
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Warning: Novel Ahead

tara3056|1402580277|3691529 said:
Hi, ladies :) Pardon the intrusion: I'm not currently pregnant, but I was just popping into this thread ... to ... I don't know? We have an almost-4-year old boy and a 9 mo old baby girl, and have been having the vasectomy talk lately. I'm sure that a vasectomy is the right decision and I do not want another baby, but a part of me mourns that I'll never get to go through labor again (yeah, even I think it's crazy to want to do it again, esp when mine weren't easy or fun) and I'll never have a scrunched-up newborn again. I'm not particularly fond of newborns (so needy! no smiles or giggle fits or personality!), but at 9 months, my daughter is very mobile and interactive, and when I saw a friend's newborn the other day, part of me was sad that the scrunched-up, sleeps-all-the-time phase is gone for her and I won't be going through it again with another baby. Anyway, I guess I was just browsing the pg threads out of some sense of nostalgia?

Anyhoo, I could have written quite a few of these posts a few years ago. DH and I married very young and waited for 10 years before having kids b/c we didn't want any until then. First it was finishing school for me, then we enjoyed international travel, having tons of free time, and - for me anyway - cooking elaborate / fancy meals (I used to make homemade pasta and French macarons, among many other things that Present Day Me cannot fathom. I made homemade popsicles with 4 ingredients tonight and felt pretty good about myself.) We didn't have a ton of money, but we were comfortable and were able to swing the things that we really wanted and loved. Growing up, I never wanted kids, never played with doll babies, never liked babysitting, etc. When we finally decided to go for it and TTC, obviously our stance on kids had softened and we were excited but terrified! I'd never changed a diaper until I had to do it for my son! When beginning to TTC, I secretly hoped it would take us a while, mainly so I could adjust to the idea and also so I could "feel disappointment" when my period inevitably arrived ... hoping that the disappointment would make me realize how much I really did want to get pg. However, I got pg the very first try. Coincidentally, the same thing happened with my 2nd baby, and I'd also been hoping for a little time to ease into the idea of #2. Don't mistake me, though, I know how very lucky I am to not have had fertility struggles. My Mom tried for years and years before having me, and my brother and SIL have been TTC for almost 2 years without luck; my heart aches for them and I suppose I'd just assumed I'd have issues as well.

Anyway, I stayed excited-and-terrified the whole way through pg #1 and beyond. What SMC said about finding it hard to believe you could love someone you've never met simply b/c you made him/her, I totally get. That was me. And people kept telling me that it would all change the very moment I saw or held my baby for the first time... the proverbial thunderclap. Which only made it worse for me when it didn't. I was still excited and terrified, but felt like a bad mom who'd made a terrible mistake b/c I didn't feel a huge rush of love-beyond-all-love. I really wanted to sleep. Even after we brought him home, I marveled at him and "loved" him and felt protective towards him, but it wasn't the love-of-all-loves feeling I'd been hoping for. Kind of like how some people say "I love him but I'm not IN LOVE with him" regarding romantic relationships. I had to fall IN LOVE with my son over his first weeks, maybe even months. Now, of course, I love him to such a degree that it almost manifests itself physically. I ache with love for him at times. He's a very stubborn and quick-tempered kid at times, and there are very frustrating days, times where I wish I could lock myself in the bathroom with some bubble bath, a good book, and a Xanax, *but* the "highs" are SO high that it's ridiculous how happy I can be. I pinch myself that I "did" this, that I "made" him, that he's mine. For the record, I'm still not crazy about kids in general. Other people's kids, meh. Mine? No words can describe. When my daughter was born, I was so much less neurotic and not terrified at all. I was more relaxed and tried to cherish her when she was a tiny newborn more, not so much because I was "in love" with her then (again, no thunderbolt immediately after her birth), but because I *knew* how much I would come to love her (and, boy, was that right!). I'd give almost anything to have my son back as a newborn for a day, because I love him so much now and that baby that he was would be SO precious to me, knowing what I do now. I've written this novel-length post basically just to tell anyone who feels terrified, that I really think it'll all be okay for you, and you're definitely not alone. And if you don't see the heavens open up and hear the angels sing when they first place this strange, bluish-gray, bloody creature in your arms for the first time, that's okay too.

