
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


AHL - Yeah I agree, you would think she could tell me yes or no for the raise during the review! I got an email from her yesterday though saying she can't give me all of what I asked for, but meeting me somewhere in the middle (but a bit closer to what I wanted). So that was a good thing, and I never really expected her to give in all the way anyway. The frustrating thing is in my field raises are never more than 2-4%, which doesn't work out to much - but at least I got the 4%, so I'm mostly happy. Now I just need to give it a week or 2 before telling them I'm pregnant. I wish I could wait longer, but I don't know how long I can hide it without them ending up pissed that I didn't tell them sooner. Your appointment will be here soon, but I know the waiting is so tough! How far will you be at your first appt and US?

JGator - glad you have a bunch to distract you the next 2 weeks - hopefully they will go by quickly. Good luck with the amnio tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you. :)) I usually sleep on my back or stomach, but both will be uncomfortable pretty soon, so I'm trying to use my Snoogle I bought my last pregnancy to get used to sleeping on my side. I definitely have not been sleeping well though - I keep getting up because my back hurts, my neck, or I have to pee. :knockout: I have no other symptoms other than feeling fat and tired, but I guess that's going to happen eventually and at 14.5 weeks I should expect it. It just still feels surreal because I have no other symptoms anymore and I'm not far enough along yet to feel any kicking. So I still don't really *feel* pregnant, even though the doctor keeps telling me I am. ::)

Thinking of you JGator.

Yay for a raise! I'll be 6+3 for my ultrasound and there SHOULD be a HB by then. Since I got a BFP at 9dpo I couldn't imagine it would be a good thing to not see a HB by then. I've been checking out the visible embryo website for a few days and tracking what is supposedly going on in there. I find all of the detailed development information very interesting and constantly find myself imagining what is happening in there. I'm very much a control person so it's so hard to have something going on that I just can't know about all the time. This is a wondrous and tortuous process for me so far :twirl:

Thinking of you JGator - hoping the next weeks fly by and come to an end with really good news.

Lavender - Well done you!

Asscher - Things seem to happen quicker in the US. I have my first appt with a midwife next Tuesday. By my count (as my cycles are a bit short) I ll be 9 wks. But they still won't look for a heart beat. I d love her to try, so I am going to put on my most charming face and beg. Good look with the scan!

AFM. I did say I wanted symptoms, didn't I? Well...... Constant nausea, headaches and exhaustion. I actually have a green tinge about my face. So much so that almost everyone has guessed at work. I haven't actually been sick, but am finding it hard to eat anything. Everything just turns my stomach. Also at work - my boss told me that a colleague suffered a miscarriage on Monday. I feel awful for her. She's staying at home until Monday. Given so many people have guessed, I suppose its only a matter of time before she hears I am pregnant. I know she'll be happy for me, but my heart is a little broken for her as I know it will be hard for her to hear. Any advice? Anything I could do or say to make it any way easier? Probably not, I guess.
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Asscherhalo_lover|1431541590|3876166 said:
Yay for a raise! I'll be 6+3 for my ultrasound and there SHOULD be a HB by then. Since I got a BFP at 9dpo I couldn't imagine it would be a good thing to not see a HB by then. I've been checking out the visible embryo website for a few days and tracking what is supposedly going on in there. I find all of the detailed development information very interesting and constantly find myself imagining what is happening in there. I'm very much a control person so it's so hard to have something going on that I just can't know about all the time. This is a wondrous and tortuous process for me so far :twirl:

AHL, my first appt was at 6w6d and there was a HB. With your good beta numbers, I'm betting you see one at your appt. I hope the time between now and then flies by!
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mousey|1431545837|3876196 said:
Thinking of you JGator - hoping the next weeks fly by and come to an end with really good news.

Lavender - Well done you!

Asscher - Things seem to happen quicker in the US. I have my first appt with a midwife next Tuesday. By my count (as my cycles are a bit short) I ll be 9 wks. But they still won't look for a heart beat. I d love her to try, so I am going to put on my most charming face and beg. Good look with the scan!

