
Just found out I have Hashimoto''s thyroiditis

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Good luck, get the book too! And I''m here if you have any questions.

btw, I noticed I stopped getting sick as often when I got on the cream. I''ll be interested to see what, if anything happens after you start using it.
Date: 1/3/2008 9:09:14 AM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy
When a disorder is ''treated'' or ''controled'', it means that a person taking steps to prevent problems won''t have any symptoms.
A ''cure'' means that a person can take something and the problem goes away. So in the case of it being treated, if the person stops the medicine/therapy, etc, they will have a relapse whereas if they were cured they would not. I hope that answers your question about that.
Thank you for that clarification, BIH (btw, I like yr "screenname", he he
). Looks like in my case, I won''t ever be cured but I hope I will be treated, so at least the symptoms will go away.
Date: 1/3/2008 5:24:06 PM
Author: anchor31
It runs in my family. My grandmother has it, my twin sister had a bout of it as a young teenager and my mother was recently diagnosed with it. I get it checked regularly. I thought maybe that was the problem last fall, but it turned out to be my SAD acting up earlier than usual. I''m sorry you have this problem, taking a pill everyday is a major pain... But the good news is that my family members easily kept it under control with Synthroid, so you probably can too.
Thanks, Anchor.

Sorry to hear that your family members has this too, but glad to hear they''ve kept it under control.

I''m going to try the cream that Ellen recommends first and see how that goes. If it works for me too, perhaps yr family members can consider it?
Date: 1/3/2008 5:30:28 PM
Author: ladypirate
My mom has this and has to take medication every day--it''s not the best solution, but it works and keeps her healthy. If it makes you feel any better, she hasn''t had adverse reactions to the medication they have her on.
I am sorry to hear about your mom but glad to hear that the medication is working for her. I''m also glad to hear also that she hasn''t had any adverse reaction to it. My endocrinologist says she''s worried that my hair would fall out more if she were to give it to me.

Thanks for that infor, ladypirate. I''ll also keep you all posted on my progrees with the cream.
Date: 1/3/2008 5:43:39 PM
Author: bebe
Phoenix, sorry to hear this. My next door neighbor''s son was almost comatose from this and no doctor could help.
She began exhausting research and finally found help through a doctor that saved his own wife from this.
I will list for you the books she gave me when I was researching hormone therapy alternatives.

Thyroid Power Richard L. Shames, M.D.
Karilee Halo Shames

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders David Brownstein, M.D.

Solved: The Riddle Of Illness Stephen E. Langer, M.D.
James F. Scher

Please check out the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Foundation Research, Inc.

Keep us posted, God Speed

I will check out those books, bebe and will definitely keep you all posted. Thank you sooo much for the infor.
Date: 1/4/2008 1:17:35 PM
Author: MC
Phoenix - I''m so so sorry to hear of your news and wish that you hadn''t received that diagnosis.

Take care of yourself and I want to wish you the best with medical care. I hope you can find the perfect balance of either meds and/or alternative remedies.


Thank you for your sweet words and I definitely owe you one, big time! Whilst I wish that I hadn''t received that diagnnosis (that my hair problem was to do with something else), I AM glad that I''ve discovered that I have Hashimoto''s relatively early so that I can so something to stop it from progressing to hypothyroidism and worse other complications similar to those that my mom had.

I am exploring alternative remedies and doing more research on this.

Big HUGS back!
Date: 1/8/2008 12:12:41 PM
Author: Eva17
Hi all, this is the perfect time to find yourself a great Naturopathic Physician.

Sometimes we need to step out of conventional medical box.....

Modern medicine treats sysmtoms with drugs after the fact.

Naturopathic''s spend more time on trying to find, fix and reverse the problem, not just treat with a drug.

Obviously, both have their place, but it is worth a try.

Google Nat. Phy. in your area. Then ask around.
Hi Eva,

Thanks for that.

I live in Singapore and Naturopathic Physicians are hard to come by, although I absolutely agree that naturopathic''s way is the way to go, at least I need to explore that route.

I''ve been seeing a "naturalpath" but she''s not a physician per se and she''s been on maternity leave, leaving me a little stranded. She has a replacement but that person only works on Wednesday morning and it''s not easy for me to go off work on Wednesday to go see her.