For the record, the thought of taking a young kid to Disney used to practically give me hives so I LOL'd at that side comment. Spending lots of money to take a whiny, grubby kid to a crowded place where meltdowns will inevitably ensue ... no thank you! DH and I were above that, LOL. Our son went with us to NYC, Paris/Alsace/Normandy, and Buenos Aires, all before his 2nd bday. And you know what? They were great trips! Different from how it would have been before, but still great. BUT we just got back from Disneyland a couple weeks ago, and much to my surprise, it was fantastic! Seeing it through the eyes of my 4 year old, and watching him be SO happy, I can't wait to go again when our daughter is old enough to go too.

If you made it all the way through this crazy post, thanks for reading! I'll probably disappear again since I'm not the "target audience" for this thread, but I wish you all the very best of luck. p.s. For morning sickness - ha, funny term ... more like permanent queasiness for me - my doc approved half of a Unisom (doxylamine) + half of a Vitamin B12 twice a day and it was a godsend. Seemed to have less side effects than Zofran. I'd have liked not to have taken any meds, but I reached a breaking point and was much happier after. I still felt a bit sick / had food aversions / was fatigued all the time, but it made life bearable.

This whole post was just perfect. Most likely one of my favorites I've read on here ever. Thank you for taking the time!
Re: Warning: Novel Ahead

Asscherhalo_lover|1402664430|3692311 said:
tara3056|1402580277|3691529 said:
Hi, ladies :) Pardon the intrusion: I'm not currently pregnant, but I was just popping into this thread ... to ... I don't know? We have an almost-4-year old boy and a 9 mo old baby girl, and have been having the vasectomy talk lately. I'm sure that a vasectomy is the right decision and I do not want another baby, but a part of me mourns that I'll never get to go through labor again (yeah, even I think it's crazy to want to do it again, esp when mine weren't easy or fun) and I'll never have a scrunched-up newborn again. I'm not particularly fond of newborns (so needy! no smiles or giggle fits or personality!), but at 9 months, my daughter is very mobile and interactive, and when I saw a friend's newborn the other day, part of me was sad that the scrunched-up, sleeps-all-the-time phase is gone for her and I won't be going through it again with another baby. Anyway, I guess I was just browsing the pg threads out of some sense of nostalgia?

Anyhoo, I could have written quite a few of these posts a few years ago. DH and I married very young and waited for 10 years before having kids b/c we didn't want any until then. First it was finishing school for me, then we enjoyed international travel, having tons of free time, and - for me anyway - cooking elaborate / fancy meals (I used to make homemade pasta and French macarons, among many other things that Present Day Me cannot fathom. I made homemade popsicles with 4 ingredients tonight and felt pretty good about myself.) We didn't have a ton of money, but we were comfortable and were able to swing the things that we really wanted and loved. Growing up, I never wanted kids, never played with doll babies, never liked babysitting, etc. When we finally decided to go for it and TTC, obviously our stance on kids had softened and we were excited but terrified! I'd never changed a diaper until I had to do it for my son! When beginning to TTC, I secretly hoped it would take us a while, mainly so I could adjust to the idea and also so I could "feel disappointment" when my period inevitably arrived ... hoping that the disappointment would make me realize how much I really did want to get pg. However, I got pg the very first try. Coincidentally, the same thing happened with my 2nd baby, and I'd also been hoping for a little time to ease into the idea of #2. Don't mistake me, though, I know how very lucky I am to not have had fertility struggles. My Mom tried for years and years before having me, and my brother and SIL have been TTC for almost 2 years without luck; my heart aches for them and I suppose I'd just assumed I'd have issues as well.

