
Lindsay Lohan Admits to Having Bulimia!!!

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~~MC, I wasn''t trying to argue either... I was just trying to get my point across as to why this thread was started. I respect your opinion, but agree to disagree. The world is not over... no hard feelings!!
Date: 1/4/2006 11:20:02 PM
Author: bling*diva*
no hard feelings!!
none at all!
We haven't seen the young hollywood set be fat. And if they were we would be just as concerned for their health as we are for the girls that are emaciated. End of story!! How about a little empathy. I feel just as badly for someone that is obese as I do for someone that is bulimic or anorexic. Maybe I am wrong to speak for others, but that's how I feel.
It''s just pathetic that women are held to these ridiculous standars. I read a study that said the average woman in the US is size 16. That''s average. I''m a curvy size 10-12. But I went into a store in NY once looking through the sizes and size 8 was considered plus-size.

It''s only the US that really has the fascination with anyone in the public eye should be able to hide behind a lamppost. In Montreal, in Brazil, Jamaica... I''ve been told that I''m gorgeous. Here, people look at me and say to my BF why is he with someone so big? (meanwhile, I was a dancer and swimmer growing up, now go to the gym about 4-5 days a week, do lots of weight training and only have about 14% body fat) But at 5''3" and 170lbs, I''m behemoth.
Date: 1/4/2006 3:13:16 PM
Author: lmurden
I''m not surprised one bit about Lindsay Lohan. Honestly I don''t think these pictures are that bad. Laurel Flynn Boyle looked worst than Nicole in my opinion. Yes, if she lost 5-10 more pounds she would be hideous!

Sorry, I have to disagree. If this was my daughter I would be frantic with worry. This isn''t a picture of health.

Date: 1/4/2006 6:47:58 PM
Author: MC

I cannot stand when women bash other women because of their weight regardless of whether they are too big or too small. This is a shameful thread. What is a ''normal'' size woman? Who sets the standards? Just because the amount of overweight individuals in this country is increasing, doesn''t mean that the NEW ''normal'' and ''average'' size woman is a healthy woman! Even if Nicole is thinner than she should be, who are you all to judge unless you''re one hot momma

Easy Tiger!

Absolutely no one is bashing other women because of their weight. In the UK eating disorders are on the increase, affecting young people (mainly girls) from as young as 9-years old. It''s not just about the bodily appearance, but the internal processes that are going on inside. Eating disorders are an illness, and not just about appearance. The causes are complex and can be very difficult to treat. It can be like pressing your own ''self distruct button'' and you just can''t stop. I have some insight to this, as I had an eating disorder when I was 14-yrs old.

So this thread isn''t ''shamefull'' as you say. It is positive, as it opens up the issues and brings it to peoples attention. ''Understanding'' is the power to conquer this illness.

I don''t think this thread is bashing anyone. This is a serious problem in America. My x''s step mom moved to the US from a small town in Ireland. She came over here very happy and well adjusted......about a size 12 - 14......and really didn''t even wear make up. After a year and a half of living here and competing in the work place she was on medication. In her words it was hard enough to adjust to the faster paced life style but she also would get so depressed because of the emphasis on looks. She felt pressure to wear make up...pressure to lose wieght....pressure to make sure her naturally curly hair didn''t frizz ect ect. MC, if the current issue was the pressure to be fat i''m sure we''d all be writing about the same thing....but it''s not. I found these two websites and they showed you what photographs for magazines of stars looked like before photo retouching and after. There was a huge difference and every photographer AND subject mentioned you cannot trust and compare yourself to girls in magazines or on tv.......but don''t we all anyway? How can I not when all the women i''m exposed to are so different looking than me? I know the hollywood standard has always been to be thin but this new idea of what thin is just looks so unhealthy to me! Plus it''s unrealistic. When I walk down the street I see more women probably between the sizes of 6-12 and they have curves to them. To me, that is what an average woman looks like.....not these pin thin starlets! It''s not just the weight people have concern with when they see these photo''s.....these are the pics that are supposed to be the standard of american beauty and thier skin looks sallow and old...thier hair thin and unhealthy. I think more so than the thinness bothering people it''s the overall UNHEALTHY look.

