
Karl, are these well cut asschers?


Apr 30, 2005
Karl can you, or anyone, comment on how well cut these two asschers are?
By well-cut I'm referring to light performance.

Yes, yes, I know colored diamonds are cut to optimize the color and weight - not cut for light performance.
But you can still use light performance as a selection criteria.
Now that I have a few FCDs I know light performance varies independently of color with FCDs.

2 Pink Asschers.jpg

above average is about as far as im willing to say with just 2 pictures.
The one report shows the one being pretty deep, in a colorless stone with that table id say pass for spread reasons.
With a ~40% table that depth is great, not so much with a 66% table but that is in a colorless diamond.
They were cut a bit deep to darken the color with longer light paths so it is a trade off.
Kenny, what are you up to now! Are you thinking about getting these? The color is gorgeous. :love:
Thanks Karl.
SK, oh I don't know.
You just don't often see such a nice pair of FCD asschers float down the river of life.

You never know what a crazy guy might do. :Up_to_something:
Those look pretty darn nice to me!

Here's one we had about three years back... Although Asscher cuts are very rare in Fancy Colors, it's a great shape when done nicely.
This is true. It would be a pity to miss out. ;) But wow, those babies are not cheap! Either way, you still have quite a collection of other colored beauties to distract you if you have to let these go!
I prefer the second one (on the right) to the one on the left in terms of cutting. And if you ever plan to use them, I wouldn't set them side by side as they look different. But as earrings (with a head in the way) they would work.
Wow Kenny, that's a lot of money.
If I was in the market for a fancy color, I would buy EightStar.
I fell in love with Wink's little EightStar!
It is a taboo here so I will not elaborate on this subject, but I would not buy a natural fancy.
QueenMum said:
Wow Kenny, that's a lot of money.
If I was in the market for a fancy color, I would buy EightStar.
I fell in love with Wink's little EightStar!
It is a taboo here so I will not elaborate on this subject, but I would not buy a natural fancy.

How come Stephan? ( if I can ask)
Hi David,
It's just a matter of size vs money.
For colored diamonds, my wallet is OK with N-Z diamonds, but I can't afford/don't want to to pay for the others.
Especially when you see that they are all almost too deep.
EightStar made it obvious: a fancy color diamond doesn't have to be deep.
Did someone say Eightstars?


Thank you Andelain, you understood me! :bigsmile:
QueenMum|1291934449|2792535 said:
Thank you Andelain, you understood me! :bigsmile:

My pleasure! :bigsmile: :wavey:
I don't have an 8* yet.
Years ago I compared them to ACA and Solasfera side by side in person.

I ended up buying an ACA and a Solerfera.
It's not that the 8* was less beautiful.
I was superb, just not around 30 or 40% moreso like the pricetag.

Someday I'll get an 8*
I would only buy a colored 8star.
For a white diamond, I guess I prefer a less painted stone.
Andelain|1291934330|2792532 said:
Did someone say Eightstars?

Holey Mother of 8*...are these yours Andelain???
Those Eightstars are amazing!!! Just beautiful......

But it's not true that all FCD's are too deep- in fact, some are pretty spready!

We've had some incredible stones as deep in shade as Fancy Vivid Yellow that were not deep at all.
One comes to mind that was a cushion 54.9% depth
In opposition with the market thoughts, I think the darker a stone is, the shallower it can be cut.
The whiter it is, it will tolerate (but not need) a deeper cut.
That's in contradiction with 'make the intense/vivid color obvious by cutting them too deep'.
Rockdiamond|1291935663|2792573 said:
Those Eightstars are amazing!!! Just beautiful......

But it's not true that all FCD's are too deep- in fact, some are pretty spready!

We've had some incredible stones as deep in shade as Fancy Vivid Yellow that were not deep at all.
One comes to mind that was a cushion 54.9% depth
I remember I've drooled on it...
tyty333|1291935467|2792567 said:
Andelain|1291934330|2792532 said:
Did someone say Eightstars?

Holey Mother of 8*...are these yours Andelain???

Geez, I wish!!!!!

My last name would have to be Gates to be able to afford those stones!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Dana sent me those pics a while back from their inventory, and I like to drool over them regularly. Trust me, if they were mine half of PS would have had me banned by now for all the pics I'd post. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
kenny|1291935140|2792557 said:
I don't have an 8* yet.
Years ago I compared them to ACA and Solasfera side by side in person.

I ended up buying an ACA and a Solerfera.
It's not that the 8* was less beautiful.
I was superb, just not around 30 or 40% moreso like the pricetag.

Someday I'll get an 8*

I have 2 Eightstars that I was lucky enough to be able to get secondhand for about half of what they would have cost new. Of the different cuts I have (ACA, BGD, JF TH) they're my favorites. They are an incredible cut, and I really like the effect of the painting. I can't say for sure that I''d have bought them at retail prices though, I do have to stretch my $$$.