
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Choro, mp, lv & April thank you for your reassuring words. I'm trying to be as positive as I can without getting my hopes too high. Each day is a blessing and I try not to think too far ahead. My treatment has been scheduled on Jan 8th, so that's a big milestone for me.

Choro, I think each pregnancy is different. It's kinda surprising to hear your friend can feel the fluttering at 10 weeks though. I'm now 11 weeks and don't feel a thing. When I had us on the 10th week, I could see my baby moving but didn't feel a thing! For my first pregnancy, I only felt the movements at 20+ weeks, so it's still pretty early.

Mp, glad everything is going well! I'm also showing much earlier this time round. I've not told my colleagues yet so I think they must be thinking I've been eating too much this festive season!

LV, that's so scary! Glad everything is well with you and baby.

Choro, I'm 10 weeks with twins, and I'm certainly not feeling any flutters or movement or anything yet. I read that most won't until at least 16 weeks, but it's possible that some second time moms recognize it a couple weeks earlier. With my first, I didn't feel anything until well after 20 weeks because I had an anterior placenta, so there are many variables. Try not to worry, but if you're stressed out, just ask your doctor for a heartbeat check just to reassure you. I don't suppose you have a doppler? It really helps me having one until I start to feel movement.

MP - Oh, I didn't know you were in an accident when you were 32 weeks! I would have been even more worried then. The EMT said I would automatically be sent to L&D if I was 21 weeks. I wound up being sent there anyway because the ER seemed really busy. And, my midwife was there and was very reassuring. She also delivered a baby in the time that I spent in triage -- she's very efficient! Glad to hear your US went well!! Is the 14th your next apptmt then? Did you decide whether you would switch to another dr?

Choro - Please do not worry about not feeling movement yet! This is my second pregnancy. I had suspected movement around 17 weeks, but was still really unsure if it was. Even I couldn't believe that I couldn't tell, this being a second pregnancy, I SHOULD know what it feels like, but I doubted it. And, then one weekend, I felt pain in my lower abdomen, and only felt what could have been movement less. I was making myself crazy, called the midwife after a few days, asked if I could come in, this was 18 wks and 5 days (the day before my 18 wk u/s). First they said come in, but then when they consulted with a midwife, said to turn around and that she would call me. She told me that I shouldn't even expect to feel movement that early, but sometimes women do, so it was a good sign, and that she would only be concerned if I didn't feel anything by 22 weeks!!! If you are still feeling very concerned, I would strongly suggest calling your DR to see what they think. I am sure they will tell you it's still too early and that you should try to relax. Sorry for the long story, but I guess my point is that I totally get the worry (I did the same thing!), but please don't!! I am now 20 weeks and definitely feel movement. I can feel the baby turning and moving around quite a bit.

As for my car, I may need the bumper cover on my car replaced, but other than that, no real damage. It's a Volvo, and my husband assures me there would be no damage to the frame, but haven't had it looked at yet.

HappyBear - Keep us posted. The 8th is right around the corner.
Choro- I didn't feel movement until around 20 weeks this time, which is pretty close to when I felt it with B. So not every second time mom feels it sooner. 13w would be really really early.

LV, I'm glad it was just the bumper.
happybear, Jan 8 can't come soon enough. What a strong person you are.

Thank you happybear, LV, MP, AMC, for your reassuring words. Whew! I've joined another pregnancy board, and I became scared because they were insisting that they feel movement really early as my friend did. I feel lots of movement in my belly, and as soon as I think it's the baby, I warm up the room :knockout: :tongue: I'll just hang on until the next appointment and hope that the bebe is growing. So glad to hear that it's okay not to feel anything until 20 weeks.

Meanwhile, my ob hasn't received my two blood results (done Dec 16) yet and they are looking into it. I can't sit around so I'll call the labs directly in the morning.

Choro, ugh, were you able to get more information on your test results? That would be frustrating. I'm sure all is well with your little one, but I completely understand the worry.