Funny thing is most guys I know prefer a little curves on thier women. When LL was first out all the guys I know were CRAZY for her....she got all skinny and all they kept saying was she was making herself look terrible....same with Nicole Ritchie. She lost some wieght and all the guys I know kept saying how hot she was....but then she continued to lose and they just commented on how they didn''t think she was attractive anymore...that she looked TOO skinny.
I don't think there is any bashing going on either, today's standards make it very difficult for young girls and women to feel " good enough" and it is easy to become obsessed with trying to get to an unrealistic weight with all the pressure there is. I also feel that some poor gals simply give up the battle and become overweight. Either too much weight or too little can be a cause for concern and maybe if society looked upon these extremes with sympathy and understanding it might help these folk to work towards a healthy weight and more activity rather than struggling with food with varying results. IMO it boils down to feelings of self worth, the first step is to try to convince the person that they are worthy of love, being admired - whatever for WHO THEY ARE and not WHAT THEY WEIGH, be they under or overweight. In my experience it is very easy to look at food as either a reward or punishment and getting past that to treat food as fuel and nutrition can take a long time and hard work. Just my 2 c. Off soapbox now.
I just have to put in my two cents here. Although the starlets are undeniably, increasingly skinny, which no doubt affects everyone''s perception of what is a "normal" or "healthy" body type, in reality, we all are not getting any skinnier. Just go to the mall and look at the average size of women, teenage girls, and even grade school girls (a lot of girls and young women just bursting out the tops of their jeans, but that''s another story). A LOT more women (and men), and girls are overweight even than 5-10 years ago, and it''s only getting worse in this country (supported by statistics). The issue isn''t so much appearance, but health, which affects appearance - most people don''t eat right, understand nutrition, or get enough exercise. This leads to health problems, astronomical medical bills, and ultimately high government spending on health care and high insurance premiums for the middle class who pays for insurance. Even though the "average" US women''s size might be 12 or 14, "average" doesn''t mean "optimal" or "healthy." All "average" means is that it''s the most common size when you add everyone up and divide by the number of people (a lot of underweight people and a lot of obese people could cause the average to be 12/14, but I suspect that isn''t the case, and that the average here is similar to the median). The fact that women''s sizes keep inflating (vanity sizes) is a reaction to our increasing real size. And whatever people claim Marilyn Monroe''s size was back then, it would be a much larger size now in our current sizing systems.

I know some people may disagree with me and be offended, but the truth is (to me) that we should take responsibility for our own health and not be upset about other people being too skinny, about "fat acceptance/discrimination," clothes being too small, etc. I agree that it''s hard today with all the food advertising, processed foods, huge portions at restaurants, and lack of education in schools, but it just bothers me when people defend being overweight by saying it''s the "average" size of the American woman.
I agree with much of what you say teagreen. I have struggled with food issues all my life and food to me was always a reward or punishment and I only ever felt worthy when I was thin and put a lot of pressure on myself to stay that way and then giving up altogether and gaining some weight. My struggles finally ended once I " saw the light" and started to treat food as fuel and was able to disconnect it from my emotions. Thankfully now I am able to do what I always wanted to do ( but in the past I got it so wrong) and maintain my figure and HEALTH and eat to fuel my body rather than pig out because I felt deprived or upset etc. I know try to make smart choices and follow a regular routine but no longer feeling a failure if I have a dougnut! I look at the bigger picture now rather than the old pressure of must lose weight as quickly as possible. I am human, tomorrow is another day and I need to try to maintain my health and my best body weight. I was watching a show on Texans the other evening where a lady was featured who weighed around 500 pounds and needed to use a wheelchair as she couldn''t walk due to the bulk. She insisted that she was happy the way she was and felt comfortable in her own skin. I fail to see how she could be due to the aches and pains, breathlessness etc she must suffer. I try to be understanding of overweight folk, it must be terrible for them to feel that some look upon them with comtempt due to their size, and can understand why food becomes a difficult issue and they eat more to feel better. It is a very vicious cycle and maybe if they thought of their health rather than appearance they would lose weight more easily and want to maintain it. Just my 2c again.
I have struggled with weight issues my whole life. That does not mean that I''m fat (although I''m extremely unhappy with the way I look now). I had these problems when I was a size 2. For me personally, a lot of it is because of how the media portrays beauty. I''m not saying it''s the media''s fault, I get it everywhere (hell, my bf''s mother has said that I really need to work on my weight recently -- easy to say when you don''t work and play tennis and golf all day long...).

