
Leon''s Single or Double Claw Prongs with 1ct Emerald Cut?

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Sep 24, 2009
I love the look of the double claw prongs, and it seems to me a very "signature" part of his work, but I''m just worried that double prongs might be too much for a 1ct center stone! Leon hasn''t given me a strong opinion, he''s leaving it up to me. I need some advice! What are your opinions on this?

I''m looking at style r904 from his website, basically tapered baguettes with EC center stone.

Would anyone have a picture of a similar ring around 1 carat with double Leon-esque prongs?

Thanks for your help!

it depends on the shoulders of the stone (wide can take doubles, narrower need singles) --leon gave me doubles and i didnt like them. too thin and spidery. i like the flat fold-over prongs.
Date: 11/9/2009 5:57:21 PM
Author: bgray
leon gave me doubles and i didnt like them. too thin and spidery. i like the flat fold-over prongs.
I like ribbon prongs as well.

As for single or double claw, for an EC I like double simply because it emphasizes the rectangular-ness of an EC.
How pretty! I love those double claws. I have a 1 carat rectangular cushion with double claws and I love them. I wish I had sent my stone to Leon, because they''d probably be even tinier, but if he''s leaving it up to you, then I say go for it. If he thought they''d overpower your stone, no doubt he''d say so.
Love the double claw prongs, and Leons claw prongs are very delicate
Another vote for double claw!
double prongs on an EC are drool-worthy - esp. Leon''s elegant, delicate, chiseled beauties!

I too think he would have said something if he thought it would be too much for your stone - I think any good designer would, and from what I''ve seen he''s definitely one of the good ones
bgray: I''m not a big fan of the ribbon prongs myself, but I''ve attached a magnified pic of the diamond I''m using, are the shoulders wide enough?

pixley: Thanks for your comment, it was great help to see your cushion ring!

Thanks everyone for your replies so far! I''m starting to feel better about the double prong idea!

I have a 1.5 carat Asscher (square emerald) and there wouldn't be room for double prongs. I have single claw prongs & am very happy with the look.

Double prongs on a 1-1.5 carat stone .. it can start being about the prongs & not about the stone. I prefer featuring *the stone*.

Surprised Leon doesn't have advise about it, or a preference. Maybe he's getting gun shy after the beatings he's taken around here for being strong-willed.

ETA: My ring isn't a Leon though. Honestly the corners of that stone look too narrow for double claw prongs though - even with Leon's skill.
usually I would also vote double, but I agree with Deco that on a 1ct, and looking at your photo with the narrower corners - I''d actually call single on this one.
Date: 11/10/2009 1:40:03 AM
Author: decodelighted

Surprised Leon doesn''t have advise about it, or a preference. Maybe he''s getting gun shy after the beatings he''s taken around here for being strong-willed.

Originally when I sent the request to Leon for the ring, I asked for the style pictured. When he sent the work order to me, it said "single claw prongs". I sent an e-mail to him saying that I like the double prong look, but it was at his discretion depending if the size of the stone would be more suitable one way or the other.

Prongs weren''t mentioned again until the next work order he sent me later on (after other changes had been discussed) contained "double claw prongs" instead of single. I asked him again what he thought, and he said "Prongs are per your request". I haven''t had a straight answer stating what he would prefer, and I don''t want to pester him with e-mails about prongs (So far his service has been excellent and I haven''t had any problems, but reading Leon-related posts on this forum I feel like every e-mail I send is one step closer to the edge...), so I decided to get a few opinions here before making my final decision.

I''m still swaying between single and double, but I am worried that double will take over the stone as well, so maybe safer to just go with single....
Date: 11/10/2009 2:00:03 AM
Author: arjunajane
usually I would also vote double, but I agree with Deco that on a 1ct, and looking at your photo with the narrower corners - I''d actually call single on this one.
Here''s an example of his single claws on a 1 carat EC, from his site. It''s hard to imagine double, so maybe you should just call him and ask? I''m sure he''ll be happy to advise you - this is an important part of the ring!

Okay, looking at your stone and looking at the picture Erica just posted...I change my mind. Go for single.
Here is a link to Gummibear''s Leon: The center is 1.81 I believe and has single prongs. Personally, I like the double prong but I think its more about the look rather than what the corner''s provide.
Thanks everyone for the opinions and links, the pictures really helped!

I took the advice offered and called Leon to discuss, I prefer to e-mail because I''m in Australia and the time difference is a pain, but his replies are always very short and sometimes he misses some of my questions. I don''t think he''s intentionally being rude, he''s very busy and just straight to the point and my e-mails are usually a bit long-winded as you can probably guess from my messages on this forum.

On the phone he was great, very polite and helpful, and we cleared up a few issues that I wasn''t quite sure about, and now I''m happy that everything will be done according to plan. I believe it was just a misunderstanding, when I asked about the prongs, he assumed I wanted it changed, but I just wanted his advice. I told him how I felt, and he''s happy to have a look at my diamond when he''s building the ring and choose then.

I faxed the signed work orders to him today! I''ll pay the deposit this week and hopefully I''ll have some ring pictures for you all in 5-6 weeks
Now for the anxious waiting... I''ve been so used to waking up early to check my e-mails and coming home from work to write replies, I don''t know if I''ll be able to relax for the next few weeks!

P.S. For any of you who would like confirmation that Leon is now using ring boxes.... I asked him in an e-mail about the leather embossed box I saw on a recent thread here, and got the reply "Box is free." I asked him about it on the phone, and he said he now has a steady supplier and provides a free ring box with every ring! I''m not hanging on the box either way, but we''ll see what happens
Glad it is all working out Lestat, I was torn on your prongs!!!
Date: 11/11/2009 4:34:29 AM
Author: Lorelei
Glad it is all working out Lestat, I was torn on your prongs!!!

Careful, they''re sharp! Sorry couldn''t resist that!

Seriously though, so was I! I spent hours looking at 1 carat-ish photos all over the net, taking Leon''s photos from his website and copying double and single prongs onto my stone or onto his rings, I was driving myself crazy so I came here to get some professional help!

I''m very relieved now that it''s all in motion, now I just have to sit back and wait to see what happens!

Thanks Lorelei for all your help and advice so far, you''re so helpful on this forum, always ready to jump in with great advice or kind words for poor souls like me in need of it!
Date: 11/11/2009 5:50:11 AM
Author: Lestat

Date: 11/11/2009 4:34:29 AM
Author: Lorelei
Glad it is all working out Lestat, I was torn on your prongs!!!

Careful, they''re sharp! Sorry couldn''t resist that!

Seriously though, so was I! I spent hours looking at 1 carat-ish photos all over the net, taking Leon''s photos from his website and copying double and single prongs onto my stone or onto his rings, I was driving myself crazy so I came here to get some professional help!

I''m very relieved now that it''s all in motion, now I just have to sit back and wait to see what happens!

Thanks Lorelei for all your help and advice so far, you''re so helpful on this forum, always ready to jump in with great advice or kind words for poor souls like me in need of it!

I know you are going to have a fabulous ring, this is THE classic gorgeous EC setting and its going to be incredible!!!

And thanks for your very kind words, it was my pleasure to help you, in fact posters like you are the reason I have been here so long and continue to stick around!!!
Congrats on going must be so excited!

I have a hunch that Leon originally wrote single prongs on the word order because that was what he thought would look best. Can''t wait to see the finished ring, I love the setting you chose.
Congrats on moving forward as well! I''m sure Leon will select the best prongs for your diamond and setting... Really cannot wait to see your finished piece
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