ckrickett|1424904802|3838221 said:I don;t remember if the number was 24, 2400 or 24000 but I should be at 9 weeks.
I don;t have any real pain just very mild cramps, and then the blood. which looked like I had just started my flow. I won;t know anything unless something really bad happens tonight, or tomorrow at 1 when I get my U/S.
for now I am just chugging water and resting. (I spent the last hour crying into my DH lap. I need to replenish my fluid reserves)
ckrickett|1424900398|3838178 said:As soon as I hung up the phone from results I went to the bathroom and there was reals. Not spotting, but light the first day of your flow so it was light to maybe medium with some clots. I'm freaking out. Called again and had them numb my US from 3 to 1 (best they could do) I have some mild cramping on my left side and I'm freaking out
Lavender_81|1425044220|3839040 said:I found out I was pregnant a few days ago (tested early), and last night had a great strong positive line. The Wondfos haven't gotten much darker, and this morning I woke up and took a Wondfo which basically had no line. Followed it up by a FRER, which had a line, but not even close to as dark as last night. I assume it's going to be a chemical pregnancy. I know it's really early, but I just feel sad. Holding out a bit of hope that later it'll be darker again, but the lines definitely don't look good (and I know sometimes you can't judge by darkness of line, but this is too drastic to pretend it doesn't mean anything). My husband says it's good at least we know I can get pregnant again, and I do agree, but I'm still sad about this.![]()
Anyone had this happen and then the lines get darker again? Can't decide whether I would rather have my hopes up or just keep them low in case this is (likely) a chemical...
Lavender_81|1425053679|3839159 said:ckrickett - how are you doing this morning?? *hugs*
JGator said:Lavender, what happened?
MP, I'm hanging in there. Very anxious about something going wrong based on my age and lack of symptoms. Ultrasound is next Tuesday.
JGator|1425503949|3841911 said:Yay, Lavender. I have a partner in crime on this thread. Cramping is a symptom! Stretching uterus. Sorry you have to wait till 3/26. How old is your son/daughter? My daughter is 2. I am poasing 2-3 times/day. I ordered new wondfos and got the green ones. I think they are knock offs, but they are showing lines so I'm not bothering to complain to Amazon.