
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Hi, so I heard back from the CVS genetics counselor today. Not great news. They found trisomy 13 in 7 of the 20 cells tested - mosaicism. So, it could be that twin B's dna is somehow in twin A's placenta or was close to it when they did the sample, and twin A is fine. Or, twin a could not be fine. I need to do an amnio now on 5/11 and wait again 2 days for prelim and 10 days for full/final results. So, we won't be out of limbo until about 5/21. Amnio tests the sac for the baby so should not have any dna from twin B. Trying to be optimistic but depressed about the uncertainty/limbo for longer. She said we do have some good things going for us in that the ultrasound performed the day of the CVS showed a normal nuchal fold size and the organs were not outside the body and the brain had 2 halves. It is something that would not be compatible with life for long if it did make it to term. She said Baby A's placenta could have some trisomy 13, and not the baby itself also so the amnio will tell us for sure if the baby has it or not - she said if the prelim results show it we can assume we have it. So, we will breathe a little easier after the 2 day results if they come back okay, but lesson learned not to trust the FISH results which are 99.7% accurate or something! Uggh! I'm still in shock over this, but trying to remain positive. So, my in laws will be here in the midst of this testing/results. I cannot tell my mom about this pregnancy because if we have to terminate she would be very opposed, and it's better that she just not know about it at all for everyone involved.

I'm so sorry for the continuing uncertainty, JGator. This must be so hard. Praying all is well with little Baby A.

Thank you for your support MP.

My new ob called me. He said he will personally do the amnio at 15 weeks 2 or 15 weeks 3 days (May 11 or 12). His office will call me back to schedule. He also said he thinks that it's twin B, and that I'm being scared to death unnecessarily. He was very reassuring and sympathetic. So, I feel a lot better.

Not sure if I told you all earlier, but my old ob sent me a nice email saying I am in very good hands with the new ob, and he is not upset/offended. So, that was nice to see also.

JGator, glad to hear your doctor is optimistic and was reassuring. I just have a sense things are going to be okay. Not that my sense means anything, but I'm hoping I'm right. It would make sense and explain why Baby B didn't make it. I'll be keeping everything crossed for you. I'm just sad for you that one thing keeps popping up after another to worry about. Hang in there!

JGator, I'm sorry about the bad news. I am really hoping this turns out to be good news for you in the long run. Being in limbo is not fun.

MP, K just saw your avatar on my computer and said she wants to watch it. I said it's a picture it's not a video. It's Mommy's friend. She said, "I like Mommy's friend!"

JGator, my thoughts,dust, hugs, prayers, positive vibes, everything I can send to help with good results and give you any peace until you know for sure I will most definitely send your way!

J, uncertainty is the worst! I'm so sorry!

But it sounds as if the switch the MFM was absolutely the right call and you are in excellent hands. I'll be thinking of y'all...

Hello everyone. I thought I d introduce myself here. I am 5wks pregnant with my first and have my fingers and toes permanently crossed. I know the chance of miscarrying is still very high, but I am so so so excited. Its been very hard not to announce it to the world. I don t have many symptoms, which also makes me nervous. In fact, I sort of don t trust the fact I am pregnant and have continued to pee on sticks almost everyday to reassure myself that the pink line is still there.

I have my first appointment scheduled with my midwife on the 19th of May, which seems so far away.

Anyway, it will be nice getting to know you all and thanks for letting me share.

Congrats Mousey.

I just wanted to add the I had zero symptoms at 5 weeks. They all came at six weeks. Don't worry, being reassured by how bad you feel or weird things is probably right around the corner. Or maybe you'll be lucky and be one that doesn't get much of anything weird or crappy (though I totally know all the symptoms are reassuring!!!)

Thanks April20. That does make me feel better.

I threw up the morning I miscarried at almost 11 weeks and my sister never even got queasy with her now happy and healthy 18 month old. Symptoms, or lack thereof, mean exactly nothing! Plus, 5 weeks is early- enjoy it now, cause you will probably get hit in a few weeks!

Congratulations and welcome!

So sorry to hear of your loss Aviastar. That must have been incredibly difficult.

The reasonable part of my brain knows these things. I guess I just want to blink and I am at 12 weeks.

Thank you, mousey. There are many of us here who have experience losses; it's always rough, but the community helps.

Anyone interested in resurrecting the cloth diaper thread? We're leaning in that direction....

Mousey, congrats and welcome to the thread. I remember you were worried about your DH's counts. I guess that over the counter test was totally wrong! I have been pregnant a few times, and I don't really get morning sickness. Little nausea waves will hit once in a while, but generally I feel good. I do get awful heartburn though, but not really early in the pregnancy. I think you are just fine. And, I totally understand the POAS obsession. You can see my progression pics from Feb/March if you are interested in going back a few pages.

Thanks JGator. Yes, those tests seem to have been totally false (thankfully).

Its great having a place to share the experience, especially since we haven't told many people. Thanks ladies.

