
Just found out I have Hashimoto''s thyroiditis

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Oct 5, 2006

First of all, thank you soooo very very much to MC for alerting me to getting my thyroid level checked when I asked about my hair loss. I'm really grateful for your suggestion because otherwise it'd never occur to me to get it checked.

The test shows that my Thyroglobulin Antibody is at a whopping 544 compared to the normal range of <34 IU/mL. In addition, my TPO Antibody is at 90 compared to <12 IU/mL. However, the good news is that it appears I'm at an early stage as the test results do not seem to indicate that I have too little thyroid hormone - YET: Free T4 is at 15.07 (range is 12-22pmol/L), Thriiodothryonine (T3) is at 1.35 (range is 1.30 - 3.10 nmo/L) and TSH is at 1.04 (range is 0.27 - 4.20mu/L).

I've just started to do some research on this and I will make an appointment to go see a endocrinologist as soon as offices open up again in the new year.

I should have realised much earlier something was wrong as I've gained quite a bit of weight (and not been able to shed much of it) as well as having been losing hair. Thank God for PS and thank you again, MC, for helping me to pinpoint the cause before it gets worse. Now that I know what I have, I can go about doing something abt it.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas about this condition, I'd definitely like to hear from you and would def welcome your input.


Oct 17, 2007
I''m sorry to hear about this. Thank goodness you got your thyroid checked. MC hit it right on the money.

I hope everything works out okay for you!


Oct 5, 2006
Date: 12/31/2007 10:12:53 AM
Author: ang3199
I'm sorry to hear about this. Thank goodness you got your thyroid checked. MC hit it right on the money.

I hope everything works out okay for you!
Thank you, Ang. MC did hit it right on the money. I owe her one, really.

Upon further research, it appears that I inherited this from my mom, who died from a heart failure which I now have cause to believe was the result of her hypothyroidism going untreated. I can't believe that the numerous doctors who treated her didn't have a clue that she may have had this, despite the presence of so many symptoms.

It also appears from my research thus far that I now have to take, for the rest of my life, something called levothyroxine (even though it is a hormone used to treat hypothyroidism) - a preventative treatment for people like me (those with euthyroid Hashimoto's disease , ie. those with high antibodies but normal TSH). I'll wait and see what the doctor says though.

Thank you for yr kind wishes.


Jun 17, 2005
I also create antibodies to my thyroid and have inactive Hashimotos. I was told as long as my T3 and TSH were normal, my Hashimoto''s was not considered active. I also was losing hair, getting cold in my extremities and have gained some weight. I had many of the symptoms. But they told me I am not currently being affected which annoys me. I think I was given synthroid at one time but did not notice much difference. I am sorry you are feeling unwell. I have had some other autoiommune issues as well and it is quite frustrating. I get my thyroid levels checked frequently.


Oct 5, 2006
Date: 12/31/2007 10:46:00 AM
Author: diamondfan
I also create antibodies to my thyroid and have inactive Hashimotos. I was told as long as my T3 and TSH were normal, my Hashimoto''s was not considered active. I also was losing hair, getting cold in my extremities and have gained some weight. I had many of the symptoms. But they told me I am not currently being affected which annoys me. I think I was given synthroid at one time but did not notice much difference. I am sorry you are feeling unwell. I have had some other autoiommune issues as well and it is quite frustrating. I get my thyroid levels checked frequently.
Thanks for your reply, Caroline. Actually, I was thinking about you this afternoon and wondered if you had this condition also - from my memory of your postings, but I didn''t dare - just in case I was wrong. Has your hair loss stopped? and how long did you take the synthroid for? I''m puzzled as to how the doctors could have told you that you''re not being affected if you''re still having those symptoms? You''ve probably done all kinds of research on this already but below are two links which you might want to read:

I''m not unwell, but it''s sweet of you
. I''ve just been experiencing excessive hair loss, hence the suggestion from MC to check my thyroid. I''ve also been experiencing very heavy menstrual flows and irregular periods but attributed these to my fibroids. Otherwise, I''ve been feeling fine.

Oh, I just thought of something, one of the symptoms is insommia, isn''t that what you get? Would you consider going back to the doctor''s to get it re-checked? or perhaps consider going to a different doctor?

