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Oh no! Is it beyond repair?
Oh yes, there is no doubt, broken into several pieces.
Oh no! Is it beyond repair?
Can I just say that I thought that this was a non-white people problem, without sounding offensive? Seriously. I just figured these stores only dismissed minorities! But wow. At least they are equal opportunity aholes!
@RunningwithScissors, I’ve had better customer service from a 16 year old while picking out a $20 toy at Target. It’s not difficult to treat people with kindness and respect. Your story really reflects poorly on Cartier.
Dh and sister think I'm veering into tin foil hat territory.... I bought 110 m of heavy duty duct tape , heavy duty tarp, lightweight tarp and downloaded FEMA, EU, French and German govt pdf's "how to survive a nuclear cloud/fallout" I mean Europe's biggest nuclear plant in Ukraine had a FIRE going on yesterday and the Russian army didn't let the firefighters in for several hours. The Russians already hold the TCHERNOBYL site now.... DOES that ring a bell?? Am I going crazy!? Honestly I'd be pretty furious at myself if a cloud was coming my way and my basement (1,5 m walls around me, yay!) was way less safe than it could be 'cause I didn't pick up 11€ worth of duct tape to make the doors airtight (-ish)... Seriously wondering here....
Dh and sister think I'm veering into tin foil hat territory.... I bought 110 m of heavy duty duct tape , heavy duty tarp, lightweight tarp and downloaded FEMA, EU, French and German govt pdf's "how to survive a nuclear cloud/fallout" I mean Europe's biggest nuclear plant in Ukraine had a FIRE going on yesterday and the Russian army didn't let the firefighters in for several hours. The Russians already hold the TCHERNOBYL site now.... DOES that ring a bell?? Am I going crazy!? Honestly I'd be pretty furious at myself if a cloud was coming my way and my basement (1,5 m walls around me, yay!) was way less safe than it could be 'cause I didn't pick up 11€ worth of duct tape to make the doors airtight (-ish)... Seriously wondering here....
Remember how birthdays always take a bad twist? Yeah.... It is 10:30pm. My birthday is tomorrow but we were celebrating today. There is a freaking BAT flying around our living room! Cats and dogs are closed upstairs (current on vaccines, thankfully!). I am hiding in the bathroom searching for what to do. DH is out watching Incase it comes out of the bookcase getting ready to try to net it to haul it outside. Seriously. I could not make this up![]()
ETA: DH got the bat outside but it may or may not be injured. I am torn between thrilled it is out, upset it may have been hurt (DH panicked and might have squished it some), and completely freaked out there may be more. Inspection with pest control requested. Likely to get a call tomorrow to schedule. They find any place something could come in, live trap (and release) any they may find, and then fix any openings so they can't get in again.
Remember how birthdays always take a bad twist? Yeah.... It is 10:30pm. My birthday is tomorrow but we were celebrating today. There is a freaking BAT flying around our living room! Cats and dogs are closed upstairs (current on vaccines, thankfully!). I am hiding in the bathroom searching for what to do. DH is out watching Incase it comes out of the bookcase getting ready to try to net it to haul it outside. Seriously. I could not make this up![]()
ETA: DH got the bat outside but it may or may not be injured. I am torn between thrilled it is out, upset it may have been hurt (DH panicked and might have squished it some), and completely freaked out there may be more. Inspection with pest control requested. Likely to get a call tomorrow to schedule. They find any place something could come in, live trap (and release) any they may find, and then fix any openings so they can't get in again.
but how do I politely tell him to please keep an eye on his daughter!
One of our neighbours has a 5 yo daughter who likes to just pop in unannounced. Just open the door and saunter in like she actually lives here. We don’t always have the door locked as dad likes to have the breeze come through with a small gap in the door.
This little girl will scare the living hell out of you just because you don’t expect anyone to be in the room, maybe you go to check something in the living room or get a glass of water, and BOOM there she is, sitting on the floor or chair and talking to our cats. We have 7 cats and 5 of them are very fearful of her, they don’t like small children, and my biggest worry is that they will attack her when they feel threatened. She tends to run after them and try to smother them—anyone who has a cat knows that that is a sure recipe for disaster… not to mention the medical expense and possible issues that will arise if she gets hurt by our cats…
I always have to deposit her back home once I find her. Children are delightful, sure, but frankly it’s getting quite irritating… she’ll barge in while I’m working, while we’re cooking or cleaning, and it’s so hard to get her to leave sometimes. I try to be pleasant with her father (who is home more often than the mum) but how do I politely tell him to please keep an eye on his daughter! I’m not a babysitter. I already care for a senior and a PWD. I don’t need a child to look out for on top of this. I don’t even want children of my own. Ugh!!!!
