
Not including jewelry, what do you own way too much of?

Vintage Anthropologie wool coats :lickout:
*a couple of these I have in multiple sizes because every once in a while I realize how fat I’ve gotten and decide to stop eating my favorite foods for a while :lol:IMG_2829.pngIMG_2821.jpegIMG_2815.jpegIMG_2811.jpegIMG_2494.jpegIMG_2492.jpegIMG_2490.jpegIMG_2491.jpegIMG_2480.jpegIMG_2479.jpegIMG_2478.webpIMG_2474.webp

Now I see what you were talking to me about :lol-2: They are all gorgeous!!

Honestly I think for me it’s just Jewelry . I moved a bunch of times up until I was like 40 so I just always wind up throwing things out every single time I moved so it was almost being forced to declutter, and I just don’t have a lot of things, and saving has become super important to me now that I’m this age… but I feel like when I buy jewelry at least it has its own value. It may sound like a good thing that I don’t have clutter or a lot of clothes or “things” but it’s probably not a good thing since it wasn’t really by choice. Although trust me I more than make up with it for it with my jewelry :P2

My husband’s is sneakers, he has sooo many!!
What's your favorite? I bought a single node cutting of a monstera albo that ended up rooting well and giving me some leaves, thank goodness! It was a scary to spend to much on a minimally rooted stick :lol: We're up to 5 leaves now including one after a repotting so I think we're safe!

I think my favorite is a tie between marble Epipremnum pinnatum, Epi pinnatum Kujan's flame and a tri-color syngonium. The epi marble fenestrates even as a tiny plant so you don't have to wait for the plant to mature to enjoy that. There is something adorable about a fenestrated leaf the size of your thumb. :)

The Kujan's flame has really pretty yellow variegation and the tri-color has beautiful multicolor leaves. I have a lot of variegated syngoniums and I after they grew up the poles I just let the vines start to cascade down. They are like 12 feet long now. And I stuck a lot of cuttings of everything into the stock tank that I keep my goldfish in down in the basement. They do amazing down there but no one sees them but me. lol

I really wanted a monstera albo like you have. They are gorgeous plants.

Glasses and watches. I cycle between fixations, if you will. Pearls, Jade, Diamonds, Watches and Glasses. I think I am on the spectrum.
Glasses and watches. I cycle between fixations, if you will. Pearls, Jade, Diamonds, Watches and Glasses. I think I am on the spectrum.

I kind of do that too, but never thought I was on the spectrum, just a bit of a compulsive acquirer of one thing, and then I tend to take a break, but then find another thing that I buy too much of.
I kind of do that too, but never thought I was on the spectrum, just a bit of a compulsive acquirer of one thing, and then I tend to take a break, but then find another thing that I buy too much of.
The seasons of collecting. Not sure why we (humans) do this, but as a daughter of a man surely on the spectrum and mother of a son who was diagnosed, I believe I have it too. Women don't look like men when it comes to spectrum stuff. Of gosh, it is one thing after another, with passionate focus to the point of (I suppose) annoy everyone in my path.
Shoes. Clothes. Handbags. I need to donate and declutter, but most of all of these are barely worn. Gross.

I think my favorite is a tie between marble Epipremnum pinnatum, Epi pinnatum Kujan's flame and a tri-color syngonium. The epi marble fenestrates even as a tiny plant so you don't have to wait for the plant to mature to enjoy that. There is something adorable about a fenestrated leaf the size of your thumb. :)

The Kujan's flame has really pretty yellow variegation and the tri-color has beautiful multicolor leaves. I have a lot of variegated syngoniums and I after they grew up the poles I just let the vines start to cascade down. They are like 12 feet long now. And I stuck a lot of cuttings of everything into the stock tank that I keep my goldfish in down in the basement. They do amazing down there but no one sees them but me. lol

I really wanted a monstera albo like you have. They are gorgeous plants.


I would love to see pictures of these special plants!
Glasses and watches. I cycle between fixations, if you will. Pearls, Jade, Diamonds, Watches and Glasses. I think I am on the spectrum.

