Looking at that, I have no idea which way is the head and which way is the bottom. :)

My OB's office doesn't have an abdominal ultrasound, so all of our scans beyond the first one needs to be done at the ultrasound center across the street. It's kind of annoying because you have to schedule it separately. My NT scan is next Monday! I'll pretty much be exactly 11 weeks so hopefully it's enough time for them to get an accurate measurement.

Oh, and it turns out that most insurance companies cover the cost of one breast pump. Has anyone ordered one through insurance before? How does it work? Do they bill your insurance directly?
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SMC|1404753228|3708223 said:
amc80|1404752354|3708216 said:
And the pic
Wow, congrats. Looking at that, I have no idea which way is the head and which way is the bottom. :)

My OB's office doesn't have an abdominal ultrasound, so all of our scans beyond the first one needs to be done at the ultrasound center across the street. It's kind of annoying because you have to schedule it separately. My NT scan is next Monday! I'll pretty much be exactly 11 weeks so hopefully it's enough time for them to get an accurate measurement.

Oh, and it turns out that most insurance companies cover the cost of one breast pump. Has anyone ordered one through insurance before? How does it work? Do they bill your insurance directly?

Head is to the right :)

Yep, part of Obamacare is a breast pump is covered. It really depends on your insurance, you will have to call. Some will reimburse you up to a certain amount, others have one kind they use and send it to you, others have you go get one at a medical supply place.

How exciting!
Sorry you guys still aren't feeling better. I'm feeining markedly better but still not great. I sleep all the time. On weekends take at least one nap a day!

My appointment is the 22nd and its my first they had better give me an ultrasound or I'll rage! Lol.

I had this "feeling" yesterday like I wasn't pregnant. Like something was wrong. I dunno. Just probabaky because there isn't anything "happening" for the next few weeks.

Hi Ladies! I haven't been here in a while, and never ever thought I'd be posting in this thread, but at the ripe old age of 38 (39 in October), DH and I finally have some good news to share. :D

If you've been a PSer for a while, you might remember my story, but if not, most of it is on the first page of the TTC for 6+ months thread. But, the short story is this; on July 4th of 2010 we got pregnant with our first pregnancy, but it ended up being ectopic and I had to have an emergency laparotomy in August of 2010 that ended with me losing my right tube and (obviously) the pregnancy. We were heartbroken, but determined. After the last ~4 years of absolutely nothing (AFAIK I didn't even ever miscarry once in the last 50+ cycles), we decided to just own the fact that we were going to be DINKs and bought my dream sports car for my 38th birthday, just got back from 2 trips this spring (South Africa and then Hawaii), and planned a trip to Napa in a few weeks with the highlight being a dinner at The French Laundry.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I started to feel just *not right*, went upstairs after a weekday dinner in which I had rare steak and we split a bottle of wine, and sure enough, 2 solid, very strong lines on the pee stick. I spent the last 2 weeks before July 3rd panicking that the pregnancy was in my other tube, so very persistently requested a sonogram to determine location sooner rather than later because we didn't want to have to be forced into surgery again as my recovery was awful and had me out of work for 3+ weeks.

I just returned from my second sonogram in 5 days. I am right at 7w1d and measuring right on target. We saw and heard that little heartbeat and we couldn't be happier. Cautiously hoping that I'll be able to graduate to the pregnancy thread with all of you lovely ladies without issue. :)

Lauren- what a great story! Well, not necessarily the journey, but the fact that you ended up here. Seeing a hb and that baby is in the right place must have been a huge relief. Welcome!

Lauren, congratulations! I wish you a smooth and uneventful pregnancy. Feel free to chime in to all the talks about morning sickness and not fitting into clothes. :)
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amc80|1404769767|3708408 said:
Lauren- what a great story! Well, not necessarily the journey, but the fact that you ended up here. Seeing a hb and that baby is in the right place must have been a huge relief. Welcome!

Thank you so much, amc80! I was in tube preservation mode during the previous 2 weeks, and now I'm in sticky mode. Appreciate the welcome! :)

SMC|1404770674|3708428 said:
Lauren, congratulations! I wish you a smooth and uneventful pregnancy. Feel free to chime in to all the talks about morning sickness and not fitting into clothes. :)

Thanks, SMC! I've been lurking for the last couple of weeks, so I'm excited to participate! :)

BTW- I got my NT scan scheduled for 7/28. Sort of funny that it's the day before my first OB appointment. Assuming all goes well with the NT scan, we will go public after that point.

LTP! Cautiously optimistic for you m'dear!


Hi Lauren, Marlie, and mlk!! Welcome, so lovely to have you here!

Amc, what a wonderful us pic! Little arms and legs starting, so exciting! Boo to the sickness, can you take another dose of the b6/unison mid day or would that make you too sleepy?

Glad you're feeling better Neil! I'm the complete opposite, I throw up every morning and then I am much better for the rest of the day. Ravenously hungry and alternatingly moody, but not sick, thank goodness!

SMC, sorry the b6 combo isn't working any more! Will you ask for zofran? I am 10 weeks today! Hooray for inching closer to the second trimester!

Lady, that nutritionist sounds terrifying! My midwife gave me the basics, but said eat what you need to eat to keep it down, in moderation. So far I've almost completely given up soda, which was a major vice for me, but I just don't want it anymore, and I've don't want a ton of red meat although some is ok. Getting enough protein in is hard, but I am trying to eat some with every meal.

AFM, I think we are going to opt out of the NT scan. My insurance isn't going to cover it. In fact, even though I am an intelligent adult who read through my policy and asked pertinent questions of my agent, my insurance will be covering absolutely nothing until I reach my deductible. Which would be fine if our policy didn't renew right smack at the beginning of my third trimester, sticking me with A WHOLE NEW DEDUCTIBLE TO MEET BEFORE THEY WILL COVER ANYTHING :angryfire: . So, the agent is going to get a dressing down and we will be upgrading that policy come renewal time, after I ascertained that I could without a waiting period for maternity to kick in if I stay with the same company.

So we are content with the minimal testing done by the midwives themselves; we will hear the heartbeat at 12 weeks and have our anatomy scan at 20. Other than that things are going really well and we've started to tell friends if the situation seems right. :praise:

LTP, wow oh wow, m'dear! I'm so happy for you!!!! I remember your story from then and I couldn't be more thrilled! :appl: Sticky dust and hooray for the heart beat! Wow, we're preggo buddies :)

I'll be joining you ladies here. I will be 8 wks on Sunday. Right now my calc'd due date will be the same as my now 2.5 yr old son's was (2/24). Go figure. Anyway, thus far things are OK. Had a family vacation with DH's family this past weekend for Independence Day, and DH said his sis and BIL are onto me. But they're polite enough not to say anything to me. Otherwise, we told my twin sister and her BF. My 1st appointment will be NEXT Monday, the 14th.

~LC 7w1d- I think/hope