
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thanks Dandi and Bright spot! Hope you are both well x

Guess I'll add myself here! Had a little surprise a few days ago and now I believe I am 9 weeks. Get blood work results tomorrow and an U/S on Thursday!

Hi, ckrickett! I had my 3rd beta today, and it was a good number. I am 4 weeks and 5 days, I think. My next step is an ultrasound on 3/10. I need to join this thread to stay sane between now and then. I have been on the TTC for more than 6 months thread, but I don't want to bring anyone down there with my anxiety. I'm a second time mom, and I'm 43 now. I got married at 39, and got pregnant with my daughter at 40. Our daughter is 2 years old. I am a nervous wreck because I did have a miscarriage previously at 10 weeks, and I am older so I know the odds are not great, but I am trying to be optimistic as I really want this to stick and most importantly be healthy. I read your story on the other thread - Congrats! Good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow - they should be able to see a heart beat so that will be exciting for you! That's great that you got to skip the anxiety of the first few weeks of pregnancy.

As soon as I hung up the phone from results I went to the bathroom and there was reals. Not spotting, but light the first day of your flow so it was light to maybe medium with some clots. I'm freaking out. Called again and had them numb my US from 3 to 1 (best they could do) I have some mild cramping on my left side and I'm freaking out

I'm so sorry ckrickett. It is possible that it will be okay. I know red is worse than brown bleeding. And full flow is worse than spotting. Hang in there. I am thinking of you. Did you get your beta results?

Ckrickett, all manner of flow can happen throughout pregnancy without any harm to the fetus. Only the beta numbers or a scan can really tell. Hoping for the very best for you!

I don;t remember if the number was 24, 2400 or 24000 but I should be at 9 weeks.

I don;t have any real pain just very mild cramps, and then the blood. which looked like I had just started my flow. I won;t know anything unless something really bad happens tonight, or tomorrow at 1 when I get my U/S.

for now I am just chugging water and resting. (I spent the last hour crying into my DH lap. I need to replenish my fluid reserves)
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ckrickett|1424904802|3838221 said:
I don;t remember if the number was 24, 2400 or 24000 but I should be at 9 weeks.

I don;t have any real pain just very mild cramps, and then the blood. which looked like I had just started my flow. I won;t know anything unless something really bad happens tonight, or tomorrow at 1 when I get my U/S.

for now I am just chugging water and resting. (I spent the last hour crying into my DH lap. I need to replenish my fluid reserves)

Ugh! I'm sorry. So much stress in such s short amount of time!

Every situation is different. I had a situation with a blood clot and everything was fine, but at the time I didn't know that, and I balled like a baby.

Here's hoping you're just going to be one of those "lucky" women who still have period symptoms during your pregnancy.

My thoughts are with you. Keep relaxing!
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ckrickett|1424900398|3838178 said:
As soon as I hung up the phone from results I went to the bathroom and there was reals. Not spotting, but light the first day of your flow so it was light to maybe medium with some clots. I'm freaking out. Called again and had them numb my US from 3 to 1 (best they could do) I have some mild cramping on my left side and I'm freaking out

I completely understand the stress. I hope you get some sleep tonight and that tomorrow's US shows good news and a cause for the bleeding. There are so many causes for bleeding in the 1st tri and none of it is fun, but it doesn't always mean a negative outcome.

ckrickett, how are you today? When is your ultrasound? Thinking of you and wishing you sticky, healthy baby dust.

Thanks everyone. Support means a lot. 8)

I've had very minimal spotting. Some very mild cramping, but nothing that gave me alarm. I have just been laying on the couch with my feet up. My us is at 1 so hopefully everything will come out ok.

ckrickett, thinking of you today - good luck at the US!

ckrickett, the cramping is normal as your uterus is stretching. And, light spotting should be okay too. Good luck. Please report back.

They couldn't find a heartbeat. They said baby looked about 8 weeks along, and at that stage there should be a heartbeat, but they couldn't find one. Also it didn't look like there was any movement.

I am very sad. They took some more blood to check my hormone levels just to be sure, and I may go in for an additional scan. But it looks like i may have lost it. :(sad

ckrickett: I am so very, utterly sorry to hear that. *hugs*

ckrickett, I am so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. Hugs to you.

ckrickett - I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way.

I found out I was pregnant a few days ago (tested early), and last night had a great strong positive line. The Wondfos haven't gotten much darker, and this morning I woke up and took a Wondfo which basically had no line. Followed it up by a FRER, which had a line, but not even close to as dark as last night. I assume it's going to be a chemical pregnancy. I know it's really early, but I just feel sad. Holding out a bit of hope that later it'll be darker again, but the lines definitely don't look good (and I know sometimes you can't judge by darkness of line, but this is too drastic to pretend it doesn't mean anything). My husband says it's good at least we know I can get pregnant again, and I do agree, but I'm still sad about this. :((

Anyone had this happen and then the lines get darker again? Can't decide whether I would rather have my hopes up or just keep them low in case this is (likely) a chemical...