That being said, I was in Disney World over the holidays. I was horrified. There were people there that were so overweight they needed a wheelchair to get around -- and were munching on french fries and ice cream while doing so. Seeing my mother struggle through weight problems and now going through them myself I know it''s not easy to resist food and eat healtfully when there''s all that temptation... but goodness, put down the fried turkey leg and walk away!

People who get skinny and do so in unhealthy ways are just as bad as people who eat crap constantly all day long and are obese.
Date: 1/6/2006 10:53:00 AM
Author: AmandaPanda
I have struggled with weight issues my whole life. That does not mean that I''m fat (although I''m extremely unhappy with the way I look now). I had these problems when I was a size 2. For me personally, a lot of it is because of how the media portrays beauty.

Good point Amanda. I have always felt that I wasn''t attractive or couldn''t possibly be if I was carrying some extra weight. Thankfully now I am at a healthy weight and have been so for a long time, these issues are a thing of the past - it took much heartache and work to get here though. It almost seems that some extra weight can automatically make whatever beauty a person possesses not count for anything, some just see excess poundage and can''t look any further than that.
Date: 1/4/2006 10:40:03 PM
Author: MC
Okay, my deal (and grip) is this. I notice that among forums, it''s okay to thoroughly disect a THIN person''s weight issues, but it''s taboo to bring up an overweight star. Since these ladies are thin, yet have issues, we''re free to discuss. None would tread on one who''s eating has turned into rolls of fat! But, ribs sticking out are free game!
Well, from where I sit, I don''t see a lot of societal pressure for the masses to gain a ton of weight in the name of vanity, but I certainly see a HUGE amount of pressure for people to lose unhealthy amounts of weight in the name of I guess for me, that''s the difference. It''s a subject of concern because of the message that nothing is "thin enough".

Both have health issues, to be sure.
I think this is GIANT issue in our society.....tegreen...I gave a large range for my average I said most women I see are probably between a size 6 to 12/14. I think we all know from endless story after story on the news about how people are getting obese in America that as an average was as people are not getting any skinner. What I think we were all getting at is a lot of YOUNG girls (and yes I believe it continues even as we get older) compare what they SHOULD look like to these starlets. Can you imagine the pressure and how hard it would be to aspire to be that skinny? What does it say to our youth when a lot of major hollywood stars seem to be in a rush to get skinnier and skinner. I would just hate to have a daughter and have her really believe there is no such thing as too skinny. Also when did a smaller size translate into healthy?? I have NEVER been a small girl. Before I injured my back I took a size 10/12.....I did Kung Fu three times a week and worked out in a gym 3 times a week. I ate well and was VERY healthy. Since then I haven''t been able to work out as much and i''ve gained a little, went up to 13/14 but i''m still eating healthy and think i''m a pretty healthy person. The thinner you are doesn''t translate into how healthy you are. I remember going to work out with a girl who took about a size 8 and she couldn''t do half my work out...
I think people tread lightly on the overweight issue more the the underweight issue because people are more quick to call someone out for it. If I were to start a post that said ''My mom is so fat blah blah blah blah'' people would jump down my throat for being a horrible daughter, even if I was saying it because I was concerned for her health. Now if I said ''My mom is so thin blah blah blah blah'' people would be more concerned. It seems that if someone is too thin it is automatically assumed that they have some medical issue, whether it be that they have an eating disorder, cancer, or sometime similar. It''s a concerned. But if someone is fat it is, in most cases, assumed it is because the person is a slob and just needs to stop shoving food down their throat and exercise. My friend and I have this argument, especially when is comes to children. He is of the people who automatically start blaming the parents of the O/W children, and say (whether it be an adult or child) ''well if they stop eating and being a slob....''. I on the other hand, have a more empathic approach (I went to school with a girl that was 200lbs overweight because of a thyroid problem..not her fault) so with some children and adults, I wonder if it''s a medical issue. Being fat is is an ugly word. Being thin is not''s not an ugly word. This is the way the world is viewed to us, mostly due to LA LA Land.