Anyway, I stayed excited-and-terrified the whole way through pg #1 and beyond. What SMC said about finding it hard to believe you could love someone you've never met simply b/c you made him/her, I totally get. That was me. And people kept telling me that it would all change the very moment I saw or held my baby for the first time... the proverbial thunderclap. Which only made it worse for me when it didn't. I was still excited and terrified, but felt like a bad mom who'd made a terrible mistake b/c I didn't feel a huge rush of love-beyond-all-love. I really wanted to sleep. Even after we brought him home, I marveled at him and "loved" him and felt protective towards him, but it wasn't the love-of-all-loves feeling I'd been hoping for. Kind of like how some people say "I love him but I'm not IN LOVE with him" regarding romantic relationships. I had to fall IN LOVE with my son over his first weeks, maybe even months. Now, of course, I love him to such a degree that it almost manifests itself physically. I ache with love for him at times. He's a very stubborn and quick-tempered kid at times, and there are very frustrating days, times where I wish I could lock myself in the bathroom with some bubble bath, a good book, and a Xanax, *but* the "highs" are SO high that it's ridiculous how happy I can be. I pinch myself that I "did" this, that I "made" him, that he's mine. For the record, I'm still not crazy about kids in general. Other people's kids, meh. Mine? No words can describe. When my daughter was born, I was so much less neurotic and not terrified at all. I was more relaxed and tried to cherish her when she was a tiny newborn more, not so much because I was "in love" with her then (again, no thunderbolt immediately after her birth), but because I *knew* how much I would come to love her (and, boy, was that right!). I'd give almost anything to have my son back as a newborn for a day, because I love him so much now and that baby that he was would be SO precious to me, knowing what I do now. I've written this novel-length post basically just to tell anyone who feels terrified, that I really think it'll all be okay for you, and you're definitely not alone. And if you don't see the heavens open up and hear the angels sing when they first place this strange, bluish-gray, bloody creature in your arms for the first time, that's okay too.

For the record, the thought of taking a young kid to Disney used to practically give me hives so I LOL'd at that side comment. Spending lots of money to take a whiny, grubby kid to a crowded place where meltdowns will inevitably ensue ... no thank you! DH and I were above that, LOL. Our son went with us to NYC, Paris/Alsace/Normandy, and Buenos Aires, all before his 2nd bday. And you know what? They were great trips! Different from how it would have been before, but still great. BUT we just got back from Disneyland a couple weeks ago, and much to my surprise, it was fantastic! Seeing it through the eyes of my 4 year old, and watching him be SO happy, I can't wait to go again when our daughter is old enough to go too.

If you made it all the way through this crazy post, thanks for reading! I'll probably disappear again since I'm not the "target audience" for this thread, but I wish you all the very best of luck. p.s. For morning sickness - ha, funny term ... more like permanent queasiness for me - my doc approved half of a Unisom (doxylamine) + half of a Vitamin B12 twice a day and it was a godsend. Seemed to have less side effects than Zofran. I'd have liked not to have taken any meds, but I reached a breaking point and was much happier after. I still felt a bit sick / had food aversions / was fatigued all the time, but it made life bearable.

This whole post was just perfect. Most likely one of my favorites I've read on here ever. Thank you for taking the time!

I agree completely! I wish we had a Like button on PS.

I'm not trying to jinx anything, but I had Oreos for breakfast and I feel fantastic! Best day I've had all week! I'll be stocking up on Oreos...

Haha, Amc, that's what mine looked like!

I do have a small preference for a boy, and DH has a big preference for boy, but somehow we both think this is a girl. I won't be disappointed, I just know raising a girl scares the bejeezes out of DH, so I am hoping for boy so he will feel more comfortable.

Anyone have cute plans for telling parents/ people in general? We're having both sets of parents over for dinner on Fathers Day and I think we'll just propose a toast to New Grandbaby! Then we will call out siblings. In an ideal world, I'd do something clever and crafty, but I think that's probably not realistic at this point :lol:
Re: Re:

aviastar|1402677542|3692438 said:
I'm not trying to jinx anything, but I had Oreos for breakfast and I feel fantastic! Best day I've had all week! I'll be stocking up on Oreos...

Haha, Amc, that's what mine looked like!

I do have a small preference for a boy, and DH has a big preference for boy, but somehow we both think this is a girl. I won't be disappointed, I just know raising a girl scares the bejeezes out of DH, so I am hoping for boy so he will feel more comfortable.