April, I had a chemical once - mine though was slow to get dark to begin with and then ended up being chemical. Let's see if AMC, can chime in - I know she had quite a few early losses and/or chemicals. Have you tested again today - maybe it was a urine concentration issue. I found that later in the day urine ended up with darker lines than AM urine. Good luck.
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Lavender_81|1425044220|3839040 said:
I found out I was pregnant a few days ago (tested early), and last night had a great strong positive line. The Wondfos haven't gotten much darker, and this morning I woke up and took a Wondfo which basically had no line. Followed it up by a FRER, which had a line, but not even close to as dark as last night. I assume it's going to be a chemical pregnancy. I know it's really early, but I just feel sad. Holding out a bit of hope that later it'll be darker again, but the lines definitely don't look good (and I know sometimes you can't judge by darkness of line, but this is too drastic to pretend it doesn't mean anything). My husband says it's good at least we know I can get pregnant again, and I do agree, but I'm still sad about this. :((

Anyone had this happen and then the lines get darker again? Can't decide whether I would rather have my hopes up or just keep them low in case this is (likely) a chemical...

Lavender…not exactly the same, but I took an Answer test on the evening of 10dpo, and the FRER I took the next morning was lighter…but everything after that was darker. My baby girl from that pregnancy is right next to me in her rocker as I type this. Sending so much sticky baby dust your way!

JGator - I feel like with my first pregnancy with my son I also had darker lines at night than early morning, but then I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up like that, especially because I think most people have stronger results with FMU. I'll take another test later tonight and see if it's any darker, but not great that the Wondfo was almost negative this morning.

shihtzulover - thanks so much for the dust. Really hoping this turns out like yours did...

Spent all morning googling chemical pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies, pregnancy test lines, etc. My therapist (who I see for anxiety, in case you couldn't tell) wouldn't approve (and he's right!) - Not much for me to do at this point either way, so I'll try to stay away from those sites till I take another test later.

ckrickett - how are you doing this morning?? *hugs*

I've heard that FRERs can have differing amount of dye in them, so I wouldn't completely freak out. I had a chemical last September and I never got as good a line as you have. They suck, but all you can do at this point is wait and see. I hope you get good news!
Lavender- some people test better at night. Don't lose hope yet.
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Lavender_81|1425053679|3839159 said:
ckrickett - how are you doing this morning?? *hugs*

Thanks, this morning was rough. Got my results back from the new bloodwork and all signs point to MC. It's sad, I;m sad, everyone is sad.

But now I have to figure out how I am going to handle this MC, all the options are frightening to me.

Thank you (and everyone else) for the support. You all are amazing.

JGator, how are things going? I think your first ultrasound is sometime next week, right? Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and keeping everything crossed that your baby is growing nice and healthy!

Ckrickett, so sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like you had quite the rollercoaster of emotions last week. I'm hopeful that you will have a successful pregnancy when you are ready to start trying again.I don't know what you decided to do, but I had a D&C this past September when I was 8 weeks along. Happy to answer any questions you have about that process.

Lavender, hope things turned out okay for you!

Lavender, what happened?

MP, I'm hanging in there. Very anxious about something going wrong based on my age and lack of symptoms. Ultrasound is next Tuesday.

JGator said:
Lavender, what happened?

MP, I'm hanging in there. Very anxious about something going wrong based on my age and lack of symptoms. Ultrasound is next Tuesday.

Still here! I've been POAS multiple times a day despite knowing at this point I should just stop already. Not sure why I had a few lighter lines but since then they've been getting darker. Attached a pic of my test from 2 or 3 days ago.. Definitely dark but still every time I take one I hold my breath.

JGator, I hear you on the lack of symptoms and worry. I remember last pregnancy I was worried about no symptoms early on, then once the morning sickness hit I wished I had appreciated not feeling sick! But still part of me wants that reassurance that things are progressing. Excited for you that your US is just 6 days away! Feels like forever though, I'm sure.

My first appointment/ultrasound isn't until March 26th. It was first scheduled for March 18 but my doctor said she felt I should wait an extra week because the 18th would only be a bit over 6 weeks and she wanted to make sure we would see something on the US. So I'll probably be about 7.5 weeks by the first appointment. Assuming I get to that point Debating calling back to move it up again but I know I probably shouldn't.. Just feeling very anxious and worried right now especially with all the cramping I've been having the last week.


Yay, Lavender. I have a partner in crime on this thread. Cramping is a symptom! Stretching uterus. Sorry you have to wait till 3/26. How old is your son/daughter? My daughter is 2. I am poasing 2-3 times/day. I ordered new wondfos and got the green ones. I think they are knock offs, but they are showing lines so I'm not bothering to complain to Amazon.
Re: Re:

JGator|1425503949|3841911 said:
Yay, Lavender. I have a partner in crime on this thread. Cramping is a symptom! Stretching uterus. Sorry you have to wait till 3/26. How old is your son/daughter? My daughter is 2. I am poasing 2-3 times/day. I ordered new wondfos and got the green ones. I think they are knock offs, but they are showing lines so I'm not bothering to complain to Amazon.

They're knock offs! If you call amazon they'll refund you but let you keep them.