AFM. I did say I wanted symptoms, didn't I? Well...... Constant nausea, headaches and exhaustion. I actually have a green tinge about my face. So much so that almost everyone has guessed at work. I haven't actually been sick, but am finding it hard to eat anything. Everything just turns my stomach. Also at work - my boss told me that a colleague suffered a miscarriage on Monday. I feel awful for her. She's staying at home until Monday. Given so many people have guessed, I suppose its only a matter of time before she hears I am pregnant. I know she'll be happy for me, but my heart is a little broken for her as I know it will be hard for her to hear. Any advice? Anything I could do or say to make it any way easier? Probably not, I guess.

Where are you if you don't mind sharing? It's not like a HB would be hard to find at 9 weeks, a quick look with a transvaginal ultrasound and it should be right there, baby is quite developed at 9 weeks. I feel like even here it's normally closer to 8 weeks but this is when they could fit me in so I took the appt. I'd rather sooner than later anyway for some peace of mind. Good luck at your appt. and maybe if you complain of cramping or discomfort they'll do one just to check :)

Thanks April20!

Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I'm about to head out for the amnio. I have a cough so I just hope I don't cough during the procedure. I really appreciate all of your support. I will post later, and let you know how the procedure and ultrasound went.

Thinking about you today, J!

JGator- thinking of you and your amnio today.

Also thinking of you JGator. Hope it went well and fingers crossed for the results!

Asscher - I am in the UK. Everything seems slower here than in the US. But at least its free. I think I will do as you say. Actually have developed a little bit of cramping - maybe my bodies way of getting what I want...
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mousey|1431620924|3876712 said:
Also thinking of you JGator. Hope it went well and fingers crossed for the results!

Asscher - I am in the UK. Everything seems slower here than in the US. But at least its free. I think I will do as you say. Actually have developed a little bit of cramping - maybe my bodies way of getting what I want...

I wish the US had a healthcare system like the UK. I'm lucky enough here to have good insurance through my job which I do not have to pay for and generally all of my appointments are no cost to me. As far as I know the only cost I'll have for delivery is $100. Work those cramps Mousey!

Can't wait to hear all is well Jgator!

Thanks for your well wishes and thoughts. The amnio went well. It hurt, but not as much as the CVS. They are strict about me not doing any cooking, cleaning or lifting so I'm going to let DH pamper me for the next 48 hours. There is definitely a boy in there. The ultrasound tech confirmed to us. The doctor said we'll get results in 7-10 days. He didn't order FISH/fast results for me because he said we just need the conclusive answers, and that will not get us there. He also said he's 90%+ positive our baby doesn't have T13. He thinks it's the other twin since all looks good on the ultrasound physically. So, that was very reassuring.

I'm so glad that it went well and that the doctor has such high confidence that your boy is healthy, here's hoping that the next week or so goes by quickly!

JGator that is so reassuring!

JGator, that is very reassuring!! Thoughts are with you! Let your DH pamper the heck out of you!!!!

i know its not conclusive yet, but this sounds like great news!

JGator, keeping everything crossed for you that the good news keeps coming. Glad to hear everything went as well as can be expected today.

JGator, happy to hear it went as well as can be expected and great to hear what the doctor said! Hoping the next week and a half goes by quickly and you get more reassuring news!

JGator, that sounds like fantastic news! Take it easy this weekend & I hope more wonderful news is right around the corner.

Oh JGator that is the best news! Still keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you, but things are looking good! So relieved for you.

JGator- I'm happy to hear the amnio went well. I hope you get your results quickly and that they are happy results.
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April20|1431546518|3876205 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1431541590|3876166 said:
Yay for a raise! I'll be 6+3 for my ultrasound and there SHOULD be a HB by then. Since I got a BFP at 9dpo I couldn't imagine it would be a good thing to not see a HB by then. I've been checking out the visible embryo website for a few days and tracking what is supposedly going on in there. I find all of the detailed development information very interesting and constantly find myself imagining what is happening in there. I'm very much a control person so it's so hard to have something going on that I just can't know about all the time. This is a wondrous and tortuous process for me so far :twirl:

AHL, my first appt was at 6w6d and there was a HB. With your good beta numbers, I'm betting you see one at your appt. I hope the time between now and then flies by!

