
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Good ideas! I had a spritzer last time we were out with friends, similar to the cranberry & soda water trick. Last night we went to a housewarming party, though, and it was a little tough. It's like "hey, I make wine for a living but I'm a teetotaler..."
So I felt great yesterday and okay today...until we were driving and had to pull over at a gas station so I could throw up. To make matters worse, the women's bathroom was occupied so I had to use the men's.

Flyby post to wish you ladies good luck with your appointments today! Can't wait to hear how they go!

Just got back from my first appointment! There was a heartbeat (and just one baby)! The nurse practitioner said that everything looks normal and it seems like a viable pregnancy. Next step will be the NT scan.
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SMC|1403543287|3699267 said:
Just got back from my first appointment! There was a heartbeat (and just one baby)! The nurse practitioner said that everything looks normal and it seems like a viable pregnancy. Next step will be the NT scan.
Sounds like all good news!
Congrats smc! Same here- one baby measuring a day ahead. I go back in two weeks for another scan and then get released to my OB.

DH and I went out to a nice lunch to celebrate, which came up about 15 minutes later :(

amc80|1403553629|3699392 said:
Congrats smc! Same here- one baby measuring a day ahead. I go back in two weeks for another scan and then get released to my OB.

DH and I went out to a nice lunch to celebrate, which came up about 15 minutes later :(
Hurray! (but boo to throwing up)

I think I measure 2 days behind, but they're not changing my due date from 1/31.

Forgot to mention that my doctor prescribed Unisom (half tablet) + 1 tablet B6 for nausea. Going to give that a try. And Miralax for constipation (not pleasant).

Eagerly awaiting the end of my first trimester!
SMC said:
Forgot to mention that my doctor prescribed Unisom (half tablet) + 1 tablet B6 for nausea. Going to give that a try. And Miralax for constipation (not pleasant). Eagerly awaiting the end of my first trimester!

I got a prescription for zofran but won't fill it unless absolutely needed. I totally forgot to ask about the unison/b6 thing. I think I'll email my nurse.

Congrats on the good scans, ladies! I can't wait for mine. It's not happening until the 11th--2 and a half weeks seems like ages!

I started knitting some baby clothes this weekend. They are so tiny and cute!
Hey smc- let me know if the unison/b6 works for you. I haven't kept anything down since breakfast (not even the pb&j I had for dinner...really?!) and this can't continue. I'm going to email my nurse tomorrow to ask about my zofran concerns.

Congrats, SMC and amc!

LadyPirate - I wish I could knit baby clothes! I love knitting scarves but I think that's about as far as my talent level goes. :D

Just popping in for unsolicited opinion on the unisom/b6. It really seemed to help me the first few weeks of the dreaded nausea, especially during a flight at week 7. I think Zofran would work even better but my office isn't a fan of it for some reason. A 'Duh" statement, it makes you drowsy with the Unisom, but taking it at night before bed helped me the following day for at least half the day and I noticed the following day if I didn't take it. Hopefully you get all get some relief soon! It does pass!!
This is my first baby project--a diaper cover. I have a sweater started as well. :)

My parents are coming into town tomorrow! I'm so excited to see them. They are over the moon about the baby. It's their first grandchild. I'm hoping them being here will also distract me from how slowly time seems to be dragging by! They leave the day before our appointment on the 11th, so it's good timing.


Split shank! How are you and the triplets doing?? Hope all is well!
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Laila619|1403625439|3700049 said:
Split shank! How are you and the triplets doing?? Hope all is well!

Yes, how are you doing?? Thank you for the feedback...and the reminder for me to email my nurse. I swear, pregnancy brain is amazing.

LP- That is adorable! Post more pics as you make more :)

I wish I could knit! That diaper cover is adorable!

I took the Unisom/B6 combo last night and I felt better this morning. Not 100%, but better. I was able to get breakfast in me too, so I'm feeling pretty good. I wasn't able to keep my dinner last night down.

My doctor was going to prescribe Zofran, but she changed her mind and went with the Unisom/B6 mix instead because apparently Zofran could make constipation worse.
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SMC|1403627994|3700082 said:
I wish I could knit! That diaper cover is adorable!

I took the Unisom/B6 combo last night and I felt better this morning. Not 100%, but better. I was able to get breakfast in me too, so I'm feeling pretty good. I wasn't able to keep my dinner last night down.

My doctor was going to prescribe Zofran, but she changed her mind and went with the Unisom/B6 mix instead because apparently Zofran could make constipation worse.

Zofran gave me the worst constipation ever, it was really awful. So good move.

I have reverse morning sickness. I feel okay in the morning and can generally keep breakfast's lunch and dinner that are a problem.

Oh well, I'll just take it as a sign that things are progressing.

Oh!! We told our parents yesterday. DH's parents were so excited, as were mine (although his were more, I think). I'm telling my boss today. It's way earlier than I'd like but I think I need to. Not only because I'm sick, but we also have some events coming up where there will be drinking, and I don't want to make it a big deal.