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
MC rocks! That's what friends do...!
Good call MC!! We are proud of you!!

I am sure it is great news for you Phoenix I mean having some sort of apposed to not knowing what it you now know what you are up against. Will you tell us what needs to be done to correct it? Keep us updated on the course of action? Someone else may be encouraged to have the checkup done too. §

Here is an informative Link


Oct 5, 2006
Date: 12/31/2007 10:58:59 AM
Author: door knob solitaire
MC rocks! That''s what friends do...!
Good call MC!! We are proud of you!!

Great news for you now know what you are up against. Will you tell us what needs to be done to correct it? Keep us udated on the course of action? Someone else may be encouraged to have the checkup done too. §
Yes, definitely, MC rocks!! Big time!!

I think I may have to take levothyroxine for life but I''ll wait to speak to an endocrinologist first.

You''re right, I would urge all of you with any symptoms shown on the links above and also the one below to have their thyroid levels checked. I really should have realised something was wrong with all my problems as mentioned, esp. with my horribly prolonged and irregular periods (the last one came after 16 days!! 16 days?!!! for the love of God!!).


Jan 13, 2006
Pheonix, I don''t really have time to post in length now, but here is a link you may find interesting. I was showing signs of hypothyroidism several years ago (weight I couldn''t get to budge, hair loss, tired to the point of lethargy, cold intolerance), yet levels were withing normal range (on low side of normal), so doc didn''t want to put me on meds. Long story short (which I will try to elaborate on later, getting ready to leave town), I was introduced to the works of this man, and the cream he recommends. My symptoms (and I''m talking a multitude, not just with my thryoid) went away for the most part, leaving my endocrinologist somewhat perplexed. He wouldn''t admit the cream had done it, but he wouldn''t go so far as to say it didn''t.
I KNOW it did. It has been a TRUE God send for me.

Anyway, read it if you like and see what you think. I''m linking you to Estrogen Dominant symptoms, you can go to home for the rest of the website.

And the cause of this condition is elaborated on his book(s), listed on the site. Frightening kind of, but it all makes sense.

Caroline, I would recommend you give this a read too. Actually, I think every woman should read it, I honestly don''t think I know a woman who doesn''t show symptoms.


Jun 17, 2005
Phoenix, I may reinvestigate. I also have extremely heavy periods and insomnia. The one link you gave talks about people with symptoms, antibodies, but normal overall function, which is me. I was just on synthroid a short time, but may go back to it. I feel pretty cruddy so it is worth looking into. The hair loss seemed to taper off, but I tend to lose a lot of hair normally and I have a lot of it, so I never really paid much attention to it.

I would like to feel better, so I want to read about the cream that Ellen is talking about too!


Nov 24, 2006
Oh my, I am sorry. A close family member was diagnosed w/this; his skin turned super dark but he now has it under control. There are pros and cons to the medication; I would read a lot about the medications first. I will talk to him about it tomorrow and tell you what he did. His skin is now normal color and he seems to have it under control.


Oct 5, 2006
Date: 12/31/2007 11:21:10 AM
Author: Ellen
Pheonix, I don't really have time to post in length now, but here is a link you may find interesting. I was showing signs of hypothyroidism several years ago (weight I couldn't get to budge, hair loss, tired to the point of lethargy, cold intolerance), yet levels were withing normal range (on low side of normal), so doc didn't want to put me on meds. Long story short (which I will try to elaborate on later, getting ready to leave town), I was introduced to the works of this man, and the cream he recommends. My symptoms (and I'm talking a multitude, not just with my thryoid) went away for the most part, leaving my endocrinologist somewhat perplexed. He wouldn't admit the cream had done it, but he wouldn't go so far as to say it didn't.
I KNOW it did. It has been a TRUE God send for me.

Anyway, read it if you like and see what you think. I'm linking you to Estrogen Dominant symptoms, you can go to home for the rest of the website.

And the cause of this condition is elaborated on his book(s), listed on the site. Frightening kind of, but it all makes sense.

Caroline, I would recommend you give this a read too. Actually, I think every woman should read it, I honestly don't think I know a woman who doesn't show symptoms.

