
Ladies-In-Waiting Part III

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I used to live on the North Side near Wrigley and the bf was in Naperville. We just moved to central IL in September. The bf is in Chicago today and tomorrow closing the details on selling our house. Yes, we''ve been living together for a few years now with the cat and dog feeling already married. I think that''s part of his hesitation - what would he benefit at this point from getting married - everything is the way now it would be after the fact (except his ethnic last name he gets to share!) Although we''re way down here now we would still like to have the ceremony in Chicago for family and friends sake. Sort of a LD planning twist I''d like to throw in there to make it more complicated for me.

Blue where are you? Evanston area or Gurnee-ish?
heart prongs - small world! I used to keep my horses in Danvers.. had an old housemate from Beverly, so spent a lot of time there as well.

Croi, where in Boston? I MUST have missed this (big surprise!).
First and foremost -

Happy Women''s Christmas to all my girls ! /idealbb/editor/cute/images/emstar.gif

at home in Ireland, January 6th is THE day for the ladies. we do no chores, no cooking - the men take care of everything, even minding the kids. we all get to have a totally ''for us'' day and generally go out to dinner in the evening, with other women - it''s great !
being from a very matriarchal family, the last time I was home for Women''s Christmas there were seventeen of us at dinner - all related and no further removed than first cousins !

So take some time today to wish another woman well and to give yourself a treat - even if it''s just a longer lunch break or a soak in the tub tonight. It''s our day, make the most of it !!

as for the rest - thanks HP for letting me know about Coopers. I knew Mark was in Concord but not that his work was available to view elsewhere. I''m living just south of Boston proper, (still within city limits) off the 93. I was in Beverly once, had to pick a friend up from your little airport ! I love Salem, I go up there quite a bit.
rfath - whereabouts are you ???

welcome to Katrina and Molson - you both have come to the right place. I have found PS a lifesaver because it''s true that friends tend to ''tire'' of hearing wedding talk. Most are married long ago and those that are single are likely to stay that way and have ZERO (sub-zero) interest in wedding stuff. So this place is like a refuge for the waiting-for-a-ring-time-challenged !!

whoever said I am romantic ........ you have NO idea. I''m such a romantic !

thanks for the tips on the lights - must start looking.


oh, and it''s bloodywell snowing again .......
i'm gone for couple of days and look at how many pages i missed! i have a lot of reading to do to catch up with everybody. I am back home (i came home tuesday night) and had to leave my fiance in Fl. I cried all the way home and a lot yesterday! but he will be coming to see me at the end of march so now i can start that count down.
welcome to all the new ladies.

Croi - I'm crossing all my fingers & toes and hoping with all my might that it happens very soon and before you leave, maybe he will propose on the 19th (by the way that is my b-day).

I can't connect to the internet at home so I have to try to catch up on my lunch time and at the rate these pages are increasing i don't think I'll ever catch up.
PBB - welcome back ! we missed you ! I''m soo sorry you had to leave Steve in Florida. At least you know he''ll be coming to see you in a few weeks - March will be here in no time !!

I am happy out - life is good and a proposal would be fantastic but I am done worrying about when it might happen. Naturally I hope SOON SOON - but if not, that''s okay too. I''m in good shape and a good 90% of those to invite are at home and geographically close so they won''t need to make an huge arrangements and for those that are here - well, I''ll just hope they can make it. I checked the flight prices and they haven''t changed so that is good. I have been working on my invitations ideas and am happy with what I have done so far and if he asks me, it''ll be no problem to get them printed up and sent out. Really, when it comes right down to it, that is the only ''rush'' item on the agenda - to give people some notice. The rest should come together without too much hassle. I''m visiting two possible locations and meeting the owners/managers when I''m home; also meeting the marquee guy and the photographer. When I get back I should have a really good idea of costs and size, dimensions etc. and then it''ll simply be a matter of writing a check ! So I am fine with things at the moment. Ideally I''d like to send my invitations before February 1st (that would give folk twelve weeks notice - not as much as some give (what''s the standard ?) but enough I think. most will know right away whether they can make it or not).
I can''t BELIEVE I am planning a wedding for less than sixteen weeks time. I also can''t believe this zen-space I''ve found and how totally unstressed I am (after having a near meltdown two days ago ! heh!).