JGator, I'm sorry about the uncertainty with the new test results - it's encouraging that the new OB thinks it was the other twin. Hopefully he is right, and hope you hear back quickly (although I know it'll still be a couple more weeks). Keeping my fingers crossed for you for all good news from now on!

mousey - Congrats on the pregnancy!! The first few weeks I took about 100 pregnancy tests (not even joking...) because I couldn't believe it was true. With my son I had no symptoms until I was about 7 or 8 weeks and then this pregnancy I've hardly had any (I had some morning sickness nausea weeks 7-9 but that was about it). Chances are some symptoms might kick in for you around weeks 6-8 so enjoy feeling great now - but some people are just lucky and never really feel sick at all, so hopefully you are one of them!!

I had my 12 week ultrasound this morning and everything looks great! Baby wasn't moving around much at first, it looked like it was sucking its thumb actually and just resting, but after jiggling it around a bit we got it to squirm around. It's really incredible how much detail you can see on that grainy little ultrasound (we saw fingers and the entire hand, it looked like it was waving!) The sonographer takes all the measurements first and then one of the MFM doctors comes in to double check everything (they only do this for the 12 week and 20 week sonograms) - I had never met this doctor before because my doctor is not high-risk and normally I just see her at a different office, but for the 2 "big" ultrasounds she sends to this facility with MFM doctors. I loved this doctor, he was so friendly and really took the time to show us everything - the brain, heart, little feet and hands. It was amazing. I should know more about the bloodwork results in a couple days, but they said the nasal bone and neck measurements looked good, so really hoping all the other bloodwork comes back ok. Once we hear about that, if the news is good, we plan on sharing with my in-laws and some of my family.

Kinda dreading telling my boss (I know they won't be happy), but I'm hoping I can hold off a couple more weeks.....

Lavender, congrats on your 12 week ultrasound! They really do look like real babies now. Did you get the rest of your bloodwork results back? Did you tell your boss yet? I ended up telling mine last Friday a day after finding out about the possible trisomy 13. She is the only one who knows other than you guys and my DH and doctors. It was over the phone as I work from home, but I just wanted to explain why I have been in/out of work being online/available the last few weeks, and that it is going to continue. She was very sympathetic and said she can empathize with how the uncertainty is very difficult to live with. So, good luck with your boss it will likely go better than you expect.

Mousey, how are you doing? Hanging in there? Any symptoms yet?

AFM, I have bad heartburn. I am taking tums several times a day. I forgot to ask the MFM when I can switch to Zantac - I got this really badly with K as well. I think I am starting to show which is concerning as my in laws will be here for most of the month of May, and we aren't telling anyone till we have full results from the amnio which we think will be 5/24 as the amnio is now on 5/14. Hoping we can keep our secret while they are here. 2 weeks till the amnio - the wait is killing me. That's will be my next ultrasound too, and the first one where we know to look for markers for T13.

Congrats on your 12 wk scan Lavender. I can't wait for mine!!!
Your boss sounds super nice JGator. At least that's one stress you won t have to worry about.

Alls good here. Although I have had symptoms this week. Nothing specific, but a feeling of hangover has followed me everywhere. I gave up overindulging years ago because I hated hangovers so much. Funny that my first symptom is hangover. Still only inching my way to the 7wk mark though.

I'm dipping my toes....I've officially missed AF and by 12dpo Beta was 113, Dr. didn't feel a follow up was necessary so I'm just coasting until the 26th when I have my first appointment. They did a full prenatal blood panel when I was there so I guess we'll discuss everything at the first appointment. Until then I'm peeing on sticks until I run out :Up_to_something:
Re: Re:

Asscherhalo_lover|1431122598|3874216 said:
I'm dipping my toes....I've officially missed AF and by 12dpo Beta was 113, Dr. didn't feel a follow up was necessary so I'm just coasting until the 26th when I have my first appointment. They did a full prenatal blood panel when I was there so I guess we'll discuss everything at the first appointment. Until then I'm peeing on sticks until I run out :Up_to_something:
Thats just fantastic! I tried and follow your TTC stuff but I never went that route so I didn't quite know all the acronym lol- but gosh I love when those things work out. ::)

Thanks Niel! I've just officially hit 4 weeks today and the next 2.5 weeks can't go by fast enough!

Congrats, asscher!! That's a great beta! Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months.

Jgator, I'm so sorry you're still in limbo. I'm glad your doc thinks that twin a is ok & that the trisomy data was from leftover material from twin b.
That was my hope (& feeling) too but I know won't be able to relax until you get your amino results. Sending positive vibes & lots of prayers your way.

Thank you BrightSpot! I am slowly allowing myself to be more optimistic!

Hi ladies! Just peeking in thanks to AHL's invitation :bigsmile:

DH and I have been TTC baby #2 for 9 months, and five days ago I received a faint BFP. I've tested every day since then and the line is getting darker, which is most reassuring. I spoke to my GP today about a referral to my OB, and whether or not I need to confirm by checking my bloods. He peered at me over his pince-nez and said 'I wouldn't worry, it's fairly obvious what's wrong with you' :lol: He has quite a dry sense of humour. So I'm 4 weeks tomorrow and feel the same as I did when I was pregnant with DS (aversion to sweet foods, aching bbs, starving hungry, craving raw veggies), so hopefully they are all signs that this bean will stick.