I''ve found these and wonder what you think of them:

I''m going to ring them up and see if I can fix an appointment so I can go talk to them.
Lien, I have been thinking about you. I am glad you bumped this thread and I didn''t want to ask you about this in rocky talk since I felt I might be invading your privacy. How are you feeling? It sounds like you have not found the right doctor yet; I will keep you in my prayers that you find a good doctor soon.
Date: 2/8/2008 7:16:37 AM
Author: Skippy123
Lien, I have been thinking about you. I am glad you bumped this thread and I didn't want to ask you about this in rocky talk since I felt I might be invading your privacy. How are you feeling? It sounds like you have not found the right doctor yet; I will keep you in my prayers that you find a good doctor soon.

You're sooo sweet, as always!
. I really appreciate your thinking about me. It's so like you. I'm really touched, sweetie.

It's ok, I am not that big on this privacy thing, but it's thoughtful and considerate of you.

I was actually sick with a cold, well actually I think I had two separate bouts of cold, which lasted for about a month, starting just before I started my job. I really think it's to do with my immune systems going haywired. I remember my mom used to have colds and 'flu's that would last forever and refused to go away.

I guess I could blame it on my new job as being the reason I've not brought this up again til now. But to be honest, I was really in denial a bit. Didn't really want to think about. But I know deep down inside, I have got to deal with it. The second endocrinologist we saw was actually very good but she refused to be give me any medication since she feared it would make my hair loss problem worse. I've yet to go get an ultrasound (actually, IndieJoes alerted me to this and this second doctor also suggested that I should). I also need to get a "free T3 test" since that's more of an indication of my thyroid condition than the usual T3 which is total T3. I also need to go see a naturopathic physician. I've just got to really pull my finger out and go do these things. I can't just sit and wait and see if things deteriorate more.

Thanks again, Skippy, for keeping me in yr thoughts and prayers.

And how are you? how's yr DH?
Oh Lien, I am sorry. I can sort of understand the bit of denial part (I had a close family member who put stuff off because she was scared). It is scary but there are things out there to help you; my family member is doing lots better after he started treatment for his Hashimoto's. I do pray you find the right doctor soon and that you get an ultrasound. Hey, if you want to bump this thread to talk; I will be on the lookout and want to be here for ya if you want to talk. Sounds like you are enjoying work; I read that in your other thread. I bet work is exciting and you sound like a strong person
Hubby and I are great and we are going on a hubby's bday trip soon to Europe (I know the wrong time of year but that is what he wants). hehe Things are great and I am looking forward to spring weather. Please keep us posted dear Lien and take care.
Date: 2/8/2008 8:02:55 AM
Author: Skippy123
Oh Lien, I am sorry. I can sort of understand the bit of denial part (I had a close family member who put stuff off because she was scared). It is scary but there are things out there to help you; my family member is doing lots better after he started treatment for his Hashimoto's. I do pray you find the right doctor soon and that you get an ultrasound. Hey, if you want to bump this thread to talk; I will be on the lookout and want to be here for ya if you want to talk. Sounds like you are enjoying work; I read that in your other thread. I bet work is exciting and you sound like a strong person
Hubby and I are great and we are going on a hubby's bday trip soon to Europe (I know the wrong time of year but that is what he wants). hehe Things are great and I am looking forward to spring weather. Please keep us posted dear Lien and take care.
Dearest Skippy,

Your post actually brought tears to my eyes. You really are a sweetheart, so caring and generous. I'm so lucky I've got to "know" you.

I would say I'm a strong person generally, but I can be emotional and can get a bit scared at times. My head usually knows what's the right things to do, but I don't necessarily want to listen to my head, at least not at first.

Work IS good. It's helping me to keep up my positive spirit. Much better than sitting around and over-thinking about things (like I'm doing with my cracked diamond these last two days - it's been a holiday here in Asia since Wed afternoon - you know what they say, too much idle time).

Which part of Europe are you going to? It is a bit cold but you're going to LOVE it! Hubby and I adore much culture and so many things to do and see. I'm glad to hear things are great with you. Pls wish yr DH a fantastic birthday for me.

