
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Lavender I am happy everything came out good!

Thanks everyone! Very relieved following the US last week, hoping to get through the next 2 weeks quickly so I can get to my 12 week ultrasound and blood work...

JGator - I'm glad you got an appointment with another doctor so quickly! Hopefully you'll like this one and at the very least you'll get to see the baby again sooner! Saw your other thread, I wish I knew what those bloodwork results mean, but I would just be googling like you are (which we all know google is NOT your friend with these things! :eek: ) so I would assume best bet is just to try to speak with the doctor. Never a dull moment - but hopefully it's nothing major and you can speak with the doctor about it soon for reassurance!

Hi, Lavender, when is your next appt? I'll be 12 weeks on Friday. Hard to believe. Did you end up telling your Mom about the pregnancy at Passover? Was she excited?

AFM, I have a CVS scheduled for tomorrow. The cell free dna test results are not in yet. I spoke to my doctor yesterday about my toxoplasmosis and he said the results aren't in yet for the dna testing. I think we are just going to go forward with the CVS either way at this point since it's probably too late to cancel it. And, we'll have more peace of mind that all of the chromosomes have been checked. I had a MC in 2011 with a trisomy 9, and the cell free tests do not check for trisomy 9. So, that could come up down the road as a surprise issue if we don't do the CVS now. Also, timing wise, I don't want to drag this out much longer. We will get the fast results on the major trisomies in 2 days and full results of all chromosomes in 2 weeks this way so we should know everything by the end of month if we do the CVS tomorrow. Wish us luck!

Got Verifi results - says the 3 trisomies are fine! And, says it's Boy, but I called and they said that could be wrong due to their being twins. They said the results should be accurate on the 3 trisomies though. Big relief. Right now, still planning to do CVS tomorrow to rule out other issues, but I am definitely happy with the results from today. And, I'm really okay with boy or girl as long as he/she is healthy so that is fine to not be sure on!
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JGator|1429027608|3861711 said:
Got Verifi results - says the 3 trisomies are fine! And, says it's Boy, but I called and they said that could be wrong due to their being twins. They said the results should be accurate on the 3 trisomies though. Big relief. Right now, still planning to do CVS tomorrow to rule out other issues, but I am definitely happy with the results from today. And, I'm really okay with boy or girl as long as he/she is healthy so that is fine to not be sure on!


Wonderful news about the results, JGator!!! It will be interesting to see what you ultimately find out about the gender too :) Will the CVS give you any more information on gender?

MP and AHL, thanks for the well wishes.

MP, yes, the CVS will confirm gender as part of the Fast results (I think they are called called Fish) in 2 days. I think the way they test it with a needle into the placenta they should be able to pick the right placenta - I hope so anyway. It's the same doctor who did it for K 3 years ago, and he has very good results and is respected in our metro area. It will be interesting to see if the other twin is still there also - since they said it should be reabsorbed by my body - gross and fascinating at the same time.

Glad to hear you got your good news earlier than you expected. Good luck with the CVS tomorrow. Glad to hear you are happy with the dr who will do the procedure. Will look forward to confirmation on your gender news! So exciting!!!!

JGator said:
Hi, Lavender, when is your next appt? I'll be 12 weeks on Friday. Hard to believe. Did you end up telling your Mom about the pregnancy at Passover? Was she excited?

AFM, I have a CVS scheduled for tomorrow. The cell free dna test results are not in yet. I spoke to my doctor yesterday about my toxoplasmosis and he said the results aren't in yet for the dna testing. I think we are just going to go forward with the CVS either way at this point since it's probably too late to cancel it. And, we'll have more peace of mind that all of the chromosomes have been checked. I had a MC in 2011 with a trisomy 9, and the cell free tests do not check for trisomy 9. So, that could come up down the road as a surprise issue if we don't do the CVS now. Also, timing wise, I don't want to drag this out much longer. We will get the fast results on the major trisomies in 2 days and full results of all chromosomes in 2 weeks this way so we should know everything by the end of month if we do the CVS tomorrow. Wish us luck!

Right now I'm 10 weeks 4 days (so 11 weeks on Saturday - I'm about 1 week behind you!). My next appointment is 4/27 - I'll hopefully be 12 weeks, 2 days at that point. Nervous for the bloodwork and ultrasound, and really hoping it goes well. I had a big fight with my mom about something, which delayed me telling her because I was very upset, but finally I did end up telling her - she was very excited. Then she said, "oh, ok, NOW I'll be nicer to you!" Thanks, mom. Still kind of upset about the whole thing, my mom is the type to never admit she's wrong about anything and doesn't communicate about anything that upsets anyone - she would rather sweep it all under the rug and pretend it never happened (which I hate doing) but it is what it is.

