
Just found out I have Hashimoto''s thyroiditis

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Pavelove, I would definitely go get another opinion from an endocrinologist. Here's why and I'd also like to update others, esp. dear Ellen on my "progress" (well, not quite progress but am not sure what other word to use):

I've had another thyroid test and guess this? All the measurements still do NOT show that I'm hypo. HOWEVER, at the risk of giving you TMI, i've been suffering from the symptoms quite badly: I have a lot more grey hair now, I've having trouble going to the bathroom (sorry again TMI but I felt I needed to say it here for the sake of others who may be suffering from the same symptoms), suffering from fatigue and putting on weight BIG time (on the last point, my pedicurist was saying to me yesterday: "Oh, you've put on weight, haven't you, a lot?"!! I wanted to strangle her, right there and then!! It wasn't as if I hadn't noticed the weight gain myself, esp when most of my clothes no longer fit, ARRRGGHHHH!!"). Anyway, back to what I was saying: I've started to take Thyroxine (abt 25micrograms) everyday for the last 2 weeks and some of my symptoms seem to be going away (esp. the "bathroom" issue). I don't seem to have any of the side effects quoted on the internet.

They cream that Ellen used I am sure has helped but the fact that I've had such obvious symptoms (and the fact that some seem to be going away with the intake of the Thyroxine) tell me that I'd tipped on to the "hypo" stage, ie. I'd gone too far, despite what the test results say, and only medication can help me now.

Thank you everyone for yr help. For others that are having symptoms, like Pavelover, I would suggest that you keep a very close eye on yr symptoms and listen to your own body. You're the one who knows best. Sometimes the doctors can be wrong (fyi, my mom died from hypothyroidism - or rather the complications that resulted from it - and not one of the dozens or so of doctors she saw managed to pinpoint the cause, and I can't help but think that *IF* I'd listened to her complaining abt her symptoms and done something abt them, perhaps she would still be here today and for sure, she wouldn't have suffered like she did), and my endocrinologists have refused to give me medication, but I had had enough of suffering from the symptoms. Now that I think abt it, I must have had it for at least 6 years because that's when I started having weight problems (I used to be very skinny, about 100lbs or under for my 5'2' frame and I'd been like that since I was in my teens til a few yrs ago - I am in my early forties now - and now I weigh about 118-119lbs. I'd lost some weight a couple of times through intensive exercise but managed to put it back on after a while).

I suspect that the cream Ellen recommended has had something to do with keeping my test results/ thyroid "indicators" within a certain level and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to someone who is not yet suffering from hypo and not showing the obvious symptoms (ie. at the early onset of Hashimoto's).
Phoenix, I'm glad to hear the med is working, that's the main goal. The cream was worth a try, but if it's not working, it's not working. So did you just tell your doc to put you on medication?

And thanks for the update, I have been wondering how you were doing!
did the endo prescribe you the medication even though you didn''t test as hypo? I have many of the hypo symptoms, can''t lose weight, thinning, dry hair, tired, dry skin, etc.....however I tested ok on the tsh so my primary doesn''t seem to think anything is wrong. I''ve been trying to figure out if it''s my diet, lifestyle, mild depression, etc.... The hypo description just fits me so well that I really thought my test would show something and I could get some meds for this.
I know there are other tests as well and maybe I should push for those, t3, t4, etc.
Definitely see an endocrinologist. My son has this and the way the GP interpreted the lab work was different than the specialist. It''s hereditary too so if you have kids get them checked and check them every few years. If you catch it while they are young the thyroid doesn''t get destroyed. My son will be on the thorazine for the rest of his life but will not suffer any of the permanent damage that can be done with it goes untreated for years. Good luck.
diamonds, I have the same issue. My tsh and t3 are normal but yet I have so many of the symptoms. I am also taking to my doctor about this.

Feeling unwell stinks. I live with it daily. I hope things are okay.
Date: 6/8/2008 10:48:22 AM
Author: Ellen
Phoenix, I'm glad to hear the med is working, that's the main goal. The cream was worth a try, but if it's not working, it's not working. So did you just tell your doc to put you on medication?