Yes, spring will be nice, though in S'pore, this usually just means less rain and more sun

Take care too, Skippy, and thank you sooo much for being you - wonderful, positive, thoughtful, caring...amongst many things and for being there, or rather here on PS!
Dear, Lien, ah thanks, you are very dear and you and I became friends through PS which is wonderful so of course I want to know how you are doing, (plus I know you would do the same for me)!
Well, a close family member went through fear/being scared (of sort of the unknown) and it was very emotional for them and they are strong like you, so even though I can't say I understand; I can really sympathize and just imagine what you are going through. Hugs sweetie and glad you are staying positive!

Thanks for asking, we will be going to Paris and Barcelona. I have never been to Barcelona so we are super excited to check it out! Happy New Year by the way; hubby's bday was on your NY yesterday!!! Take care and have a great holiday weekend!
Hi Ellen,

I''ve got the cream and have been using it religiously for a week or so now. I really hope it can help. Jut caught another cold, which is no doubt associated with my immune systems being all whacked out!

I plan to go back in a month or two to have my thyroid levels checked again (actually, I''m supposed to get the test that would give my T3 level but not got round to it yet. I really should get my act together!).

How are you?
Date: 1/8/2008 8:43:20 PM
Author: IndieJones
I''m surprised all you''ve had is blood tests. Has no one recommended the next step in diagnosing thyroid? The typical next step is the annoying isotope test which isn''t on the top of my fun experiences list.
My doctor has been using some sort of umm what''s the word... special ultra-sound thingy. It helps the doctor see what''s going on inside of your thyroid. For instance, it is now confirmed that my thyroid is pretty much dead (after a great deal of flailing).

Also, on the blood tests, you''ll need to get them repeatedly checked since thyroids that are in the process of going bye-bye can go through a period of producing more hormones. For a while there I had hypo symptoms and normal to hyper blood tests.

My doctor is seriously amazing and does all these tests that other people don''t. You should really check his website our dr. guttler. There''s lots of great information on his website.

Oh, and taking synthroid is no big deal. No side effects, and it''s a tiny pill. I just take it with my bc pills first thing in the morning. I have no problems since it takes me a half hour before I''m ready to face food in the morning anyway. (i figure coffee doesn''t count as food)

Thank you for your reply and sharing the inform. I''m sorry to hear ''bout your thyroid but glad that you''re taking synthroid and it seems to be ok with you.

What exactly is this isotype test? It sounds like the doctor inserts a tube down yr throat to see it better? Or am I completely on the wrong track here?

I''ve had an ultrasound scan done and it shows that I have some "nodules" on my thyroid. I''ve yet to go back to see my endocrinologist (the second one) to see what she makes of it.

I do intend to have the blood tests done on a regular basis to monitor the thyroid level. Thank you.
Date: 3/4/2008 4:10:46 AM
Author: Phoenix
Hi Ellen,

I''ve got the cream and have been using it religiously for a week or so now. I really hope it can help. Jut caught another cold, which is no doubt associated with my immune systems being all whacked out!

I plan to go back in a month or two to have my thyroid levels checked again (actually, I''m supposed to get the test that would give my T3 level but not got round to it yet. I really should get my act together!).

How are you?
I hope it helps too!! I don''t want to sound like I''m hounding you, but I hope you bought the book too. It really is informative.

I have a Thyroid nodule, although it''s gone down in size quite a bit since I went on the cream. I had it tested, they stuck a needle in it and drew out liquid to test for Cancer. Not fun, but not as bad as you''d think from the sound of it. It checked out ok.

I''m doing ok, just sitting here watching it sleet, before all the snow comes. I really do love winter, but I''m ready for Spring. Gotta get in tip top shape before my class reunuion.

And thanks for keeping me posted, I''ve been wondering about you!
Date: 3/4/2008 8:25:10 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 3/4/2008 4:10:46 AM
Author: Phoenix
Hi Ellen,

I''ve got the cream and have been using it religiously for a week or so now. I really hope it can help. Jut caught another cold, which is no doubt associated with my immune systems being all whacked out!

I plan to go back in a month or two to have my thyroid levels checked again (actually, I''m supposed to get the test that would give my T3 level but not got round to it yet. I really should get my act together!).

How are you?
I hope it helps too!! I don''t want to sound like I''m hounding you, but I hope you bought the book too. It really is informative.

I have a Thyroid nodule, although it''s gone down in size quite a bit since I went on the cream. I had it tested, they stuck a needle in it and drew out liquid to test for Cancer. Not fun, but not as bad as you''d think from the sound of it. It checked out ok.