Thank you soooooo very much for taking the time to give me all this infor, esp. as you were rushing to go out. I've checked out the link and the website is quite informative. I'm definitely interested in hearing more about what's happened to you and how the cream has helped. It does seem like a good solution though (if "solution" is the right word). I'd much rather apply the cream than take anything orally. In any case, my endocrinologist might end up not prescribing me any medication, as my T3 T4 and TSH are within the normal ranges. In addition, the infor I found on the web seems to indicate that a lot of doctors are reluctant to give you medication to "treat" Hashimoto's as - as you know - the medication is supposed to treat hypothyroidism and not hashimoto's. Are you still using the cream, Ellen?

One thing I'm a bit confused about: One article says that there is no "cure" for Hashimoto's, whilst another say that it can be comletely "treated". How is this?

Also, some foods such as soy, broccoli, kale etc. should be avoided as these interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis, thus causing the thyroid gland to enlarge. I'd be interested in hearing if you've had to change any dietary habits with any obvious consequences?

Thank you so much again, Ellen.



Oct 5, 2006
Date: 12/31/2007 6:36:33 PM
Author: Skippy123
Oh my, I am sorry. A close family member was diagnosed w/this; his skin turned super dark but he now has it under control. There are pros and cons to the medication; I would read a lot about the medications first. I will talk to him about it tomorrow and tell you what he did. His skin is now normal color and he seems to have it under control.
Thank you for that, Skippy. I''d really appreciate it. I''d like to hear about how your family member keeps it under control.

And I''m not going to take any medication until I''ve done enough research on it. Maybe I can try the cream that Ellen recommends first. I''d much prefer that.


Nov 24, 2006
PHX, I wrote big post and lost it so this will be shorter, sorry. I talked to my family member and he had great success taking a sythetic hormone and the endocrinologist will have answers for you and be able to help you. He says you should go to the Endorinologist because he now has more energy and I see a big difference in him from a year ago!!! I guess Hashimoto's attacks the thyroid and it is pretty common in woman more so than men. Hope that helps and wishing you the best; keep us posted.


Oct 5, 2006
Date: 1/3/2008 12:18:33 AM
Author: Skippy123
PHX, I wrote big post and lost it so this will be shorter, sorry. I talked to my family member and he had great success taking a sythetic hormone and the endocrinologist will have answers for you and be able to help you. He says you should go to the Endorinologist because he now has more energy and I see a big difference in him from a year ago!!! I guess Hashimoto''s attacks the thyroid and it is pretty common in woman more so than men. Hope that helps and wishing you the best; keep us posted.
Thank you, Skippy. As usual, you''re a sweetheart!

I will indeed go and see an endocrinologist. In fact, I''ve scheduled two appointments with two separate ones and Im going to do another blood test just to be on the safe side. I can''t see them til tomorrow as I''ve just started my new job and am already overloaded with work (welcome back to the full time work world, Lien!!

Thanks again for thinking of me and for taking the time to talk to your family member and for writing the posts. Take care, sweetie.



Jun 13, 2006
When a disorder is "treated" or "controled", it means that a person taking steps to prevent problems won''t have any symptoms.
A "cure" means that a person can take something and the problem goes away. So in the case of it being treated, if the person stops the medicine/therapy, etc, they will have a relapse whereas if they were cured they would not. I hope that answers your question about that.


Jan 13, 2006
Hi Lien,

I wanted to take some time to think back and make a list of what all the cream has helped, it's been awhile, plus I wanted to be as thorough as possible. So that's why I didn't post yesterday.

I really began to notice symptoms the year before my dad died, so that would have been 2000. As far as Thyroid related problems (I'll list the others later), at that time it was mainly terrible cold intolerance, and EXTREME fatigue. What really made me realize something was wrong, was one night close to xmas of that year. I had run out to buy some presents that day, and had done misc. things around the house, nothing strenuous. I fixed dinner, cleaned up, and made a batch of cookies. I was trying to ice them, and I was so tired I physically felt ill. I finally sat down at the table to finish, and I looked at the clock. It felt like it must be 3 AM, as tired as I was, it was 8 o'clock. I just started bawling. I thought, there is something WRONG here, I should not be this tired, it's not normal.