LV, fortunately, our accident from my first pregnancy was pretty minor. I almost didn't even go to get monitored because it was not a big jolt or anything, and I could feel Ev moving around as usual, but my doctor was glad we were monitored. Yes, my next appointment will be January 14 when we do the NT scan. We are supposed to get the results of the blood work 3-4 days after that. At that point, I'll be ready to announce the pregnancy at work. I'm getting a definite bump, so I am not sure I can hide it a whole lot longer. And yes, my RE is just going to give me a referral to the MFM practice at my clinic/hospital because my OB/GYN no longer does OB. She told us she would match with someone who would be a good "personality fit." DH and are trying to figure out what she means by that. Probably that we are annoying and ask a ton of questions and require a lot of reassurance!

Happybear, January 8th will be here soon. In the meantime I hope all is going well.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

I ate a piece of chocolate cake earlier because it seemed like a good idea. It wasn't. Ugh. I never know what to eat anymore.

8+2 here. Otherwise nothing to report. Hope everyone else is doing well.

Quick update.
I'm getting my cervical stitch in 10 hours time. Had my cervical length measured today and it was measuring 2.3cm which is rather short (ideally it should be > 3cm). So my doctor decided to bring forward my procedure.

And I got the Down Syndrome probability today based on the scan, blood works and my age. There's a 1 in 223 chance that my baby has DS, which is considered a rather high risk. The counsellor advised we either go for amnio or cvs test to be sure. But DH and I discussed and felt we will have this child no matter what is the outcome so we decided not to do any more tests.

All I want now is to be able to carry my baby until full term.

Hope everyone else is having a better day.

Happybear, so sorry things are stressful right now. I really hope the stitch will keep your baby nice and safe. The good thing is that you are being carefully monitored and the doctors will be able to do everything in their power to keep the baby safe. As far as the elevated risk for DS, I would focus on the fact that there is a greater than 99% chance your baby does not have it based on those odds. Do you know if it was your bloodwork or the NT measurement that elevated your risk? Also, did your doctor mention anything about doing the Harmony or MaterniT21 test? I wonder if that would give you some reassurance without adding any risk to the baby because they are completely noninvasive blood tests. I guess it just depends on whether having more information or a definitive answer would cause you to stress more or less. Hopefully all of this worry will be for nothing.

I have to wait until next week for my NT scans, and I'm a bundle of nerves whenever I think about it. Like you, Happybear, if we find out one (or both) of the babies is at risk for DS, that wouldn't change anything for us, although I would like to have as much information as possible to monitor the baby and prepare ourselves. Some of the other chromosomal abnormalities are more frightening because they are often incompatible with life, and I would worry about what effect one unhealthy baby would have on the other one if something happened during the pregnancy, especially because we had to do IVF in order to conceive these babies. Ugh, I guess I should just wait to worry about that if I have to instead of stressing out about it now.

And on that uplifting note.... Sorry, I didn't mean to be such a downer! Everything is going pretty well for me. I'm feeling pretty good most days and I am still picking up both heartbeats on the doppler. I'll be 12 weeks on Wednesday, but I am waiting to announce my pregnancy at work and to friends, etc., until after I get my NT scan results. It's getting harder to hide my thickened waist, and I'm sure if anyone takes a good look at me they'll think I overindulged quite a bit the past couple of weeks.

April, yes, it's hard to know what will or won't agree with you, isn't it? I have the world's worst sweet tooth lately, and I keep reaching for all the cookies and junk that is abundant this time of year, but it doesn't always agree with me.

Choro, hope things are going well with you!

Tbaus, how are things going? I assume you have had your 12 week scan by now, and I hope all is well with you and your babies.

Hi to everyone else!

April,I'm envious that you can take a nap whenever you need. Working from home would be my dream while I am pregnant. I know while you are in the thick of it it is hard to believe that you will ever eat again, but it will. You will eat chocolate cake and enjoy it again soon. I haven't done my GTT yet but considering I have PCOS and insulin resistance I will be asking at my next appointment in a few weeks.

choro,I hope you have received your blood results by now. This time of year is a really sucky time to be pregnant with all the holidays etc. As for feeling any movement, do you know where your placenta is? I felt movement from 14 weeks last time but this time both placentas are anterior so I have been told to not really expect anything before 20 weeks.

happybear,I have had quite a few friends who have required a cervical stitch and all have gone on to carry their babies full term. I hope you are dealing ok, news like that can be really stressful.

LV, how scary about your accident. I'm glad both you and baby are ok.