I''m doing ok, just sitting here watching it sleet, before all the snow comes. I really do love winter, but I''m ready for Spring. Gotta get in tip top shape before my class reunuion.

And thanks for keeping me posted, I''ve been wondering about you!
Aaawwww, you really are the kindest sweetest lady ever!! I am so sorry i hadn''t written earlier. I haven''t got the book yet, but will get round to it. You''re not hounding me at all, not in the least bit. You''re asking out of concern and kindness. I''m not being proactive enough in taking care of my own health. I should kick my own a***!!

The nodule test just does not sound fun at all!! I''m glad it checked out ok for you.

Is there a thread on your class reuninion? Sounds like fun.
Date: 3/4/2008 9:09:18 AM
Author: Phoenix

Aaawwww, you really are the kindest sweetest lady ever!! I am so sorry i hadn''t written earlier. I haven''t got the book yet, but will get round to it. You''re not hounding me at all, not in the least bit. You''re asking out of concern and kindness. I''m not being proactive enough in taking care of my own health. I should kick my own a***!!

The nodule test just does not sound fun at all!! I''m glad it checked out ok for you.

Is there a thread on your class reuninion? Sounds like fun.
That cracked me up! And hey, we could all do a lil azz whoopin once in awhile, I''m sure. And I really am only asking out of concern.

No, the test was not fun. But I felt it should be done since the doc wanted to.

And no, I don''t have a thread on my reunuion. At this many years, no need to publicize it too much.

I really do hope the cream helps you Lien. I''ll be curious to see if your Thyroid levels change any. Please let me know how it goes. And thank you for the kind words, you are a sweet person.
Date: 3/4/2008 4:23:22 AM
Author: Phoenix


Thank you for your reply and sharing the inform. I''m sorry to hear ''bout your thyroid but glad that you''re taking synthroid and it seems to be ok with you.

What exactly is this isotype test? It sounds like the doctor inserts a tube down yr throat to see it better? Or am I completely on the wrong track here?

I''ve had an ultrasound scan done and it shows that I have some ''nodules'' on my thyroid. I''ve yet to go back to see my endocrinologist (the second one) to see what she makes of it.

I do intend to have the blood tests done on a regular basis to monitor the thyroid level. Thank you.

An Isotope test essentially helps them study blood flow through the Thyroid to see how ''active'' it is. It''s a slightly radioactive isotope of ... Iodine maybe? Can''t remember. The thyroid absorbs and concentrates different radioactive bits. That''s the reason nuclear radiation exposure can cause thyroid cancer. So doctors take advantage of that and use very mildly radioactive tracers like they use dye for other health scans. Since it''s in your blood stream, if your thyroid is active it''ll absorb more of the tracer, if it isn''t doing much not as much blood will go through and deposit the iodine.

Sorry for the very unscientific explanation. It''s not a big deal to do. But that new Ultrasound I had did the same thing. It didn''t just look at the physical features but it also looked at the bloodflow in my Thryoid. Or the almost total lack thereof in my case.

I''m keeping my fingers crossed that your thyroid improves!
Hey all, sorry to threadjack but I have some questions for all of you who have been through or are dealing with thyroid issues.
I was told my thyroid "felt full" and then was referred to an endocrinologist who felt that there was nothing wrong with me but ordered an u/s just to be thorough. This dr does not consider any further blood testing necassary(he only checked tsh so far). Sure enough, the u/s showed a nodule on my thyroid which the dr told me in a phone message. He said this nodule was nothing to worry about blah blah blah, and that he would see me once a year and do an u/s just to follow it.
Ellen- did you have specific symptoms that your dr. was concerned about? How did he decide you needed the needle aspiration?
Indiejones- sorry I don''t know your full story. I am thinking you must have had some severe symptoms of dysfunction if you are describing your thyroid the way you are?
I am not sure where to go next or just to do the wait and see?
thanks in advance for any information you can offer :)
Date: 3/4/2008 12:58:23 PM
Author: pavelover
Hey all, sorry to threadjack but I have some questions for all of you who have been through or are dealing with thyroid issues.
I was told my thyroid 'felt full' and then was referred to an endocrinologist who felt that there was nothing wrong with me but ordered an u/s just to be thorough. This dr does not consider any further blood testing necassary(he only checked tsh so far). Sure enough, the u/s showed a nodule on my thyroid which the dr told me in a phone message. He said this nodule was nothing to worry about blah blah blah, and that he would see me once a year and do an u/s just to follow it.
Ellen- did you have specific symptoms that your dr. was concerned about? How did he decide you needed the needle aspiration?
Indiejones- sorry I don't know your full story. I am thinking you must have had some severe symptoms of dysfunction if you are describing your thyroid the way you are?
I am not sure where to go next or just to do the wait and see?
thanks in advance for any information you can offer :)

First of, apologies for not replying earlier.