We are trucking along, thanks! Already at 13 1/2 weeks. We get to see the buggers squirming away at every visit, which is already every 2 weeks when combining our reg OB visits and high risk Maternal-Fetal medicine OB, who we will see July 10. There is a possibility
we might be able to find out genders at that visit, it's early at about 16 weeks but they have some pretty good equipment and specially trained techs there. All depends if the little buggers cooperate I'm sure. The nausea was worst from week 6 on the dot to about week 8-9. It was almost like a switch flipped and you could tell when the placentas took over. Nausea went away, constipation got better, fatigue was a little better. Heartburn has been absolutely awful though, so much that I am on Protonix daily just to keep food from killing me (joking, kind of). Apples in the afternoon. Mini heartburn firefighters. My saving grace. Still have to avoid most aggravating foods but it is bearable now. I can already feel the buggers moving around as they are already up at my belly button! Feels like an octopus is in there but its pretty cool. I've gotten bigger, but more like a barrel than a belly so far, as everything went straight up into my ribs, just like with DS. Eventually (soon) there will be no room left up tehre and its going to get huge!!! :shock:

I was warned about constipation with the unisom/b6, just as you would with the zofran, but honestly didn't notice anything too terrible. And my body is pretty sensitive to things like that so I can't say it was too bad.

I read often but don't get around to posting much. Not sure where I really belong at this point. I suppose I could head over to Preggos, but this whole pregnancy is anything but by the book so I'm kind of a lost cause when it comes to advice or timelines. Just know I think about you all often and can't wait to see everyone's progression!

Split_Shank--triplets!? That is so exciting! How cool that you can feel them already.

AMC, sorry you had to tell your boss early, but it sounds like it was a good move. Glad your parents are excited!

SMC, I hope the meds help with the morning sickness! I was nausous this morning, but I've found that eating something is enough to keep it at bay.

AFM, I can't wait to start getting stuff for the baby! My husband keeps telling me not to get anything because it's "tempting fate". Then when I started knitting instead, he said "that isn't helping with the whole tempting fate thing". To me it feels like if we don't do anything, we're assuming the worst. I'm hoping he'll relax a little bit after our scan on the 11th.

Such good news from everyone! Well, not the the pukey news, but even that is technically a good indicator of healthy babies!

I also had a great appointment on Monday; I wasn't scheduled for a scan, but the midwife had extra time and because I had irregular cycles and tried for so long, we did one anyway. We have a heartbeat! And just one bub, measuring a few days behind 8 weeks, but within the range that they are not changing my due date, which is officially Feb. 3.

I'm going out to buy bigger clothes tonight; I know it's crazy but I have a very short torso and am going to apparently carry way out front, cause I have a bump that is not hiding in my work clothes. Plus, my tush just keeps. getting.bigger. Jeans are totally out, I'm switching to leggings!

Still stick, mostly in the mornings, but I'm coping well. My midwife also gave blanket recommendation for unison+b6, but I haven't needed to try it yet.

Here's to healthy babes and happy mamas!

Split shank- Thanks for the update! I'm excited to watch your pregnancy progress. Has the idea of three babies hit home yet?

LP- Can't say I blame you! We bought a ton of clothes for DS before I was even pregnant. Mostly boy stuff so good thing he turned out to be a boy :) Our first major purchase was the stroller when I was around 13 weeks. We knew which one we wanted and it was on sale, so why not.

Aviastar- yay for a surprise ultrasound! Crazy that you are showing already. I am showing in that I'm fat, but that's it. Although I will say that my jeans today feel much tighter (and considering I've been keeping down about 1/2 of what I've been eating, I highly doubt it's weight gain). The problem with today's jeans is they hit exactly where the baby grows at first.

In other fun news, we have scheduled an elective u/s at 14 weeks! I know it's pretty early to find out the gender, but my mom and DH's parents will be in town for DS's 2nd bday. The local u/s place does gender scans starting at 14w (I will be 14w exactly that day) so we thought it was worth a try. Their techs are all ARDMS certified so they are legit...and if it's not clear, we would just go back the following week. So, assuming the little one's parts are well developed, we should know the sex in 6.5 weeks!

How much do elective ultrasounds cost? I think my insurance only covers like 1 ultrasound per pregnancy.

My jeans are feeling tighter too. Probably will start using the belly band sometime in the next week or two.

The unisom/B6 mix has really helped me. I felt pretty good during all of the workday yesterday and am feeling pretty good today. Have been keeping all my food down too.
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SMC|1403717101|3700911 said:
How much do elective ultrasounds cost? I think my insurance only covers like 1 ultrasound per pregnancy.

My jeans are feeling tighter too. Probably will start using the belly band sometime in the next week or two.

The unisom/B6 mix has really helped me. I felt pretty good during all of the workday yesterday and am feeling pretty good today. Have been keeping all my food down too.