MP,yay for good news at your 10 week scan! I bet you are counting down the days until you get to see them again. Did your doctor warn you at all about the bloods that correlate with the NT scan not being very accurate for twin pregnancies? I'll explain more below.

I don't think I missed anyone but if I did, hello!

AFM, I tried to update after our 12 week scan on 22 December but PS wasn't playing nice with me. We had a bit of a scare at our NT scan, they had just gotten a whole new ultrasound machine and the computer system just used the blood results to give us a 1:939 chance of either baby having DS. Not very low risk but since she is a high risk specialist OB she did feel she needed to tell us that the range we were in was when the most false negatives occurred. I cried the whole way home because I felt like I would never be able to have a healthy, stress free pregnancy. Then just as we got through the door she called to say there had been a computer glitch and it was more like 1:4000. Not as good as my 1:15000 from the last pregnancy, but she did say that the high HCG levels in twin pregnancies could be the cause for that.

Semi related to that we have decided to switch from a private OB and go to the public woman's hospital. That is where I had previously given birth and I feel like with there being a chance these babies may come early I would rather be in a hospital that has a NICU (the private hospital I had originally planned on going to has an SCU, and won't accept me before 32 weeks). I also feel like for what I m paying I am not getting the service I expected from my doctor. She always seems to be in a rush and besides at our first appointment she never asks us if we have any questions (and being a twin pregnancy we have lots). She is always rushing us out the door and seems annoyed when I interrupt and say I actually had some things I would like answered. We may have to go to her for our 16 week appointment because with the holiday season I can't seem to get in to see my GP before next week! I need a referral from my GP before the hospital will book me in.

Other than that I am slowly reintroducing food back into my diet. Hooray! I have booked an appointment with a physio as well as an osteopath because I am having lots of problems with my SI joint and I think it is affecting my back, and possibly giving me lots of head and neck aches as well. I just want it sorted. Oh and my hayfever is playing up as well. Yesterday we had the seventh highest ever recorded temperature for January (44 degrees celcius, which I think converts to about 112F??) and I was a stuffy, hot, miserable mess. Our airconditioning system was on from about 8am and by 2pm (when we reached the max temp) it just couldn't keep up. So I turned it off, jumped into a cold shower and laid on the bed naked for an hour with the fan blowing on me. I felt like I was cooking these babies (in a bad way)!! Besides that I am enjoying my time off and dreading going back to work.

Oh and one last thing, at the 12 week scan I was measuring a full week ahead but the Ob has said for now we will stick with the original date calculated from my LMP. Which means I am 14w5d today.

Sorry for my complaint a couple days ago. Was rather distraught to think straight.

Mp, my bloodworks was the one that tipped the scale to high risk. The NT scan showed the back of the neck skin measuring 1.8mm and the nose bone visible. Apparently my PAPP and beta-HCG hormone levels were low, especially the PAPP. The counsellor mentioned Harmony test but my DH felt that since the NT scan showed baby is within the normal range, why spend so much on something that will not change the outcome. My doctor did suggest going for a growth scan when I'm 5 months along, which we probably will. Don't worry about your NT scan. I'm sure everything will be fine. May I know where did you get your doppler machine from?

Tbaus, your probability risk is fantastic! Yay to 14 weeks. Hope your appetite is better now. So sorry for the hay fever and weather though. Take care!

April & choro, hope things are going well for you.

AFM, I had a spinal for my cervical cerclage yesterday and couldn't pee even after 6 hours so they had to put a catheter in. Last night was the most uncomfortable night I had! Thankfully I don't need the catheter anymore. Other than a slight cramp on my lower abdomen, everything else feels normal. I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow!

Tbaus, great news! Good to know that twins sometimes skew the results. I'm going to have to wait an additional few days after the scan to get the results, so that kind of stinks. I just really want to know all is well, and I can't seem to shake the anxiety. That's great you are starting to feel better. I haven't had trouble keeping food down, and whenever I feel yucky, I always eat. So I've gained at least 5 or 7 pounds already. Better slow it down until I find out how much weight I'm supposed to gain. I think I gained almost 35 lbs with my son, but I also started out 10 or 15 lbs lighter. Oh, and based on what you said, I think switching doctors is a good idea.

