
More whining and excuses from sore loser HRC.

Sore loser PSer liberals still crying after 2 yrs. ;(;( :bigsmile:

:lol:Love this. It’s so true and so transparent.

I actually wonder what the break down is of pro trump v anti trump is on pricescope. I work in medicine at an academic center in a very blue city, most of my peers are politically defined by their social justice values (and as a queer identifying, immigrant, atheist woman in science so am I). I think pricescope might be one of the only places I “interact” with trump party people socially. (Not to insinuate DF is a trump supporter, I realize being anti HRC doesn’t equate to pro trump, didn’t read all the thread to know for sure. Though the “sore loser” name calling seems consistent with the style of Trump).
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Yeah, how dare they insist every vote is counted. :???::???::???:
Yeah, recount ballots a 100 times I'm sure the Dems. will come up with more votes each time. :lol:
What are you talking about @Dancing Fire ? Does Fox not televise press conferences? Acosta asks questions. That is his job as a journalist. Acosta is not a Hannity. Acosta doesn’t lie and stand there and spout his opinions. He asks questions and reports the answers Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Trump provide. He also reports if answers being provided are not factual.
Yeah, recount ballots a 100 times I'm sure the Dems. will come up with more votes each time. :lol:

And how do they come up with more votes each time exactly? Are the repubs losing their talent for vote suppression? Poor things.

I'm with you DF. I don't understand why everyone doesn't just roll over and let an honest and decent man like Kemp run an election that he is competing in. Why is everyone so damned picky and miserable all the time? So the battery operated voting machines at your polling place ran out of power, boo hoo hoo. And honestly, doesn't everyone living in Broward County know by now to just stay home? Let the rest of the Floridians choose your representatives for you - why should your vote count?
Everytime when Dems. lose a election they got cheated, so they just change the voting rules with no deadlines till they win. keep on recounting till the next election. :lol:
Everytime when Dems. lose a election they got cheated, so they just change the voting rules with no deadlines till they win. keep on recounting till the next election. :lol:

WTF are you talking about? Who changed what rules? I know in my state, a sore loser is threatening to sue to change the rules after the fact, but he is a republican.
DF lives in an upside down universe.
:lol:Love this. It’s so true and so transparent.

I actually wonder what the break down is of pro trump v anti trump is on pricescope. I work in medicine at an academic center in a very blue city, most of my peers are politically defined by their social justice values (and as a queer identifying, immigrant, atheist woman in science so am I). I think pricescope might be one of the only places I “interact” with trump party people socially. (Not to insinuate DF is a trump supporter, I realize being anti HRC doesn’t equate to pro trump, didn’t read all the thread to know for sure. Though the “sore loser” name calling seems consistent with the style of Trump).
You are so fortunate that you are surrounded by people who are not trump supporters. Where I live in FL, for some reason almost everyone I know support trump. Very disheartening.
You are so fortunate that you are surrounded by people who are not trump supporters. Where I live in FL, for some reason almost everyone I know support trump. Very disheartening.
Welcome to PS! . you came to the right place, b/c 88% of PSers are crazy left wingers. :wacko:
Or they're just more vocal, as usual. ;))
Since 2008...
Welcome to PS! . you came to the right place, b/c 88% of PSers are crazy left wingers. :wacko:

@sparlie , Welcome to Pricescope! As you noticed, some of us here share your feelings about Trump. You definitely aren’t alone in your thoughts. Others here will support Trump no matter what he does, while standing firm that they didn’t vote for him LOL.

@Dancing Fire , I see Trump came to visit CA yesterdya. I also noticed he once again acted like an ignorant jerk. Please let me know if you would like me to send you a rake. On a serious note, I hope your family is doing well dealing with the smoke.

@Maria D , If Dancing Fire hasn’t blocked me, I seriously doubt he would block you.
@sparlie , Welcome to Pricescope! As you noticed, some of us here share your feelings about Trump. You definitely aren’t alone in your thoughts. Others here will support Trump no matter what he does, while standing firm that they didn’t vote for him LOL.

@Dancing Fire , I see Trump came to visit CA yesterdya. I also noticed he once again acted like an ignorant jerk. Please let me know if you would like me to send you a rake. On a serious note, I hope your family is doing well dealing with the smoke.

@Maria D , If Dancing Fire hasn’t blocked me, I seriously doubt he would block you.

I guess he doesn't actually use the block feature of the site. Instead, he employs the age old "stick fingers in ears and yell nah nah nah nah nah" whenever I ask him questions that he can't answer!:lol: