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Thank you, honey! And I just love that little pair of smileys. So sweet! Thanks for the kind words of support.Date: 2/17/2008 2:55:15 PM
Author: coatimundi
I''m glad you have a plan to take care yourself.
I''m also glad that he said your plan was fair enough and that he won''t let you down.
Sorry you''re experiencing all this turmoil.
Yeah, I think I will probably be here for another year, unless as I say J doesn''t pull his weight and put any money in savings for us. That will be a dealbreaker for me--I''ll head back to the US without him. But of course I really hope that doesn''t happen! It''s been so much work staying together this long; I really want to give us an honest try by living together, but he needs to show me he''s ready to do that, both emotionally and financially.Date: 2/17/2008 9:20:34 AM
Author: LegacyGirl
Oh my goodness 90 days....![]()
That isn''t good.![]()
Does this mean you are leaning more towards the UK? Can you always come back in the future if things work out between you two?
He''ll *definitely* be working outside the family business--we can''t afford for him to keep working there, and I think we both need to live somewhere other than his hometown, where he''s lived all his life. And yes, I think we''ll see how the year goes, and if I have more roots here, I might stay. Or that might be enough living abroad for me and I might want to go home, I don''t know! We shall see.Date: 2/17/2008 10:05:20 AM
Author: moderatelypoorstudent
Well it seems like you two have a lot of different options, and I''m not sure there is one best answer.
I think staying in the UK for 1 year, without necessarily a plan to spend the rest of your life there is a good idea. I mean really, I don''t know all that much about your 1st year as setting up tenure or what not but in the end 1 year is 12months. It may sound like a significant delay, but it passes so quickly, as long as it''s only 1 year, I think it''s worth the time to find out if the two of you should definitely get married or not.
Then you two can decide US or UK. Even for this one year however, you aren''t the only one to make sacrifices, or you shouldn''t be. Perhaps in this one year, J should look into getting a better degree or perhaps working outside of his family business to test out what life might be like without the family at home or in his everyday work?
Yeah, the boy does need a boot in the rear now and then.Date: 2/17/2008 1:24:29 PM
Author: bee*
Hugs Gwendolyn! I think that it''s great that you spoke with him this morning and I also think that it''s a good idea to keep your options open on your job. It sounds like he might need a little fire under his ass to get him goingThat''s a pity that he can''t move to the US as that''s what I would have suggested. He definitely needs to move out of his house though if you''re going to stay in the US with him.![]()
I realize this is decidedly un-English of me, but if you were here I would probably kiss you, Pandora! That is more than any of my professors here at school have offered to help with!!Date: 2/17/2008 3:52:49 PM
Author: Pandora II
The girl who lives in the flat above me is Australian and is a special needs teacher here in London - I''ll see if I can get some info for you next time I see her.
I wouldn''t rule London out - there are so many job opportunities here, and loads of Universities where you can get loads of help in doing a degree and working at the same time (It''s so sad that so many bright people feel that university isn''t for them just because their parents didn''t go. Yes there are a lot of kids from private school there, but they''re just as nervous and worried as anyone - just hide it better!). Housing is expensive, but if you were a teacher, you''d have no problem getting a flat. You also get paid more as a teacher here. Key workers are people like police, nurses, teachers etc who are needed in a community and therefore get extra help and money to help with living costs etc.
Jobs with local councils would be a good one for J to look at - they are very hot on disabilities (Type I diabetes would count), and there is a huge range of jobs that are available - plus great training opportunities.
There are some private schools that specialise in special needs - not sure where though. I live next door to a Primary School that specialises in kids with autism.
I am a local politician for my area of London, so if there is any info you need in particular, I can make a couple of phonecalls and get all the details you need on teaching here, visa stuff etc very easily. I''m also a school governor as is FI, so I can talk to the Headmistresses if there are any specifics you need help on.
Thanks, darlin''! It''s probably hard to see since it''s so small, but that''s a picture I took of us in the Colosseum in Rome last month!! It was *so* fantastic!Date: 2/18/2008 6:46:16 AM
Author: EricaR
Unfortunately I don''t have anything to offer as far as advice, but I gotta say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new avatar! The photo of you two is adorable beyond words.
Mid to end of March is perfect for me. I don''t mind if it''s just you or both of you - your call!Date: 2/18/2008 4:37:53 AM
Author: gwendolyn
Pandora, right before I went to bed last night, I was thinking to myself, ''Hmmm, when will I be able to swing a trip down to London?'' I would absolutely love to meet you and hang out and go bling window-shopping (yay!) and talk about anything and everything! Things will be pretty busy for me until the middle of March, but maybe sometime in the latter half of the month? Would it be ok if J joined us, or would you prefer it to be just us two?
surfgirl, thank you SO much for sharing that story! There are definitely elements of that which remind me of J--the way he is doted on at home drives me NUTS. From the first day I noticed it, my eyebrows have been skewed upwards at him and the phrase, ''Uh, I hope you don''t expect me to wait on you like that, because that is NOT happening'' has been uttered about two dozen times. He keeps assuring me verbally that of course we''ll split the household chores and he will cook sometimes and help with the laundry, but right now it''s just words. I need to see it happening with my own eyes to truly believe it! Hence the living together before getting engaged or married.![]()
I think that, even though neither J nor I are really city people, I think it''d be good for us to give London a try, simply because of the wealth of jobs that are available. I was focusing on Newcastle before because I wanted a city for jobs, but didn''t want the *feel* of a city...but that still might be too limiting.
I have no idea which area of London Pandora lives/works, but I was looking at the London Borough of Newham because we have talked about it a few times in my classes--it is well-know for being very inclusive, and there is even this amazing-sounding school which is a sort of charter school that covers the regular curriculum but does so with a music & arts approach and is very inclusive! I thought it sounded like my perfect school, so I was looking into working in that area. Got scared away from it, because Newham (on looks kind scary, and I already lived a year of my life in a dangerous ghetto area of a city (Baltimore). Do NOT want to do that again, so I kind of shied away from the idea--but that''s stupid of me, because London is huge and there are tons of places to live that (I hope) would be in our budget but not scary/dangerous.
LegacyGirl, thank you so much, honey!! I hope it all works out too!![]()
Miscka, thanks, darlin'', I have gotten lots of great advice! Never expected otherwise.![]()
Date: 2/20/2008 12:37:44 PM
Author: Delster
Aw Gwendolyn I'm sorry to hear you've been ill! Take care of yourself and have your sweetie hug you better on the weekend, OK?![]()
It sounds like you two are doing great with your plans. Yippee!![]()
(As an aside, I would definitely second Galateia's advice about documenting your relationship if you can at all. I took immigration law as an advanced elective for my professional degree and it was hammered into us that the more concrete evidence your clients have of their life together, the better!)