Happybear, I ordered mine off Ebay the years ago. I have the Sonoline B, and I think it works well. Here's a similar listing and about what I remember paying.

Glad your stitch had been placed, although it sounds like it was an unpleasant experience.

AFM, I'm 12 weeks today, but woke up to pink spotting. Again. Every time this happens, I panic and call, and they act like it is not a big deal, so I'm doing my best not to worry. It seems to have stopped. And I heard both heartbeats. Always something to keep me on my toes I guess.

tbaus, you must have been so anxious! Glad you got to switch doctors. Are you going to get an amnio?

mp, Happy 12 weeks. Good luck on your scan! Are you going to get progenity or something like that?

happybear, I would take a 1:223 odd anytime. Are you all stitched up? How are you feeling?

afm, I guess I'll post this now. Thanks for those who asked. With my NT scan in December, I had progenity done because woohoo, it would be fun to know the gender this early by a blood test! Dec 30, my doctor called to inform us that baby has a 95% chance of Turner Syndrome. Ultrasound looked perfect, but the blood test came back positive. We met with a genetic specialist, who tried to calm us down with false positives and all that. bs. Don't give me the odds of false positives with a 95% diagnosis. Yesterday we had the level II ultrasound and amnio. us showed a slight enlargement below the neck area. It might be the beginning of something, or it might be just a shadow. We had the amnio done straight away, and we get the result next week. So I'm at home recovering from the puncture.

Meanwhile, I have an appointment with my son's pediatrician on Friday to get referral to a TS specialist. I asked the ob for referral, but she told me to ask the pediatrician. Is it strange that she doesn't know a specialist? I'm frustrated with this appointment for an appointment thing, but taking it one step at a time. At least we know it's a girl.

Choro, big hugs. I don't know much about Turner Syndrome or anything about false positives from Progenity (I assume that is similar to Harmony or Maternit21?), but I hope you are able to find a good specialist who can give you the information and answers you need. I don't know much about Turner Syndrome, other than there was a woman I worked with several years ago who had an adopted daughter from Vietnam who was born with Turner Syndrome. Her daughter seemed to be doing well and attended college, but I didn't know much else about her, and I'm sure there is a spectrum of outcomes. I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope you'll keep us posted on how you are doing. Oh, and to answer your question, I'm only doing the NT scan and the associated bloodwork. At this point, I'm not planning to do any of the additional testing unless my results come back showing the babies are at a higher risk for a chromosomal abnormality.

Choro, big hugs my dear! I had a trisomy diagnosis with my last pregnancy, and they did tell me about the different ones, one of which Turner was mentioned. Our Munchkin had a more serious trisomy, but it's still TERRIBLY hard news to take. I'm sending you a lot of dust and prayers that you guys are one of those few parents who's kids turn out absolutely fine. Sometimes it helps to know that a few of us have been in your shoes; you're not alone. I repeat, you are NOT ALONE. You and your husband are GOOD parents. End of story, full stop. The God/universe can be mean and crappy things sometimes happen to good people. Take things one day at a time. You're strong and you can make it through all of this.

Choro, hugs to you. I've a colleague who has a daughter with Turner Syndrome. She's all grown up now and working as a child care teacher, if I'm not mistaken. My colleague mentioned that she needs to get her insulin checked now and then because she's diabetic but other than that she's leading a normal life. As mp said, hope you find a good specialist. Will keep you and your daughter in my prayers.

Mp, thanks for the link. I'm rather tempted to get a doppler to use but don't know if it'll cause me more anxiety if I can't locate the heartbeat...

As for me, I'm resting at home after my stitch, though it's hard with a 2 - year - old boy wanting my attention all the time. Looking forward to my follow-up on the 17th.

Happybear, I hear you. I know many people want nothing to do with the doppler for fear it would just cause more stress. I'm the complete opposite and would be a mess if I didn't have one to reassure me every few days. I tend to be a worrier/control freak when it comes to pregnancy though, and I really wish I wasn't. If you think it would cause you stress, then I'd say don't bother getting one. You are getting closer and closer to feeling movement anyway. I hope you are able to rest and relax as much as possible. I also have a two year-old boy, so I know how difficult that would be!