It''s ALLLLL good ! ooooooooooommmmmmm
Welcome Katrina and Molson

Croi- what a great idea for a holiday! Why am I am work today when I should be out shoe shopping and having brunch with the girls?!?!

Ladies. I just wanted to share this with all of you... Last night, one of my girlfriends invited me out to birthday dinner (which was the 26th of December.. happy b-day to all of you Holiday Babes!!). She was curious about the "status" of the engagement, so I naturally spilled the beans about the setting/diamond etc. We began to talk about weddings...hers was hands down the most lavish wedding I had ever attended. Every detail was gorgeous, tasteful and delicious. I could have sworn that Martha Stewart was hiding somewhere in the kitchen supervising the army of cooks while hand embroidering the organza aisle runner... Anyway. I asked her about shopping for gowns and wasn't it exciting etc. She started to get very sad. Everything about her wedding had been done by her and her alone due to the overwhelming desire to control. She had gown-shopped alone, scouted out catering places alone, picked the food and the band alone..when people offered to throw parties, she turned them no bridal engagement party and the bachelorette party was a very pared down version of what her sister had initially wanted to do for her. Keep in mind that this is a girl with a lot of friends..but she locked everyone out while she searched for the perfect wedding..and deeply regrets it now.

I was thinking of getting a small group (4-5) of "the girls" and her sister together to surprise her with a casual post-wedding shower at my house. This probably goes against all wedding ettiquette, but I really feel like it is never too late to learn and heal from your mistakes. Do you think this would be a good idea? I feel terrible for not "seeing-through" her behavior in the first place. hmmm.
Hi Katrina & Molson!!

apple ~ the other reason that I''ve pretty much given up on the Mexico wedding is my boyfriend. His dad & stepmom can''t afford to go & I''ve failed to convince him that we could afford to pay for 4-6 people to go and stay 3 or 4 days at an all-inclusive and still pay much less than we would on a wedding in the US. He''s completely clueless about how much all this crap costs. But, like I said, it is really important for me to have my grandparents there. My grandpa is 78 and he''s not necessarily unhealthy - still drives and all that - but it''s the fear of what COULD or MIGHT happen, ya know? He doesn''t have to use oxygen everyday, but he has to keep it available just in case, and since you can''t take oxygen tanks on planes, we''d have to make arrangements w/ the airlines for supplemental oxygen, then make arrangements to get a tank for him to have in Mexico so it all started to sound like a great big hassle!! Then, if something were to happen, if he got sick or something while we were there... Oh, I''d just never get over it...

Anyhow, enough of that...

Alley ~ you''re absolutely right, the foliage is so hard to predict!! I''ve included a picture of the chapel in the "skinny tree" setting, it''s not awful, but it''s not very festive looking!! And yes, finals coming just 5 weeks later, plus, I''m trying to get into a Dental Hygiene program and I think my application is due around that same time in November... Plus, if I wait until May 2006 we will be able to spread out the expenses a lot more. But, my favorite season is fall... Aagh, I don''t know!! It is interesting that we all have so many commonalities when it comes to our eating/bodies/self-image.

Blue ~ I''ve just always wanted to get married someplace "pretty" whether it was a pretty church, chapel, house, whatever. From what I''ve read about the chapel in Eureka, it is very very Christ-centered & they''re pretty strict about the type of ceremony they allow. It doesn''t bother me because I''m very comfortable with all of that, but I know for a lot of people it just wouldn''t be for them... and since a ceremony should really be a reflection of the couple I totally understand not wanting to be in a church setting...

Here''s another pic ~ looks like they missed the really pretty fall foliage by a week or few:


AMA ~ Oh, I hate it when that kinda thing happens!! I hope you get to go today!!!
Oh lovey, that''s so sad for her!! I think you''re idea is so great!!! And who really gives a flip about etiquette - life''s too short! I think she would love it (I would).