And thanks for the update, I have been wondering how you were doing!
I am so sorry, Ellen. I do want to update you and others who have been very helpful here, but I *hate* talking abt my condition. I guess I am still in denial. I'd rather talk abt diamonds, LOL.

I do think though that the cream is defnitely worth trying for someone who's not gone into full hypo. For me, I think it is too late, unfortunately. In fact, when I think hard, I may have had this longer than 6 yrs, it may have been the last 10-14yrs because that's when I started getting insomnia (I used to be able to fall asleep - like a baby) and my hair started falling out abt that time. But my weight problem really only started abt 6-7yrs ago, I guess the weight thing is something that doesn't show until one's really hypo or close to it. Come to think of it, my Mom started putting on weight in her early thirties, and I think mine may have even started in my late twenties.

I have to tell you this, Ellen, your posts always make me teary-eyed!! You're such a wonderful, caring person!

Almost forgot to answer your Q, silly me! am afraid I self medicated. The endocrinologists *refused* to give me the thyroxine because they're worried I may go over to hyper. Anyway, I read on the internet that with medication, one may be able to stop oneself from going into hypo. In my case, I decided to try it and it seems to be working, at least in relieving some of the problems, so that's what I am gonna go with.
Date: 6/8/2008 12:34:07 PM
Author: diamondsrock
did the endo prescribe you the medication even though you didn''t test as hypo? I have many of the hypo symptoms, can''t lose weight, thinning, dry hair, tired, dry skin, etc.....however I tested ok on the tsh so my primary doesn''t seem to think anything is wrong. I''ve been trying to figure out if it''s my diet, lifestyle, mild depression, etc.... The hypo description just fits me so well that I really thought my test would show something and I could get some meds for this.
I know there are other tests as well and maybe I should push for those, t3, t4, etc.

Pls see my reply to Ellen above. I am afraid my endo''s refused to give me the medication but I rebelled against them!

I''d definitely do the test to check yr T3, T4 etc. Btw, pls make sure you ask for a "free T3" - that''s supposed to be a much better indicator than the total T3.

What really prompted me to all this is my level of antibodies. Whilst all my other indicators (pls see my first post) were and still are within the ''normal" range, my antibodies were completely out of whack. That''s what really prompted me as to what might have been wrong. But you know, if you''re experiencing all the symptoms I described, please definitely go back to yr endo. Again, yr endo may not think if there''s anything wrong with you or even if they think you''re having Hashimoto''s, they may (as in my case) refuse to give you the thyroxine. i''d hate to recommend that you take it, because I am not a medical professional, but pls keep an eye out for a worsening of yr symptoms and believe me, if you - like my Mom or myself - do have Hashimoto''s or hypo, your condition and symptoms *WILL* get progressively worse and you WILL notice the deterioration.

Please keep us updated and let us know yr test results. I will try to help with whatever little knowledge i have. At the very least, we can share our experiences so you''d be able to make a more informed decision, whatever that may be.

Good luck and I really do hope you don''t have Hashimoto''s, let alone hypo. It is no fun, to put it extremely mildly.

Take care and speak soon.
Date: 6/10/2008 10:19:12 AM
Author: Phoenix

I am so sorry, Ellen. I do want to update you and others who have been very helpful here, but I *hate* talking abt my condition. I guess I am still in denial. I''d rather talk abt diamonds, LOL.

I do think though that the cream is defnitely worth trying for someone who''s not gone into full hypo. For me, I think it is too late, unfortunately. In fact, when I think hard, I may have had this longer than 6 yrs, it may have been the last 10-14yrs because that''s when I started getting insomnia (I used to be able to fall asleep - like a baby) and my hair started falling out abt that time. But my weight problem really only started abt 6-7yrs ago, I guess the weight thing is something that doesn''t show until one''s really hypo or close to it. Come to think of it, my Mom started putting on weight in her early thirties, and I think mine may have even started in my late twenties.

I have to tell you this, Ellen, your posts always make me teary-eyed!! You''re such a wonderful, caring person!