Anyone have cute plans for telling parents/ people in general? We're having both sets of parents over for dinner on Fathers Day and I think we'll just propose a toast to New Grandbaby! Then we will call out siblings. In an ideal world, I'd do something clever and crafty, but I think that's probably not realistic at this point :lol:
I'm just going to tell my parents this weekend. DH won't be with me because he's out of town. I wish I could do something cute too but I am not in the mood right now.

I vacillate between feeling nauseous and hating it to not feeling nauseous and worrying. When I'm nauseous, I feel terrible, but when I'm not nauseous, I'm like "is my baby dead?" (as nausea's supposed to be a good sign). Trying to think positive!

This is the longest period of time where I've ever felt turned off by food. I've always been very eager to eat and look forward to it but now I have to force myself to eat. Still haven't thrown up yet - counting that small victory!

I'm also stressing every time I do (or don't) have a symptom. Yesterday I felt a carsick, today I'm ok, so I'm like "oh no, something must be wrong". I hit 12 weeks on July 27th and it can't come quickly enough.

It's amazing how protective I feel over this little life growing inside me. It doesn't even have a face yet, and I still feel so attached.

No major food aversions yet, except I haven't missed alcohol at all and the thought of eating chocolate yesterday was super unappealing.

P.S. We told close friends and family right when we found out and we're waiting to tell everyone else until the 12 week mark.

Just wanted to pop in and echo what has been said about the love at first sight with a newborn. It sure didn't happen to me and I always knew I wanted kids! After my very long labor and c-section, the biggest emotion I had was the feeling of relief. In a good, happy way. I remember looking at her and thinking "Okay it's over, she's here, now I need to sleep." For me it was a peaceful feeling, but I wouldn't say I was overwhelmed with love for her or anything. Luckily, I didn't really feel guilty about it. I knew from nannying that I could love the crap out of kids other people's kids, so I knew eventually it would happen with my own. Anyway, maybe that will help some of you when your baby comes!

Told our families this weekend. Everyone's excited for us! Now that more and more people know, it feels way more real. This is happening!

Also, my nausea has not gotten better. I finally stopped repressing the urge to vomit and puked last night. I felt much better. My mom says that her nausea subsided around 4-5 months, so I'm hoping my case won't be worse than hers.

Can't wait for my doctor's appointment in a week!
Re: Re:

SMC|1402933419|3694211 said:
Told our families this weekend. Everyone's excited for us! Now that more and more people know, it feels way more real. This is happening!

Also, my nausea has not gotten better. I finally stopped repressing the urge to vomit and puked last night. I felt much better. My mom says that her nausea subsided around 4-5 months, so I'm hoping my case won't be worse than hers.

Can't wait for my doctor's appointment in a week!


Yay for telling the fam. DH is really anxious to do so. I'm sort of eh about it though...they will find out when they find out. I would like to tell them a fun way but DH thinks we just need to call them and tell them. No fun! I think for the public (aka facebook) I'm waiting until B's 2nd bday on August 8th. I will dress him in the "I'm going to be a big brother" shirt I'm going to get him and take pics of him. And I'll just do the usually happy bday stuff, nothing about the baby. It will be fun to see how many people get it.
Re: Re:

amc80|1402934538|3694220 said:
SMC|1402933419|3694211 said:
Told our families this weekend. Everyone's excited for us! Now that more and more people know, it feels way more real. This is happening!

Also, my nausea has not gotten better. I finally stopped repressing the urge to vomit and puked last night. I felt much better. My mom says that her nausea subsided around 4-5 months, so I'm hoping my case won't be worse than hers.

Can't wait for my doctor's appointment in a week!


Yay for telling the fam. DH is really anxious to do so. I'm sort of eh about it though...they will find out when they find out. I would like to tell them a fun way but DH thinks we just need to call them and tell them. No fun! I think for the public (aka facebook) I'm waiting until B's 2nd bday on August 8th. I will dress him in the "I'm going to be a big brother" shirt I'm going to get him and take pics of him. And I'll just do the usually happy bday stuff, nothing about the baby. It will be fun to see how many people get it.
I'm going to tell my best friend after my first doctor's appt next week. I don't think we will be making a FB announcement, but we'll tell ppl as we see them after the first trimester. I'm probably going to lousy at hiding it because I look thicker anyway - and my husband says I have I always have a scowl on my face. I am not a pleasant pregnant person right now.