However, there are tell tale signs that someone is thin due to an eating disorder, such as, grayish skin tone (think Mary Kate Olsen....stand her next to her sister Ashly and there''s an obvious difference in their skin tone and MK looks way sicklier than Ashley....I hope I have the names right), bones protruding that shouldn''t be, such as collar bones, hips bones, boney elbows and knees (think Nicole Richie or Lara Flynn Boyle). There are some actress who are thin but, in my opinion, not eating disorder thin, such as Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Garner (pre-baby). They are a healthly looking thin, to me.

I was looking at a picture of Jennifer Lopez one day and thinking ''she''s chunky'' than I realized that she''s probably the same size, if not smaller, than me but because of ''hollywood standard'' she looks chunky.
I think everyone should stop equating physical appearance with health. My mom is about the same height and weight (5’2 and 85-92lbs) as Nicole Richie, and has always been a healthy big eater. She struggles with people telling her she’s too skinny etc (just like Nicole), but I can atest that she has NEVER had an eating disorder. Her pre-baby bikini picsb look just like Nicole''s...and she still pretty much looks the same, but with a more portrudng post-baby pooch.

In fact, my mom (half Japanese/half Chinese) eats about 3X what I eat, but she makes her own whole-grain bread, eats a ton of fruits and veggies, drinks blended fruit smoothies or tea, eats lots of fish. She also indulges in dessert after every meal, but she was just blessed with a) a small frame, and b) a fast metabolism. I think that Nicole might be tiny or borderline “anorexic” by American standards, but compared to the rest of the world, she may be thin but healthy. The day Nicole passes out from starvation, or all her hair falls out is when people should start worrying. In the meantime, I believe that the media should stop commenting on her appearance, because if she DOES have an eating disorder, she’ll feed off the attention on her appearance, and it’ll only fuel her to continue downward spiral to her death.
Here''s a picture for mom is sitting in the middle of the couch, so sunken down, but she''s 4" taller than my aunt sitting on her left. My aunt is about 4''10 and 100lbs, and my mom is about 5''2 and 92lbs. My mom is the one with portruding neck bones, and if she were in a bathing suit, you''d also see her flat chest cavity, and breast bones. Both are extremely healthy for their ages!

Jayson..the difference between Nicole and your Mom is that your Mom''s face is filled out and her cheeks are rosy. She does not have that sunken protruding cheekbone profile as well as the jutting collarbones etc. For me much of it is also about the faces...too little fat in the face is really not becoming. You can be thin and still eat and small but I think that your skin tone (aka rosy or sallow) and also what shows in your face is really how you can tell how healthy people are in general. Nicole may definitely be a small boned, frail girl in general but she doesn''t look HEALTHY. Your Mom does.
Date: 1/4/2006 10:40:03 PM
Author: MC
Okay, my deal (and grip) is this. I notice that among forums, it''s okay to thoroughly disect a THIN person''s weight issues, but it''s taboo to bring up an overweight star. Since these ladies are thin, yet have issues, we''re free to discuss. None would tread on one who''s eating has turned into rolls of fat! But, ribs sticking out are free game!

I don''t frequent many forums, but you''ve GOT to be kidding. FAT is one of the few things people are still encouraged to be critical about!!!! It kills me how these Tyra Banks of the world dress up in fat suits for a day and end up in tears. Boo hoo. How badly overweight people are treated. Uh - DUH!

People tend to notice what bothers THEM. Fat-bashing bothers ME, so I notice it. Star Jones jokes anyone? No - no one EVER makes them. Britney Spears blimping up? NO ONE noticed THAT?? Come ON!

On another note -- I was suprised to see a pre-pregnancy weight loss Tia Carrere dancing up a storm on Dancing With The Stars last night. Brave of a "hot chick" like her to "show her face", much less dance on national television at anything less than her Pin-Up fighting weight. BRAVO!
Date: 1/6/2006 12:49:48 PM
Author: Caribou
I think people tread lightly on the overweight issue more the the underweight issue because people are more quick to call someone out for it. If I were to start a post that said ''My mom is so fat blah blah blah blah'' people would jump down my throat for being a horrible daughter, even if I was saying it because I was concerned for her health. Now if I said ''My mom is so thin blah blah blah blah'' people would be more concerned. It seems that if someone is too thin it is automatically assumed that they have some medical issue, whether it be that they have an eating disorder, cancer, or sometime similar.

