
Looking for some divine inspiration -- at PEARLMAN''S!

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Kcoursolle - I had never seen Michael B settings in person before (not outside of a jewelry case on actually on my finger anyway!) and the workmanship is just AMAZING. If you go with one of those you won''t be disappointed. From straight on there isn''t much difference between the one-sided and the three sided, but from the side, ooh la la! The three sided is the winner!

Oh yes Mrs. S.! Wasn''t sure if we would get in trouble from you for asking to see it so I didn''t mention it, but WOW what a stone! That thing is SPECTACULAR and it would look wonderful in any setting (but I do love the memoire!).

Mara - the single prong memoire is soooo much more beautiful in person than in these pictures. The diamonds seem to "float" in mid-air. The girdles are right against the metal of the setting so they don''t seem overly exposed to me. Plus, I think memoire has a lifetime warranty (maybe that''s only on loosing a stone, or maybe it applies to damage to? not sure exactly). As for the Michael Bs. This was my only "up close and personal" experience with them but they are pretty amazing. I can totally see why some people fall in love with them.

My own setting is a work in progress... but at least I was able to rule some things out so that counts for something, right???
Date: 8/17/2006 10:19:12 PM
Author: Blenheim
Date: 8/17/2006 10:14:50 PM

Author: mrssalvo

Dee Jay, Bill told me you also got to see one certain little 1.5 bauble....what did you think?


I''m jealous, you gals got to see it in person before me
if i could just decide how i want to set it
Wow...great pictures, and great reporting, DJ!!!
You certainly deserve a reward, or flowers or something for doing such great research for your PS pals!

I do hope you gave yourself plenty of time to ponder your own needs. I''d love to see pictures, hear ideas of what you''re thinking. I saw Art Nouveau''s Beaudry in Palo Alto. It was indeed stunning...

definitely making progress DJ!! did you get any pictures of the ones you REALLY loved for your own??

i loved the MB settings originally, they were my inspiration for wanting eternity! but i think after just years of seeing them on here and in person in stores, they don''t have that same oomph at all for me. i also really don''t like those diamond prongs and diamond tips on them even though i hear they are popular. but then again i don''t love the super simple solitaire ritani for nothing, its so different from my own rings. thanks for the ritani eye candy, i love that tapered shank!
Date: 8/17/2006 10:22:59 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

My own setting is a work in progress... but at least I was able to rule some things out so that counts for something, right???

absolutely. figuring out what you don''t want is just as important as what you do
. The beaudry''s are all so amazing too and I''m sure if you go that route it will be fabulous.

I''m probably going to have bill send me the single prong setting once he gets in the e-ring b/c I figured it looks better in person. It just seems like there is a tiny more space between stones in the single prong although there is less metal than the shared prong. I think an in person viewing is the only way i''ll know for sure..

i''m so glad you got to see my stone and you like it
Mara, I spent a bit of time studying the single prong memoire (specifically, the girdles of the stones) and I felt like they were pretty well protected by the metal underneath. Granted, I''m definitely not an expert, but they seem a lot safer in real life.

It was the first time that I saw so much pave in real life and got to try it all on (my pinky was very happy
), and I can definitely see why people fall in love with them too.
Doggone! I just typed a message and got the error screen!!

Dee Jay, thanks SO much for all the pictures!!! I think I still like the Ritani I originally chose the most. Which one did you like best?

I love Beaudry! Did you take pictures of those? You know Maytal could make those as well. Just something to think about.

Thanks again!!!
yeah, the single prong memoires are 99.9% plat. and very hard and durable. I talked at length will Bill about this b/c I want a set I can pretty much wear 24/7, throw in the ultrasonic without worry and not have to be overprotective. He said the rings are very safe for all of the above and memoire does offer lifetime replacement if a stone does come out so I'm not at all worried about the setting except if I will like it
I actually didn''t take any pics of the Beaudry settings becuase the photos one Bill''s site are so much better than anything I could produce. Plus the one that I really liked had a yellow gold halo with a yellow asscher in it and it took me a bit of imagination to envision it all in platinum and with a white round center stone, so I figured you all would think I was crazy if I posted it!

The real problem is that Jack Kelege has *almost* the exact thing I think I want (and could easily customize a setting for me), but Bill doesn''t carry Jack Kelege... what to do what to do...