I totally understand what she did - I''m such a control freak that I can see myself doing that exact same thing - thank you for posting this, I will try to keep it in mind when I''m in the thick of things.
lovey: I think the shower is a great idea!

teebee: I know that my grandmother wouldn''t go (she has minimal vision and osteo-arthritis and it only 77), and even though she could if she really wanted to, I know she''d make a lot of excuses not too (which is why it will most likely happen at her house). I''m not super close with my family, so my friends are more like my family. So it would be fun as kind of a vacation for everyone. Or we could do it just the two of us and have a reception when we got back (and then I could wear my wedding dress twice). The only thing people ever care about anyway is the reception...thats where all the fun happens. In Mexico the ceremony is in Spanish, which I think is really cool...he''s fluent so he would know what he''s saying, and I used to know a lot, but I do some brushing up. Afterall Spanish is a Romance language. I might have to make this suggestion next time we talk about it.
I second teebee - definitely throw a bash for your girlfriend. the poor thing .....
I feel for her. You should definitely throw her a party ...

Right now I feel I am doing a lot on my own but that''s only because I can''t TELL ! I know once I can spill the beans, everyone will be on board with their help and suggestions and I plan to enjoy every minute of being ''Queen'' heehhehe !

I also plan to have a very ''participatory'' wedding and if people aren''t willing to get up and join in and make asses of themselves (quite likely!) then I am not interested in their company. Luckily I have a sense-of-fun family and the gene runs deep and I''m sure we''ll be able to persuade the visitors to join in the madness (sure, who''ll know if they try to sing or dance, won''t they be across an ocean from anyone they know ?!)

I want to laugh from the minute I get up until I fall into bed beside my HUSBAND !!

woooo-hooooo ! THAT is what will make it perfect, not any of the ''trimmings''

throw the girl a party - really !!
That''s it. You''re right Croi!! That girl needs to let her hair down and have a good time. Thanks for the input everyone
Wow you girls sure have been busy! I had too many things to do last night to log on, and then some friends came over around midnight and we made the fatal mistake of saying "Hey, let''s just play one quick game of 90''s Trivial Pursuit..." and, you know, none of us got to bed before 5.

I think I am going to kick off Women''s Christmas with a latte and later do some shopping... I have just about one month to get together enough renaissance costuming for my roomie and my fh for War!
hi girls,

been a while since i''ve been here but have been reading up on everyones postings. i''m particularly following the allie, i''m feeling it for you girl. but trust me and everyone else on this board, you are doing the right thing. trust me sistah! the truth is that sometimes you have to go thru this to get to that. we''ve all been there. i''ve been with my bf for 8 1/2 years! that''s right, that''s a long the beginning we were major in love then it came to a screeching halt for which we broke up, i was devistated! but eventually it came back together and we both even forgot about what we broke up about, sometimes it''s just timing and/or pressure. who knows but if you love him you''ll see this thru, nothing wrong with taking a break to realize what you have/had. i see lots of bling in your future......

now on to me....i found out that i''m getting "it" this weekend....we''re off to aruba and hopefully upon my return i can be crossed off the list. i''m so excited....this has been the best experience of my life...i also discovered that my ring was designed by martin katz, i did a google search, i couldn''t believe it! my ring is simple in a platinum setting so not alot of bling but the center stone speaks volumes. this forum has been a life saver. just seeing that i''m not the "only one" who feels like this has helped me enormously. i just wanted some definition, not the marriage right away but something that shows that i''m just not arm candy. we both want to be together forever, but the ring just shows to others that it''s for real. i know it''s stupid to prove things to others but it''s just the way it is. my guy of course had cold feet about the "idea" of it, now he''s thrilled and can''t wait to give it to me and make it legit.

best of luck to all of you girls. i''m right in your corner....
Date: 1/6/2005 10:47:58 AM
Author: Croí
First and foremost -

Happy Women''s Christmas to all my girls ! /idealbb/editor/cute/images/emstar.gif
rfath - whereabouts are you ???

Huh.. wonder if I should share the news of this holiday with my fiance...