You should definitely NOT sit around and wait. If you were told your thyroid felt full and you have a nodule, I'd definitely go and have another blood test. Ask them to check your T3 level. MY TSH is fine but I have symptoms such as hair loss, heavy periods (which admittedly may be due to another cause, but you never know), weight gain that I can't shift, and I think others, including Ellen (I hope you don't mind my speaking on yr behalf here, Ellen), feel/ felt very tired (I don't feel extremely tired, but am not as full of energy as I used to be). My mom had other symptoms like severe sensitivity to cold weather, problems swallowing, constipation etc. I hope you don't have a problem with your thyroid, but a blood test to test for T3 is simple enough.

Please keep us posted and do not hesitate to come back if you need to ask any further questions. Granted, I am no doctor and still do not know much at all about this condition, but I am here if you need to talk. Hopefully, others who know more than I do will chime in.

Do check out the links that others and I have posted on page 1 of this thread. There's a ton of information on these.

Take care.
Date: 3/4/2008 12:58:23 PM
Author: pavelover
Ellen- did you have specific symptoms that your dr. was concerned about? How did he decide you needed the needle aspiration?
I am so sorry too, I didn''t see this!!

I had symptoms of Hypothyroidism, plus a Thyroid nodule that could could be seen and felt. So that''s why he orderd the tests and needle aspiration.

I would get a second opinion on everything. Although the nodule may very well be nothing to worry about, best to have another person tell you that.
Lien, how''s it going?
Date: 3/16/2008 11:38:02 AM
Author: Ellen
Lien, how's it going?

Thanks for asking. my last period was not as heavy as it normally is, and my hair seems to fall out less these days. I hope it is really the cream working and it's not my psyche willing for these things!

Am having to cope with this annoying (somewhat worrying) *unknown* pain in my lower tummy. Am trying to decide whether to go for a hysteroscopy, so I can find out once and for all what's causing this stupid pain!

How are you, Ellen? It's good to "see" you. Has your reunion happened yet? I know you said you didn't want to publicise it but it does sound a lot of fun. I wish I could go to a class reunion and see all my previous class mates and find out what they've been up to. I think (but I may be wrong here) that class reunions are very much an American thing. No-one I know (though I do have American friends and you probably know I'm married to an American) goes to reunions.

It's nice to be talking and thinking bling. It takes one's mind off one's problems. Well, it does mine anyway.

It is nice to have friends like you, Ellen. I'd love to meet you IRL. I wish I didn't live so far away. I must admit I am a teeny weensy (sp?) bit jealous of PS'ers who can get together IRL.
I most definitely think it''s the cream. Hurrah!

As for the pain, I would definitely have it checked out. I know it''s no fun, but lets try and get to the bottom of things and deal with it! You''ll feel better just knowing what it is, or isn''t.

I''m ok. And no, the reunuin isn''t until June 21st. They are kind of fun, but probably not as much as you might be imagining. I really only go to see a handful of people. But it is nice to see them, for sure.

I wish you lived closer too, I would love to meet you! Maybe one day....
Phoenix, don''t let fear stop you from going and getting your tummy checked out. Just because you have pain doesn''t mean it is something serious, but you should have it looked at anyway. For instance, as a teenager I once had bad pain low down enough that I couldn''t think what else it might be but involving my, er, reproductive organs and that couldn''t be good, could it? Turned out I had torn a ligament that attaches my uterus to the wall of my tummy. Not serious, just painful. (thanks to riding dressage - sitting trot- on a horse with arthritis and a trot gait like a jackhammer). We forget that there are all these soft tissue bits down there that can get hurt and take awhile to heal. I suggest you get an ultrasound. (from experience I also suggest that when you do you find out how close the bathroom is to where you''re getting it done so you can run there afterwards. they make you drink a ton of water first!).