It really varies. The place I'm going to has a $75 gender scan deal and a 20% off coupon, so it will be $60. A more elaborate one is around $120 and includes 3D, but at this point 3D will look like an alien so we are skipping it. Does that mean you can't get an NT scan if your insurance only covers one scan?

I think I'm going to have to start belly banding it as well. I want to make my own since it's supposed to be really easy (and cheap). I'm just so uncomfortable right now which is ridiculous for 7 weeks!

Oh, I did try the unisom/b6 last night. I slept like a champ but I'm pretty groggy today. What doses of each are you taking? My nurse told me 25mg of B6 and half of a 25mg Unisom. The smallest B6 pill the pharmacist had was 100mg, so she told me to half it and that B6 is water soluble so I'd just pee out the extra.

Oh, my doctor said just the standard size B6, which I assumed was 100 (as they don't come smaller), so I've just been taking one of those and half of a normal Unisom. Maybe I should halve my B6? I guess it might make me a little more groggy than normal, but I don't feel it because I've already been super fatigued from pregnancy. I was able to actually go to the gym yesterday though (have been feeling too pukey before) so I thought that was good.

My insurance does seem to cover sequential screens, so I'm definitely doing the NT scan. My insurance also covers amnio. It won't cover the cell-free DNA test (MaterniT21) unless I'm 35, have some type of positive screens, or have had a previous child with chromosomal abnormalities. I have very strong opinions towards terminating the pregnancy if there are chromosomal abnormalities so I definitely want as much information as possible (even if I have to pay out of pocket).
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SMC|1403718039|3700927 said:
Oh, my doctor said just the standard size B6, which I assumed was 100 (as they don't come smaller), so I've just been taking one of those and half of a normal Unisom. Maybe I should halve my B6? I guess it might make me a little more groggy than normal, but I don't feel it because I've already been super fatigued from pregnancy. I was able to actually go to the gym yesterday though (have been feeling too pukey before) so I thought that was good.

My insurance does seem to cover sequential screens, so I'm definitely doing the NT scan. My insurance also covers amnio. It won't cover the cell-free DNA test (MaterniT21) unless I'm 35, have some type of positive screens, or have had a previous child with chromosomal abnormalities. I have very strong opinions towards terminating the pregnancy if there are chromosomal abnormalities so I definitely want as much information as possible (even if I have to pay out of pocket).

I don't think you have to halve the B6, any extra you'll just pee out, so I wouldn't worry about it. I'm going to try it for a few more days and see if I get less tired. I'm pretty sensitive to any sleep medicine so it might just be me. Good for you for going to the gym! I keep thinking I need to do something, but between the nausea and exhaustion, I just can't make myself do it. We even have a gym at my work...that's how lazy I am.

Oh good, so you'll get the NT scan and the 20 week growth scan. That's not horrible. My insurance is the same way with the MaterniT21 test. I'd also want to know as much as possible. It's funny, before B was born, I always thought I'd carry a baby to term regardless of what issues/conditions it had. Now, I just think about how having a highly special needs baby would impact B's life (in terms of time, money, attention, etc.) and I just don't know if I could do that. But I suppose that's an entire debate on its own.

Yes, get a cheap pill splitter and half both of them. the Unisom are easy to bust in half by themselves but the B6'ers you need to split with a splitter (if you choose to do so). Save the other half for later in the day to get a boost. It can help with nausea as well, not as well as the unisom taken together, but if you don't want to fall asleep on your keyboard its better than nothing. Make sure you have the correct Unisom as well. There are two kinds, you want the one that is Doxylamilne Succinate , you do NOT want the one that has the antihistamine or whatever in it. Half a tab will give you 12.5 mg.
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split_shank|1403725972|3700987 said:
Yes, get a cheap pill splitter and half both of them. the Unisom are easy to bust in half by themselves but the B6'ers you need to split with a splitter (if you choose to do so). Save the other half for later in the day to get a boost. It can help with nausea as well, not as well as the unisom taken together, but if you don't want to fall asleep on your keyboard its better than nothing. Make sure you have the correct Unisom as well. There are two kinds, you want the one that is Doxylamilne Succinate , you do NOT want the one that has the antihistamine or whatever in it. Half a tab will give you 12.5 mg.

That's a good idea- I think I'll start taking the other half around lunch time. I am seriously dragging today...not sure if it's pregnancy or the unisom. I will say I haven't had the urge to throw up, so I think it definitely made a difference.

One other thing that bothered me and still does is my gag reflex, causing me to have to throw up. Its always when I'm trying not to swallow, like brushing my teeth, or keeping my mouth closed in the shower. It just makes my throat get tight and then its game over. I found that chewing gum in the shower helps a ton, especially when its early morning and I'm not ready for food yet. Keeps me swallowing I guess. Just a tip if you are a gagger like me. :sun:

I get gaggy when I'm brushing my teeth and taking my vitamins. Both daily occurances ugh!

And its lame I have like absolutely no gag reflex when I'm not preggers (or drunk lol)