The big brother shirt is a cute way to tell people though. We thought about getting a "big sister" shirt for our dog as well.
Re: Re:

SMC|1402937585|3694260 said:
amc80|1402934538|3694220 said:
SMC|1402933419|3694211 said:
Told our families this weekend. Everyone's excited for us! Now that more and more people know, it feels way more real. This is happening!

Also, my nausea has not gotten better. I finally stopped repressing the urge to vomit and puked last night. I felt much better. My mom says that her nausea subsided around 4-5 months, so I'm hoping my case won't be worse than hers.

Can't wait for my doctor's appointment in a week!


Yay for telling the fam. DH is really anxious to do so. I'm sort of eh about it though...they will find out when they find out. I would like to tell them a fun way but DH thinks we just need to call them and tell them. No fun! I think for the public (aka facebook) I'm waiting until B's 2nd bday on August 8th. I will dress him in the "I'm going to be a big brother" shirt I'm going to get him and take pics of him. And I'll just do the usually happy bday stuff, nothing about the baby. It will be fun to see how many people get it.
I'm going to tell my best friend after my first doctor's appt next week. I don't think we will be making a FB announcement, but we'll tell ppl as we see them after the first trimester. I'm probably going to lousy at hiding it because I look thicker anyway - and my husband says I have I always have a scowl on my face. I am not a pleasant pregnant person right now.

The big brother shirt is a cute way to tell people though. We thought about getting a "big sister" shirt for our dog as well.

That would be cute! I like the shirt idea because it's not like we are making a huge announcement. It will be subtle.

This just in- I think I have a UTI. Ugh, no fun at all. I had one early on with B as well...which is sort of odd. Waiting for my nurse to call me back.

I did the big brother/big sister shirts for my second and my third pregnancies. I think it's a cute way to do it, and it was fun seeing everyone's reactions and guessing who would be the first to read it.

I just told my dad at our fathers day thing Sunday.

My mom and sister already knew as they were raised in a barn and flat out asked me if I was.

We haven't told my DH's family yet. He isn't particularly looking forward to it. His sister is an annoying individual when it comes to pregnancy. Always trying to touch you and talk about it and invade your privacy. He wants to keep from telling her as long as possible.

Yay, one week till dr's appointments!

We told family yesterday and everyone was very happy. We'll make judgement calls on friends in the next few weeks, but have asked family not to spread it around till after the 12 week mark. We're actually asking for a blanket Facebook moratorium from family and friends; we will not be announcing there at all. I'm sure pictures will show up later in the pregnancy that will clue everyone in- we are attending a wedding in September and I won't ask anyone to not post those, but we're hoping to severely limit baby's online exposure and it seems consistent to start that with the pregnancy.

I, too, have graduated to vomiting. It's not that bad; I'm sick in the a.m. and then I improve throughout the day and feel great by dinner time, so I'll check in with the midwife next week, but if it's not any worse I'll pass on the zofran.

amc- oh no on the UTI! Those are awful in the best of times- get thee some meds and drink lots of water!

I'm with you, SMC, I am thicker all over. I don't think I look pregnant yet, but even my Mom agrees- my boobs and butt are noticeably larger and I don't look slim like I did just a few weeks ago. I don't know if I'll really look 'popped' before the normal 16-20 weeks, but I will for sure look bigger.

Ugh, Niel, I'd keep from her as long as possible, too! Boundaries...some people just don't get it!

UTI confirmed, already took my first antibiotic. No fun at all! Hopefully they kick in quickly.

I'm enjoying hearing the stories of how you all told your friends and family. I have a handful of close friends who already know, and that's it. We will wait until after the NT scan to tell everyone. I can't wait to tell my boss. He's always joking about firing me (in a funny but annoying way, I know he'd freak if I left). Well, when I was pregnant with B I told him I needed to talk to him privately and he totally freaked out. So this time I'm going that route again...but I will have a manilla folder with some sort of typed document in it and start my speech with something about how I've enjoyed worked there. Ahhh, should be fun.