I had told my docs this, they just patted me on the knee and told me I'd be alright. I guess being fatigued like that didn't seem important.
By March of the next year, my dad was really ill, and I was so wrapped up in taking care of him, the symptoms fell by the wayside (and escalated without me having time to even realize all of them). He passed away in November. I really didn't grieve properly at that point, as I had so much to do. I was the only child in town, and executor of his estate. There seemed to be things that always had to be done, plus I had to keep going for the kids, they needed some kind of xmas.

The end of Dec., my SIL called and asked us to go to Punta Cana with them and hubby's sis and her hubs. I went, I needed to get away. It was a trip I'll never forget. I really relaxed and had time to think. Right after I got back, I noticed my hair falling out at an alarming rate, and had a lump in my throat. (Thyroid nodule) That's when I went to see the Endocrinologist. Long story short, levels were too normal to put on meds. Nodule was tested, not cancerous. So nothing was done to help me.

Things just spiraled from there. I slowly sank into a depression, to the point where I wasn't even getting out of bed. This went on for weeks. (the point to my including this, is that I've since read, it is not uncommon for a very stressful event to spin a woman into a state of hormonal imbalance (Estrogen dominance))

My hubby started getting on me to get up and move, that I wasn't doing myself any good. And I finally agreed I had to do something, even though I really didn't feel like it. Long story short, he had told me that a wonderful gift shop in an old home that I had always loved shopping in was hiring, and to go put my application in. I really didn't want to, but I did it anyway, and got the job. (I know beyond a shadow of a doubt someone had a hand in landing me that job

The first day, I hit it off with one of the gals, and in talking, she said I needed to read Dr. Lee's book. I read the book and had a "Eureka" moment. I went straight to the health food store and bought a recommended cream. When I first started using it, I got too much, you can tell, it tells in the book. So I lessened the amount and OMG, I felt like I had taken speed or something.
I had SOOO much energy, I could not believe it. And I thought, yes, this IS what I used to feel like, it had just been so long, I'd forgotten. It was like a drug, I couldn't wait to apply it again! And I started losing weight too, between the cream reving up my metabolism, and running up and down staircases, I dropped several lbs. in just a few months.

All thyroid symptoms went away, except for thinning of the outer eyebrows. I still have a problem with that. Also, I have the Thyroid nodule, but it's shrunk to almost nothing.

Other hormonal imbalance symptoms that have gone away include:

Terrible sinus pressure/pain
Foggy thinking
Dry eyes (red, scratchy, itchy, weepy, watery)
Puffiness under eyes/dark circles
Pain from Endometriosis
Dry brittle nails/Dry hair
Gallbladder pain from gallstones
Mood swings
PMS (including terrible stomach aches, leg cramps)
Dry skin (including patches on both shins that NEVER went away, and would itch so bad in winter I could scratch them raw)
Joint pain in hands
Back pain/muscle tightness/tiredness

I would say all symptoms were gone within a couple months.

I had 1 bad PAP test, one ovary removed because of an attached cyst, and a wartish skin growth removed pre cream, have not had any issues since.

I am also most definitely in the throws of peri-menopause.
Periods have become sporadic, and I just did a 3 month free stint. However, I have yet to have 1 hot flash. I'm convinced it's because of the cream. I have had a handfull of night sweats, but not in several months.

Also of interest, my mothers mother, my mother and my sister took/are taking Thyroid medicine and have for many, many years. I just wonder if they really needed it....

I still use the cream sporadically, but I don't seem to need very much of it anymore. I wonder if I've regulated myself to the point where everything is pretty much working as it should (if not totally perfect, but it's livable). I don't have a doctor around who is familiar with Dr. Lee's work/theory, so I'm on my own right now. I'd love to have all my levels tested, and if I ever find someone who does that I will.

About the cream, in the event it didn't help, it certainly can't hurt. If you use one he recommends, it has the exact same molecular make up of the Progesterone our own bodies make. So at worst, it won't do anything, but hopefully it would help. And since your T3, T4, and TSH levels are still within normal range, I'd certainly try the cream for 2 or 3 months and see what happens. Like I said, it can't hurt, and may help.