As for my symptoms of thyroid malfunction, they weren''t that severe. I was tired alot, I gained weight, I was always cold but it was winter anyway, I felt out of breath going up stairs, my heart raced easily, my fingernails were a little more brittle than usual, and most significantly I gone from loving turtlenecks to not being able to stand the strangling feel on my neck. Other than the cold and the turtleneck thing, the rest could have been explained away by other things like a not great diet, or depression.
Date: 3/16/2008 11:19:17 AM
Author: Phoenix

Date: 3/4/2008 12:58:23 PM
Author: pavelover
Hey all, sorry to threadjack but I have some questions for all of you who have been through or are dealing with thyroid issues.
I was told my thyroid ''felt full'' and then was referred to an endocrinologist who felt that there was nothing wrong with me but ordered an u/s just to be thorough. This dr does not consider any further blood testing necassary(he only checked tsh so far). Sure enough, the u/s showed a nodule on my thyroid which the dr told me in a phone message. He said this nodule was nothing to worry about blah blah blah, and that he would see me once a year and do an u/s just to follow it.
Ellen- did you have specific symptoms that your dr. was concerned about? How did he decide you needed the needle aspiration?
Indiejones- sorry I don''t know your full story. I am thinking you must have had some severe symptoms of dysfunction if you are describing your thyroid the way you are?
I am not sure where to go next or just to do the wait and see?
thanks in advance for any information you can offer :)

First of, apologies for not replying earlier.

You should definitely NOT sit around and wait. If you were told your thyroid felt full and you have a nodule, I''d definitely go and have another blood test. Ask them to check your T3 level. MY TSH is fine but I have symptoms such as hair loss, heavy periods (which admittedly may be due to another cause, but you never know), weight gain that I can''t shift, and I think others, including Ellen (I hope you don''t mind my speaking on yr behalf here, Ellen), feel/ felt very tired (I don''t feel extremely tired, but am not as full of energy as I used to be). My mom had other symptoms like severe sensitivity to cold weather, problems swallowing, constipation etc. I hope you don''t have a problem with your thyroid, but a blood test to test for T3 is simple enough.

Please keep us posted and do not hesitate to come back if you need to ask any further questions. Granted, I am no doctor and still do not know much at all about this condition, but I am here if you need to talk. Hopefully, others who know more than I do will chime in.

Do check out the links that others and I have posted on page 1 of this thread. There''s a ton of information on these.

Take care.
I meant to say have them check your free T3 level. Also, ask them to test your antibodies level.
Phoenix, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over two years ago. I spent the first year starting levothyroxine and figuring out the right dosage for me. Getting blood drawn every 1-2 months SUCKS, but it''s been worth it totally for me. I had gained weight, my hair fell out all of time (and I have thin fine hair to begin with), and I was cold all the time as well, but also had a myriad of other symptoms. I hated hated hated the idea of having to take a pill everyday and that totally freaked me out at first, but now I''m over it and feel antsy if I manage to not take it for a while. I''m wondering what the cream is doing for you and if you''ve had any blood tests since the initial onslaught. Truly, I''ve found out that the thyroid is NOT something you want to mess around with.

Since starting the meds I''ve discovered that my hair has stopped falling out in handfuls, my core temperature has gone up, I get cold and then get warm pretty easily, and I''ve only gotten sick once. Before, I would be sick from September-April with everything that was going around.

I would go and get your blood tested again, and seriously consider going on levothyroxine if that is what your doctor prescribes. I know that I thank my GYNO everyday for making me take those blood tests and getting the results-even though it revealed that I was messed up.
What''s funny is that right after I started the pills, I went to get my hair cut and my hair stylist mentioned that a lot of my hair was falling out and that it could have something to do with my thyroid. Whats even funnier is that she''s sent about 10 people to get tested-and they have all had some kind of thyroid issue. Weird.
Hi Phoenix,

I just found this thread, and I thought that I could share some of my experience. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto''s when I was 11, and am 31 now, so I''ve been living with the disease for 20 years. It''s really rare for it to show up in a child that age, but I started developing a goiter in my neck, combined with the "foggy mental state." So, my parents took me to a endocrinologist, and I find that taking Levoxyl really helps.