Choro, big hugs to you. I don't know anything about Turner's Syndrome but I hope you have some helpful specialists around you to answer all the questions I'm sure you have. I hope your results come back quickly. Please keep us updated. To answer your question, no we won't be doing an amnio as the doctor has assured me that 1:4000 is low risk and there is no need.

Happybear, I'm glad to hear your procedure went well. Are you on bed rest? If so, for how long? Please try and take it easy.

MP, even though they say spotting is totally normal in twins, I know that I would still freak out. I'm glad you have a doppler to ease your mind. I'm afraid that if I had one I wouldn't be able to control myself and would use it every day, multiple times a day!

AFM, just chugging along at 15w4d. I have an appointment with my OB (the one I want to move from) next Monday. I haven't cancelled it yet because I don't have an appointment at the public hospital booked yet. I'm feeling quite anxious at the moment because between 12 and 19 weeks was when my last baby developed problems. So the plan was to have an extra checkup between (at 16 weeks) so if anything did go wrong again we would hopefully pick it up earlier. I've definitely popped but can't feel any movement yet. I feel like I am holding back from bonding with them until I know that everything is ok. I've been very emotional lately and just wish I could skip forward to 38 weeks and have two healthy babies in my arms.

Tbaus, I'm glad you'll be getting another ultrasound soon to put your mind at ease after what happened with your first first baby. Also, I think it's the norm to get more ultrasounds with twins anyway, at least that's what I've been told to expect. I hear you on feeling anxious. I think the twin factor is what is keeping me from relaxing and bonding, although I don't know how much bonding you can actually do until they're born, or at least until you start feeling movement.

Choro, I've been thinking a lot about you, and I hope you are holding up okay. Praying for you and that little girl!

Happybear, hope you are recovering well and feeling better these days.

April and others I may have missed, hope things are well with you!

AFM, I'm 13 weeks today. I had my NT scan this morning, and from what I could tell both babies looked just fine. The sonographer was kind of a b*#&% and wouldn't really give us any information or talk much, which was frustrating. DH is usually able to charm them into spilling the beans, but not this time. I could tell all the NT measurements were between 1.5 and 1.8, which is normal, but now I just need to find out next week if my bloodwork today put me at higher risk of any abnormalities. Fun to see the little twerps looking like real babies. They were not super cooperative though!

I'm so terribly behind on this thread.

Choro- I hope you get clarity from your amnio soon. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I hope everyone else is doing well!

AFM: 10 + 2 here. Nothing really to report. I worked a trade show last week. Six days in a row of long, long days mostly on my feet. I do them a couple times a year. I thought they were going to need me for another one later this month, but they've decided they don't. The money is really good, but I'm relieved. It was SOOOOOO tiring. I feel like I haven't fully recovered from the one I just worked and it was over on Monday. Plus I'm buried in year end work for my business. UGH.

LC, I remember your experience so clearly. I feel guilty whining about our situation, when the prognosis is completely different. Thanks for your support.

happybear, mp, Thanks for sharing. I've heard such positive news about Turner's Syndrome that I was feeling fairly optimistic. I think the anatomy scan will be me a more clear picture. And yay, mp for a non-exciting NT scan. Boo on the tech. It's always nice when they awwwwww at the ultrasound, even if they say the same thing to every single one.

afm, Results are in. The progenity test was a false positive! We're having a "healthy" girl! Oh my goodness, it's such a relief. They still want to take a good look at the anatomy scan in February, just to see if the placenta has any problems that caused the false positive.
Meanwhile, I want to give this company a piece of my mind. 95%! I'm going to celebrate Lunar New Year because our New Year was just ruined with this. I need to do something about the ~10lbs I've gained already from stress eating. Thanks for listening. Hugs and happy pregnancy to all!

Oh wow, Choro, what a rollercoaster ride! Wonderful news about your daughter! Someone posted this article recently on an infertility forum about those tests:

Four the most part, I'm sure they're helpful, but certainly, they aren't conclusive. Hope you have a nice stress-free weekend!

Choro that is such excellent news! I'm so happy for you.

I've read a bit about several of the tests giving false positives. I really think they need to address this issue. Putting people through unnecessary stress is not okay.