But at least I''m over my idea of side pears. I felt too copy-catty, and since I''ve had side pears on my engagement ring for nine years (not to mention three different center diamonds) now I feel like I want something different. I really went down the three stone round path pretty hard for a while but went to a store and tried one on where the stones were even smaller than what I was planning on and it was wider than my finger, LOL. Plus it looked a bit chunky.

But I keep coming back to the antiquey-style halo again and again. Kinda like the Tiffany Legacy but not quite. And if I did that (a) I wouldn''t need a bigger center stone and (b) in a few years when I get tired of it (DO NOT tell my husband I just said that!!!) I could always put a canary diamond or a colored stone in that setting.

We''ll see...
oh i love the visual roundness of the single prong memoire, maybe i''d need to see it in person but they seem soooo fragile!! also i''m totally not into settings where i have to have maintenance done on them, warranty or not....i''d hate to have to keep taking the ring in or sending it to places. i''m so spoiled now with my set which is like ultra durable thanks to the metal...hehee.

ds i love the ritani you chose WAY better than the ''double pronged'' one that was posted. mrs salvo, are you just waiting to make a setting decision??
omg DJ if you halo a 3.5c stone!!!! it''ll be HUMONGO!!!! definitely no upgade needed. hehee.
Widget - it's BILL who deserves the reward! He was sooooo patient and gracious. I can't imagine any else every letting two crazed PSers have the run of the place like that!

DS - I like the second one the best (28QQ1). Which one are you leaning toward? And if it's not that one that completely disregard my post!

Mara - the memoire bands did not seem fragile at all. Bill even said that the designer tested them *with a hammer* in the store and they were fine. Can you imagine?? And LOL about my stone in a halo!

Mrs. S. - I didn't realize you hadn't see the stone yet. For some reason I thought it had been sent to you before you made the decision. But you will NOT be disappointed. That think sparkles like mad and it would be fantastic in any setting.
Oh, all this and I forgot to mention how perfect the band is that Blenheim found to go with her e-ring. The single prong memoire in yellow gold would be FABULOUS with her ring! They make a gorgous set!
Date: 8/17/2006 10:38:22 PM
Author: Mara
mrs salvo, are you just waiting to make a setting decision??


Date: 8/17/2006 10:44:47 PM
Author: Dee*Ja

Mrs. S. - I didn''t realize you hadn''t see the stone yet. For some reason I thought it had been sent to you before you made the decision. But you will NOT be disappointed. That think sparkles like mad and it would be fantastic in any setting.

no, Bill thought the memoire e-ring would be in long before now so I told him just to wait and send them together. I figured it was a pretty slim chance I wouldn''t like it b/c the numbers lines up and I trust Bill''s eye''s completely. So, hopefully the e-ring will show up soon since he''s gotten in the other peices of the new line...
Dee Jay, what fun! Love all your awesome photos. Love love love the single prong eternity. Was this a scouting trip fpr your upgrade setting? Any decisions?
Diamondfan, this trip was good for ruling things out and for getting ideas, so I'm getting there slowly but surely!
Yes, it was the 28QQ1 that was a top contender on my other thread. I have narrowed down my choices but still am not 100% sure!
Dee Jay you are so good to take all those pictures for everyone! I LOVE those Memoire bands, but in the photos the two prong looks nicer to me than the single prong. I guess I like that the stones are closer together. Glad you had a fun trip and got to see some goodies for yourself.

Edited to add: Diamondseeker get one of those Ritanis already!!!
DeeJay and Blenheim, I am so glad you guys took a road trip for eye candy. I love those settings you posted. Some were more than I would want on my hand but those ritanis from the side ooh la la!!! Thanks for posting about your fun-filled trip, and I am glad it was a safe one.

DeeJay and Blenheim - looks / sounds like you had a wonderful time at Pearlmans today. Thanks for all the lovely pics! I know lots of people were waiting for you guys to post...!

The Michael Bs look super pretty from the top...I especially like the pic with the band... That one is the 3-sided princess right? It''s kind of hard to tell in the head-on shot. Do you know approximately what size stone was set in that particular set? The wheels are turning for my future upgrade...

