
Mandarin Garnet -- it's a crap shoot

Upgradable|1314734086|3005631 said:
Wow, that is amazing! Where can one get a "rare earth" magnet?

Ebay, they're not expensive.

As far as pricing on mandarin spessartite garnets, I've seen them all over the place. It's definitely one of those stones you should shop around for because I think you can find a huge price range on good material. At least I did when I was last buying them. I obtained some really nice stones, in excess of 3 carats for very good pricing, even eye clean ones.

I know that gemlineinc is a good source for mandarin garnets (pricewise) from what I hear.
I'm adding this info as a public service to others:

My spess is coming with a BGL cert. It looks like they have 3 categories of reports: BGL Brief Report $20 no picture, just card; BGL Brief Report with photo $30, and Full Report with photo for $60. I'm not clear on what all is included in the full report.

I messaged the seller to see if she could send the stone to GIT to confirm it was natural. Besides the stone already in the mail, I thought I'd add her verbatim email response since I found it interesting: Hi xxxxxxx , i've already shipped the Spessartite by EMS Express. Your tracking number is xxxxxxxxxxxxx. The gem is certified bt the BGL lab in Chanthaburi which is run by the local University of Gemology sp perfectly reliable. The GIT are a private lab in Bangkok which is a 4 hour drive away plus if you request a lab in Bangkok don't use them. Ask for the AIGS , they are much better.

Take care , have a great evening and thank you.


So I guess the vendors don't like/trust GIT?
I would probably use AIGS over GIT as well.
In light of what I observe/read about happening at AIGS, I'll chose GIT, given the choice. Mere months ago, I would have chosen AIGS. AIGS seems to not reply emails like they used to, avoid answering certain questions and also isn't as sharp in separating heated vs unheated corundum. It could well be just limited to 2 examples or so but if it's my stone, I am not accepting the risk.

I finally found a valid email to BGL and asked them to verify the cert number with the size and type of stone. They emailed back that they have no record of this. My vendor was furious! She said she uses them all the time, but what good was a lab that wouldn't verify their own documents? She has guaranteed me that the stone is as stated. She said she would back it up by allowing me to send it for certification of my choice, at her cost, and if it was not as represented, she would give a full refund. She has also tried to call BGL to find out what is going on. They are only open on Friday and Saturday. She says she will let me know what they have to say about this.

All in all, I feel she has been very responsive to ALL my questions (we've exchanged about 7 emails), and is willing to stand behind her product and her word. One of the best lines from her message this morning:
Hi Melissa , i'm not insulted in any way and i perfectly understand your concern. I've just tried to phone them but no answer. It makes me angry that they can issue a certificate and then can't match it to the gem. I use this lab quite a lot and have never really had a problem. The only problem with them is their evaluation of color. Sometimes you take an obviously red stone and the grade it as orange. Or even a green stone is graded as blue. I've lost count of the times i've offered to buy them glasses. I can't wait until Friday to see what they have to say.

I'll mail you as soon as i have an explanation and demand an apology from them. I'm very particular in all the gems i buy and you'll see i have the vast majority tested just to be safe. I never really have lots of gems for sale because there simply isn't the quality i want in quantity. Some sellers have 100s of gems for sale and i wonder where they get them from. Certainly not Chanthaburi or if they do the quality is poor.
Speak very soon.

It's great that you followed up with the lab and that the vendor is also doing the same to ensure full satisfaction. Will wait for further progress.
Pandora|1314781365|3006133 said:
I would probably use AIGS over GIT as well.

Not me. I don't trust AIGS.

Burapha Gem Lab (BGL) is reputable from what I hear. They should be able to tell if your stone is a spessartite. I wouldn't use them for sapphires, but I would use them for garnets.
Uppy, I'm glad to hear that Mai is being responsive to your emails and concerns. I hope the stone turns out to be the perfect color for you (and of course natural). She certainly has been one of the quickest Thai sellers to respond to my emails when I had a question or concern about a stone.
I just received an email from BGL confirming the certificate and that it is for a 3.32 Natural Spessartine Garnet.

Now just waiting to receive it. Waiting............
Uppy, have you received your spess yet? I'm dying of curiosity...
Not yet. Thank for asking! I'm eager to see what it looks like too. Fingers crossed!
I hope it is a pretty and lively as it looks in the pictures. :appl: :appl: :appl:
<foot tapping> Anything?
Apparently I've thrown snake eyes!

It is stuck somewhere in the process. The tracking says it was accepted into the US system on Sept. 5, but there has been no word since then. Mai thinks it's been delayed due to bad weather on the east coast. Maybe it is held up in customs?
Hope you'll get your garnet soon! One of my tsavorites from Tan arrived 20 days later than expected. I did not mind because it was very cheap but these things happen all the time. Best wishes and lots of orange dust!
It probably means it'll show up tomorrow or when you least expect it... :naughty:
Well, I just picked it up at the post office. Apparently the PO tried to deliver it on Sept. 7, but we weren't home. Hubby got the mail and put the slip in with the bills and I didn't find it until today. :nono:

When I opened it, I was significantly disappointed. The gem itself was beautiful, but it had a significant amount of brown to it. In fact, I would describe the color as orangish brown. So, I immediatly boxed it back up and sent it home. It never left the post office.

I guess this is the end of this chapter of the search for a beautiful spess. I may start again in about 6 months. Too much going on between now and then. Oh well......
Sorry Uppy,
It really stinks when vendors do not properly represent their material. It gets our hopes up high, just to be shattered. Was it root beer brown?
nothing ventured, nothing gained. kudos for keeping the orange spirit alive despite delaying the hunt....
Not quite rootbeer, TL. More like a pecan brown.
Upgradable|1316533392|3021368 said:
Not quite rootbeer, TL. More like a pecan brown.

Too brown then, and his photo showed a nice orange. Sorry. :((
Eek...sorry about the spessartite. Pecan brown is a pretty funny description though. :cheeky:
Upgradable|1316532549|3021343 said:
Well, I just picked it up at the post office. Apparently the PO tried to deliver it on Sept. 7, but we weren't home. Hubby got the mail and put the slip in with the bills and I didn't find it until today. :nono:

When I opened it, I was significantly disappointed. The gem itself was beautiful, but it had a significant amount of brown to it. In fact, I would describe the color as orangish brown. So, I immediatly boxed it back up and sent it home. It never left the post office.

I guess this is the end of this chapter of the search for a beautiful spess. I may start again in about 6 months. Too much going on between now and then. Oh well......

Oh, how disappointing Uppy! :(sad
I've been looking at purses for fall, and the color I happen to be drawn to is Pecan. I can say, it won't do for gemstones!!
I am sorry, Uppy. Thank you for keeping us posted. Maybe you can put the funds released from returning the stone towards purchase of the pecan bag... (what is the emoticon for "joking sadly"?).

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