I had a nasty head cold last week and this week I'm still sick. I've got a dry, hacking cough. It's so bad it keeps hitting my gag reflex, which results in me puking my guts out. I lost my entire breakfast today. And then I feel just as bad as I did last week. It sucks. What. The. Heck?

Choro, that's wonderful news! Sometimes these tests gives us more stress than necessary. My mom used to say she doesn't have all these hi-tech ultrasound machines and tests when she had the 4 of us and we turned out alright.

April, hope you recover from your cough soon. I had flu a couple days after my treatment and I was so weak! Stayed in bed the whole day. Luckily it got better a few days later.

Tbaus, my doctor didn't order me to be on bed rest, he just wants me to take it easy. I'm not supposed to carry heavy things so it's been tough telling my son I can't carry him around like last time.

Mp and the rest, hope things are going well for you.

AFM, I'm 14w4d today. Though I'm now in my second trimester, I'd like to stick around here longer. Second trimester will be the toughest period for me because my incompetent cervix may fail me and my poor baby is still too small to survive. My doctor says we should aim for 34 weeks at least, although viability is 24-26 weeks, though there'll be some health issues to face if baby comes out too soon. At least this time round I have the stitch to help me keep my baby cooking longer so each day is a blessing to me. My next appointment will be on Valentine's Day and hopefully my doctor can see if my baby is a boy or girl then!

mp, April, thanks. It's so amazing how health related companies are allowed to operate like business. I really wish they would change the system. So this means that we have no access to how they got that 95% accuracy? EEEESH. I really wish I hadn't done the test. I didn't have to.

April, how are you? Are you holding in any food?

happybear, happy second trimester! I've heard lots of good thing about cerclage, so I'm optimistic for you. Of course it's easy for me to say...Do you still have to take it easy with your activities?

afm, Our parents are ecstatic and looking for cute clothes already. I'm focusing on my weight because there is no way my uterus has gained 10 lbs :shock: Since I'm 17 weeks tomorrow I won't post here, but I'm not hopping over to the pregnant thread until I get the clear from the anatomy scan. Well, I might comment here and there but not post. Good luck to everyone. Thank you for your support.

Choro, great news. I'm glad you had a happy ending and your girl is 100% typical. Did you opt to get a CVS at all? Anyway, I'm happy for you and wish you all the best in the remainder of your pregnancy.

Choro, I don't think 10 pounds at 17 weeks is a problem, assuming you were normal weight to begin with and your doctor doesn't have an issue with it. Plus, we just had the holidays and you were extra stressed out, so don't be too hard on yourself. And I understand what you mean about the anatomy scan. It will be another good hurdle to pass.

Happybear, glad to hear you are doing well. Your worries are understandable, but I have to trust that your doctors have a good handle on the situation and are doing everything they can to keep that litlte one safe inside as long as possible.

April, glad to hear you get a break from your next trade show. I hope you'll find that your energy improves a bit in the second trimester, and that you are able to fight off those colds.

AFM, I got a call this morning from my RE's office pretty early, which kind of freaked me out, but it was just a nurse calling to tell me that my NT results came back within normal ranges. Yay! Such a relief! I think she said both babies' risk of Down Syndrome was 1 in 6,000 something (they're measurements were pretty close, so the risk was pretty much the same for both), and the risk of Trisomy 13 or 18 was less than 1 in 10,000. I have an appointment with the MFM in two weeks who will hopefully be my main doctor if DH and I like him, so I'm hoping to get a closer look at the babies then and make sure everything else is looking good.

Great news MP!!!! :appl:

MP- awesome news on the NT scan. I'm sure you're breathing a sigh of relief. Mine is next Tuesday. I'm quite anxious to know that everything is okay in there.

I had a dream last night that when the baby was born, it was a litter of puppies. One looked just like our dog and the other was teeny tiny and a different color. We opted to keep the one that looked just like our dog.

I've been sick with a nasty cough/cold off and on for two weeks now. I finally said enough is enough and went to the doctor today. My OBGYN office is closed due to the holiday so I went to my GP. It's viral so they can't do much. :blackeye: I was told to try to gargle with Benadryl at night to coat my throat and hopefully get the inflammation down. Plus it should help me sleep. I am ready to just feel better.