I can't really answer your questions about Hashimoto's disease. And I don't watch what I eat really, although I probably should....

So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, as Miss Lynn would say. I hope this helps. If I can answer any other questions, just ask.


Oct 18, 2005
It runs in my family. My grandmother has it, my twin sister had a bout of it as a young teenager and my mother was recently diagnosed with it. I get it checked regularly. I thought maybe that was the problem last fall, but it turned out to be my SAD acting up earlier than usual. I''m sorry you have this problem, taking a pill everyday is a major pain... But the good news is that my family members easily kept it under control with Synthroid, so you probably can too.


Jul 30, 2007
My mom has this and has to take medication every day--it''s not the best solution, but it works and keeps her healthy. If it makes you feel any better, she hasn''t had adverse reactions to the medication they have her on.


Nov 20, 2007
Phoenix, sorry to hear this. My next door neighbor''s son was almost comatose from this and no doctor could help.
She began exhausting research and finally found help through a doctor that saved his own wife from this.
I will list for you the books she gave me when I was researching hormone therapy alternatives.

Thyroid Power Richard L. Shames, M.D.
Karilee Halo Shames

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders David Brownstein, M.D.

Solved: The Riddle Of Illness Stephen E. Langer, M.D.
James F. Scher

Please check out the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Foundation Research, Inc.

Keep us posted, God Speed


Feb 8, 2003
Phoenix - I''m so so sorry to hear of your news and wish that you hadn''t received that diagnosis.

Take care of yourself and I want to wish you the best with medical care. I hope you can find the perfect balance of either meds and/or alternative remedies.



Oct 5, 2006
Date: 1/3/2008 10:41:58 AM
Author: Ellen
Hi Lien,

I wanted to take some time to think back and make a list of what all the cream has helped, it''s been awhile, plus I wanted to be as thorough as possible. So that''s why I didn''t post yesterday.

I really began to notice symptoms the year before my dad died, so that would have been 2000. As far as Thyroid related problems (I''ll list the others later), at that time it was mainly terrible cold intolerance, and EXTREME fatigue. What really made me realize something was wrong, was one night close to xmas of that year. I had run out to buy some presents that day, and had done misc. things around the house, nothing strenuous. I fixed dinner, cleaned up, and made a batch of cookies. I was trying to ice them, and I was so tired I physically felt ill. I finally sat down at the table to finish, and I looked at the clock. It felt like it must be 3 AM, as tired as I was, it was 8 o''clock. I just started bawling. I thought, there is something WRONG here, I should not be this tired, it''s not normal.

I had told my docs this, they just patted me on the knee and told me I''d be alright. I guess being fatigued like that didn''t seem important.
By March of the next year, my dad was really ill, and I was so wrapped up in taking care of him, the symptoms fell by the wayside (and escalated without me having time to even realize all of them). He passed away in November. I really didn''t grieve properly at that point, as I had so much to do. I was the only child in town, and executor of his estate. There seemed to be things that always had to be done, plus I had to keep going for the kids, they needed some kind of xmas.

The end of Dec., my SIL called and asked us to go to Punta Cana with them and hubby''s sis and her hubs. I went, I needed to get away. It was a trip I''ll never forget. I really relaxed and had time to think. Right after I got back, I noticed my hair falling out at an alarming rate, and had a lump in my throat. (Thyroid nodule) That''s when I went to see the Endocrinologist. Long story short, levels were too normal to put on meds. Nodule was tested, not cancerous. So nothing was done to help me.