Thanks April20! I'm officially 5 weeks in today so only 10 more days! I had some slight nausea Thursday and Friday afternoon but none since then. My only symptoms are feeling tired and very sore boobs. Sometimes I get HB but tums do a fine job. So crazy work story, I'm a special education teacher and my paraprofessional just came back from maternity leave (she had a preemie at 28 weeks-doing well now & healthy) and just as we were catching up she tells me she's pregnant again! Then I tell her I'm pregnant! It's crazy! She's about 8 weeks along and if all goes well she'll have Irish twins! People are going to talk about "don't drink the water" at work, especially in our classroom, lol. Her first pregnancy was awful, she had the worst all day sickness I've ever seen and it basically lasted until about 24 weeks and then she went into preterm labor only a month after. My worry for her is distracting me from worrying about myself so I'm actually glad for that :) I am a little worried for us to deal with our more physical students but we'll break it to admin when we need to and then maybe they'll give us a male next year for additional support in the classroom. Here's hoping!

JG-Thrilled for the good news so far and hope that your results next week are here on the sooner end of the spectrum and have great and conclusive news re baby boy! Huge hugs! I can only imagine how hard this journey and uncertainty is.

JG, just wanted to let you know I've been following your story and am thinking about you. It's very encouraging that the doc gives such a high percentage of baby boy being fine, but I know it must be difficult to feel true relief until you are 100% sure. This pregnancy has been such a roller coaster for you, I'm eager for you to get good news so you can enjoy the remainder of this pregnancy!

Thank you for your support ladies. It means a lot. I got a call just now with the amnio FISH/Fast results. Apparently the lab decided to do them because they look at more cells on this vs. the full results where they look at more detail but not as many cells. They checked 50 cells from the amniotic sac, and all are do not have T13. There is till a 10% chance the FISH and full results could be different (which happened to us with the CVS so we are still in limbo/scared, but slightly hopeful as we know the full CVS found 7 of 20 cells from the placenta had T13.) The geneticist said it may take another week for the full results - my in laws are leaving on Tuesday. I thought FISH was 48 hours and it's been a week! Uggh! Another week of limbo potentially. She said she will call the lab tomorow to see if they have an ETA on the full results.

JGator, glad to hear the news was promising, but my goodness could this process be any more drawn out? You poor thing. Really hoping you get the results faster than expected and that they put to rest all worries.

Thanks MP! Good to hear from you. I hope all is well with you and the babies. Thinking of you as you wait for news also.

Glad you have some good news, would be better if you were out of the park though!

Jgator, I'm so glad to hear continued good news & can't wait to hear the final, definitive word that all is well with your little one.
I'm sure you won't be able to fully relax until that point. Hugs to you & good luck with the in laws!

(PS I finally hired a sleep consultant. Wish me luck!)

Bright, thanks for checking in and the well wishes. Good luck with the sleep consultant. I will get one too if this all works out. I can't repeat my sleep misery again.

Ckrickett- yes, it's good news, but not totally in the clear yet. Hopeful! Thanks for checking in. Hope all is going well with your recovery.

Lavender, how are you doing? 16 weeks?

AHL, your appt must be coming up soon?

NEL, thanks for checking in! How are your beautiful girls? We need to revive the toddler thread.

Hi, to anyone else I missed over the past couple weeks of fog I am not as good at replying to each person individually. :wavey:

AFM, I am 17 weeks today. Trying to stay sane and be optimistic. I do feel like just taking a nap till we find out though, but that's not really possible with a job and a toddler and house guests!!! I am feeling more tired lately. Heartburn is kicking my butt. I am taking 2 zantac a day, and my MFM suggested Pepcid so I am going to start taking that today. Otherwise, no movement/kicks yet. I think I felt something last Friday, but nothing else since. Still checking regularly with the doppler though. I am getting tired of Indian vegetarian food too - my MIL cooks 100% vegetarian and we went out to eat once this week where I had meat. It is really good, but I am waking up in the middle of the night hungry! I think we'll go out again tonight. My next appt is June 17 for 20 week detailed anatomy scan. A LONG wait!