I think that often times people recognize someone being ultra thin as possibly having an eating disorder, but dont necessarily recognize that someone overweight could also have an eating disorder, or medical condition. There are binge eating disorders, which do not mean that that overweight person is lazy, or whatever people assume about them, they have a true disorder, that is dangerous as is having one such as anorexia. And overweight people can also be bullemic, but people may not recognize it because they''re not stick thin.

In our media culture today, I find it very hard to be comfortable in my own skin at all times. I am a size 2 in pants (usually a 4-5 in dress) at 5''7", 122 pounds, but I FIXATE on how much I hate my thighs or how large my butt is--seeking physical perfection is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but it''s hard to think it is when all you see are beautiful SKINNY women on tv, and see the value that the media places on thin. This value seems to stick in the minds of women much more than men, I''ll often say a certain celeb is beautiful while my bf thinks she could use a few extra pounds. I guess right now in hollywood thin = beauty = power, which is a terrible message to send out to youngsters, and even 20-somethings like myself! It''s very hard to not be affected
I definitely think its hard to not be influenced.

But, I''d also like people to also be reminded that they''re are thin people out there that do not have a mental illness.(I believe eating disorders fall into this category if memory serves me correctly.) - but actual physical conditions that cause them to be thin. Like a thyroid problem can be the cause to a weight gain problem, there are things out there that go the other way ....

There was a roommate of mine in my sorority in college who was super-tiny thin ... and she was a total tomboy and loved to play sports and eat food like you wouldn''t believe (she could pack it away ...). But her doctor ordered her on a super-high calorie (but still nutritious) diet and ordered her that she couldn''t excercize and play sports as much anymore so she wouldn''t lose any weight. While, many of us would have loved to have that problem, it was a real bummer for her b/c she was so active.
Date: 1/6/2006 2:00:15 PM
Author: decodelighted

I don't frequent many forums, but you've GOT to be kidding. FAT is one of the few things people are still encouraged to be critical about!!!! It kills me how these Tyra Banks of the world dress up in fat suits for a day and end up in tears. Boo hoo. How badly overweight people are treated. Uh - DUH!
Well, if this thread *initially* had been directed toward an overweight star, the thread would have deleted. Since it's about a thin person, ribs, etc., we're free to critisize regardless of how the comment is expressed. . .sarcasm or whatever!

Of course, I'm not anorexic/bulimic so I'm not trying to defend either of these womens' conditions, but I am a size 2 and think that in places where people pride themselves with what they foresee as class and being PC, picking apart a thin person is STILL more common than a heavier one!
Date: 1/6/2006 4:05:42 PM
Author: MC
Date: 1/6/2006 2:00:15 PM

Author: decodelighted

I don''t frequent many forums, but you''ve GOT to be kidding. FAT is one of the few things people are still encouraged to be critical about!!!! It kills me how these Tyra Banks of the world dress up in fat suits for a day and end up in tears. Boo hoo. How badly overweight people are treated. Uh - DUH!
Well, if this thread *initially* had been directed toward an overweight star, the thread would have deleted. Since it''s about a thin person, ribs, etc., we''re free to critisize regardless of how the comment is expressed. . .sarcasm or whatever!

Of course, I''m not anorexic/bulimic so I''m not trying to defend either of these womens'' conditions, but I am a size 2 and think that in places where people pride themselves with what they foresee as class and being PC, picking apart a thin person is STILL more common than a heavier one!

I do have to agree with this point that picking apart or commenting on a thin person is more PC than doing the same on an overweight person. Maybe it''s because people feel that it''s out of "concern" but there is, even within my circle of friends, more of a taboo on mentioning the "f" word. I mean, my friends can say to one another "are you ok, you''re looking kinda thin" but if you reverse it and express concern that a friend is gaining weight in an unhealthy manner, she''ll be completely offended and everyone will think you''re rude, rather than concerned.
First, Jaysonsmom I agree with Mara your mom is a lovely lady!!! But even though her frame is tiny her face and skin looks VERY healthy and her face looks filled out to where it should be. I think people just skim sometimes on these threads...I know I do....but we''ve all mentioned that it''s not JUST her size thats causing people to think she''s got a problem. I would bet DIAMONDS that somewhere in some time she''s gonna come out with a ''I had an eating disorder'' interview. They all do.......All the tabloids reported about MK olsen looking like she had a problem.....she did. Then Lindsay Lohan......she did. Lara Flynn Boyle.....she did. It''s not uncommon now. If you look at those photos her skin/hair does NOT look healthy and her face is very old looking. Now for nerds like me who follow pop culture the reports on Nicole Ritchie is now....oh well she eats a ton and just has a fast in the chick who was the Callista Flockhart....she had NEVER been any bigger than she was. She ate normally just happened to be tiny. Nicole USED to be larger and she is reported as never really eating. Apparently one of the supposed reasons DJAM dumped her was he feared she was going back to unhealthy ways and losing too much weght....baisically NOT being healthy....just like Lindsay Lohan....and what this whole thread it about. Not Oh My God this girl is skinny lets critisize her.....more our culture is wieght obsessed and now your no longer pressured to be thin but now your pressured to be skeleton thin just like some of these UNHEALTHY starlets.