Great news about the bloodwork results, JG - hope the CVS goes well and will be checking back for updates!!

Good luck today, JGator! I hope everything goes smoothly!

Good Luck today , J!

Thanks Lavender, MP, and Avia. I am back home. It went well. I am glad we did it. The needle part hurt though. I won't lie. It was done in 20 seconds or so but there was some pumping back and forth that I forgot about from last time to get the genetic material out. They said to take it easy for the next 48 hours. The scan was cool - the baby was moving around a lot. The other baby was still there and much smaller than the surviving twin which is Baby A apparently. The 2 chorionic villi areas were separate and outside the amniotic sacs, but inside the uterus. They showed us that they can clearly get the right dna from Baby A, and they only tested Baby A. The baby continued to move around after the procedure as well. The NT measurement was 1.2, I think. And, there is a visible nasal bone as well. So, more reassurance.

Lavender, sorry you were in a fight with your mom, but glad you told her. I haven't talked to my mom much lately compared to usual - I think I am trying to avoid having to lie since we have such a big secret right now. That's cool that we are a week apart!

Oh, and we'll get the preliminary results with the 3 trisomies and gender on Friday afternoon. And, then another week for full results of all 23 chromosomes. So, not too much longer being in limbo. Will be interesting to see if the gender changes from the cell free DNA results.
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JGator|1429196372|3862911 said:
Oh, and we'll get the preliminary results with the 3 trisomies and gender on Friday afternoon. And, then another week for full results of all 23 chromosomes. So, not too much longer being in limbo. Will be interesting to see if the gender changes from the cell free DNA results.

Thinking of you about getting perfect results!

Thinking of you, JGator!

Good news to report. Same results ...normal chromosomes on preliminary testing, and it's still a boy.

Yay! Keeping everything crossed the rest of your results will be normal as well, and I'm excited to hear it's still a boy :) Have a good weekend!

YAY!!! great news JG:-)

Wonderful news, J! And congrats on your boy!

Yay for boy! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Such wonderful news, JGator! Congrats on your little boy!!

Great news, JG!!! Happy to hear and congrats on your boy!! :appl:

Lavender, Bright, Ckrickett, Avia, Bella, and MP (my cheering squad!) - :wavey: Hi and thanks for the well wishes. We are starting to believe this is really happening now. DH calls the baby Little A since it's Twin A - also my DH's name starts with an A so I guess he's Big A. We might tell our parents this weekend if all goes well with the full CVS results on Friday. I am seeing the new high risk ob on Wed, and planning to have him do the Toxoplasmosis (sp???) blood work to see if I have a current infection or not vs. just the antibodies. So, I hope we would also have those results by Friday, and then we'll feel more confident on sharing our news. I'm trying to avoid the old ob. Although, apparently my CVS place got info/scans from him so I guess he knows I did the CVS on my own.

MP, we pulled ou the doppler again 2 Fridays ago at 11 weeks and then yesterday at 12 weeks and found the heartbeat. It took a while, but we found it in about 20 mins! So, that is also reassuring now particularly after having the invasive procedure on Wednesday.

JGator, that's great the doppler is working for you now and I'm sure it's very reassuring. Still keeping everything crossed you get the all clear with your results later this week and can hopefully start to relax and enjoy everything after that. So cute about the Baby A nickname. Our baby boy is Baby A right now too as we can't figure out what to name our kiddos.

Jgator, I'm late to the party but congrats on your results thus far and your boy!

I had my high risk ob appt today. It went very well. They did a detailed ultrasound first which was nice. I was able to see the baby moving a lot and heard the heartbeat. Then, I met with the new ob. So, he's basically embarassed to steal my original ob's patient. He asked if I talked to him. I said, no that would be awkward. He feels the same way! He wants me to tell the original ob that I want to switch, and that it wasn't high risk ob stealing me. Because, original ob works closely with high risk ob- ie, he calls him in on his high risk cases to consult. Not, take over, but consult. In this case, I am asking to move docs. He doesn't want any hard feelings. So, I'm going to email my original ob tonight, and try to be nice about it. Also, the new doc seemed worried about the itchiness more than anything but said I can't get that tested till 15 weeks, and that I can do that with the toxo/IGM test and both have to be fasting tests. So, DH is a little concerned because he wanted to tell his parents this weekend, and now that we can't find out about Toxo for another 2.5+ weeks, I don't know what the plan is. HIgh risk doc doesn't think I will have the active infection, but apparently if I do that is very bad news, and they can't do anything for the baby. So, I spent about an hour with the high risk doc in his office. It was a good convo. He wants me to come back in 4 weeks I think and then at 20 weeks which is about 7 weeks from now. He said my main risk factor is my age/chromosomes, and we'll know when we get the full CVS results back if I have any issues for that risk. He said having a baby before and not having a bunch of issues (like pre-eclampsia) bodes well for this pregnancy even with my age. He also said I was very lucky/unusual to have an IUI work at my age!

