
my dream ring

Thanks for the pics! It is a stunner! Congratulations!
Absolutely Beautiful! :appl:
It's a knockout!!! There is no way your fiance wouldn't love THAT! Great job! You must be thrilled. Your center looks huge and icy white! I love it! Congratulations! :love:
Gorgeous! I love the cushion halo. Glad you got your dream ring!
Your new ring is just stunning. I loved it as a solitaire as well but I think the one thing that stands out is just the diamond itself. It is a beautiful stone - would love the know all the specs of this diamond.

Either way it's just gorgeous! I know you really wanted a halo so kudos to you for designing such an outstanding setting for this particularly beautiful diamond!
MissGotRocks|1301103504|2880498 said:
Your new ring is just stunning. I loved it as a solitaire as well but I think the one thing that stands out is just the diamond itself. It is a beautiful stone - would love the know all the specs of this diamond.

Either way it's just gorgeous! I know you really wanted a halo so kudos to you for designing such an outstanding setting for this particularly beautiful diamond!

MissGotRocks, you are definitely right about my center diamond. It is the icing on the cake. Its a gorgeous stone. My fiance did a great job. He it was very important to him that he got me a good stone. He did the research all on his own and completely surprised me with it. It has excellent cut, polish and symmetry. The table is 56%. He inserted all the dimensions of the diamond into the holloway cut advisor and it indicated that the diamond had a excellent rating. I don't know how reliable the HCA is but in my case it was my diamond is perfect. Its not a H&A certified but you can see some amazing hearts and arrow!
:love: :love: :love:
Wow, your ring is gorgeous and looks huge! I'm glad you got what you wanted and your fiance likes it too.
Gorgeous!! :appl:
I'm not normally a fan of halos but that is gorgeous. It looks great on your hand.
That is stunning! It makes me want to reconsider my planned rb halo design! So happy for you!
Chapeau to your jeweller...gorgeous ring!!!
This is gorgeous!!

I'm halo'ing mine & it will look similar! Stunning
Kristi, I absolutely LOVE your ring, it is a perfect match for what I want. You mentioned you told the jeweler exactly what you wanted, down to the last detail. Could you please tell me what you asked for...prongs, etc. I would love to pass the same info on to my jeweler :)
I just wanted to second everything everyone's already said on this thread. Your attention to detail (as well as that of your Jeweler's) is just FABULOUS!

It's absolutely gorgeous!
That turned out BEAUTIFUL! I am glad you are both happy!
Your re-set is gorgeous! I remember seeing your solitaire and thinking it looked perfect, but this is even MORE perfect on your hand. :love:
wcd|1303753203|2904635 said:
Kristi, I absolutely LOVE your ring, it is a perfect match for what I want. You mentioned you told the jeweler exactly what you wanted, down to the last detail. Could you please tell me what you asked for...prongs, etc. I would love to pass the same info on to my jeweler :)

Thank you ladies. I've couldn't have done it w/o you all PSers.

WCD, my recommendation to you is gather a ton of pictures of what you like and dislike and then show them to your jeweler. This way there is no miscommunication. If you are not the jewelery business it can be very hard to understand the language and all the terms they used.

These are the infor I told my jeweler
1. the shrank has to be taper. Starting at 1.5mm going upwards to
2. very little metal showing all around
3. no gap between the center stone to the halo
4. center stone cannot sit too high or too low from the halo. just about 1mm or so underneath the girdle. I dont know the exact measurement of mine however before the jeweler set it we went over dif heights w me to make sure i like it first.
5. for the halo I did not want the diamonds to be too big. my center stone is already a perfect size for me and all i wanted the halo to be was an accent. so the corners are 1.2mm moving to 1.3mm, 1.4mm and then 1.5mm.and then going back down in size.
6. wanted double claw prongs like tacori's 2620 on center stone
7. and lastly for the setting i think its called common shared prongs. i may be wrong. dont quote me but i'm almost positive that's what's called. I attached a picture of the CAD here. You are more than welcome to use it if you like. In the CAD the halo looks like a dif setting from the shank but in the final product they are the same. My jeweler told me because it was so delicate he wanted to do it by hand.

I dont know if it matters to you or not but my setting is F-G color. My center is H. I met with so many designer and a few of them mentioned to me that by going a grade or two higher it will make the ring look so much better. I dont remember all the terms they used but it just makes sense to me. it highlights the center stone.

I hope all of this make sense. I'm so excited for you and cant wait to see the final product!

It's gorgeous! I love a delicate halo.
Your ring is just Stunning!!! :love: and that was GREAT you shared the CAD and the details - it is very helpful for the new members like me! Enjoy that beautiful ring!
Your ring is beautiful. Wear it in good health!
Kristi, I just saw your reply to my question...I'm sorry I did not reply, didn't know you had answered :)
Thank you for all the information you shared about your ring, it will be so helpful when I am finally ready to reset my diamond. I am having to put that project on hold for a bit since we just purchased an eternity ring this summer. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long. Thanks again :)
Very beautiful!
That is soooooo lovely! Love the cushion halo. Very well done. :appl:
Congrats! that's stunning ring and I LOVE LOVE cushion shape halo!! :love: If you don't mind could you please close up face up picture please, very very close up would be appreciate it! :) Thank you!
luckky|1323923446|3081964 said:
Congrats! that's stunning ring and I LOVE LOVE cushion shape halo!! :love: If you don't mind could you please close up face up picture please, very very close up would be appreciate it! :) Thank you!

Thanks you all for the compliments. I love this HW inspired look a lot and one day my dream is to have this ring made by victora canera.

Luckky-here are some pictures that i took w my iphone a few months ago. I dont own a professional camera therefore it doesnt capture all the little details but i hope this will do.



Your ring is beautiful and I love the design!! I love how the gallery from the side looks like a slit shank but it isn't.
CharmyPoo I love your HW and split shank rings. I'm normally not a fan of split shank but yours proves me otherwise. Just something about it keeps me coming back to PS to look at it. It's made so well. I have a folder saved on my laptop named " rings I lust" and yours is in it. Lol.
I found some more pictures on my laptop of the profile.

