I'm so sorry to hear that.I'm so heavily drugged I'm barely sane, And never awake,
I'm home at last. Lots of complications once they cut me open - not least of which was the massive scar build up from the previous surgeries. There was also a huge amount of bone growth around the L5-S1 area which was basically chipped away with a chisel then removed piece by piece with tweezers. Good times. Anyway, a lot of the bone was growing though nerve and around disc and encasing the whole thing. Dr said it was a miracle I could still walk - which, in reality, I barely could do.
So listen to your auntie Mrs-B, boys and girls, if your back hurts, and your dr tells you you need surgery - go get it right away and don't turn yourself into a paraplegic like I did!
I'm still super stoned, and will be for another week. So I'm going off to blanket bay now and hope to feel better when I wake up. On Thursday, Maybe on Friday, Possibly later. And Tim deserves a medal; he's been unbelievable. I am the luckiest woman in the world,
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers - I knew each and every one of you were with me and it meant the world.
I love you all, I truly do,
Hollian. oxo. <3 (your resident drug addict)
Well damn, sending hugs.Hi @FornasettiLover - and thank you for asking. <3
Then last year, due to an old injury that was exacerbated by my Crohn's disease, which is apparently morphing into ankylosing spondylitis, my spine started giving me weirdo sciatic pain of the sudden, electric shock, utterly debilitating kind, and I lost my ability to exercise in any meaningful way. I've found this hugely lowering and very discouraging. To say nothing of utterly exhausting. I'm meant to be having.a spinal fusion plus an ocean of bone removal (the A/S has led to the growth of all sorts of bone spurs and stenosis - to the extent that I now have an almost fully enclosed cage of bone around both my lumbar spine and my thoracic spine) - but all the surgeons I've seen have told me they're uncertain whether this will actually help me and that, while I still have any degree of reasonable mobility, I should put it off as long as I can. Despite the pain, my PCP has flatly told me she wouldn't have it were she me. Alternative suggestions tho? Zero. Pain? Ten outta 10.
I'm home at last. Lots of complications once they cut me open - not least of which was the massive scar build up from the previous surgeries. There was also a huge amount of bone growth around the L5-S1 area which was basically chipped away with a chisel then removed piece by piece with tweezers. Good times. Anyway, a lot of the bone was growing though nerve and around disc and encasing the whole thing. Dr said it was a miracle I could still walk - which, in reality, I barely could do.
So listen to your auntie Mrs-B, boys and girls, if your back hurts, and your dr tells you you need surgery - go get it right away and don't turn yourself into a paraplegic like I did!
I'm still super stoned, and will be for another week. So I'm going off to blanket bay now and hope to feel better when I wake up. On Thursday, Maybe on Friday, Possibly later. And Tim deserves a medal; he's been unbelievable. I am the luckiest woman in the world,
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers - I knew each and every one of you were with me and it meant the world.
I love you all, I truly do,
Hollian. oxo. <3 (your resident drug addict)