One of our neighbours has a 5 yo daughter who likes to just pop in unannounced. Just open the door and saunter in like she actually lives here. We don’t always have the door locked as dad likes to have the breeze come through with a small gap in the door.
This little girl will scare the living hell out of you just because you don’t expect anyone to be in the room, maybe you go to check something in the living room or get a glass of water, and BOOM there she is, sitting on the floor or chair and talking to our cats. We have 7 cats and 5 of them are very fearful of her, they don’t like small children, and my biggest worry is that they will attack her when they feel threatened. She tends to run after them and try to smother them—anyone who has a cat knows that that is a sure recipe for disaster… not to mention the medical expense and possible issues that will arise if she gets hurt by our cats…
I always have to deposit her back home once I find her. Children are delightful, sure, but frankly it’s getting quite irritating… she’ll barge in while I’m working, while we’re cooking or cleaning, and it’s so hard to get her to leave sometimes. I try to be pleasant with her father (who is home more often than the mum) but how do I politely tell him to please keep an eye on his daughter! I’m not a babysitter. I already care for a senior and a PWD. I don’t need a child to look out for on top of this. I don’t even want children of my own. Ugh!!!!
My husband decided to put his dirty underwear and clothing on top of my clean bedding in the closet so he could remember to take them home. What kind of reasoning is this??? I blew my top. It was pretty ugly. He thought I was too picky…Um..no..It’s my son’s bedding too. Gross..
My dumba** DH used a dirty pair of briefs to wipe off the kitchen island when I asked him to clean up his mess. I blew my top and was told I was too picky. They really don't have to work so hard to prove their the inferior sex. We know, we know.
Tell him truth. You aren't comfortable having her come into your house uninvited and would he please speak to her. You can always get a screen door to keep her out. Failing any reasonable measures, I'd call child protective services and report him. I think it's negligent for a parent to not know where his child is and allow her to enter peoples' homes where all manner of bad things might happen.
Are you serious? What in the world!?
How about “next time I find your daughter in my home uninvited I won’t be returning her, I’ll be calling both the police and CPS”
Very little gets my goat as thoroughly as parents who won’t parent![]()
I side with your mum on this one!Ha, you brought back a memory! When I was a little kid about 8, one of the neighbor's kids used to just come into our house at all hours periodically. This was mid eighties so kids tended to be left to their own devices more- and she had four or five siblings. You never knew where she'd be- in your kitchen, under your bed, rifling through our toys, watching TV...she was five at the time, like your B&E queen. I remember the last time she got away with it. My younger sister and I came down for cartoons in the early morning to find her standing on our countertops eating out of our cupboards, this time wearing my mother's fancy lipstick out of her purse.
Once my mom saw the her wearing her lipstick, her life of crime was over.![]()
@smitcompton : Thank you for your perspective! I missed in my OP, the child has a full-time nanny to take care of her, but nanny seems to prefer passing on that responsibility to random neighbours because she'd much rather be on Facebook or TikTok than with her chargeHi,
margauxmines-- I know we are not supposed to comment and I have told myself to butt out, but----
My brother used to be rather irritated when he found his neighbor's daughter in his house petting and playing with their cat. His children were no where to be seen, but this little girl loved the cat, and played with, what I would call a miserably tempered cat, without any problems. She would dress the cat, put it in a doll carriage, and had a good time. She grew up to be a model and seriously dated Sylvestor Stalone.(not that that is important, just threw it in there for color). Children don't think about B&E. Your little girl is only five, her parent is not negligent, for not watching her 24/7. She lives in a neighborhood and is visiting her neighbor because she has cats, and leaves the door open for her. If the door was closed she would not enter. Is the child responsible or the owner of the door.? It may be annoying, but not negligent on the part of the parent. IMO
I have a story of my own. It is true. A little girl one and a half, with excellent vocabulary skills, knocked on my door one summer morning. When I answered, Taylor, asked if she could come in and could I make her a cup of coffee. I invited her in, and asked if she would accept tea instead of coffee. Yes, she said, but could I make her some popcorn to go with the tea. Being a good hostess, I complied. We had morning tea together and popcorn together and then she went home, and left me with such a smile on my face, that I invited her to come again.
One day she was missing and her mother was starting to panic. Running here, running there, oh my, where could she be? We found her asleep in one of my bedrooms with a large stuffed animal. I never even knew she was there.
Just my 2 cents.
Whenever I deposit the child home during one of her uninvited episodes, the nanny actually seems rather annoyed. One time she even remarked, "So soon??" as if her charge is my responsibility.