I use the fat word all the time. Everyone around me uses it as well, usually about themselves. I don''t think it''s taboo at all or that a skinny girl would get critisized more. From my expierience usually it''s good when a girl is skinny unless like the above mentioned ones she''s unhealthy looking. The first thing anyone i''ve ever known in my life has called me when they are upset at me.....fat. I rarely see anyone say "F you you skinny B**ch! well unless it''s a jealous girl....but then again amongst us women who can''t find SOMETHING wrong with another woman!
Date: 1/6/2006 2:00:15 PM
Author: decodelighted

People tend to notice what bothers THEM. Fat-bashing bothers ME, so I notice it. Star Jones jokes anyone? No - no one EVER makes them. Britney Spears blimping up? NO ONE noticed THAT?? Come ON!
I know this is not on the topic of Lindsay Lohan, but it is still on topic.... Has anyone seen Star Jones recently?? I saw a preview for an interview she will be on.. I think she has lost A LOT of weight, and didn't know if that was my imagination or not... just curious if anyone knew about that.
Yea she has...the only thing she''ll say about it is ...."There was a medical intervention." haha

*cough* gastric bypass *cough*
The thing that alarms me is that both of those girls, LL & NR, is that they are hardly recognizable from a year ago. If they had always been the size they are now...I would just be assuming that they were little petite girls, but they are half the girls they used to be!

Karen Carpenter ring a bell?

It scares me when I see me 16yr-old niece telling me how fat she is, and she''s 5''7" and maybe 110lbs!
Yea they had something really sick on MTV was true life "I''m Obese" It featured 3 obese girl was probably 200? 230lbs?? She didn''t look TERRIBLY obese to me...happy, well adjusted, plus size mode who was happy with her wieght.. The second was a women 560 lbs!!! She had gastric bypass because baisically if she didn''t she would only live to be around 33. The third is what made me sick was a 17 year old boy. I think he was 300lbs. He ate NON food...cheetos....anything and everything bad. It showed his mother grocery shopping and telling him he needed to change his eating habits and she would refuse to get him fast food unless it was a grilled chicken sandwich or salad. Baisically doing everything SHE could to help his eating but he''s 17 and sneaking food in the car and telling her flat out to her face if he doesn''t get the food he wants at home he''ll get it at a friends house..blah blah. So he wants a gastric bypass. He says it''s his fix, once he gets that done everytyhing will be better. He wants to make NO attempt to diet or work out....just surgery. Apparently you have to have a doc ok you for GB and SOMEHOW he got his doc too and at the time of the show it said he ws 3 months into waiting for the ok from the insurance company. Really I think in America we have the WRONG idea of what HEALTH should be. I mean 17 years old and you want to have surgery, a risky one at that, because you don''t want to make some effort to eat healthy and work out.

L A Z Y!!!
Wow, interesting. Now that I re-read the actual quote, when she says "I was making myself sick," it could be taken either way. She could''ve meant it literally, or she could''ve meant that it made her feel ill to know she wasn''t taking good care of herself. Either way, I think she got a little too scrawny. Also, I don''t mean to make a sweeping generalization, but people who suffer from bulimia usually do not become skin and bones. It''s nearly impossible to get rid of every single calorie consumed during a binge no matter which method of purging is used (exercise, laxatives/diuretics, or vomiting). Anorexia is more about restricting calories to the bare minimum needed to survive. If Lindsay is suffering from an eating disorder, I would have said anorexia. Or perhaps with her busy schedule, and being run down by paparazzi and suffering from asthma and whatever else, she just hasn''t had time to eat lately!
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