Almost forgot to answer your Q, silly me! am afraid I self medicated. The endocrinologists *refused* to give me the thyroxine because they''re worried I may go over to hyper. Anyway, I read on the internet that with medication, one may be able to stop oneself from going into hypo. In my case, I decided to try it and it seems to be working, at least in relieving some of the problems, so that''s what I am gonna go with.
lol! Who wouldn''t?
But thank you for letting me know, I really have been wondering. I am just so glad you seem to be on the right track now! And yes, I do think there are many the cream can be helpful to, but not for everyone.

Take care, I hope things continue to improve for you. And thank you so much for the lovely compliment, you''re a sweetie.
Date: 6/9/2008 1:00:01 AM
Author: swingirl
Definitely see an endocrinologist. My son has this and the way the GP interpreted the lab work was different than the specialist. It''s hereditary too so if you have kids get them checked and check them every few years. If you catch it while they are young the thyroid doesn''t get destroyed. My son will be on the thorazine for the rest of his life but will not suffer any of the permanent damage that can be done with it goes untreated for years. Good luck.
I second that, and agree with catching it early on - better to be on medication than letting it go untreated and suffer the damage.
Date: 6/9/2008 1:01:48 AM
Author: diamondfan
diamonds, I have the same issue. My tsh and t3 are normal but yet I have so many of the symptoms. I am also taking to my doctor about this.

Feeling unwell stinks. I live with it daily. I hope things are okay.
Caroline, please go get those other tests I mentioned, free T3 and antibodies. Also, the 2 bigggest indicators for me were/ are the "bathroom issue" and the constant increase in weight gain (meaning not only have I put on weight, but the weight gain kept increasing at an alarming rate, despite the fact that I''ve cut out practically all (about 95- 99%) sweets and desserts from my diet and have dramatically cut down on carbs and portion size). Earlier on (much earlier on) I lost a lot of hair but that seems to have stablised, and I think this really has had to do with the cream (the severe hair loss stopped almost a month or so after I''d started using the cream) and now the medication.

I am very sorry to hear that you''re feeling unwell. I really hope you can find out soon what''s causing your symptoms, and be able to do something about it.

Take good care of yourself.
I show all the symptoms of hypothyroidism too. I take Armour Thyroid (it has a mix of T3 and T4 - natural thyroid rather than synthetic) plus progesterone oil despite my TSH results coming back as 'normal'. I got to the stage where I could sleep 20 hrs on a weekend and basically went to bed for a 3hr nap on getting home from work because I couldn't even face cooking a ready meal. My hair was falling out, I was cold all the time, my BBT's were in the low 35 deg C or even 34.7 one day, my periods were just horrible, I bruised easily, took ages to heal, was ill ALL the time, gained a lot of weight despite not eating very many calories etc. etc.

My hair is slowly growing back, skin is less fragile and 'that time of the month' has shortened down to less than 10 days and less than 300ml! Previously it had been over 600ml when the definition of heavy is 80ml or more and i used to have just a week before the next one started. Heavy periods don't help with the tiredness do they? Try Ponstan Forte as the Mefenamic Acid helps too.

I also take higher levels of vitamins and minerals - especially iron. Daily Energy Enfusion is recommended for thyroid issues as it's a drink which is easily digested. I heard that those with hypothyroidism often don't absorb vitamin tablets very well due to sluggish digestion.

My core temperatures are still pretty low at 35.5 - 36.0 deg C and I can gain weight at 1800kcal despite a fairly active job. I get tired easily and catch any sickness going around, but my energy levels have improved vastly over what I used to have and I can sleep through the night without waking up ever hour and a half to go to the bathroom.

I very gradually built up to 90mg of Armour starting at just 7.5mg every other day and it took over a year to get to 90mg. I might need more, but I don't want to be hyper!! I ran out of armour last year and it took 2 months for the shipment to arrive. I never want to take synthroid ever again... It was like I was another person - so angry and snappy all the time! I can only put it down to having too much T4 in my system despite me working out the equivalent dose and making sure I was under those levels.

Sorry for the long post!!
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