Croi - I''m in Waltham. Ever been? FABULOUS restaurants!
Hey everyone,

Teebee: Oh the picture of the chapel...It does look like they missed the foliage! Yeah with everything going on, November might be insane for you. Unless you get the application for dental hygiene in way in advance (give yourself a september deadline or something like that.) That way it would be one less worry. What does you husband to be want to do? Is he more for November of may?

Lovey: I think that it is a very nice thing for you. I don''t think that etiquette should ever stand in the way of doing something nice for someone else.

Stacy: I see you had the same experience as I did. When we first broke up when I was twenty, I really grew up. No more being naive about relationships, and in retrospect that breakup was the BEST thing that ever happened to us. Mind you while he was briefly dating another girl....I did NOT feel that way at all. Maybe this breakup will end up being the best thing for me. I''m trying to stay positive. On a happier note... THIS WEEKEND! Wow! You must be so excited. How did you find out it was happening this weekend? And don''t forget to post handpics.

Katerina: You''re so funny! Nothing wrong with being fixated on diamonds. THEY are beautiful. I feel the same way about needing something to tide me over. My mom has an 10 carat diamond necklace with black diamond accents. I love it! Not to wear but I love the sparkle. RHR sounds amazing. Buy yourself a little something if it will make you smile.

yeah, the breakup had someone else in the picture too, i was devistated to say the least, i don''t think i slept the night for two months...then he called me while on vacation with her, i wanted to die....but in the end, we''re together and more in love now then ever.....he''s my life...

i found out easily...he told me....we go to aruba annually and that''s where he fell in love with me (his words)....

my ring (from what i know) is simple platinum 4 prong setting (i think) martin katz...and a 3.10''s the ring of my dreams...first him, then the bling! LOL

i can''t wait!!!!!!
Women''s Christmas...I love it! Good to see all of you local ladies on PS...

rfath -- I teach in Danvers (yes, I had to work today)

croi -- I just checked the Cooper Jewelers website, and it seems the designer area is should definitely email Mark Morrell. He is such a nice guy! We had some conversations w/ him, but when we saw exactly what we were looking for in terms of size, style, etc...we ended up buying from Cooper. My husband just would not consider buying a diamond on the internet then. I think Mark only works with certain vendors, but I''m not so sure. He doesn''t sell diamonds though. I know the 3-prong you spoke of...very original!

golden girl -- that ring is coming soooo soon. Can''t wait to see your post that says "I got my ring!"
Have you been hoping for something in particular? If so, share the details!!!

last post for today - that means when I come on tomorrow Stacy will be one day closer to getting her ring - yaaahoooo !

it''s just such a feel-good place to hang, this little thread of ours.

even when I think of all the girls who''ve been having a tough time, B-o-L and Alleycat, I really feel that this is a great ''place'' because we are all so supportive of each other and I know I wish I had had a group of friends like this when I went through my horrible break-up.

now, I''m know I''m being very good and zen-like about everything but even so there''s this ping-pong ball inside going " you''re flying home two weeks from tonight and MAYBE you''ll be going home engaged !!!!!!!!!!!!" At this point I doubt it but the thought that there''s even the possibility makes me go all a-flutter ! oohmy!

nightynight ladies, remember to spoil yourselves this evening !


Ladies I’ve been observing you for three days now... First of all “Congratulations to all Newly Engaged”! GG can you please add me to the list! I am so glad I found you ladies... you all help me go through my PMS, heart aches and anxiety attacks over the e-ring. Sounds horrible what I am going through (and sometimes I do feel very much gaga). But it’s just the anticipation of him popping the question. I can’t wait because I can feel it’s coming... he said 2005 is our year...

Bio: me: 26 never married
him: 34 never married, the man of my dreams

Two years ago, we met at my work... through his sister. I actually rejected him twice for dinner (not that I didn’t like him, I was floored when I saw him... I was just not ready). Six months passed before we had our first date. We hit it off ever since. Four months later I had to leave and transfer to London. Long distance relationship for 10 months. That was a very difficult time for us. Now we are back together to try out if we can live together.