Things just spiraled from there. I slowly sank into a depression, to the point where I wasn''t even getting out of bed. This went on for weeks. (the point to my including this, is that I''ve since read, it is not uncommon for a very stressful event to spin a woman into a state of hormonal imbalance (Estrogen dominance))

My hubby started getting on me to get up and move, that I wasn''t doing myself any good. And I finally agreed I had to do something, even though I really didn''t feel like it. Long story short, he had told me that a wonderful gift shop in an old home that I had always loved shopping in was hiring, and to go put my application in. I really didn''t want to, but I did it anyway, and got the job. (I know beyond a shadow of a doubt someone had a hand in landing me that job

The first day, I hit it off with one of the gals, and in talking, she said I needed to read Dr. Lee''s book. I read the book and had a ''Eureka'' moment. I went straight to the health food store and bought a recommended cream. When I first started using it, I got too much, you can tell, it tells in the book. So I lessened the amount and OMG, I felt like I had taken speed or something.
I had SOOO much energy, I could not believe it. And I thought, yes, this IS what I used to feel like, it had just been so long, I''d forgotten. It was like a drug, I couldn''t wait to apply it again! And I started losing weight too, between the cream reving up my metabolism, and running up and down staircases, I dropped several lbs. in just a few months.

All thyroid symptoms went away, except for thinning of the outer eyebrows. I still have a problem with that. Also, I have the Thyroid nodule, but it''s shrunk to almost nothing.

Other hormonal imbalance symptoms that have gone away include:

Terrible sinus pressure/pain
Foggy thinking
Dry eyes (red, scratchy, itchy, weepy, watery)
Puffiness under eyes/dark circles
Pain from Endometriosis
Dry brittle nails/Dry hair
Gallbladder pain from gallstones
Mood swings
PMS (including terrible stomach aches, leg cramps)
Dry skin (including patches on both shins that NEVER went away, and would itch so bad in winter I could scratch them raw)
Joint pain in hands
Back pain/muscle tightness/tiredness

I would say all symptoms were gone within a couple months.

I had 1 bad PAP test, one ovary removed because of an attached cyst, and a wartish skin growth removed pre cream, have not had any issues since.

I am also most definitely in the throws of peri-menopause.
Periods have become sporadic, and I just did a 3 month free stint. However, I have yet to have 1 hot flash. I''m convinced it''s because of the cream. I have had a handfull of night sweats, but not in several months.

Also of interest, my mothers mother, my mother and my sister took/are taking Thyroid medicine and have for many, many years. I just wonder if they really needed it....

I still use the cream sporadically, but I don''t seem to need very much of it anymore. I wonder if I''ve regulated myself to the point where everything is pretty much working as it should (if not totally perfect, but it''s livable). I don''t have a doctor around who is familiar with Dr. Lee''s work/theory, so I''m on my own right now. I''d love to have all my levels tested, and if I ever find someone who does that I will.

About the cream, in the event it didn''t help, it certainly can''t hurt. If you use one he recommends, it has the exact same molecular make up of the Progesterone our own bodies make. So at worst, it won''t do anything, but hopefully it would help. And since your T3, T4, and TSH levels are still within normal range, I''d certainly try the cream for 2 or 3 months and see what happens. Like I said, it can''t hurt, and may help.

I can''t really answer your questions about Hashimoto''s disease. And I don''t watch what I eat really, although I probably should....

So, that''s my story and I''m sticking to it, as Miss Lynn would say. I hope this helps. If I can answer any other questions, just ask.

Ellen, I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties you had, esp. with your dad passing away and everything else. BUT I am glad that things seem to be sorting out for you. Thank you so very very much for sharing your story.

I went to see an endocrinologist last Saturday. Unsurprisingly, he didn''t prescribe me any medication and he was convinced that i didn''t even have Hashimoto''s (something about "mainstream medicine" ). Long story short, he doesn''t think I should be doing anything at all!!
. Anyway, I am going to see another one this coming Saturday and see what she says. I can''t believe that I''m having all these problems and my hormones are not to blame?! At the very least, I know I should continue to have my thyroid levels checked on a regular basis. I am also going to ask this next endocrinologist about the cream. I seriously can''t see that using a bit of the cream for short trial period is going to do any harm.

Thanks so much again, Ellen. I''ll keep you posted.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 1/7/2008 9:03:15 AM
Author: Phoenix

Ellen, I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties you had, esp. with your dad passing away and everything else. BUT I am glad that things seem to be sorting out for you. Thank you so very very much for sharing your story.