Anyway, lovely pictures and really glad you both made it home safe and sound. I wish I lived close enough to Pearlmans to visit...
Date: 8/17/2006 11:08:30 PM
Author: Sundial
the two prong looks nicer to me than the single prong.
I kinda agree with Sundial about the two prong Memoire ... i think I liked the single prong better in the smallest size, but when the stones get bigger - the gap between the stones got TOO big. Then the two prongs looked much better (neater, tighter).

I wonder about the E-ring setting because how close will the first small diamond be to the head? Will it be evenly spaced like the small prongs, or jammed up close -- hope you get it soon & take lots of pix Mrssalvo!!!
Great job, Dee Jay!!! Love the pics!!! Wish I were closer to Pearlman''s, I SO would have been there too!!!!

Hope your little trip gave you some great ideas for your upgrade, and for you too, diamondseeker!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Ritani with the tapered shank- so beautiful!!! And DeeJay, is the w-band you tried on the Endless Love eternity band (by Ritani)? Its so pretty and delicate!
DeeJay, sounds like you two had a blast! Lots of bling going on there.

And thank you so much for looking for the jackets for me, I really appreciate it!
Sorry for dropping out of sight there last night. I just suddenly hit me how *tired* I was!

DS - I think I like that particular Ritani the best because it tapers so beautifully on the sides of the diamond. The others are all very very nice but for some reason that is the one that I liked the best.

Sundial and Deco - The one-prong and two-prong bands are totally different looks. With the one-prongs the diamonds just seem to be "floating" and you really don't notice the metal. With the two-prongs the diamonds are closer together and the ring is just more "substantial." Both beautiful though! And in the one-prong e-ring and w-ring set I think the way the bands are constructed they would kind of "fit" together (i.e., the diamond from one band would fit in where the prong is for the other band, if that makes any sense).

Shay - We had a graet time and it was well worth the trip! Although that construction on the way home did test my patience a bit!

Cutey - Yes, that was the three sided princes with the band. I don't know what the size of the center stone is (it's a CZ by the way) but I'm sure Bill could tell you. My guess is maybe 1-1/2 or 2 carats?

Dani - It was the endless love band. It was very pretty on the hand!

Ellen - Sorry again for not finding your piece... It seems you and Fire & Ice are the only ones where I couldn't find the right thing to take pictures of.
Aw, no problem. Don''t worry about it. Not like I''m wanting them tomorrow anyway. There''s an upgrade in the wings on these studs I have now anyway. So it will be awhile.
DeeJay - Yeah, I''m sure you were tired... Yep, the Michael B looks great from above, but the side profile...I''m pretty sure I need to see one in person before I can make any decisions. I guess it''s okay to wear two 3-sided pave bands together?

As for the Memoire bands...gorgeous. My other option for an upgrade is a simple solitaire + eternity band, for which I''d probably get the Memoire since Bill swears by their workmanship. Not sure about the type of solitaire I like best many pretty ones out there...I''m waiting to see what DiamondSeeker and mrssalvo choose...

I also think I like the look of the traditional shared prong versus the single prong, although I could see how it would look really cool in the diamonds are floating on your finger. Choices, choices.

Glad to hear that you got to take a look at the Beaudrys. Love them, and your beautiful stone will look amazing!
GORGEOUS eye candy. Man, I need a cig and I don''t smoke.

MrsS...those Michael B rings are GORGEOUS with the diamond prongs...yum!!!! I love the one-sided as much as I love the 3-sided. The 1.5 ct would look good in there....

Thanks for all the pics!!!
mrs salvo, if you are really a 3 sided MB lover, Pearlman''s has one with a 1.5c stone in it on his consignment area for $15k. wonder if you could just get a deal on the setting and not the stone? hmmmm. ideas.
drool drool drool, I love Pearlman''s site, I browse it for eyecandy fixes. I could only imagine being there in person. ahhhh.....

Date: 8/18/2006 3:11:39 PM
Author: Mara
mrs salvo, if you are really a 3 sided MB lover, Pearlman''s has one with a 1.5c stone in it on his consignment area for $15k. wonder if you could just get a deal on the setting and not the stone? hmmmm. ideas.

I do love the MB, but I''ve been leaning toward a more traditional, simple setting. Hubby suggested planning another trip to Pearlmans soon and I may just have to do that. I can''t keep asking Bill to send me settings
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