I stopped taking it for a couple of years in college, just because I wanted to see if it was "really doing anything," and stopping the hormones was a big mistake. It happened gradually over a year, but I gained over 25 pounds, dropped out of my honors program in college (I had graduated high school at 16 and skipped a grade before that), experienced severe depression (not getting out of bed for days) and my hair started thinning and falling out. My sweet boyfriend at the time discovered that I had stopped taking the meds and encouraged me to go back to the dr. Since I had totally stopped producing thyroid hormone, I had to go back on a raifly high dosage - .175 mg or Levoxyl.

I''ve been on it again regulargly & monitored for 10 years - I lost all of the weight that I gained (but it''s harder with underactive thyroid - lots of running and dieting), my mental sharpness returned, my depression lifted, and my hair grew back.

I think that depending on your thyroid hormone levels, medication is a must, as it was for me, and I feel and function much better by taking the pills. I know that I''ll be on it for the rest of my life, but I figure, better that than suffer the horrible symptoms.

Good luck with your treatment, and let us know how you''re doing!
Date: 3/18/2008 7:51:07 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Phoenix, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over two years ago. I spent the first year starting levothyroxine and figuring out the right dosage for me. Getting blood drawn every 1-2 months SUCKS, but it's been worth it totally for me. I had gained weight, my hair fell out all of time (and I have thin fine hair to begin with), and I was cold all the time as well, but also had a myriad of other symptoms. I hated hated hated the idea of having to take a pill everyday and that totally freaked me out at first, but now I'm over it and feel antsy if I manage to not take it for a while. I'm wondering what the cream is doing for you and if you've had any blood tests since the initial onslaught. Truly, I've found out that the thyroid is NOT something you want to mess around with.

Since starting the meds I've discovered that my hair has stopped falling out in handfuls, my core temperature has gone up, I get cold and then get warm pretty easily, and I've only gotten sick once. Before, I would be sick from September-April with everything that was going around.

I would go and get your blood tested again, and seriously consider going on levothyroxine if that is what your doctor prescribes. I know that I thank my GYNO everyday for making me take those blood tests and getting the results-even though it revealed that I was messed up.
What's funny is that right after I started the pills, I went to get my hair cut and my hair stylist mentioned that a lot of my hair was falling out and that it could have something to do with my thyroid. Whats even funnier is that she's sent about 10 people to get tested-and they have all had some kind of thyroid issue. Weird.
Thank you for your reply and infor, FrekeChild.

That's helpful infor you've provided. My endocrinologist refuses to give me medication. She says I don't have hypothyroidism yet, just Hashimoto's (like that's a REAL comfort!!

The cream seems to be helping. A couple of times, I thought I was going to catch 'flu's/ colds from other people and yet I didn;.t. The weight continues to pile on, though I'm SURE it has something to do with the fact that I've only been to the gym twice for the past 3.5 months (whereas I used to go 4-5 times a week) since starting my new job.

One thing that's interesting: I just happened to read an article at my manicurist's this past weekend and it mentions that people with hypothyroidism/ or at the onslaught of this have premature grey hair. I was like : "YEAH, THAT'S ME!!"
. It's soooo sad!!

I am glad that the medication is working out for you and that you're getting less problems. I am due to go back for another blood test but I'm kind of in denial (STILL)!! I know I must go back and get an update on my situation [SIGH]!!
Hi Phoenix,
I know this is late but I wanted to thank you for your advice from earlier in March. I appreciate both yours and Ellen''s input re: the thyroid issue. I have not gotten a second opinion yet but did hav an ultrasound of my thyroid. My u/s showed a growth but it is very small and according to the endocrinologist, nothing to worry about. He says that he will re check it in one year and the reason why I don''t have to worry is because even if it was a bad growth, it would be a very slow growing one so a year is ok(but he feels confident it isn''t a bad one). Haven''t gotten a name of another md yet, I''ve asked around a little but...I also checked with my ob/gyno to see if she had any thoughts about it and so far, she isn''t concerned either. I find it so hard to let go and believe that the dr is correct, but on the other hand, I stall on getting another opinion. Anyway. Thanks again and I hope things are getting better for you. The whole thyroid treatment thing seems complicated and like drs are hesitant to treat...Am I wrong in that thinking?
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