I went to see an endocrinologist last Saturday. Unsurprisingly, he didn''t prescribe me any medication and he was convinced that i didn''t even have Hashimoto''s (something about ''mainstream medicine'' ). Long story short, he doesn''t think I should be doing anything at all!!
. Anyway, I am going to see another one this coming Saturday and see what she says. I can''t believe that I''m having all these problems and my hormones are not to blame?! At the very least, I know I should continue to have my thyroid levels checked on a regular basis. I am also going to ask this next endocrinologist about the cream. I seriously can''t see that using a bit of the cream for short trial period is going to do any harm.

Thanks so much again, Ellen. I''ll keep you posted.
Lien, I can believe anything anymore. Between all the docs I''ve seen over the years, and all the ones I saw with my dad, the things I saw done, not done, not considered serious, etc., has made me lose much faith in the medical profession. I hate to say that, especially since I know we have docs on the board. And I am not lumping them all together, I''m sure there are good ones out there, I just don''t seem to be running into any of them. So, I have found I have to be my own doctor to a certain extent...

I would absolutely try the cream (I use Pro-Gest by Emerita, it''s highly recommended/used), it can''t hurt you, and may possibly help. Do get Dr. Lee''s book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You Abouut PREmenopause. It''s chocked full of info on our bodies and how they work. I took A&P, I knew how well our bodies work, but reading his book elaborated so well on just how much of an intricate balance there is going on with everything. And hormones play an integral part in it all.

If I can be of any help, please, do not hesitate to ask. Do keep me posted, and I wish you much luck.


Oct 5, 2006
Date: 1/7/2008 10:32:50 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/7/2008 9:03:15 AM
Author: Phoenix

Ellen, I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties you had, esp. with your dad passing away and everything else. BUT I am glad that things seem to be sorting out for you. Thank you so very very much for sharing your story.

I went to see an endocrinologist last Saturday. Unsurprisingly, he didn''t prescribe me any medication and he was convinced that i didn''t even have Hashimoto''s (something about ''mainstream medicine'' ). Long story short, he doesn''t think I should be doing anything at all!!
. Anyway, I am going to see another one this coming Saturday and see what she says. I can''t believe that I''m having all these problems and my hormones are not to blame?! At the very least, I know I should continue to have my thyroid levels checked on a regular basis. I am also going to ask this next endocrinologist about the cream. I seriously can''t see that using a bit of the cream for short trial period is going to do any harm.

Thanks so much again, Ellen. I''ll keep you posted.
Lien, I can believe anything anymore. Between all the docs I''ve seen over the years, and all the ones I saw with my dad, the things I saw done, not done, not considered serious, etc., has made me lose much faith in the medical profession. I hate to say that, especially since I know we have docs on the board. And I am not lumping them all together, I''m sure there are good ones out there, I just don''t seem to be running into any of them. So, I have found I have to be my own doctor to a certain extent...

I would absolutely try the cream (I use Pro-Gest by Emerita, it''s highly recommended/used), it can''t hurt you, and may possibly help. Do get Dr. Lee''s book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You Abouut PREmenopause. It''s chocked full of info on our bodies and how they work. I took A&P, I knew how well our bodies work, but reading his book elaborated so well on just how much of an intricate balance there is going on with everything. And hormones play an integral part in it all.

If I can be of any help, please, do not hesitate to ask. Do keep me posted, and I wish you much luck.
I agree with you, Ellen. No disrespect to the doctors on this board, or to the doctors in my DH''s family, but I have lost faith in the medical profession too. Not one of them even remotely suspected that my mum might have had this, despite all the systems and despite her seeing dozens of them and spending years with them. Just think, one simple blood test would have saved her life or at the very least, spared her all the sufferings that she endured during the last few years of her life!

Now, this doctor that I saw absolutely refused to acknowledge that I have Hashimoto''s. So what about all the symptoms that I have? I AM definitely going to try the cream. He said to me not to, he said that it would cause harm! I can;t see how, esp. if I just try it for a short period of time whilst watching my symptoms. If they get worse - which I doubt - I can always stop. I will also order the book and read up on it.

I will keep you updated after my appointment this coming Saturday with the second endocrinologist. Thank you so much for your kind help and concern.

You take good care of yourself too, Ellen.

