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@smitcompton, I'd love to hear what you wanted to discuss.
Oh, I've read and reread this thread and still can't make heads or tails of it.
Oh, I've read and reread this thread and still can't make heads or tails of it. I've maxed my tsp (federal 401k) and IRA (fidelity). Most are in sp500 and small amounts in small caps and international funds, then IRA is split between total market and nasdaq. I do have a small brokerage account in info tech etf. With my and hubby's job i figured it's best to stay away from individual stocks. But I honestly have no idea what I'm doing and feel like I'm a long way from making any money. I feel like I'm heavily in tech but not sure how to diversify.
I just regret front loading my ira in January. Ooof.
I wish I understood what everyone is saying. I wish i knew more about investing! No real estate here, since I can't afford anything in NYC. Only 13 more years until retirement eligibility and I don't know what I'm doing, should be doing, etc...
I've heard people made a ton of money last year on crypto and such, but I don't understand any of it. But I'm happy you guys are doing so well! Just wish I could take advantage of it too![]()
But I'm starting to enjoy learning about investments, it's a steep curve if you want to make a living off of it but it sounds like I'll be okay just consistently saving. I thought there was a magic formula or something. One of my coworkers is 2 years from retirement and just put 500k in marijuana stocks. I do wonder sometimes what he knows lol.
My “portfolio,” such as it is, has lost about 10% of its value since the beginning of the year
Phoenix== In Dec, after my mentioning that I used to own 10,000 shares of Citibank, I remembered that it was 15,000 shares. The company did a reverse split of 10 for 1 and made the price 10x more. So instead of it being 5-6 $ a share it became 60,00 per share. I sold it at that point. With this on my mind I noticed that Citibank at present was selling at 60.00 per share, the same amount that I sold it for10 yrs ago(aprx).
I looked up the stats and found that the price earnings ratio was 5.8. Really, really cheap. Earnings season was upon us and I thought that I should buy this, with a trade in mind. So I bought it , one trade at 58, one trade at 59. Thats what I was going to discuss with you. It went to 67.00, but a favorite bank analyst of mine, Mike Mayo, says that in 2-3 yrs it can triple. So I didn't sell it. That is why my portfolio keeps growing. I like what I buy. So far, so good. I just wanted your comments.
I hope your portfoio is OK.
Hi Green Papaya et Al.,
I think it would be a good idea for me to explain the extraordinary action that took place in these meme stocks that LilAlex keeps mentioning as just too awful to even think about.
On Reddit, under the category of Wallstreet Bets, a group of young investor traders discovered that Hedge Funds were shorting some stocks. For those of you that don't know what that means, it is betting that those stocks will go down, not up. If the stock should go up, the short seller has to cover his short position by buying the stock as it goes up in price, thus he loses money.
These traders on Wallstreet Bets decided to teach the hedgefunds a lesson.(people don;t really like short sellers).As a group they decided not to sell any shares, but to continue to buy. The Hedgefunds couldn't buy any shares to sell their short positions and as the price went up, they kept losing money because they could not sell. Its social media and went worldwide. So prices kept rising (Gamestop, and AMC were 2 that were involved) and so a 10.00 stock was selling at 450.00. This happened about 1 year ago. Rich investors began to join in and they made a ton of money.-$700 million for one fund. One large hedgefund went sort of belly up. The stocks did go up and down because not all people held out, but did sell to make money. I bought and sold Gamestop myself twice. These are the meme stocks. Of course it ended and there were losers but the Hedgefunds were going to think twice about shorting stocks.
I met young adults that used Robinhood to buy in and make money. It was exciting and people still refer to it. I would not call that investing, but I wouldn't demonize it either. And the companies that were shorted got a new lease on life as they were able to borrow money to keep afloat.
It was really something. I know I am not giving it the clarity it deserves.
I just checked my portfolio and it went up a lot at the close. An investor on CNBC said this was probably the shorts covering in case something good happens over the week. I am just repeating what he said. I have no knowledge.
I understand your property values went sky high over in Singapore?
I wanted to ask you what you think of Las Vegas Sands. I used to own it. Wonderful dividend but they cut it completely. They have aa Flagship Casino by you. It looked beautiful in pictures. Have you been? I love Las vegas. It sounds as if I am a gambler, but I am not. Most of my life I never gambled, buy age mellowed me.
have a wonderful weekend.
I think it would be a good idea for me to explain the extraordinary action that took place in these meme stocks that LilAlex keeps mentioning as just too awful to even think about.
On Reddit, under the category of Wallstreet Bets, a group of young investor traders discovered that Hedge Funds were shorting some stocks. For those of you that don't know what that means, it is betting that those stocks will go down, not up. If the stock should go up, the short seller has to cover his short position by buying the stock as it goes up in price, thus he loses money.
Why is money so important to you all?
Why is money so important to you all?
Why is money so important to you all?
Why is money so important to you all?
Why is money so important to you all?
It can be exchanged for goods and services. I require these goods and services for the health and well-being of my family and to prepare for unforeseen emergencies.
Funny forum for this epiphany. I assumed that it is what people used to buy their diamonds and other gems but I may be mistaken.
Geez Nala, I thought you were going to post about Casinos like Las Vegas Sands. HA,HA
LilAlex has at least gotten to the core. The Economic system is an exchange of goods and services, and it's a store of value. In third world societies cows may be the currency of value., tulips were at one point. Money is how things work. Sending your children to financial camp is one of the best things I've heard. Great Idea.
The economic system should not be equated to the social system. The social system gives a different kind of sustenance to our lives, which in the end is probably more important
than the economic system but they should not be interchanged. But I think Nala wants to ask why , after our basic needs are taken care of we still pursue the accumulation of money. There used to be a list called Maslows hierarchy of values. It was a pyramid that showed Human striving. The first need to be taken care of is physiological needs (water, food), the second is safety, (shelter, protection), the third is love and belonging, the fourth self esteem and confidence. and 5 is self actualization. Within these 5 categories a person could want more money to show for example how smart they are.#4 confidence and self esteem. It could fit under self actualization by showing you have a skill, or you wish to donate and make a hospital better. I don't think it is the same for everybody.
Nala, would you expect a CEO to give up his 35 million dollar salary because it far exceeds his needs? Would you forego your teaching salary because you didn't need most of it?
People feel more secure with more money. People here are not billionaires, but do seek security. especially when they will have no income from work as they age. No one wants to be poor. I think its a real fear.
I think that we can all agree that this thread and the ideas exchanged on it are about generating wealth that goes way beyond your facetious answer of “goods and services..” and now I am even more curious to know why YOU answered in such a flippant manner rather than with your actual motivation for accruing an endless amount of wealth—given all the expertise that you have been sharing here.
Is it any wonder that people are uncomfortable talking about money when they are accused of being greedy when it is discussed.? But, your financial goals are the most important consideration, not listening to people who look at life differently.
Nala, you have a pension coming and, if its anything like NY, you also have a 401K that is matched by the taxpayers. You have nice security to look ahead to. Thats great for you! Others have to fend for themselves. Yes, they want to maximize their wealth. This does not reflect the fact that because they pursue some retirement or wealth accumulation that they do not have other values and affections. They may even be quite happy and have fun.
I do think money is important in life. I think it deserves discussion.