JGator, hmm, that's an awkward situation. I had no idea doctors were so sensitive to that kind of thing, but I'm glad you are sticking to your guns and going to the doctor you feel more comfortable with. Hoping you get good news for your CVS soon, but that's too bad you are going to have a longer delay for your other tests. What does he think the itchiness is related to? Will you be seeing either set of parents between now and 15 weeks? That's a tough one. It would be hard for me not to say anything, but I know everybody has different relationships with their family and has different comfort levels regarding having to potentially tell them bad news (although I'm really hopeful that will not be the case for you!). I'm bummed for you that you are still going to be in limbo for another few weeks. Hang in there!

JGator - I'm glad you like the new doctor, but that is pretty difficult with him not wanting to "steal" your other OB's patient. Can you explain/blame the switch to the new doctor on location or convenience or anything like that? Or just being nervous and wanting to see high-risk regularly (blame it on anxiety or something about feeling better just always seeing the high-risk)? Maybe then it wouldn't come off as the other doctor stealing you, it would be more understandable like you just feel less anxious or something. I hope it works out for everyone involved!

I fell on the subway stairs yesterday morning. Not even sure how that happened, it was so crowded and I just missed a step or something and fell right down. I don't think I hit my stomach, and honestly at 11.5 weeks I don't think there's much that could be done anyway if something did happen (although again, I don't think my stomach actually got hit), but I did fall on my hand, which hurts a lot now! I've been icing it a bunch since yesterday so hopefully it'll feel better soon.

I have my 12 week US and bloodwork on Monday and I'm getting a little nervous. I've actually stayed pretty calm the last few weeks (well, considering my usual level of anxiety), and I feel very detached, almost like this isn't really happening so I shouldn't think about it too much. Now I'm starting to worry about the ultrasound as it gets closer. My stomach hasn't grown much in a few weeks, and I know it doesn't always correlate, but it makes me feel like the baby isn't growing. I hope I'm wrong :((

ETA: Also, this week my son had a HORRIBLE night, no sleeping (literally not even for 5 minutes) and made me wonder how in the WORLD I'll handle a newborn again, especially if the newborn is anything like my son was when he was born! Ahhh minor freakout about it... But people get through it, right?? :snore:

MP, the itchiness is a symptom of cholestatis which is bad and would mean I would have to deliver on/before 37 weeks or risk early fetal death. Don't tell my DH this or he will really worry. He worries a lot. I made a call to the lab and back to the doctor to see if he will split out the tests into 2 orders so I can get the IGM now and do the cholestatis/fasting/bile stuff later at 15 weeks. My plan is to go to the lab at 3pm today and get the IGM tested. We are seeing the in laws on 5/5 - coming for about a month between our place and my SIL's.

Lavender, so sorry to hear about your fall. Can you ask to move up your 12 week appt to Friday maybe? I'm sure your little one is cushioned in there though. I know what you mean about being detached. I have to stay that way until we know everything is okay, but it's becoming more difficult. I also had a sleep scare/preview this past weekend. We went to visit my SIL and K slept on a crib mattress on the floor the first night - fail. She fell out in the middle of the night onto the hardwood floor and managed to push the blankets/pillows we set up out of the way somehow. Then, the next night we moved her to a futon mattress also on the floor - she just kept waking up and crying. Even when she wasn't awake - I kept hearing her noises which kept me up. I was MISERABLE. And, now I am really afraid to take a vacation with her now as 2 nights was enough with no sleep. And, I am really in for it with a newborn coming!

I emailed the original OB last night. He hasn't reponded yet. I said I like him, but I would be more comfortable with a high risk ob due to my age and prior thyroid issue. I said I didn't want to go back/forth between 2 docs and found an MFM who also delivers for that reason. Most around here do not deliver. I should have mentioned the other stuff I am facing now. I was complimentary, and said I would like to continue to see him after he birth for regular GYN care. I don't really want to, but I said that to soften the blow. Very awkward, but felt obligated to do it right away to make the new doctor happy.

AFM, I got a huge verifi/cell free dna bill on my healthcare insurance website - $3K - looks all out of network. I really hope they give me a minimal real bill because that is insane especially since I didn't really want the test to begin with - I only owe $200 for the CVS. And, I dom't really want to call the original ob to complain about it! You know - I am hiding from him!

Lavender, we are going to have to help each other through sleep deprivation/training as we both had difficult sleepers on the first kid.