Since we met, we attended four weddings. Even my sister (22) got engaged in Feb 2004 and got married in June 2004. I always thought I’d get married first since I am the oldest child. Three days ago she emailed me asking what my plans are. As if I know when my beau will finally ask me, so we can start planning the wedding. To make the long story short... she was telling me that my brother (25) is planning to marry his girlfriend of four years and would like to give her the e-ring. But to be able to do that I would have to be first. I love my family but all this pressure is getting to me. I just wrote her back telling her that I am in no rush and that our bro can marry whenever he thinks he is ready. I just hope they don''t get me wrong.

Coincidentally the day my sis wrote me, my bf and I went to Tiffany’s to look at the legacy ring , which we both looked at in London back in June. Unfortunately he didn’t like it as much any more. My heart sunk. He is more the traditional type. He adores the RB. And I love the cushion cut. Anyhow we only stayed for 10 min, because the lady who was helping us was a snot. I was upset because I would have loved to look a little bit more. Soon after we saw Bailey Banks & Biddle and this friendly sales lady started looking at different stones and settings with us. We both ended up falling in love with the Ritani Endless Love e-ring (w/o the pave setting around the RB) and wedding band in micro pave channel setting (about 2mm). My bf made me try different kind of RB sizes (from 1, 1,25, 1.5 and 2). The size of my ring finger is 4.5 and large stones really didn''t match my hand. We figured that the 1.25 was the best size and it looked huge on my hand. It was very elegant and absolutely gorgeous. Ladies this is it... keeping my fingers crossed... this is what my heart desires. :) A lovely ring I will cherish and wear close to my heart forever!


PS: Did I mention that my knees went jelly when I tried both rings on... I thought I’d faint. Plus I was so happy when my bf loved it on my hand (he was not the eternity fan on the e-ring... but now he is ;) yipiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh). However the Leon Mege and Harry Winston styles are lovely too. Am I more confused now?


For some reason I can''t attach the pic of the rings I''ve tried on. But you know how they look like.


Stacy: Hehee, a 3 carat ring. My dream but I have to win the lottery first
. You must, must post dozens of pictures. Handshots too! I sure it is going to be beautiful. I don''t know how you girls stand the wait once you know it''s coming. Yes breakups are hard. I don''t know how you got through the ordeal because it sounds very painful. But it sounds as though you''ve really found your way back to each other. And it''s so sweet to see how he''s taken to the idea of the engagement. You know, I think that no matter how excited woman are to recieve a ring, I think men feel even more so. I mean it is such a thrill to give such an amazing gift.. and the make such an important promise.

I think breakups are usually messy. During our first breakup, my boyfriend was 21 yrs old and wanted to see other people. Then he met this girl at a bar, and they started dating. This was about a week after he ended our four year relationship. No sex. He told her that he had just gotten out of a relationship so he wanted to take things slow. She said (about me) " She doesn''t matter. Only I matter now." GRRRR......after all these years, there is still fire in my heart when I think about her saying that. In any case, he wanted to come back after a week with her. I made him beg for a six months before I agreed to give it another try. And after that, I was a totally different person. Independent, and MEAN! I was so clingy before the breakup it makes me cringe just to think about it. I once called him 7 times in ONE DAY!. Now he''s lucky if I call him once every two weeks. And the funny thing is, I am really glad I''m not in that place where he determines my entire happiness. I think that was the point where I realized that this guy is NOT the only thing in my life. (I''m constantly reminding myself of that now
Hi ladies! I''m back from vacation (aka ps hiatus) and was overwhelmed with all the catching up I had to do!