What time are all of the Monday appointments? Mine is at 10:30 (pacific time).

1:45 eastern time for me on Monday, so that's just about the same time right? :appl:
Re: Re:

amc80|1402946820|3694387 said:
UTI confirmed, already took my first antibiotic. No fun at all! Hopefully they kick in quickly.

I'm enjoying hearing the stories of how you all told your friends and family. I have a handful of close friends who already know, and that's it. We will wait until after the NT scan to tell everyone. I can't wait to tell my boss. He's always joking about firing me (in a funny but annoying way, I know he'd freak if I left). Well, when I was pregnant with B I told him I needed to talk to him privately and he totally freaked out. So this time I'm going that route again...but I will have a manilla folder with some sort of typed document in it and start my speech with something about how I've enjoyed worked there. Ahhh, should be fun.

What time are all of the Monday appointments? Mine is at 10:30 (pacific time).
Mine's at 8AM Pacific! It's not even with the OBGYN, it's with the nurse practitioner. I don't really care as the NPs I've met with there are usually really good. It'll be a hopefully routine visit anyway. I can't wait!

I want to tell my boss too - am going to wait until after the first doctor's appointment as well. I've been feeling very ill at work, so at least I can stop hiding it.

aviastar, I actually feel the same way as you - at this point, we're not going to be announcing pregnancy and birth on FB. Our friends will know because we'll keep them updated via email and chats, but I want to keep my kid's online profile as slim as possible until he/she is old enough to decide how much to share.

I'm still fitting in my jeans, but I definitely notice that my boobs are bigger. I've gone from a 34 D to a 34 DD in the last few weeks, and they are sore as hell.

I have also been craving avocados like crazy. I have eaten an inordinate amount of guacamole. Chocolate, on the other hand, is making me nauseous, and I am not missing alcohol at all.

No bad morning sickness yet, just a few random waves of nausea.

Two weeks until our first appointment! I can't wait!!! I'm also counting down the days until the 12 week mark (July 27), so I can tell everyone. I'm one of those people who is great at keeping other people's secrets but HORRIBLE at keeping any of my own. It's the worst at Christmas time because once I've gotten someone a gift I want them to open it IMMEDIATELY because I get so excited. :lol:

AMC, sorry about the UTI. :( Jealous of you ladies with the early appointments!

Aviastar, hope the morning sickness doesn't get any worse!

Niel, your sister in law sounds like a piece of work. I would avoid telling her, too.

I've noticed that my boobs are bigger too. I'm not sure if I should buy new bras (normal ones in a larger size), maternity bras, or nursing bras. Advice?

My jeans are feeling tighter around the hips but they still fit (at least the non-skinny ones do), so I'm holding out. There's that awkward stage between looking ridiculous in your normal clothes and looking ridiculous in pregnancy clothes which I'm going to hit in a few weeks.

I cannot wait for my doctor's appointment! I've was looking at BabyCenter boards and there are all these depressing threads there - so I've been staying away. I think that I'll feel a lot more comfortable once I hear a heartbeat!
Re: Re:

SMC|1403019935|3694999 said:
I've noticed that my boobs are bigger too. I'm not sure if I should buy new bras (normal ones in a larger size), maternity bras, or nursing bras. Advice?

For me, all of my boob growing happened in the first trimester, and that seems pretty common from what I've heard from other people. So if you can hold off until the second trimester, you might save yourself from buying multiple sets of new bras. I think I got my first nursing bra around 17 weeks and it still worked fine when my milk came in.
Re: Re:

amc80|1403022104|3695021 said:
SMC|1403019935|3694999 said:
I've noticed that my boobs are bigger too. I'm not sure if I should buy new bras (normal ones in a larger size), maternity bras, or nursing bras. Advice?