Omg!! So many glasses!!!!!! Glasses are so fun!!

Oh Lordy! Get me off that dam Williams Sonoma website! Even my DH is looking!!! No more dishes and glassware....YES more dishes and glassware! :bigsmile:

Harry Potter Funko Pops! I bought them when they first came out and figured I was at the point of no return and needed to buy all of them as they came out…you know, to have the complete collection but now they won’t stop making them and I have 175! I’m too deep now to turn back…SEND HELP! :lol-2:
…and lip gloss, it’s a real problem.
Kitchen gadgets. Any big or small doodad that comes along that is perhaps required only for speciality cooking and I buy it. Most of the time I use these things once or not ever. I did yet another purge of the kitchen and pantry 2 days ago and found things I forgot I had. It's embarrassing.
I actually thought of something! DOG TOYS, treats, bones.... To say "I spoil my dog" would be an understatement :lol-2:
…and lip gloss, it’s a real problem.

Oh I love lippy!!!!! I might not have full face make up but always have lippy!! I just bought the Lancome juicy tube Christmas trio! I just tossed my Chanel--so I had to replace it with something!!!
Oh I love lippy!!!!! I might not have full face make up but always have lippy!! I just bought the Lancome juicy tube Christmas trio! I just tossed my Chanel--so I had to replace it with something!!!

Yes! You will never find me without! I love the juicy tubes, maybe I need to go look at the Christmas trio =)2 I really tried to like the Chanel lip products but I wasn’t a fan. Have you tried the Dior lip oil? It’s quickly becoming a favorite of mine!
Yes! You will never find me without! I love the juicy tubes, maybe I need to go look at the Christmas trio =)2 I really tried to like the Chanel lip products but I wasn’t a fan. Have you tried the Dior lip oil? It’s quickly becoming a favorite of mine!

No I have not. But wore Dior make up for years... and loved their lip products (except their lip pencil kept breaking....LOL but it prolly took a beating at the bottom of my purse...)
Oh no! A full collection is the dream too. Their cookware is so expensive... they’re definitely pieces you pass down.

Another Le Creuset fiend here :wavey:

When we bought the Vicarage I decided it would be just the thing, so started collecting during the year the the builders were in. It’s Volcanic orange, as I thought it was a little out there & different. And I kid you not, it ended up dictating the entire kitchen colour scheme. I was down a rabbit hole of crockery, spatulas, butter dishes, storage containers, griddle pans, huge casserole dishes………I had my island booth & chairs upholstered in navy & then I literally went to the place we were using to make the Lounge room sofas, took one of the mugs & I said “make me another one of those in this colour for the far end of the kitchen, please….”

So this crockery has cost me a LOT of money :wall: :lol-2:




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Aaand it continues
Since posting in this thread we have a new family member ♥️♥️♥️


IMG_2541.jpegIMG_2351.jpegImage 09-29-2021 at 6.27 AM.jpeg
Aaand it continues
Since posting in this thread we have a new family member ♥️♥️♥️


IMG_2541.jpegIMG_2351.jpegImage 09-29-2021 at 6.27 AM.jpeg

Congratulations! Jasper is beautiful!!
Another Le Creuset fiend here :wavey:

When we bought the Vicarage I decided it would be just the thing, so started collecting during the year the the builders were in. It’s Volcanic orange, as I thought it was a little out there & different. And I kid you not, it ended up dictating the entire kitchen colour scheme. I was down a rabbit hole of crockery, spatulas, butter dishes, storage containers, griddle pans, huge casserole dishes………I had my island booth & chairs upholstered in navy & then I literally went to the place we were using to make the Lounge room sofas, took one of the mugs & I said “make me another one of those in this colour for the far end of the kitchen, please….”

So this crockery has cost me a LOT of money :wall: :lol-2:



Oh Ally, love this so much! I love orange. This is just so cozy!
Oh Ally, love this so much! I love orange. This is just so cozy!

Thank you! And it really is cosy, despite the size & height of the room. It’s my favourite place to hang out in the evening watching tv - it feels warm & snug. The blinds & curtains are printed with orange blossoms too!