So excited to join you all here!

Dandi, awesome to see you posting over here! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy! Congratulations!

JGator, still thinking about you a lot and hoping the next few weeks pass quickly and bring you good news! I can't even imagine how hard it must be to be going through all of this uncertainty.

Hope everyone else is doing well and hanging in there!

Mousey, how are you doing? My boss is very nice.

AHL, congrats again and welcome to the thread! I think I have a POAS progression of at least 1 month of wondfos.

Dandi, welcome and congrats to you too! I hope you have a sticky bean and a healthy and happy 9 months ahead of you.

Bright, thanks for checking in. I appreciate your kind thoughts.

MP, thanks for checking in too. I am 15 weeks but not comfortable moving to the big thread yet with the limbo I am in.

Lavender, how are you doing? Graduating to the big thread soon?

AFM, we have our amnio finally this week on Thursday. Then, it's supposed to be a 3 day wait for prelim results and 10 days for full results. So, I assume we will get the prelim results a week from today, and then full results 2 weeks from today - of course, that's a holiday so maybe 2 weeks from tomorrow. I got kind of sad yesterday about everything, and I have been doing some reading on T13 which is making me more sad. It looks like most babies if they make it to birth have a really hard life and do not make it to their 1 year birthdays. Feeding tubes, brain issues, heart issues, cleft palates, etc. I need to snap out of it and assume the best, but it's hard to do. We stil listen to the heartbeat 1-2 times/week and we did that again last night. My in laws are in the country for 3 weeks, and they left yesterday to visit my SIL for a week. So, they haven't figured out I'm preggo yet - or said anything. They did mention that we haven't been drinking wine with dinner like we normally do and I said well, DH has been drinking beer lately. So, when they get back next week, we'll have another 9 days with them to keep this under wraps - maybe we'll get good news on the day they go home. We'll see.

How is everyone feeling? I forget how far along everyone is, and work has been a bit busy the last week or so, so I haven't had much time to post.

AHL and Dandi, welcome and congrats!

Mousey - hope you're feeling good!

JGator - I hope the next 1-2 weeks go by quickly, it must be so hard to be in limbo, and so very stressful. I am hopeful the amnio will give good news, and hopefully the scare was just from the other baby as your doctor believes is a possibility. Fingers crossed for you! I'm also hoping you get good news before your in-laws leave so you can share with them in person - it must be hard keeping it secret as you get further along, so really hoping the results come back quick and can reassure you that everything with the baby is alright. Thinking of you...

AFM, I had my annual review this week, which went very well. I asked for a raise, which I was told they would "get back to me" (although I have a feeling they won't give it, but maybe they'll meet me in the middle or something - not that I even asked for much). They still don't know I'm pregnant, and will be very upset once I tell them. I was hoping to hold off until they give me an answer about this raise, but not sure how long that will take. I am now 14 weeks (+2days) and have shared the news with my mom, in-laws, and 2 closest friends, but still need to tell my dad and then eventually share with other friends. I'm excited to tell my dad, he'll be thrilled, but a lot of our friends don't have 2 kids yet and I hope the reaction is relatively positive. I know it doesn't matter what people think, but I hate any negativity. Our friends that we did tell were very happy for us, but I know one of them wants another so badly (her DH isn't quite there yet though) so I was kind of dreading telling her. She said all the right things, but I just feel bad.

Not sure when to move to the big thread... I don't feel ready yet, but I guess soon? Once I start telling more people maybe this will feel real. It still feels like it's not really happening, although I did notice this morning my work pants were snug and a bit uncomfortable. In fact, I'm sitting here with the top button unbuttoned right now (shhhh :knockout: ). Hope everyone is feeling good!!

I love "we'll get back to you", so lame. You'd think they'd be ready to discuss that at a review. Congrats on graduating to the big girl thread! I'm still counting down the days until my first scan and hoping for good measurements and a strong HB, 12 more days!

JGator best of luck that all goes smoothly tomorrow and you get positive preliminary results ASAP. I will be thinking of you!

Lavender, I would hold out till they give you the raise before telling them you are pregnant. I'm in HR, and I say that. I think the next 2 weeks will fly by - I have a lot of stuff going on to help distract me from the wait. Are you having any symptoms? I just feel fat, and I have heartburn regularly. Once in a while cramps when I lay on my side or back. Are you a side sleeper? I prefer sleeping on my stomach, and that is becoming uncomfortable. The doctor didn't tell me when I had to switch to side so I haven't done it yet.

AHL, good luck waiting. Are you POAS progressing still? Your scan will be here before you know it! It's a long 9 months, huh????? All waiting, all the time!

AFM, 1 more day till the amnio - looking forward to the ultrasound. I am taking tomorrow off work. Next week, I have 2 half days as I have to volunteer at preschool 1 day, and then there is a parents show also next week so I will take an AM off for that too. Also, I have a pre-school board meeting one night next week - I am going to be on the board for next school year. The in-laws come back on Sunday for another 10 days or so.