alley - big fat hugs! i''m so sorry to hear what happened! i know i''m super late but i just wanted to pipe in and add my support. i broke up with my bf near the beginning of med school too. no specific huge reason i could pinpoint, just lots of small things that had me feeling unsatisfied overall (family, feeling unappreciated, issues with his level of resposibilty, etc...). i was going through a big life change (med school is a huge life altering event) and i just felt i needed space to figure out again who I was, who he was, who WE were, and wheter or not the WE should even be. After a few months of ME time, i worked through my issues and realized that we do belong together. Luckily, he felt the same way and now we are happier than ever and appreciate each other much more. I DO regret hurting him the way I did when I broke up with him, but I have never regretted the break up. I know that I needed it to get a good perspective and to give us both time to grow up and into our new stage in life. My advice is to really take the time to evaluate yourself and what you want out of your life and evaluate whether or not it includes him. I mean really think about it. Once you feel you have an ok handle on it, talk to him. Tell him what happened, and discuss ya''lls relationship together. Word of warning: Be strong. It''s really really easy to fall back into being with him because you love him so much and you know he loves you and its comfortable and its easy (trust me, I stuggled with this MAJORLY right after the break up) but don''t do it unless you are POSITIVE it''s the right move and the right time. Another big hug! Everything will work are a strong, independant woman with a good head on her shoulders. Besides cats always land on their feet!

on a side note...honey I know you know how dangerous your weight issues are to your health and i don''t want to preach. I''m glad you are working on it and I just want to say good luck and that you can talk to us anytime aboiut it if you think it''ll help. One last hug!

Croi - i think you are just about the cutest thing ever! funny isn''t it how you can actully feel the stress just melting away just with a hug and kis from the honey? I am sooooooo excited for you about your wedding. Seriously woman, if you don''t come back here with TONS of pics of the wedding docummenting all the details...may a huge can of whoop ass fall upon you! ooooh and i looooove tons of white twinkly lights. i''m not kidding woman! PICTURES.

gg - omg! i swear your bf has pre-e teasing down to an art! how can you stand it. btw, i was rotfl when i read about the whole close-your-eyes-him-on-one-knee-gross-out.

congrats to all the newly engaged!!!!

nothing on my front. I am the hold up here. I seriously can''t decide what i want. Aargh i hate being indecisive!! I have it narroed down to 3 choices, but have mad NO progress towards which one.

[:insert sigh of satisfaction:] that i''ve had my ps fix, time to get back to the much less sparkly reality.
yeah, he''s made this whole engagement thing into something memorable. we go out and he tells everyone that he''s giving me the ring, he actually had it with him one day when he met up with me, he had just picked it up the night before and was taking it to the safe deposit box to hold until we go away to aruba (which is where he''s giving it to me) anyway, we go the cheescake factory for lunch, i''m waiting in line for a table and he goes to sit down in the reception area, these two women are sitting there and he''s showing them my ring and they are giving me the thumbs up, he wouldn''t let me see it but was showing it off to strangers, it was so funny, i was dying....that''s why i love him so much, he''s just so much fun.

anyway you too will have these great memories of your just have to get thru this to get to that! sit back and enjoy the ride because if you don''t enjoy the ride, the destination will suck!

trust me...i''m sure i''m alot older than you, i''m 38 and he''s gasp! 50....both of us have been married before but this is the romance of my life....



p.s. don''t even get me started on the weight issue....i''m so with you on that one....
Welcome heartsonfire and Stacy!

Is this the ritani you meant?

OMG, blueroses, thank you for the warm welcome. Oohhhhhhhhhhhh YES that''s the one.
My heart sings when I see that ring. I love it so much!!!

I told my boyfriend when he came home from work that I have been online the entire day since he left this morning at 10 am.
While cooking dinner together he asked me what I was doing online and I just told him I was doing some research.
He saw the smile on my face and the glow in my eyes... so he asked deeper... finding out, what I was researching on.
All I said is that I feel so much better... finding out that I am not alone... feeling this way (crazy and gaga over the e-ring).
After reading all the pre e-ring tantrums
and the happy ending e-stories

Anyhow on with my story... just before he left to meet up with his buddies... he saw me online typing my life away.
I couldn''t help myself but to admit that I have posted our story on PS. At first I was not sure how he will take it.
I offered to read out loud what I wrote... choking half way through caused by teary eyes... all I felt was his hand on
my shoulder and his chin on my head... when I finally finished reading he gave me a kiss on my head and said:
"That is a wonderful story... and I got a little teary eyed myself." Awwwwwwwwww, he makes me so happy!
stacy -- oooh!! exciting! Can''t wait to see your 3ct ring.. SOMEday.. I want a ring that big... Not for a while though..

welcome to heartsonfire and molson.. and anyone else I may have missed!