Much love,



Jan 13, 2006
Date: 1/8/2008 7:37:32 AM
Author: Phoenix

Now, this doctor that I saw absolutely refused to acknowledge that I have Hashimoto''s. So what about all the symptoms that I have? I AM definitely going to try the cream. He said to me not to, he said that it would cause harm! I can;t see how, esp. if I just try it for a short period of time whilst watching my symptoms. If they get worse - which I doubt - I can always stop. I will also order the book and read up on it.
lol That doesn''t surprise me in the least.

I''ll wait to hear how things go with the next doc.


Jul 13, 2006
Hi all, this is the perfect time to find yourself a great Naturopathic Physician.

Sometimes we need to step out of conventional medical box.....

Modern medicine treats sysmtoms with drugs after the fact.

Naturopathic''s spend more time on trying to find, fix and reverse the problem, not just treat with a drug.

Obviously, both have their place, but it is worth a try.

Google Nat. Phy. in your area. Then ask around.


Nov 30, 2005
I''m surprised all you''ve had is blood tests. Has no one recommended the next step in diagnosing thyroid? The typical next step is the annoying isotope test which isn''t on the top of my fun experiences list.
My doctor has been using some sort of umm what''s the word... special ultra-sound thingy. It helps the doctor see what''s going on inside of your thyroid. For instance, it is now confirmed that my thyroid is pretty much dead (after a great deal of flailing).

Also, on the blood tests, you''ll need to get them repeatedly checked since thyroids that are in the process of going bye-bye can go through a period of producing more hormones. For a while there I had hypo symptoms and normal to hyper blood tests.

My doctor is seriously amazing and does all these tests that other people don''t. You should really check his website our dr. guttler. There''s lots of great information on his website.

Oh, and taking synthroid is no big deal. No side effects, and it''s a tiny pill. I just take it with my bc pills first thing in the morning. I have no problems since it takes me a half hour before I''m ready to face food in the morning anyway. (i figure coffee doesn''t count as food)


Nov 20, 2007

Phoenix, you can look around in this site. I''m am not in no way connected with them.
But there might be something here that catches your eye.

Keep us posted.


Oct 5, 2006
Thanks soooo much to everyone who''s replied. I am sorry I''ve not had time to respond to each one of you individually but I absolutely will. Work is already hectic - working 10-12 hrs everyday. I really really appreciate your taking the time to read the posts and write in. You guys are THE BEST!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/10/2008 8:14:07 AM
Author: Phoenix
Thanks soooo much to everyone who''s replied. I am sorry I''ve not had time to respond to each one of you individually but I absolutely will. Work is already hectic - working 10-12 hrs everyday. I really really appreciate your taking the time to read the posts and write in. You guys are THE BEST!!
I understand the workload. hehee Hope it isn''t too hectic!!! Keep us posted if you don''t mind after the other appt; wishing you the best Lien.


Oct 5, 2006
Just a quick update: We went to see another endocrinologist yesterday and guess what, she confirmed that indeed I have Hashimoto''s! So much for the first doctor''s opinion! I also found out (actually I already suspected it, but it was further confirmed) that my best friend''s father had Hashimoto''s which was responsible for him going completely bald!
; and also her SIL also had this and it was diagnosed too late for her and she''s already developed complications (she''s only in her thirties), poor thing!

Well, this doctor that I saw yesterday said that she''s reluctant to give me any medication because it would make my hair fall out even more!
. So I am going to try the cream that Ellen recommended (thank you again, Ellen) and see how that goes. She also said that my condition is responsible for a bunch of other problems i''ve been experiencing including the fact that whenever I get a cold these days, I can''t seem to shake it off for several weeks etc. She says that the autoimmune systems (if that''s the right word) are all inter-related, once you''ve got a problem in our area, you''re bound to get problems in others too! GREAT!!

I''m also going to see an accupuncurist. Y''know, I am willing to try anything really, if it helps, as long as it doesn''t involve me ingesting some chemicals. I''m just thankful that I''ve discovered this early (again, a BIG THANK YOU TO MC) so I can do something about it now as opposed to later.

As promised, i will definitely try to respond to each one of you individually, and will keep you informed of my progress. But in the meantime, thank you all again and God bless.
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