For me, all of my boob growing happened in the first trimester, and that seems pretty common from what I've heard from other people. So if you can hold off until the second trimester, you might save yourself from buying multiple sets of new bras. I think I got my first nursing bra around 17 weeks and it still worked fine when my milk came in.
Good advice. I have some bras that were looser because they were old that I'm wearing now. Not the best support, but they'll do for now.

Are maternity clothes supposed to last until the end of pregnancy? Or do you buy separate things for the 2nd and 3rd trimester? So far, I have a few belly bands but no actual clothes yet.
Re: Re:

SMC|1403023171|3695034 said:
amc80|1403022104|3695021 said:
SMC|1403019935|3694999 said:
I've noticed that my boobs are bigger too. I'm not sure if I should buy new bras (normal ones in a larger size), maternity bras, or nursing bras. Advice?

For me, all of my boob growing happened in the first trimester, and that seems pretty common from what I've heard from other people. So if you can hold off until the second trimester, you might save yourself from buying multiple sets of new bras. I think I got my first nursing bra around 17 weeks and it still worked fine when my milk came in.
Good advice. I have some bras that were looser because they were old that I'm wearing now. Not the best support, but they'll do for now.

Are maternity clothes supposed to last until the end of pregnancy? Or do you buy separate things for the 2nd and 3rd trimester? So far, I have a few belly bands but no actual clothes yet.

My shirts lasted all the way through, but I did need more pants when I got to the later stages. Ideally the stuff should last all the way through, but it's hard to know how and where you will gain weight.

I was actually able to wear regular jeans plus belly band my entire pregnancy. The shirts I bought lasted too. I didn't buy multiple sets of anything
Re: Re:

Niel|1403025794|3695056 said:
I was actually able to wear regular jeans plus belly band my entire pregnancy. The shirts I bought lasted too. I didn't buy multiple sets of anything
You're lucky then! I'm only 7 weeks and my jeans are tighter in the thighs so there's no way that these are going to last 33 more weeks.
Re: Re:

SMC|1403028637|3695083 said:
Niel|1403025794|3695056 said:
I was actually able to wear regular jeans plus belly band my entire pregnancy. The shirts I bought lasted too. I didn't buy multiple sets of anything
You're lucky then! I'm only 7 weeks and my jeans are tighter in the thighs so there's no way that these are going to last 33 more weeks.

That was my problem as well. I've been buying maternity clothes on ebay. Some of it hasn't worked, but I make sure the seller has a good return policy. So much cheaper than retail!
Thanks for the tip, AMC! I have a long torso anyhow, so I will definitely have to check those out.
Re: Re:

amc80|1403029506|3695096 said:
Oh, I forgot to mention- If any of you have a Buckle near you, they sell these really awesome tank tops. They come in extra long and worked through my entire pregnancy last time. Great for wearing under your normal shirts to give you a little more length.
Are they stretchy? Should I buy it one or two sizes up? I don't live near a Buckle but am open to ordering online!
Re: Re:

SMC|1403042523|3695246 said:
amc80|1403029506|3695096 said:
Oh, I forgot to mention- If any of you have a Buckle near you, they sell these really awesome tank tops. They come in extra long and worked through my entire pregnancy last time. Great for wearing under your normal shirts to give you a little more length.
Are they stretchy? Should I buy it one or two sizes up? I don't live near a Buckle but am open to ordering online!

They are stretchy. I wore the same size through pregnancy as I did before. They were a bit tight but I liked it because it gave me some support. So maybe one size up to be safe.

Well, until now I was puke-free (one time I tried to but nothing would come out...), but pukefest 2014 has started. Ugh. I went to the bathroom at work and someone was in there...went to another and it was being I had to wait. The good news is I felt much better afterwards...the bad news is it's starting to brew again.
Re: Re:

amc80|1403113890|3695840 said:
Well, until now I was puke-free (one time I tried to but nothing would come out...), but pukefest 2014 has started. Ugh. I went to the bathroom at work and someone was in there...went to another and it was being I had to wait. The good news is I felt much better afterwards...the bad news is it's starting to brew again.
Awww, that sucks. Join the club! I've been puking about once a day too and then feeling crappy the rest of the day. I'm really hoping it eases up after the first trimester!