Lovey- that sounds like a lovely idea to do for your friend! Everyone needs a shower! I want two.. a regular boring shower and a lingerie shower! Its the big semi-annual sale at Victoria''s Secret (I work there).. and all the girls are trying to get me to buy the bridal lingerie that is on clearance! But what am I going to do with it for a year and a half? (Its offically LESS than a year and half now til my wedding.. hehe).
How long ago was your friends wedding? You should have the shower be stuff for HER.. rather than stuff for her home.. since she probably has all that already
My best friends shower is February 13th. (Her wedding is April 2nd) I''m excited about it.. but I don''t know what I will get her.. She''s such a wonderful girl.. and is having such a rough time.. her pre-wedding time isn''t exactly what we all picture.. but she''s trying to keep a positive outlook.. which is good. So I want to do something really nice for her.

I also found out today that a girl I work with at Victorias.. her family (i think her grandfather) owns a jewelery store.. I instantly wanted to become her new best friend!!!! I think she should hook me up with some discounts!!

Ha Ha Melissa! That''s funny stuff.

Whew, I really can''t keep up at all any more. Welcome to all the new ladies! I need to come back here more often. I really feel like I''ve fallen off the PS map! The holidays are a killer! I guess I need to go backwards to catch up...but I see we''ve hit our mark with engagements this holiday season. GG, I was really banking on you and Ginger! I''ve still got my fingers crossed!

MelissaSue, question for you: have you two been wedding ring shopping yet? Do you have a ring in mind? Forgive me if you''ve already answered that one...just curious because I adore your taste. Heck, you got me all excited about picking out settings in the first place. I''ve been having a hard time deciding on something to go with my solitare + baguettes. The guy at Bailey Banks and Biddle told me that although my ring is a classic style, there''s little that goes with it. I was a little bummed...but not too bummed.

Who was it who asked advice about losing a few lbs? Forgive me all...I''m so out of it. Here''s my recommendation. Exercise. Even if it''s just a little bit three times a week. If you get your heart rate up you''ll speed up your metabolism. I recommend walking for the not so "sporty." As long as you keep it up, you''ll really see results...yes, yes, and water too.
Oops, I forgot to welcome Molson too!!

Lovey, I think your post-wedding shower for your friend is a wonderful idea and so thoughtful--she will love it!

Tybee, you have a new avatar!! How many doggies do you have? That''s funny the BB&B guy said that....I''ve recently been admiring TOTALLY different sorts of wedding bands that probably don''t match at all the kind of pave e-ring settings I like, but who cares! You will find a gorgeous match one way or the other. (Or you could always go back to that napkin ring, LOL

Melissa, that is too funny about the new best friend--that would have been my immediate first thought too!

I''ll post some of the wedding bands I mean in a bit--I wonder if what I''m thinknig of would just be too busy looking?
Oh Blueroses....attach wedding bands, attach wedding bands!

Lovey, I too agree that the shower is the sweetest idea! If I were your friend I''d be a mass of crying jello...very sweet indeed.

Alley-cat- It''s amazing how awful it feels when we look back on our ''weaker'' selves. I think you are being really strong and idependent now. Take care of you. That''s what''s most important.

Why am I still up? Guess I''ve been trying to catch up on all my PSing, I''ve missed you girls!


Oh, my new avatar is my other sweet puppy: Penny. She''s a lovable mushy rescue baby. I only have two. They''re big, but they fold up small. I love great danes!
Oooh, Tybee, Penny is a sweetie! My little Mattie is a rescue boy as well. I need to get a pic of him in my avatar.....he''s also a poodle, but not pink

Okay, these are kind of off the wall, I guess considering I like a thin pave band on e-rings, but I''m just brainstorming here. My bf LOVES sapphiires, and I really don''t want a 3-stone w/ saph sides....but I''m thinking maybe saphs in a wedding band?

Ok, so here''s the first:

And another:

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